人教版 高三第十单元:复习内容SB2A Unit1,SB2B Unit13,Unit18

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(一)复习内容 SB2A Unit 1; SB2B Unit 13, Unit 18
1. 词汇
SB 2A Unit 1
match v & n
1) The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat.
2) I’m ready to match my strength with (against)yours. (我准备和你较量较量。)
3) These two are well matched in strength. (他们俩势均力敌。)
4) His bolld type does not match his father’s.
5) There is going to be a basketball match on campus next Monday.
engage vt.
1) He is engaged just now.
2) Tom is engaged to Anne.
3) This seat is engaged.
4) We engage him as technical adviser.(我们聘请他担任技术顾问。)
5) His good nature engages everyone.(他善良的性情吸引每个人。)
6) Work engages much of her time.
7) The old lady was engaged in making clothes for her neighbor’s children.
observe v.
1) He has observed the stars all his life.
2) He observed a man trying to force the lock(撬锁)
3) We observed her walk away with a smile.
4) The accused man was observed to enter the bank.
5) We must observe these principles in our action.(遵守)
6) I observed nothing on the subject.(发表看法)
7) They don’t observe Christmas Day there.(庆祝)
be on fire for be similar to
be similar with have …in common
work on go by
be/get engaged to go on with
dream of on the other hand
turn out use up
make a difference be satisfied with
take a look at believe in
what if the other way round
SB 2B Unit 13
benefit n. & v.
1) I get a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language.
2) That experience was of great benefit to me.
3) We must make efforts to take exercise for the benefit of our health.
4) Such foolish behavior will not benefit your case(案子).
5) I benefit enormously from my father’s advice.
mix v.
1) S he mixed flour and milk together.
2) He mixed red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint.
3) His wife mixed him a hot drink of milk, sugar and chocolate.
4) He’s such a friendly person that he mixes well in any company.(他为人和气,跟任何人相处都很好。)
benefit from all the way
break down break up
take advantage of give off
give out call in
play a trick on agree on
be sensitive to provide …. for ….
a variety of contribute to
make up of
SB 2B Unit 18
reject v.
1) They had rejected our request contemptuously(轻蔑地).
2) He rejected our help.
3) She rejected my suggestion..
4) They rejected his application for membership.
5) The machine rejects badly worn coins.
6) Reject fruit that is overripe.(扔掉熟过了的水果)
connect v.
1) Every new thought has to be connected to what we already know.
2) I was connected to the wrong number.
3) Please connect me with the sales department.=Please help me get through to the sales department.
4) City A is connected with City B by a high way.
5) This sitting-room connects with the bedroom.
6) The train connects here with another for Beijing.
7) Shall we connect Germany with beer? (我们能把德国和啤酒联系起来吗?)
8) It’s said that he’s connected with the murder case.
throw away carry around
let out be born creative
come up with allow for
get stuck break away from
be connected to be aware of
trial and error feel inspired
try doing try to do
every ten days after all
now that keep track of
SB 2A Unit 1
1) Nothing in life is to be feared.
2) There is no doubt that they will win.
3) There didn’t seem much point in working on my PHD.
4) Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.
5) Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
6) What if it rains tomorrow?
SB 2B Unit 13
7) Water is actually quite simple, but the way the water molecule is formed gives water its unique properties.
8) They form a polar molecule, that is, one with a slightly positive end and one with a slightly negative end.
9)The salinity of the earth’s oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand, meaning that there are about thirty-five grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilogramme of water.
10) Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties, the salinity os sea water affects both its weight and freezing point.
11) Water, which seems so simple and common, is what makes life possible.
SB 2B Unit 18
12) By thinking about the way we think and practicing good thinking strategies, we can become more creative.
13) As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts.
14) Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days
14) What is it that Adam has none, Eve has two and everyone has three?
15) A computer does keep information in its memory, but that is clearly different from other kinds of storage.
16) They all knew that for each new invention that works, there are at least ten that do not.
3.语法:动词不定式(The Infinitive)
一) 动词不定式和动词不定式短语:
It’s very important for you to listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully.
To design front page for Class Paper by computer every month is a great pleasure for him now.
二) 动词不定式的形式和含义
1、to do是动词不定式的一般式,表示即将要做的事情或发生的动作。
如: The new type of computer to appear in the market next month is even advanced.
2、to have been done 是动词不定式完成被动式,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前,而且与逻辑主语的关系是被动关系。
如: The book was said to have been translated into more than ten languages.
