人教版 高一 Unit 4词组

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1. The conference was hosted by that committee.该委员会充当这个会议的东道主。
2. host the Olympic Games主办奥运会
3. the host country 主办国
4. a host of friends一大群朋友/hosts of troubles许多麻烦
5. take place发生, 举行
6. be scared of sb./sth.害怕某人某事
7. be scared of doing sth.害怕做某事
8. be scared to do sth.害怕做某事
9. Scarely had I sad down, when the phone rang.我一坐下电话就响了。
10. be/get caught in (the rain, a trap)遇(雨), 陷入(圈套)
11. be caught by 被…抓住
12. sb. be caught doing sth.某人被抓住/撞上作某事=catch sb. doing sth.
13. be stuck by 被……困住
14. be stuck in困住,陷于
15. for/in fun开玩笑, 不是认真的
16. save sb. from从...救出某人, 使免于[不致, 不受]...save sb. from danger抢救某人脱离危险
17. rescue a man from the fire从大火中救出一个人
18. rescue a child from drowning营救一个要淹死的孩子
19. go [come] to sb.'s rescue进行援救, 营救某人
20. We came to his rescue and pulled him out of the river. 我们来救他,把他从河里拉了出来。 (= go to sb.'s rescue)
21. on逼近; 接触;紧接着 Almost at once, the winter was upon us.眨眼间,冬天逼近了。
22. The Christmas holiday will soon be upon us.圣诞节马上就要来到了。
23. grow/increase/rise to增长到
24. grow/increase/rise by增长了
25. fall/drop/decrease to或by 下降到/下降了
26. The price has risen by 20%.价格下降了20%。
27. pull up1.拔起 2.(使) 停下 3.阻止 4.(在赛马中)追上(to, with) 5.责备, 斥责 6.移近, 拉过来
28. get on/upon one's feet1.站起来;站起来发言 2.(=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立 3.(人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业)
29. stand on one’s feet自己,依靠自己,自力更生
30. struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来,在困境中奋起
31. rise to one’s feet站起
32. take to one’s feet走开
33. jump to one’s feet跳起
34. bring someone to one’s feet扶起
35. fight for为...而战
36. look into one’s face with a look of fright惊恐地望着某人
37. look into a room望房间里看
38. look into the matter调查这件事
39. look into one’s face=look sb. in the eye=look sb. in the face正视某人, 坦然无畏地正视某人
40. look sth. in the face勇敢地面对某事物
41. have a happy look on one’s face脸上挂着喜悦的神情
42. have the look of a winner摆着一幅胜利者的姿态
43. lose one’s good looks失去了美貌
44. take fright (at sth.)(被某事)惊吓,受惊
45. give sb. a fright吓某人一跳
46. with fright吓得
47. be in great fright非常惊恐
48. put sb. in a fright使某人吃惊
49. fall down1.跌倒; 倒塌下来 2.[口]计划不切实际 3.失信; 没有完成或履行诺言
50. fall down on(在...方面)失败; 做得不满意
51. go down1.下去, 降下 2.(船)沉没, (飞机)坠落, (日、月)落下, (价格)下跌 3.(风、海浪)平息 4.吞下, 接受 5.受欢迎[赞许](with) 6.被记下[载入](in) 7.延续到(to) 8.倒下, 垮台, 破产
52. cut down1.削减, 压缩 2.砍倒 3.使丧命 4.比...强; 使...逊色
53. go through经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行
54. refer to查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听
55. advance sth.推进,促进,进展=move forward or develop
56. make an important advancement in 在…取得重大进展
57. make great advances in在……发面取得进展
58. advance towards朝...前进, 向...推进; 进击
59. advance to a higher position提升到较高的职位
60. in advance1.在前头 2.预先, 事先
61. in advance of在...前面; 比...进步; 超过
62. further advance the friendly relations between the two countries进一步增进两国的友好关系
63. advance the growth of rice促进水稻生长
64. You can not stop the advance of old age.你不能阻止年令老化的步伐。
65. There have been great advances in space travel in the last 20 years.在过去得20年里,太空旅行发展很快。
66. advance money to sb.预先付钱(或贷款)给某人
67. be advanced in year 年纪大
68. the advanced worker先进工作者
69. an advanced course in English英语高级班
70. turn around(=turn round)1.转过去, 转身 2.改换意见; 改变宗旨; 采取新政策
71. day by day逐日,一天天地[表示事情渐进变化的过程]
72. day after day日复一日[表示重复的动作]
73. in a few words简单说来, 总之
74. in a word一句话, 总而言之
75. in one word一句话, 总而言之
76. in other words换句话说, 也就是说
77. in one’s own word
78. in plain words坦率地(说); 明白地(说)
79. in so many words一字不差地(说); 清楚地(说); 直截了当地(说)
