译林牛津 高一 模块四 Unit 2 Sporting events教学与测试

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模 块 四
Unit 2 Sporting events
Welcome to the unit
Background knowledge about the Olympics
Five rings Aisa Europe Africa America Oceania
IOC International Olympic Committee
Headquarter Lausanne Switzerland
Motto Faster, Higher, Stronger
Present President Jacques Rogge
Official language English French Spanish Russian German
Host city of 2000 Olympics Sydney Australia
Host city of 2004 Olympics Athens Greece
Host city of 2008 Olympics Beijing China
Host city of the first Olympics Athens Greece
Sort Winter Olympics Summer Olympics
1. Many people enjoy playing different sports while others just enjoy watching them.
enjoy ( vt ) enjoyed, enjoying ( 1 ) 喜爱;欣赏
I enjoy my job. 我喜爱我的工作。
Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera very much. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert. 这一对双胞胎兄弟对听音乐会总是兴致勃勃。
( 2 ) 享有,享受
The president has always enjoyed very good health. 董事长的身体一直非常健康。
enjoy oneself 过得快乐
Did you enjoy yourself of the party? 你在宴会上愉快吗?
One can't enjoy oneself if one / he is too tired. 一个人如果太疲倦,就不能尽情享受。
Enjoyable (adj.) 可爱的, 令人愉快的, 有趣的
2. Below are pictures of a few popular sports.
以here, there, now, then, up, down, in, out, away, ahead, thus等副词位于句首时,要倒装。
Out rushed the soldier, with a gun in his hand. 那个士兵手持钢枪冲了出去。
Here comes the bus. 巴士来了。
Then _____ the Civil War.
A. did follow B. followed C. does follow D. following (B)
Here he comes.   Away they went.
1. I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.
to have been invited…是动词不定式短语的完成式做的目的状语。说明该动作发生在动词am动作之前。
I am very glad to meet you. (表动作同时发生。见面时。)
I am very glad to have met you. (表动作先后发生。分手时。)
2. …, so we can save time for questions at the end.
at the end 后省略了of the talk
注意英语中at the end of和by the end of 之间的区别
一般说来,at the end of用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻意。例:
The school lies at the end of the street. 该校位于这条街的尽头。
We'll have an exam in English at the end of January. 一月底我们要参加英语考试。
by the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。值得注意的是,at the end of亦可用于表示时间的场合(见上面第二个例句),但其义和by the end of有所不同。试对比下面两例:
at the end of January 一月底(指一月份的最后一天)
by the end of January 一月底之前(指一月份结束前的几天)
We are to complete the task by the end of the year. 年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。
Their communication is at an end.他们的交往到此为止。
短语 in the end的涵义是“终于”、“最后”,其义相当于 at last。注意不能跟of连用。例:
I'm sure everything will turn out satisfactory in the end. 我确信,最后一切都会令人满意的。
In the end things will mend. 船到桥头自会直。
3. They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years.
“Every +基数字+时间/距离单位”词表示“没多少时间/距离”。例如:
every five days (每五天), every three hours(每三小时), every ten metres (每无公尺)
类似表达形式还有:every fifth day, every third hour。
注意汉语两种不同表达方式:每四年=每隔三年(every four days)。另外,“每隔一天”的表达形式有:every two days, every second days, every other day。
4. Olympics are still seen today, such as discus, long jump, wrestling and running.
such as (adj.)诸如..., 譬如说; 象...那样的
Boys, such as John and James, are very friendly. 男孩子譬如说约翰和詹姆斯就很友好。
He can speak five foreign languages, such as German and French.
for example (adv.) 例如
You can buy fruit here — oranges and bananas, for example.
A lot of us want to leave now—Bill, for example/for example, Bill.
5. Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honor of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.
allow (vt.) 准许,容许
请注意allow和permit在许多情况下可以换用,只是词义的强弱有些差别:allow侧重于“听任" "默许" "不加阻止”;permit强调“正式认可” “批准”的意思。在使用中还要注意以下几点:
(1) 可以说allow/permit sb.to do不可以说allow/permit sb. doing。
(2) 可以说allow/permit doing不可以说allow/permit to do。
Students are not allowed to enter the net-bar. 不允许学生进入网吧。
Do you permit your children to smoke? 你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗?