3、to be doing是动词不定式的进行式,表示其动作和谓语动词的动作同时发生。
如: Jack pretended to be reading when mother came into his room.
4、to have done 是动词不定式的完成式,表示动作发生谓语动词之前。
如: I felt terribly sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
5、to be done 是动词不定式的一般被动式,表示即将要发生的动作,而且与逻辑主语的关系是被动关系。
如: He thought it an honor to be invited to speak there.
三) 动词不定式在句子中充当的成分
动词不定式可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语,但不能作谓语,可有自己的逻辑主语,即for sb. to do
To do that sort of thing is foolish.
It would be better for you to go there.(it作形式主语代替后面的不定式)
Walking after supper is helpful.
To walk in the street this evening will be nice.
To see is to believe. (主语为不定式时,表语也用不定式,不用动名词)
All you have to do is(to)finish the job quickly.
He promised not to tell anybody about it.(不定式的否定为not to do)
He didn’t go to the party last night,but he intended to.
①There are many TV sets to choose from.
②Betty was the first(girl) to come.
He’s the only person to know the truth.
The easiest way to learn English is staying at an English family.
③She has a wish to travel around the world.(一些要求不定式作宾语的动词转化为名词后,仍可带不定式作定语)
①He spoke loudly (so as/in order) to be heard.(目的状语)
②I’m too tired to walk any further this afternoon.(结果状语)
so+adj./adv.+as to do …如此……以至于
such+adj.+n.+as to do 如此……以至于
enough+adj./adv.+to do足够……
too+adv./adj.+to do太……以致不能
③They jumped with joy to hear the news.(原因状语)
④He raised his hand as if to take off his hat.(方式状语)
⑤I’m very glad to see you again.
⑥The teacher said I was too young a girl to fall in love at the moment, which made me feel bored.
如:The school doesn’t allow the students to play football on the campus at noon.
②表示见解、看法的动词+宾语+带to的不定式,具有这种结构的动词有:believe,consider,declare,discover,feel(认为),find,imagine,judge, suppose, think,understand如:
I consider him to have done wrong.
(该类宾补常用to be或to have done)
③感官动词+宾语+不带to的不定式,具有这种用法的动词有:feel,hear,listen to,watch, see,look at,notice,observe等。
Shall I have him come here?
They shouldn’t be made to do such heavy work.(被动式中必须带to,但have一般不用于被动式)
⑤动词短语+宾语+带to的不定式,具有这种用法的词组有:arrange for,ask for,call on,count on,long for,depend on, rely on,wait for等。如:
I’m waiting for you to reply.
四) 不定式符号to是否省略:
1、感官动词(feel,hear,listen to,watch, see,look at,notice,observe等)及使役动词have,let,make等动词后,不定式不带to,但是,当这些动词变成被动语态时,动词不定式要加上to。如:
A computer does only what thinking people have it do.
—Mum,why do you always make me eat an egg every day?
—To get enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
The little young guest was made to feel at ease at Einstein’s home。
Sandy could do nothing but admit to his teacher that he was wrong.
I can do everything around the house except cook.
We have no choice but to fight to win or to die.
另外,在but构成的习惯用语中不带to:can not help but do…(不得不);can do nothing but do…;can not choose but do…;can not do anything but do…(只能做)。
如:The student has decided to go to school and ask his teacher for help
如: The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,not to make it more difficult.
I want him to write these sentences down and not to translate them into Chinese.(前后对比关系)
What he wants to do is (to)travel to Beijing on the National Day.
All I want to do is (to)help my students improve their English level.
What the workers would demand is to raise their wage.
5、在情态动词如:had better,would rather…than…,might as well之后不用to。动词help后to可带可不带。
Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.
You might as well think it over carefully and not make your decision in such a hurry since it’s so important.
All these arguing isn’t going to help us (to)win the election.
1. Charles Babbage is generally considered the first computer.
A. to have invented B. inventing
C. to invent D. having invented
2. Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.
A. ride;ride B. riding;ride C. ride;to ride D. to ride;riding
3. We agree here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met
4. The patient was warned oily food after the operation.
A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating
5. I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone
6. Robert is said abroad,but I don’t know what country he studied in .
A. to have studied B. to study
C. to be studying D. to have been studying
7. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, it more difficult.
A. to make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make
8. I’ve worked with children before,so I know what in my new job.
A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects
9. late in the morning,Bob turned off the alarm.
A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept
10. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains
whether they will enjoy it.
A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen
11.It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows .
