高三 Unit 3 Australia

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Lesson 9
Step 1.Presentation
Next Sunday we will go camping in the woods in the southeast of our town. What do you think of the idea? (Wonderful). What will you prepare?(some drinks, a picnic lunch, strong shoes, cameras, a big sheet or some umbrellas, etc) What will you be careful with in the woods?(We should never start a fire. Also, we mustn't throw the rubbish here and there. We ought to take care of young trees, too).Now, Yang Pei, Jackie, Burt, Jeff and Bonny are going camping in the Australian bush. Let's listen to the dialogue and see what's happening on their way .
Step2. Dialogue
1.Listen to the dialogue with the book closed.
Questions: Where exactly are they going?
What kind of place is it ?
2.Open the book and read the dialogue.
1).Can Burt throw the cigarette out of the window? why?
2).Where do they make their camp?
3).What does Yang Pei want to do?
4).What does Jeff want Bonny to do?
5).Why was it lucky for them to have missed the Kangaroo?
Multiple choice:
1).Five young people came to the bush______ . (B)
A.by boat B.by car C.by bike.
2).The car would take them down _______. (A)
A.into the valley B.onto the hill
C.into the cave
3).The sheet was tied to _________(A)
A.a tree on the right
B.a tree on the left
C.an old branch
4)."fix up" here means ______.(C)
A.repair B.tie C.fasten
5)."track" here means_____.( B)
A.footmark B.path C.bank
Step 3 Language points
1.go doing 去干某事,多指与娱乐、体育有关的活动
go doing 还可表从事某种职业
试译: go nursing/teaching/farming
2.fix/fix up/fix…upon
fix a radio/a telephone/a date(修理/安装/确定,安排)
fix up a radio / a telephone / sheet (修理/安装/搭起)
fix…on/upon “集中…于…”(pay attention to )
Much attention should _____ this problem. (D)
A.fix upon B.be fixed up C.fix D.be fixed on
3.be careful with/look out for /take care of
a tree beyond this river(远于,在…那边)
Some shops keep open beyond midnight.(迟于)
The naughty boys are beyond her control.(范围、限度)超出
I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.
5.die of thirsty/hunger
die from lack of water/food
What sweet music it is!
What good friends these girls are!
What an interesting camp it is!
How interesting a camp it is !
How terrible the snakes look!
How time flies!
How can you be so rude!
You are here at last!
Step 4. Correct the mistakes:
1.How great fun it is to go swimming!
2.To be exactly, the population of the town has increased by 10 per cent.
3.The firemen arrived soon and put off the fire immediately
4.Tom didn't have breakfast when he went to school too.
5.The hungry man entered a big room full of dirty
6.Two men succeeded in swimming cross the channel in 1968
7.Don't bend the young tree or it would broken .
8.The monkey looked at the bananas on the tree by the river but could do nothing,
9.There is a plenty of rain here in summer.
10.200 people were deserted on a lonely island and died from hunger.
Put the sentences into English.(P81)
Lesson 10
Check the translation on page 81.
Step 2. Presentation.
1) What is the smallest continent of the five in the world ?(Oceania)
2) In which year did captain look and his expedition nearly end in disaster on Australia's east coast? (About the year 1770)
3) What special animals does Australia have?
As a very old country ,it can take us back to many, many thousand years ago .Who were the first people to arrive in this land? What was their life about ? What is their life like now ? This is what we'll deal with in this period---The Discovery of Australia.
Step 3 Reading comprehension:
1.Get the Ss to tack about the pictures on P.14 and P.15,and describe what they can see.
2.Read the task at the top of the passage(P.14)--- group discussion (find the answer as quickly as possible).
3.Listen to the passage and do 'True or False' and 'Choose the Right Answers' .
4.Let Ss read through the passage, and then finish Note making on P.15.
5.Let Ss find the main idea of each paragraph and answer some of the questions.
Para 1: The first people to come to Australia, their society, spiritual faith, tradition and culture.
Questions:1)How did the first people came to Australia from Asia?
2)What kind of people were they once known as ?
3)In which way were their knowledge, customs and memories passed on?
4)What do people know about their cave paintings?
Para 2: Kooris way of life
Questions: 1) What's the weather generally like in Australia?
2)How did they find their food?
3)What did they depend on for food?
4)What were kooris especially good at ?
Para 3: Kooris population in the past and today, and the reason for the decrease of the population.
Questions:1)In which period did the Kooris population decrease sharply?
2)How were they treated by foreign settlers?
3)What are the reasons that can explain the decrease of Kooris population?
Para 4: The political status of kooris until recently (their education and political life )
Questions: 1)Why couldn’t kooris children go to school?
2)How were they treated by foreign settlers?
Para 5--6:Kooris languages in the past and today, their citizenship.
Question: What do the last two paragraphs suggest us?
Step 4.Language points:
1.It is possible that… =Possibly,…
2.be known as / for / to
3.hand down = pass down
The old house__________________________ (已经传了三代了)
This custom ________________________ (是从18世纪传下来的)。
4. a curiously shaped piece of wood
一个发错的音/ 一种广泛使用的语言/
一座新近发现的岛屿/ 一封写得很好的信
5. experience n.v.
be experienced (skilled )at / in doing sth.
She ______________________________________(对修理汽车很有经验)
a meeting to exchange experience 写全(经验)
a man of rich / much experience
a common experience (经历)
He has experienced what hardships mean.
