译林牛津 高一uint 1 school life period1-5

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Period 1 Welcome to the unit
Teaching Aims:
1) Warm up for the topic of this unit
2) Get Ss to know each other and practice Ss’ oral skills
3) Collect opinions about their ideal school life for future changes
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Meeting each other
a). Make a brief self-introduction to the Ss, include your experience, interest, your habit of teaching and your requirements of the class as well.
b). Ask Ss to make a self-introduction card: their names, interest, motto, ambition, promise or whatever they’d like others to know about themselves. Ask 2 or 3 guys to make a brief introduction, as you wish.
c). Group work: Ask Ss to form groups of 6 or 8, and introduce themselves to each other, meanwhile collect information about different tastes or interests in their group and make notes.
Step 2. Going through the tasks in textbook
a). Say “You’ve met each other and you’ll spend 3 years together here for your senior high school period. Before you graduate from junior middle school, what did you think high school is like?”
Collect different ideas about what they thought of high school. Then conclude their ideas : “High school may be a time of discovery, learning and hard work for Ss all over the world.”
b). Go through the pictures on page 1 of our textbook with the whole class, while checking whether they’re the same with Chinese school life.
Collect answers to the first 2 questions by asking Ss individually.
c). Allow Ss some minutes to discuss the third topic with each other in small groups (4) or in pairs and list down the key points of their dream school life. To simplize the task, you can instruct them to discuss the topic in such aspects as time, subjects, homework, activities, teachers, classmates, rules and so on.
Step 3 Free choices for different classes
Read and explain half of the words and expressions in this unit if possible. Or give Ss some extra materials to read if possible. (for best class)
Step 4 Assignment
1. Write a short passage to show what your dream school life is like.
2. Preview the new words & expressions and the text “School life in the UK”.
3. Finish some extra reading tasks for best class.
Period 2 Reading
Teaching Aims:
1) Allow Ss to get some information about British school life
2) Practise Ss’ reading skills by reading the text and finding useful information to answer questions
3) Practise Ss’ ability of organizing materials by the retelling task
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Reviewing and warming up
Ask Ss to read out their passages about their dream school life while listing out the key words in their passages, eg: time, subjects, freedom, choices, homework -------
Say “We’re going to learn a new passage about the school life in the Uk, see if there is sth that can meet your dream of the ideal school life.”
Step 2. Reading and analyzing
a). Tell Ss the strategy of skimming and scanning.
Ask them to read the text and find answers to the questions in Part A as fast as they can.
Check their answers.
b). Ask Ss to read the text intensively again and finish the tasks in Part C1+2. Play the tape at the same time to control time, allow them some minutes to discuss and finish the task.
Collect answers to the 2 parts by asking Ss individually.
Step 3 Consolidation
Read the text again to get familiar with the text. Then do the running race game: Ask the 4 groups of students to write down as much information as possible on the Bb and compare which group gets the most.
Step 4 Assignment
1. Write a short passage to show what the school life in the UK is like.
2. Make up a dialogue between weihua and a journalist to talk about weihua’s school life in the UK.
3. Read the passage on page 91 and answer the questions below the text. (Sum up what the American school life is like ----- for best class)
Period 3 Reading
Teaching Aims:
1) Allow Ss to get some general ideas about American school life.
2) Practise Ss’ reading skills by reading and finding information.
3) Practise Ss’ oral skills by comparing different school lives in different countries.
4) Practise Ss’ writing skills by assigning the writing task
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Reviewing and warming up
Interview: Invite a student to stand out as Weihua and the others as journalists. Make an interview about Weihua’s school life in the UK. You can also compete to see which group gives the most questions or the best performers.
Step 2 Reading and analyzing
a) Ask Ss to read the passage on page 91 following the tape and think about the questions below, play the tape at the same time to control time.
Check the answers.
b) Pair work: finish the following form in pairs.
School life time subject homework activities teachers tests
Check their answers by filling in the form with the whole class.
Ask Ss to discuss which they like best, the school life in the UK, in China or in the USA and why.
Step 3 Consolidation
Ask Ss to finish the task in part E, page 5. Check the answers.
Then suppose Daniel Adams is writing to you and would very much like to be your penfriend, can you write back to him and tell him more about Chinese school life?
Have a discussion on class if time permits, otherwise, set it as a written homework.
Step 4 Assignment
Write a letter to Daniel Adams to tell sth about the Chinese school life.
Finish part D on page 4 and review the texts we’ve learned.
Some extra reading materials.
Period 4 Reading
Teaching Aims: 1). Inform Ss of the useful sentences and phrases in this unit.
2). Build Ss’ basic knowledge by practicing the language points.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision
Check their homework and explain the language points mentioned. Ask Ss to take notes wherever necessary.
Step 2 Language teaching
Go through the important sentences and grammar points in the text with the whole class. Give them explanation detailed enough and practice some difficult ones.
The langue points that should be mentioned are on the handout. You can also go through the handouts with the whole class.
Step 3 Exercise
Finish the workbook exercises on page 79, 81, D1 first.
If time is limited, set D2 as homework.
Step 4 Assignment
Review what we’ve learned in this lesson.
Finish the tasks on Page 81+82.
Prepare a debating according to the passage on P82 (for best class).
Period 5 Listening
Step 1 Reviewing
Check Ss’ homework of translation and reading on p81 and p82.
Step 2 Oral practice
Ask Ss to work in groups and show their own opinions about school uniform.
Make a debate in groups or whole class about whether we should have school uniforms. (for best class)
Step 3 Listening test
Listen to the tape and finish the related tasks on page 84.Go through the tasks one by one with the whole class, do make everything clear.
Step 4 Assignment
Some tasks on the handout. (sentence translation or so )




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