Don’t permit playing basketball in the classroom. 不准在教室里打篮球。
take part in ( v. ) 参与, 参加(大型活动等)=join in 而join sb. in sth. 同某人一道做某事
join (vt.) 参加;加入(党派、军队、团体、组织等)
attend (vt.)出席,参加(会议、婚礼、葬礼、学校、课等)
Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
I hope you’ll all join in this competition. 我希望你们大家都参加这次比赛。
All the teachers must attend the meeting to be held tomorrow afternoon.
Every girl and every boy has the right to attend school. 每个孩子都有上学的权利。
Will you join us in the English corner? 同我们一起参加英语角活动好吗?
in honor of 向...表示祝贺; 为祝贺...; 为纪念...
I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.
6. Today, athletes from around the world can take part, no matter what language they speak.
…no matter what language they speak. 是让步状语从句。从属连词由“no matter+疑问词(what, which, who, whose, when, how,…)”构成,也可由以下的词替换:whatever, whichever, whoever, whosever, whenever, however…。如:
No matter what (Whatever) he may say, I will not change my mind.
No matter where (Wherever) you go, I’ll be with you. 无论你到哪里,我都要与你在一起。
7. His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.
countries and people和 live是逻辑上的主谓关系。
I feel it my duty to help other classmates. 我感到帮助别的同学是我的责任。
They all think it impossible for me to finish this task in two hours.
We found it not strange for Class One to beat Class Two in this football game.
8. He returned gladly to the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.
light (v.) lighted/lit, lighted/lit 点燃;使发光;点亮
注意: 作为light的过去时和过去分词lit比lighted用得更为广泛。谓语或表语用lit,但在用作名词前的形容词时则用lighted。 例如:
He’s lit a match. 他已点燃了一根火柴。
The match is lit. 火柴点着了。
He used a lighted match to look for his lost watch in his bedroom.
9. Haile Cebrselassie from Ethiopia is widely recognized as the greatest distance runner of all time.
recognize sb./sth. as sb./sth. 将某人/事看作他人/事
We all recognize him as a very good boy. 我们都认为他是个好孩子。
类似的还有: regard…as… treat…as… look on…as… remember…as… take…as…
I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke! 我决定将整件事情当作一个大笑话!
Abraham Lincoln is regarded as one of the greatest presidents of the United States。
10. Chinese athletes have also made important contributions to the Olympic Games.
make contributions/a contribution to 对…作出贡献 例如:
He has made an important contribution to the company’s success.
11. I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.
must+have +过去分词(否定形式为can’t+have+过去分词)表示对过去发生的事或情况的推测或猜测。例如:
It must have rained yesterday night. 昨天夜里一定下过雨。
He can’t have been at home last week, because he was on business outside.
Which team do you think will win the game? 你认为哪个队会获胜?
He never beats me in tennis. 他打网球从没赢过我。
12. Liu Xiang excited people allover Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal … .
excite (vt.) 使兴奋, 使激动
一般来说, 使动词都可以变为形容词及过去分词和现在分词。例如:
excite — excited —exciting interest — interested — interesting
please — pleased — pleasing disappoint — disappointed — disappointing
satisfy — satisfied — satisfying surprise — surprised — surprising
puzzle — puzzled — puzzling frighten — frightened — frightening
I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
He is a very well mannered and pleasing young man. 他是一个彬彬有礼而令人喜爱的年轻人。
This work does not satisfy me. 这件工作我不满意。
I'm sorry to disappoint your hope. 对不起, 我使你失望了。
The surprising attack was on at the first light. 天一亮,就发起了突然袭击。
The little girl was frightened by the big dog. 那个小女孩被那条大狗吓坏了。
13. These are some of the Olympians who have brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the limits of human achievement.