80. in word口头上
81. in word and in deed在言语上和行动上
82. go on a two-day trip to a place
83. What kind of person are you?
84. The chances are that....---可能会---=it is likely that -----
85. there is a chance that ----可能会---
86. have a chance of doing sth.
87. have a chance to do sth.
88. meet sb. by chance/accident偶然遇到某人
89. take the chances冒险
90. take a chance冒险,碰碰运气
91. it chanced that---碰巧---
92. sb. chance to do sth.碰巧
93. During the first week of May
94. put into使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植
95. get up1.(使)起床[立] 2.举办; 安排; 组织; 起草出版 3.登上 4.打扮; 理发 5.(风)变强; (火车)增加速度 6.念到, 读到 7.追上; 胜过 8.鼓励 9.钻研 10.整理; 修理 11.增进; 演出 12.玩弄(诡计)
96. Not at all一点也不 根本不
97. in a second立刻,一会儿
98. second to none不比任何人差; 最好的
99. hand in上交,交付
100. take a photo(自己来)拍照
101. have[get] one's photo taken请人给自己拍照
102. have a photo taken with sb.和某人合影
103. make a photo of摄下...的图象
104. take out拿出, 取出, 去掉, 出发, 取得, 扣除,
105. it is fun to do sth.做某是很开心
106. Have fun at the party tonight. 今晚的晚会上玩得很开心。
107. in one’s diary/notebook/the newspaper
108. catch/seize/take an opportunity to do sth.[ of doing sth. /for sth.]抓住机会做某事
109. around the corner在拐角处
110. in the corner of a room在房间的角落
111. at/on the a street corner在街道拐角处
112. up and down来回地,上下(颠簸),时好时坏
113. a two-day trip=a two days’ trip两天的旅行
114. go to a two-day trip to a place
115. a five minutes’ discussion五分钟的讨论
116. a ten hours’ walk步行十个小时的路程
117. be seized with被...侵扰; 患, 得(病)
118. seize on [upon]猛扑, 袭击, 抓住; 利用
119. He was seized with pain. 他为痛苦所困。
120. seize political power夺取政权
121. seize the city攻占城市
122. The policeman seized the thief.警察捉住了那个小偷。
123. be buried in thought沉思
124. bury (oneself) in1.埋头于; 专心于 2.退居于(乡间等)
125. be buried alive被活埋 ;隐居
126. be lost in全神贯注于; 沉湎于; 不胜...之至
127. lose oneself in迷路于; 全神贯注于...之中; 消失于
128. This sounds like a fiction.这简直象编成的故事一样。
129. be in danger of有...的危险
130. in danger在危险中
131. out of danger脱离危险
132. easygoing adj.逍遥自在的, 悠闲的, 懒散的, (马)行动时平稳自在的, (品德)放荡的, 不严肃的
133. burn down全部焚毁; 火势减弱
134. America’s second strongest earthquake
135. cut off1.切断, 停掉 2.隔绝, 挡住 3.死掉 4.使电话中断 5.切[剪]下来 6.剥夺(继承权)
136. as a result因此; 结果
137. as a result of作为...的结果; 由于...
138. up to1.(数目)到…之多2. 直到(某个高级职务)3. 一直到 (= up till)4. 胜任5. be up to做(坏事)
139. I haven't the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。
140. The earth has a strength of 6.8 on the Richter Scale.




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