6. rather than/instead of sth
I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
He, rather than you, ______ (be) to blame.(is)
I decided to write rather than __________ . (A)
A. telephone B. to telephone C. telephoning D. telephoned
I always prefer starting early , rather than ______ everything to the last minute. (C)
A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left (C)
I would prefer to go in June rather than in August.
试译有关hand 短语
hand by hand 手工
from hand to hand 从一人之手转到他人之手
from hand to mouth 仅够糊口
lend / give sb a hand
hand in /out
hand in hand
hand on 把一传递下去
in hand 在手头
on one hand , on the other hand
a handful of sweets
7.take sth as one's own
take him as a friend
take him for my former classmate
8. suit/suitable /fit
1) . Do you think this style _____ me ?
2). These shoes don't _______ me . Have you got a larger size?
3). I don't think I should be _______ for the post.
4). The work was not ______to me .
5). My sister is just _____ for a job as a teacher.
9. older/elder/old /eldly
10 thus :in this way /as a result
1. Thus came another difficulty
2. Retell the text
Lesson 11-12
Step 1 Revision
Put the following into English.
Step 2 Presentation
As we know , Australia has always been called "the country built on the backs of sheep". This is a country rich in natural resources . It has a big land with a small population . But what special animals does it have? In which part of the country do people live? How is agriculture going on there ?What we'll set out to discover in this period.
Step 3. Reading comprehension
Read the passage quickly to find the answer to the following questions.
Para 1:
1). Why does Australia has many special plants and animals ?
2). What special animals do you know Australia has ?
3). How do baby kangaroos grow Australia has?
4). What are baby kangaroos and koala bears like?
Para 3:
1). Why is Australia described as an extremely rich country?
2). What agricultural products does Australia produce?
3). Why do we call Australia a country built on the backs of sheep?
Para 4:
1). For what reason did Australians build a long fence across the country?
2). What kind of animal is a dingo?
3). How do farmers round up the sheep or cattle in the middle of Australia?
Para 5:
1). what is the climate like in Australia?
2). What do Australians like to do ?
3). How do Australian spend much of their daily life?
4). How do Australians spend their weekends ?
5). In which position does the Great Barrier Reef lie?
Step 4 Finish the following :Multiple choice:
1). Australia has many plants and animals not found ______ in the world . ( B )
A. anywhere B. elsewhere C. everywhere D . nowhere
2). 'Varieties' in the first paragraph means_______. ( D )
A. pieces B. various C. changes D. kinds or types
3). What is the country in the world covering an entire continent? ( C )
A. the USA B. Canada C. Australia D. Austria
4). Most of Australia's population live ________. (C)
A. in the middle of Australia
B. off the northeast of Australia
C. in the six major cities around the coast
D. in the north of Australia
5). The USA has a population _____ times as large as Australia. (A)
A. 14 B. 13 C. 12 D. one second
6). ______ of the world's wool is produced by Australia. (B)
A. Half B. One third C. One sixth D. two thirds
7). The climate in Australia ________ . (C)
A. is the same everywhere
B. is similar everywhere
C. differs greatly from area to area
D. is dry and hot everywhere
8). If you are invited to an Australian home, you will probably eat _____.(A)
A.outdoors B.indoors C.at an inn D.at a restaurant
Step 5 language points
1.in 在……上面
in area/size/height/colour/many ways
China is large in area and rich in resources.
They built a fence 30 metres in length
A.is…times as +adj/adv (big, long,much,etc)as B
A.is…times the +n(size,length,amount,etc,)of C
A.is …times + 比较级(bigger, longer, more, etc)than B.
He has worked twice as long as I have.
There are 80 students in that school in our school, there are twice as many.
one third,one sixth, two fifth
二分之一说‘half/a half’' 四分之一说‘a quarter’
Two thirds of the money ______(have) been spent on necessary equipment.
One third of the students ______(be) from the north.
Some metals have to be imported from abroad.
Various kinds of wine are produced in France.
Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods.
They closed the door to keep out the cold.
We put a fence round the vegetable garden to keep the kitchens out.
6.round up : to collect by drawing them together 使…聚拢
The cattle have to be rounded up and counted.
Round up the whole class; it's time to go back to the school.
7.outdoors adv(=outside) adj.
He seldom eats his meals inside. He often eats outdoors.
outdoor(s) labor
outdoor(s) sports
an outdoor theatre
an outdoor life (野外生活)
1)We caught an enemy soldier alive.
He caught me by the arm.
2)The worker caught his foot on a nail.
3)I was caught in a big storm on the way home.
4)I didn't catch the last two words.
Did you catch my idea?
5)The farmer caught a man stealing his sheep.
You won't catch me doing that again.
6)He worked hard to catch up with his classmates, although he had fallen behind.
7)Wandering in the street, I caught sight of a tailor's shop.
8)He didn't catch on to this joke.
9 all the year round=all through the year.
10 feed milk to the child
feed the child on milk
feed on milk
He has a family to ___________.
A. feed B. raise C. surprise D. keep
11.give birth to eight children.
The baby weighed seven jin at birth.
He is British by birth although he was born in France.(在血统上,天生)
birth control/birthmark/birth place /birthrate
13.a variety of /varieties of
14.extremely/ particularly/especially
Step 6 Listening
Step 7 Homework




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