A. it what to do with B. what to do it with
C. what to do with it D. to do what with it
12. Helen had to shout above the sound of the music.
A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear
C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard
13. You were silly not your car.
A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked
14. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only the film stars had left.
A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told
15. My advisor encouraged a summer course to improve my writing skills.
A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take
16. The flu is believed by viruses that like to reproduced in the cells inside the human nose and throat.
A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused
17 .I don’t know whether you happen , but I’m going to study in the U.S.A. this September
A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard
(答案:1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B
11.C 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.C 17. D)
Ⅰ 用所给动词或动词词组的适当形式填空
break down benefit from break out break away from take advantage of come up with turn out tell the difference all the way allow for treat
1. The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.
2. News reports say peace talks between the two countries ________ with no agreement reached.
3. The people around me often _________ my kindness and borrow money too often.
4. More and more students are _______ this modern type of instruction.
5. We went to the classroom without having a rest after planting the trees.
6. At last we can between the twin brothers.
7. I said nothing at the meeting his losing face.
8. A quarrel _____, which made him _____ his family.
9. He is said _____ badly in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.
10. Engineers new ways of saving energy.
1.杰克正努力学习以弥补高一、高二玩掉的时间。(make up for)

2.我带了两个包来,一个装了些衣服另一个装了些书(one with…and one with…)



5.我们应该考虑到任何可能发生的事件。(allow for)

6.吸烟者肯定很清楚吸烟会对他们的健康造成种种危害。(be aware of)

7.因为缺乏时间和经费的保证,我们的工作陷入了困境。(get stuck)


9.事实是地球围绕太阳转,而不是太阳围绕地球转。(the other way around)

10.只有想象与创造,我们才会与众不同。(make a difference)

Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are___ to the sudden change of weather.
A. sensible B. sensitive C. flexible D. positive
2. Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away as if out of the office.
A. went B. gone C. to go D. would go
3. These two articles have nothing _____ with each other.
A. in ordinary B. in same C. in common D. in difference
4. Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.
A. are freshmen permitted B. freshmen are permitted
C. permitted are freshmen D. are permitted freshmen
5. What surprised me was not what he said but _____ he said it.
A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D.the way which
6. What have they said you so angry?
A. to make B. makes C. make D. made
7. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.
A. whatever B. whichever C. however D. whenever
8. ---- Water can dissolve almost anything and give nutrients to creatures.
---- Yes, and that’s one of its __________.
A. characters B. properties C. qualities D. ability
9. ---- Will you stay for lunch?
---- Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me.
A. I mustn’t B. I needn’t C. I can’t D. I won’t
10. Please have all the figures _______ to see how much they ________.
A. add; add up B. added to;
C. add up; add up to D. added up; add up to
11. ---- What is the cost of your shirts here, sir?
---- It depends on which fashion you want to buy, and the prices _______ from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.
A. increase B. reaches C. ranges D. different
12. I mean ________ aboard and nothing is going to stop me, though that means _______ my parents for a long time.
A. going; leaving B. going; to leave
C. to go; to leave D. to go; leaving
13. After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town _______ he grew up as a child.
A. which B. where C. that D. when
14. I was really anxious about you. You _______ home without a word.
A. mustn’t leave B. couldn’t have left
C. needn’t leave D. shouldn’t have left
15. He _____ to persuade Eric, but he failed.
A. attempted B. succeeded C. managed D. admitted
16. We don’t agree _______ your plan. However, we won’t argue ______ you ______ it now.
A. on; with; about B. to; with; about
C. with; to; about D. about; about; with
17. Luckily, we’d brought a road map without _____ we would have lost our way.
A. it B. that C. this D. which
18. ----Who is up to the camp fire?
----It’s who is on duty today.
A.. to watch ;Tom, rather than I B. to watch ; I, rather than Tom
C. watching ;Tom, rather than I D. watched ;Tom, rather than
19. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures ________ in your mind instead of before your eyes.
A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed
20. Because of the drought(干旱), the ground quickly _______ the little rain that fell last night.
A. took B. digested C. melted D. absorbed
We have long lived in a world where we are persuaded. Supermarkets are such places. We spend more time in them than we 1 to. We buy 75 percent of our food from them and 2 with products that we didn’t realize we wanted.
Right from the start supermarkets have been 3 of us. For example, when Sainsbury 4 shopping baskets into its 1950s stores, it was a great 5 .Now customers could pick up 6 they previously would have 7 . Soon after came trolleys(手推车), and just 8 new roads attract more 9 , the same applied to trolley space.