(1) across ( prep.)横过、穿过
注意across和through 之间的不同:
A train is running through the tunnel. 一列火车正在穿越隧道。
Don't run across the street while the traffic light is red. 红灯时,不要横穿马路。
(2) attempt (n.) 努力;尝试(常与at, on, to连用)
She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做这顿饭。
(vt.) (常与to连用)
The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.
注意:attempt, try这两个同义词都可以用作动词,它们的一般含义是致力于可能成功也可能失败的某件事。
attempt 的含义是去做自己希望会成功的事,常常包含冒险的意义。
It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted.
try 比 attempt 普通得多。在口语中使用 try 比使用 attempt 显得浅近通俗。但这两个词有着明显的差异。try 表示试一试,意即欲证明或检验某件事,这是 attempt 所不能表达的。在表示致力于某事时,try 并不包含冒险的意思。
You can try on the new coat. 这件新上衣,你可以试一试。
I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. 我想说句话,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。
14. We are looking forward to seeing more of them in the coming Olympic Games.
look forward to 期望,期待,盼望 (注意这里的to是介词,后面接名词/代词/动名词)
We are looking forward to your coming. 我们期待着你们的到来。
prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to 
15. Join me in wishing the Olympic movement a successful future to match its glorious past.
match “和….相配”“和…相称”一般指两样东西互相匹配或两个人的能力势均力敌、互为对手
we must find carpets that will match the curtain. 我们得找到与窗帘相匹配的地毯。
I can not match her at chess. 棋我可下不过他。
The colors of the dress suit her very well. 这套衣服的色彩对她很合适。
I do not think this jacket fits me; it’s rather too small. 我认为这件夹克不合我身。太小了。
Word power
构词法 — 合成法
概 念
构 成 方 法
1. 用连接符号“–”连接
词 例easy-going, good-looking, long-term, newly-born,
peace-loving, wash-machine, well-known
2. 直接将几个词写在一起
词 例classroom, everything, handshake, fingerprint, silkworm, toothache, watermelon, widespread
3. 由分开的两个词构成
词 例blood test, box lunch, French fries, junk food, post office, stand lamp, steam iron, water pipe
1. It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who restarted the Olympics.
2. And among them are many well-known athletes.
3. This young man went on to win his first World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in 1964.
4. Another superstar I would like to mention is Michael Jordan.
5. Do you know that he was the highest scorer for the gold-medal-winning USA basketball team at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?
gold-medal-winning (用连接符号“–”连接) basketball(直接将两个词写在一起)
6. Jordan won his second Olympic gold medal as part of the so-called ‘Dream Team’of NBA players.
so-called(用连接符号“–”连接) Dream Team(由分开的两个词构成)
7. Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia when he became the first Asian to win the gold medal in the men’s 110-metre hurdles.
8. In 1995 he broke the world record for the 10 km run and won the gold at both the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
9. We are looking forward to seeing more of them in the coming Olympic Games.
10. Now, would anyone like to ask a question?

Grammar and usage
 1) 情态动词不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。
 2) 情态动词除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不带to 的不定式。
 3) 情态动词没有人称,数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s。
 4) 情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词等形式。
1. 比较can 和be able to
1)can/could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用could), 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。例如:
  They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。
2)只用be able to的情况:
  a. 位于助动词后。
  b. 情态动词后。
  c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。
  d. 用于句首表示条件。
  e. 表示成功地做了某事时,用was/were able to,不能用could。例如:
He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out. = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.
   --- Could I have the television on? 我能看电视吗?
   --- Yes, you can. / No, you can't. 可以/不可以。
   He couldn't be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。 
2. 比较may和might
表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。例如:
   May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!
   He might be at home. 他可能在家。
注意:might 表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比may 小。
  Peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
  A. must  B. may  C. can  D. will
  答案B. 表可能性只能用may。此句意可从后半句推出。
3. 比较have to和must
1)两词都是'必须'的意思,have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例如:
My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 
   He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)
2)have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。例如:
He had to look after his sister yesterday. 他昨晚只得照顾他姐姐。
3)否定结构中:don't have to表示"不必",mustn't表示"禁止"。例如:
  You don't have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。
   You mustn't tell him about it.    你不得把这件事告诉他。
4. 比较will和would
1)would like;would like to do = want to 想要,为固定搭配。例如:
  Would you like to go with me? 想和我一块去吗?
2)Will you…? Would you like…? 表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用some, 而不是any。例如:
  Would you like some cake? 吃点蛋糕吧。
3)否定结构中用will,一般不用would, won't you是一种委婉语气。
  Won't you sit down? 你不坐下吗?
5. 比较need和dare
  这两词既可做实义动词用,又可做情态动词用。作为情态动词,两者都只能用于疑问句,否定句和条件句。need 作实义动词时后面的不定式必须带to,而dare作实义动词用时, 后面的to 时常可以被省略。
1) 实义动词:need(需要, 要求) need + n. / to do sth
2) 情态动词:need,只用原形need后加do,否定形式为need not。例如:
   Need you go yet? 你要走了吗?
   Yes, I must. / No, I needn't.是的,我要走了/不,不急着走。
Text A
1. I have read your article and am d__________ with it.
2. George W. Bush, American president, made a b________ visit to China last week.
3. The athletes from 20 countries will c__________ in an 800-metre-long race.
4. The children in the kindergarten must sleep in s__________ beds.
5. China will act as a p__________ country forever.
6. The match __________(点燃) easily.
7. The retired teacher has made great____________(贡献) to educational cause.
8. What the headmaster said at the opening ceremony __________(使兴奋) all the teachers and students.
9. The 2008 Olympic__________(体育馆)built in Beijing will be first-class all over the world..
10. Yao Ming is always playing a __________(领导的) role in NBA.
The ancient Olympic Games began in 776 BC and were held at Olympia in Greece every________ years for almost 12 centuries, until AD 394. _____________ the Olympic Games today, the ancient games only allowed __________to compete and were always held at the same place. At the ancient games, __________ women were ________ to take part in their competition at a separate festival in ______ of the wife of the Greek god Zeus. The __________ Olympic Games were first held in 1896 in ______. Athletes from around the world can take part, no matter ______ they speak. A Frenchman, who __________ the Olympics, ___________ that the people all over the countries would live in _______ with each other by holding the Olympic Games. Now many people, among _________ are many famous _________, are helping to turn this dream into __________ with their __________.
1. Our teachers are always saying goodbye to us students ________ class.
A. at the end of B. in the end of C. at an end of D. in an end of
2. American presidents are elected once _______.
A. each four years B. each fourth year C. every four year D. every fourth year
3. There are five people in our family, ________ father, mother and so on.
A. such as B. for example C. namely D. that is
4. All the boys and girls think _______ necessary to finish their homework on their own.
A. that B. this C. one D. it
5. Ma Zedong is ________ as one of the most excellent leaders in China.
A. regarded B. thought C. looked D. used
6. The little girl was ________ at the terrible story.
A. frighten B. frightening C. frightened D. fright
7. We are looking forward to your ________.
A. arrival B. arrive C. arrived D. arriving at
8. The majority of the athletes feel it an honor to ________ the Olympic Game just for once.
A. take part B. compete in C. join D. attend
9. It's difficult to ________ the color of old paint.
A. fit B. suit C. match D. compare
10. I will follow you no matter ________ happens.
A. how B. which C. when D. what
1.What ___I do for you, madam?
A. shall B. can C. may D. will
2.He ___see a doctor before it is too late.
A. must B. must have to C. need D. need have to
3.She didn't know where she ___ find wild roses.
A. may B. could C. can D. is able
4."___ I stop here, sir?"
"No. Go on to the next paragraph, please."
A. Will B. May C. Would D. Ought
5. "___ we finish all the exercises in class?"
"Yes, you ___."
A. Shall; will B. Need; can C. Can; might D. Must; must
6."May I put my bike here?"
"No, you ___."