Supermarkets work hard to round us there because the more time we spend in them, the more we buy. Thus great 10 is made to make the 11 pleasant. Stores play music to relax us and some 12 pipe air from the in-store bakery around the shop. In the USA, fake aromas(香精)are sometimes 13 . In experiments, pleasant smells are 14 in increasing our spending.
The other success story from the supermarket is the loyalty card(会员卡).Customers may think they are being 15 for their consumption, but all the while they are trading 16 about their shopping habits. Research has shown that 75 percent of 17 comes from just 30 percent of customers. Eventually, reward cards could be used to 18 these shoppers, to make advertisements more 19 to those individual consumers, and to know who is buying what. 20 they can follow the product into people’s home.
1. A. have B. mean C. hope D. like
2. A. end up B. come up C. carry up D. hold up
3. A. fond B. curious C. ahead D. full
4. A. took B. introduced C. sent D. pulled
5. A. surprise B. idea C. pleasure D. success
6. A. baskets B. stores C. items D. supermarkets
7. A. ignored B. forgot C. avoided D. needed
8. A. since B. when C. after D. as
9. A. people B. products C. traffic D. trolleys
10. A. space B. effort C. promise D. plan
11. A. customers B. goods C. music D. environment
12. A. even B. also C. already D. still
13. A. made B. sold C. refused D. used
14. A. effective B. comfortable C. necessary D. important
15. A. pleased B. cheated C. served D. rewarded
16. A. advertisements B. information C. beliefs D. cards
17. A. buyers B. profit C. sale D. loss
18. A. benefit B. contact C. identify D. satisfy
19. A. related B. attractive C. convenient D. popular
20. A. Nevertheless B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However
With Chinese universities turning out as many as 3 millions new graduate a year, the nation is quickly discovering the need to equip its young people not just with knowledge but the courage to build their own enterprises.
Gone are the days when a university diploma would qualify a person for being a member of the elite class. Only by adding entrepreneurial knowledge to the menu of skills for those newly launched into the workplace can today’s young people prove to be society’s most highly valued human resources.
Owning and running a company is an effective way to learn how to use one’s knowledge, manage human relationships, and serve other people.
It is welcome that some government agencies have announced improved terms of financial support to university students’ business ventures.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Security announced on March 29 that it would organize a training program designed for 300,000 people across the country in 2005, including college students, laid-off workers and migrant labors, with the expectation that half of the trainees will start their own businesses. The ministry hopes that such start-ups will become a new source of jobs to help ease China’s lingering unemployment crisis.
1. College students are encouraged to build their own enterprise mainly because .
A. they are not qualified for being a member of the elite class
B. today’s college graduates are not as good as those of the past
C. there are not so many good jobs for good college students
D. it is a way of easing the lingering unemployment crises
2. Which of the following is NOT true about building an enterprise of one’s own?
A. It can prove one’s true value
B. It can help to get on well with other people
C. It can help to train laid-off workers
D. It can apply to use what one has learned
3. The word “elite” in the second paragraph probably means
A. college students B. workers of a unit
C. excellent persons D. laid-off workers
4. It is implied that the biggest problem with setting up an enterprise for a college student is
A. knowledge B. experience
C. relationship D. money
The word “product” covers a lot more than the obvious objects, physical articles available for sale. A product can be a service, like dry-cleaning or management consulting. A product can also be a concept you would like an audience to believe. You might be selling support for a person, place, event, organization, or idea.
Your “product” will most likely be a combination of actual items, service, and beliefs. That is why I like to use the word “offering”. What you offer customers will almost certainly contain elements of each. A politician candidate is in many ways a product, promising to function in a way that solves problems for if you elect the candidate to office. Each of these examples represents some “offering” someone is asking an audience to buy.
As a marketer you must understand something about the life cycle of your product. If one product is falling in popularity, you need to have something else in the pipeline. How do you develop your new product? Are there innovations(革新)you can bring in current product?
The basic product life cycle goes like this: you introduce a product. If it’s halfway successful, it passes from introduction into a growth phase. Eventually it reaches maturity, which is then followed by a nearly unavoidable stage of decline. But not every drop in sales indicates the end of your product’s life cycle. If a downslide in sales occurs, treat it as a warning sign, not a death knell.
Never forget our first rule of marketing: People don’t buy products, they buy solutions to problems. If you can create a product offering that continually evolves(演化), solving customer needs as those needs evolve, you will have a successful long-term product strategy.
5. According to the general idea of a product is .
A. service B. concept C. offering D. support
6. Which of the following is NOT true about keeping our products alive.
A. Develop your products
B. Learn to introduce your product
C. Bring in something new
D. Provide some kind of solution
7. In the second cycle of product life, the selling of your product
A. is very poor B. increases quickly
C. reaches its top D. begins to fall
8. What’s the best title for this passage?
A. What Does a Product Mean?
B. What’s the First Rule of Marketing?
C. What’s the Product Life Cycle?
D. How to be a Good Marketer?
At 9:00 a.m., I was scheduled to talk at a local high school to students in a program designed to keep pregnant(怀孕的)teens and troubled kids in school. The school is highly guarded because most of the kids are troublemakers who become involved with the law. I found it very difficult to address this multi-cultural group and talk about things that could encourage them for the future. I wasn’t making any progress until I started talking about what I do so well, helping people with money.
I took out a stack of $2 bills and started giving them out. The kids began to wake up because it was free money. The only thing I asked them after they took the money was not to spend it on themselves. I told them that they each had children that are unborn and, maybe, if there is anything in this world that could help move them forward, it is the fact that someone cares enough to do this.
Some of them asked for my signature. I think I honestly touched some of them. I started exchanging the dollar bills for a copy of the book I had written. Finally I closed with telling them that no matter what happens, someone out there really cares about them and is pulling for their success.
This is not the end of story. When I left the classroom, I told them to call me if they ever han problems. I couldn’t promise that I could help, but I was willing to listen and try to do anything in the world.
Three days later, I received a letter from a girl who heard my talk, in which she wrote: The day before your talk, I had decided to take mine and my unborn child’s life because I really didn’t think anyone cared. When you told the story, it brought tears to my eyes---there are people like you that care about people like me. Thanks for caring.
9. It was difficult to address the students because .
A. they made trouble now and then
B. they were from different countries
C. they showed no interest in hi topic
D. the writer didn’t make any progress
10. The writer touched some of the kids by
A. showing his care and honesty
B. his kind heart and sympathy
C. offering them his signature
D. giving them money and books
11. The writer tried to make the students believe that .
A. he would always help them
B. there is true love in this world
C. money is not important
D. life is valuable
12. The writer of the passage is most probably a .
A. professional writer B. movie star
C. social benefactor D. government officer
Psychologists once believe that the motive that caused men to try to get high-level position was the “need for achievement”. But now they believe it is the “need for power”.
Power seekers strive hard to reach positions where they can exercise authority over large number of people. Individual performers who lack this drive are not likely to advance far up the ladder. They usually scorn company politics and devote their energies to other types of activities. The power game is part of management, and it is played best by those who enjoy it most.
One of the least rational(理智的)acts of business organizations is that of hiring managers who have ha high need to exercise authority, and then teaching them that authoritative methods are wrong and that they should be consultative and participative. It is a serious mistake to teach managers that they should adopt styles that don’t agree with their personalities. Yet this is exactly what a large number of business organizations are doing; and it explains, in part, why their management development programs are not effective.
What should be taught is how to exercise their authority in a way that is suitable for the situation and the people involved. They need to learn that the real source of their power is their own knowledge and skill, and the strength of their own personalities, not the authority given to them.
13. Power seekers try hard for power because .
A. they can not make any achievement
B. it can give them a lot of exercise
C. they play best in management
D. they can take control of others
14. The writer thinks it unwise for business organizations to .
A. hire managers who are too eager for power
B. train managers what they should do or not do
C. neglect those who lack the drive to get power
D. hire managers who can’t get on well with others
15. It is a waste of time to teach the hired manager what they should do because .
A. they are not learned enough to understand it
B. they show no interest in knowledge
C. what is taught is not at all practical
D. what is taught is against their personalities
16. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Motive for Power
B. The Training of Managers
C. The Exercise of Power
D. The Real Source of Power
For nearly 500 years ,people have been gazing at Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait of the Mona Lisa with a sense of puzzle. First she is smiling. Then the smile fades. A moment later the smile returns only to disappear again.
Now according to Dr Margaret Livingstone, a Harvard neuroscientist, it is because of how human visual system is designed, not because the expression is ambiguous(模棱两可的).
In staring at the picture, Dr Livingstone said she noticed a kind of flickering quality. “But it wasn’t until later when I was riding my bike home that realized what it was,” she said. “The smile came and went as a function of where my eyes were.”
The human eye has two different regions for seeing the world, Dr Livingstone said. A central area, called the fovea(视网膜中央凹), is where people see colors, read fine print, pick out details. The peripheral(外围的)area, surrounding the fovea, is where people see black and white, motion and shadows.