A. needn't B. don't C. mustn't D. aren't able
7. Our teachers are at work. You ___ make so much noise.
A. won't B. mustn't C. may not D. needn't
8. Don't be worried. The news ___ be true.
A. may not B. mustn't C. needn't D. shan't
9. Some warm-blooded animals ___hibernate.
A. need not B. does not need to C. needn't to D. do not need
10.He didn't agree with me at first but I ___ persuade him.
A. was able to B. was able C. could D. could be able to
1. The first ancient Olympic Games were taken place in 776 BC.
2. Muhammad Ali gladly lighted the 1996 Atlanta Olympic flame at the opening ceremony.
3. Michael Jordan, a NBA superstar, returned to the Olympics to compete in gold medals.
4. Overseas Chinese were exciting at the exciting news that Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the man’s 110-metre hurdles at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
5.Hu Weidong plays basketball very well. He should have practised it a lot in his spare time.
1. 东东隔月去看一次他已退休的爷爷。(every)
2. 有些美国总统童年时日子过得很苦,例如林肯。
3. 大约70%的美国人认为学好汉语很有必要。 (“it” used as form object)
4. 迈克尔﹒乔丹被看作美国NBA最有名气的超级明星之一。(recognize)
5. 这里禁止吸烟! (allow)
6. 不管遇到什么困难,我们都得克服。 (no matter)

Text B
A.听下面5段对话, 根据所听内容选择最佳选项,每段对话读一遍。
( )1. How is the weather now?
   A. It’s snowing.  B. It’s raining.   C. It’s cloudy.
( )2. What will they do now?
   A. Go on working. B. Have a rest C. Stop to work.
( )3. Who is probably Hank?
   A. He is the woman’s old boss.
   B. He is the woman’s old brother.
   C. He is the woman’s old classmate.
( )4. Where will the woman stop on her way?
A. At a gas station.
   B. At a bus station.
   C. At a cigarette store.
( )5.Where does this conversation take place?
   A. In a restaurant. B. In a nightclub. C. In a supermarket.
( )6.What kind of snack does the man have?
A. A pancake.   B. Chips.     C. Salad.
( )7. How much does the man pay for the things she ordered?
   A. 75 cents.   B. 2.05 dollars.   C. 1.30 dollars.
( )8. What do the English think of football?
A. Football is boring B. Football is terrible C. Football is popular
( ) 9. What is surprising to a stranger in England?
A. That only the old have the knowledge of the game.
B. That only the rich have the knowledge of the game.
C. That even the smallest boys have the knowledge of the game.
( )10. What is the purpose of football education in England?
A. To cause a boy to run fast.
B. To train a boy to be a true man.
C. To make a boy earn big money.
1. Those are the latest weapons ________.
   A. for the modern times B. at modern times
   C. of modern times D. times
  2. They prefer shooting ________.
   A. to skate B. than skating C. rather than skate D. to skating
  3. The old Olympic Games ________ the modern games came began about the year 776 BC in Greece.
   A. from which B. from that C. which D. that
  4. In the following year he ________ the Communist Party and then he, together with 400,000 workers ________ the 1912 May Day strikes.
   A. joined in; joined in B. joined; joined
   C. joined; joined in D. joined to; joined in
  5._______ lives in ______ and speaks__________.
   A. Greek ; Greece; Greek B. A Greek; Greece; Greek
   C. Greeks; Greece; Greeks D. Greeks; Greeks; Greece
  6. That customer insisted that they ________ her money back.
   A. return B. should return C. give D. will give
  7. The shop assistant didn't think the man could _________ the suit.
   A. pay B. pay back C. pay off D. pay for
  8. I'm sorry ________ you to the trouble of _______ the suit to this address.
   A. to put; sending B. putting; sending
   C. to put; to send D. putting; to send
  9. Tod took the customer into a back room,_________ the cheapest suits were kept.
   A. which B. in which C. that D. in where
  10. The shop assistant _________ Tod spoke was unfriendly.
   A. that B. to who C. who D. to whom
  11. The man only wanted to get a suit made of cheap _________.
   A. cloth B. clothes C. clothing D. suit
  12. Be quick, ________.
   A. and you'll be late B. so you'll be late
   C. or you'll be late D. so that you'll be late
  13. The woman ________ is Mrs Smith.
   A. wears a white shirt B. puts on a white shirt
   C. with a white shirt D. in a white shirt
  14. Mary is no longer ________ she was five years ago.
   A. whom B. that C. what D. when
  15. The place is worth ________.
   A. pay a visit B. paying a visit to
   C. paying a visit D. pay a visit to
16. ---Who _____ it be that is knocking at the door?
---It ______be father, but I’m not sure.
A. can; may B. may; can C. may; must D. need; should
17. It is reported that Manchester United______ by 3-2 last night
A. won B. defeated C. 1ost D. was beaten
18. ---Has the famous actor left?
---Not yet.He _______ in Room 603.
A. is interviewing B. is interviewed
C. has interviewed D. is being interviewed
19. ---______football match between China and Japan was held the day before
yesterday,but I failed to get_________ ticket.
---What________ pity!
A. The;a;a B. A;a;/ C. The;the;a D. A;the;/
20. The naughty boy has made so much noise that he _____ not have been allowed to ante the concert.
A. could B. must C. should D. would

All over the world people enjoy sports and nearly everyone is good at some sport or others. 1 help one to keep healthy and happy, and to 2 longer.
Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to 3 the games. Often they get very excited(激动)when “their” player or team 4 .
Sports change with the 5 . People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun (有趣)in 6 weather, but skating is good in winter.
Games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities(活动). The Arabs (阿拉伯人)use 7 or camels(骆驼)in much of their 8 life, they use them in their sports, too. It is the same with people in the 9 of China. Millions of people hunt(打猎)and fish for a living, but hunting and fishing are very good sports, too. Some sports are so 10 that people everywhere enjoy 11 . Football , for example, is played all over the world. 12 is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many 13 . What fun(乐趣)it is to jump into a river or a lake, 14 in China, Australia or the USA. And think of people in cold countries. Think how to 15 in Japan, England or Canada.
1. A. Sports B. Track and field C. Balls games D. Weight lifting
2. A. sit B. stay C. live D. lie
3. A. listen to B. enjoy C. watch D. have
4. A. loses B. wins C. plays D. beat
5. A. people B. time C. countries D. seasons
6. A. fine B. cool C. cold D. warm
7. A. horses B. cows C. dogs D. animals
8. A. everyday B. happy C. quiet D. basic
9. A. southeast B. south C. north D. northwest
10. A. dangerous B. interesting C. safe D. important
11. A. it B. that C. them D. theirs
12. A. Swimming B. Football C. Basketball D. Running
13.A. mountains B. cities C. buildings D. rivers
14. A. when B. if C. whether D. while
15. A. dive B. swim C. surf D. skate

On 26 May 1928, at a meeting in Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹), the FIfA congress(国际足联) decided that a new competition open to all its members should be played. A year later in Barcelona it was agreed that Uruguay(乌拉圭), the strongest football team at the period of time., should celebrate 100 years of independence by hosting(充当……东道主)the first World Cup the following year.
Only 13 nations came to the opening of the games and nine from South America. All games were played in three stadiums in Montevideo(蒙得维的亚)and, as expected, the South American countries were stronger, although the European teams did not bring shame.
Some 100,000 fans came for the final on 30 July between Argentina(阿根廷)and Uruguay. The FIFA president and brains(主要领导人)behind the World Cup, presented the trophy(奖杯)to winning captain and football's greatest tournament was born.
After a pre-match row(争吵)over which ball to use for the final, it is believed the Argentine ball was used in one half and the Uruguayan ball in the other.
1.When was the first World Cup played?
A. 1928 B. 1929 C. 1930 D. 1931
2.Which of these statements about the first World Cup is not true?
A. Most of the teams came from South America.
B. The South American teams were the strongest.
C. All the matches were played in south America countries
D. The European teams did not play badly.
3.The best title of the passage is _____.