When people look at a face, their eyes spend most of the time focused on the other person’s eyes, thus when a person’s center of gaze is on Mona Lisa’s his less accurate peripheral vision is on her mouth. And because peripheral vision is not interested in detail, it readily picks up shadows from Mona Lisa’s cheekbones. These shadows suggest and increase the curving of a smile. But when the viewers’ eyes go directly to Mona Lisa’s mouth, his central vision does not see the shadows, she said, “You’ll never be able to catch her smile by looking at her mouth,” The flickering quality occurs as people move their eyes around Mona Lisa’s face.
17. We can learn that the flickering quality on the portrait depends on .
A. the expression on the face
B. the moving of our eyes on the face
C. Mona Lisa’s cheekbones
D. the curving of the smile
18. According to the passage when the portrait seems smiling it is because .
A. the portrait is flickering
B. our eyes are moving
C. our center of gaze is on her mouth
D. our peripheral vision picks up the shadows
19. When the smile fades, it is because .
A. our eyes go directly to her mouth
B. our central vision is on away from the eyes
C. the fovea picks out the details
D. the center of gaze is on her eyes
20. Which of the following plays the most important role about the smiling in Mona Lisa?
A. eyes B. mouth C. cheekbones D. nose
Ⅳ. 短文改错
The other day, the five of us called up the polices 1.
to get us to the examination site in the pre-National 2.
College Entrance Examination test on time. 3.
They had traveled to another city, that is, Dengfeng 4.
for a PE test of the National Examination. And 5.
we enjoyed ourselves in visiting parks and forget the 6.
exam time. While we suddenly remembered our task, 7.
there was only half of an hour left and we could 8.
find a taxi. One of us thought of calling 110 for police. 9.
To our surprise, they came in the minute and rushed 10.
us to the site just in time.
参加者 高中一、二年级学生
活动内容 1. 去博物馆看《人与自然》的展览。
2. 参观泉山植物园。
集合地点 学校大门前
集合时间 1. 4月25日上午乘校车前往。
2. 早上七点集合,七点二十分开车。
注意事项 1. 参观展看时保持安静;并认真记笔记,准备回来后讨论。
2. 在山顶野餐,要自带午餐和饮料。
3. 参观者在本周四前到学生会报名。
注意:1. 通知必须包括表内所列内容,可以适当调整内容的顺序和增加细节使其连贯完整。
2. 词数:100左右。
3. 通知时间:4月24日
4. 生词:植物园 the botanical garden; 报名 sign up for; 学生会 the Students’ Union
1. turned out 2. broke down 3. take advantage of 4. benefiting from
5. all the way 6. tell the difference 7. allowing for
8. broke out; broke away from 9. to have been treated 10. have come up with
1. Jack is working hard to make up for the lost time when he was in Senior 1 and 2 playing.
2. I have taken two bags here, one with some clothes and one with some books.
3. When the temperature is below freezing, water will freeze.
4. He showed two fingers to us, meaning that he had won the game.
5. We should allow for everything that may happen.
6. Smokers are surely aware of the dangers to their own health.
7. Our job got stuck because of the lack of time and money.
8. There is no point in discussing such simple problems at the critical moment.
9. It’s a fact that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.
10.Only by imagination and creativity can we make a difference.
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9.C 10. D
11. C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.D
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B
11. D 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. C
The other day, the five of us called up the polices 1. police
to get us to the examination site in the pre-National 2. for
College Entrance Examination test on time. 3. √
They had traveled to another city, that is, Dengfeng 4. We
for a PE test of the National Examination. And 5. But
we enjoyed ourselves in visiting parks and forget the 6. forgot
exam time. While we suddenly remembered our task, 7 . When
there was only half of an hour left and we could 8. of
∧find a taxi. One of us thought of calling 110 for police. 9. not
To our surprise, they came in the minute and rushed 10. a
us to the site just in time.
Ⅴ. One possible version:
The students of Senior Grade One and Grade Two will go out for a visit on April 25. We’ll first go
to the museum to see an exhibition of Man and Nature. When you’re in the exhibition hall you should keep quiet and make careful notes because we’re going to have a discussion after we come back. After that we plan to visit the botanical garden on the Quanshan Hill and have a picnic on the top of it. So please bring lunch and some drinking water with you.
Our school bus will take us there. The school bus will leave at 7:20. Please gather at our school gate at 7:00 am.
Those who want to take part in the activity should sign up for it at the Students’ Union before Thursday.
April 24 The Students’ Union




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