A. The history of football
B. The history of the World Cup
D. The first World Cup
Six weeks before the 1984 Olympic Games, Mary Lou hurt her right knee. She went to Richmond, Virginia. She had an operation done on it. Doctors told her she wouldn’t be able to go to the Games. However, Mary Lou started working hard. Her knee got stronger. She was able to compete in the Games.
The last event was the vaulting horse. Mary Lou knew she needed a perfect 10 to win. Ecaterina Szabo, from Romania, was half a point ahead. Mary Lou thought about what she had to do. She was very excited. She raced up to the springboard(踏跳板). She vaulted(jumped)over the horse and into the air. She wheeled around twice in the air. She landed on both feet. Her score was a 10! She was the first American to win the all-around(全能)gold medal!
Mary Lou was named sportswoman of the year by Sports Illustrated. She was on TV and did lots of commercial(电视广告). People all over the world wanted to see her.
4. The story mainly tells about_____.
A. Mary Lou’s family life
B. Mary Lou’s knee operation at Richmond, Virginia
C. How Mary Lou won the gold medal and became world-famous
D. Mary Lou was named sportswoman of the year in the USA
5. According to the story, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Mary Lou nearly missed the 1984 Olympic Games.
B. Mary Lou missed the 1984 Olympic Games.
C. The United States didn’t do well in the 1984 Olympic Games.
D. The 1984 Olympic Games were held in Richmond, Virginia.
6. The game in which Mary Lou competed in the 1984 Olympic Games is_____.
A. horse-riding B. gymnastics C. weightlifting D. hammer throw
7. The underlined part “the vaulting horse” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_____”.
A. a kind of sports game
B. a kind of horse
C. a horse that can vault
D. a horse that can wheel in the air.
8. What can we learn from the story?
A. Good luck can bring happiness.
B. Failure is the mother of success
C. One can easily achieve big success by chance.
D. Hardworking and self-confidence(自信)will bring you success.
Dear Students
I am delighted to be your guest speaker today. It is a great pleasure to visit your school and to meet all of you.
I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes difficult. I have seen famines, wars, earthquakes, poverty(贫穷) and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and happiness.
In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was looking after two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them and taught them. She gave them hope.
Another time, I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake. In one place, I found an old lady whose house was in ruins. He son was missing and rescue workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not give up hope. For four days, she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop until she found her son. He was alive.
Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious medical condition. He had undergone twenty operations(手术) and spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be sad, but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.
In life, we need role models that we can admire(钦佩) and learn from. When my life is difficult, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.
9.Anne Holland is __________ in a school.
A. studying B. teaching C. giving a talk D. having an interview
10.The underlined word “famines” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.
A. pleasure B. joy C. luck D. hunger
11.Which of the following statements is true?
A. Rosa is a rich lady and she likes to help the homeless children.
B. Rosa is a kind-hearted woman and she provides houses for the homeless children.
C. Rosa is a great mother and she looks after the homeless children.
D. Rosa is a good teacher and she teaches the homeless children.
12.Anne Holland is in _________.
A. China B. Canada C. Turkey D. India
13.From the passage we can learn that the Chinese boy is __________.
A. sad B. strong-minded C. worried D. healthy
Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course, there have always been people who have locked for adventure—those who have climbed the highest mountains, traveled into unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who try to find an immediate thrill from a risky or dangerous activity, which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.
I would consider bungee-jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot-air balloon)200 meters above the ground with an elastic(有弹性的)rope tied to your ankles(脚脖子). You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee-jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs(峭壁).
Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists(心理学家)suggest that it is because life in modern society has become safe and boring. Life, according to many people, offers little excitement. They only live and work safely and comfortably. The answer for some of these people is to try to find danger in activities such as bungee-jumping.
14. What’s the thrilling and risky activity that may only last a very short moment?
A. Mountain-climbing. B. Bungee-jumping.
C. Region-exploring. D. Boat-sailing.
15. Which of the following shows the movement in bungee-jumping?

16. People take part in dangerous sports mainly because_________.
A. they want to have a change in sports
B. there is not much work for them to do
C. there is not much excitement in their lives
D. they are worried about such sports

American high schools' students may play on 1. _________
school sports teams. Most the schools have foot- 2. _________
ball, baseball, basketball or track teams. Some 3. _________
also has swimming teams and tennis teams. 4. _________
Good players can join university teams before 5. _________
they finish their high schools. The very best 6. _________
Will get sports stars. The best football, basket- 7. _________
ball and tennis player can become professional. 8. _________
The best players of university teams go 9. _________
to the Olympic Games on the USA Olympic teams. 10 ._________
注意:1.词数100左右;2.信的开头已写好。生词 :1.竞标成功 win the bid for …
2.出墙报 put up a wall newspaper

Dear Bill,
Very glad to receive your letter of July 13.

Unit 2 Sporting events
Test A
一、 单词拼写
1. delighted 2. brief 3. compete 4. separate 5. peaceful
6. lit 7. contributions 8. excited 9. stadium 10. leading
二、 短文填空
four Unlike Greek unmarried allowed honor modern Athens what restarted dreamed peace them athletes reality attempts
三、 单项选择
1-5 ADADA 6-10 CABBD
四、 语法专练
1-5 AABBD 6-10 CBAAA
五、 单句改错
1. were taken place → took place 2. lighted → lit 3. in → for
4. were exciting → were excited 5. should → must
六、 句子翻译
1. Dong Dong goes to see his retired grandfather every other month.
2. Some American presidents lived a very hard life,for example,Lincoln.
3. About 70% of the American people think it necessary to learn Chinese well.
4. Michael Jordan is recognized as one of the most famous NBA superstars in the USA.
5. Smoking isn’t allowed here!
6. No matter what difficulties we meet, we must overcome them.
Text B
一、 听力理解
1-5 CBCAA 6-10 CBCCB
Text 1
  M: You’d better take your coat with you. It looks like it’s going to snow.
  W: You may be right. Thank you for mentioning this.
Text 2
  M: We should stop here since we have been working for hours.
  W: You are right. I’m a little bit tired.
Text 3
  W: Good morning, Hank. It is wonderful to be back in England.
  M: I’m so glad to see you again. It’s over ten years now since we left university.
Text 4
W: Please buy two packets of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.
M: I’m not going to any store. I’m going to see Aunt Mary. I’ll get them for you at the gas station.
Text 5
  W: Good morning, sir. What would you like?
  M: I’d like a red wine, please.
  W: Anything else?
  M: What snacks have you got?
  W: The menu is on the board over there. There’s pancake, Greek salad, steak and chips…
  M: I’ll try the Greek salad, please. Do I pay now?
W: Oh, yes, if you would. That’s 75 cents for the wine and 1.30 dollars for the salad.
Text 6
Hello, everyone! Here I would like to tell you something about football.
Football is the most popular game in England. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting and cheering for one side or the other. One of the most surprising things about football in England to a stranger is the great knowledge of the game even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. He has photos of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you proudly who he expects will win such a match, and his opinion is usually like that of his parents. Most schools in England take football much more seriously than nearly all the European schools. It is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with fats but it also means character training, that is to say, how to be a true man.
二、 单项选择
1-5 CDACA 6-10 CDABD 11-15 ACDCB 16-20 ADDAC
三、 完型填空
1-5 ACCBD 6-10 DAACB 11-15 CADBD
四、 阅读理解
1-5 CCDCA 6-10 BADCD 11-16 BABBDC
五、 短文改错
1.schools’→school 2.the去掉 .or→and 4.has→have 5. before→after\when
6.√ 7.get→become 8.player→players 9.teams后加can\may 10. teams→team
六、 书面表达
Dear Bill,
Very glad to receive your letter of July 13. Thank you for your congratulations. I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Immediately I called Wei Guo and Li Hong to my house. We decided to put up a wall newspaper for our class. We hurried to our classroom and began to work. Wei Guo and Li Hong copied some news from the newspapers. I drew an Olympic flag. The next morning our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed when they saw the wall newspaper.
I hope you can come to China to watch the Olympic Games in 2008.
Sincerely yours,
Zhang Hua




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