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名词性从句中的连接词有连词that / whether / as if,连接代词what / who/ which / whose / whatever / whoever / whomever / whichever,连接副词where / when / why / how / wherever / whenever。
That they are good at English is known to us all.
The problem is that we don’t have enough money.
She expressed the hope that they would come to China one day.
②宾语从句中的连接词that有时可省有时又不可省,在以下几种情况中that不能省略:(A)当that从句和主句谓语动词之间有插入词语或者从句主语之间有插入语时,that不可省略;(B)当that 从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,that不能省;(C)当that作介词宾语时,that不可省掉。如:
He judged that,because he was a child, he did not understand
Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried.
The reason lies in that she works harder than the others do.
③that从句作主语和宾语时,可以用it 来替换成以下几种结构表达。
(A)It is clear/certain/likely/true/surprising that… (B)It is a pity/shame/good idea/no wonder that ...(C)It is said/reported/ believed/known/thought/suggested that … (D)It seems/happens that。如:
It happened that I went out last night.
It is said that China will win in the World Cup.
that 引导名词性从句时,在主从句中不以当任何句子成分,也没有任何含义;而what引导名词性从句时,在主从句中都要充当一定的句子成分,what可以分解成定语从句中的先行词 + 关系代词即常说的先行词 + that。如:
It’s shame that he has made such a mistake. Do what he says.
They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.(同位语从句)
The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit China again.(定语从句)
It all depends on whether they will come back.
②后面直接跟or not 时用whether。如:
I didn’t know whether or not he had arrived in Wuhan.
Whether the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.
The question is whether they have so much money.
We ought to discuss carefully the question whether we can do
it or not.
The question of whether they are male or female is not impor-
I have not decided whether to go or not.
Thank you, but whether I’ll be free I’m not sure at the moment.
Whether he comes or not, we will begin our party on time.
(3)疑问词 + ever和no matter + 疑问词的区别。
①疑问词 + ever可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的部分。如:
Whoever breaks the rule must be punished.
You can choose whatever you like in the shop.
②疑问词 + ever还可引导让步状语从句。如:
Whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished,
Whatever you do, you must do it well.
③no matter + 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。如:
No matter what you do, you must do it well.
No matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished.
when 和where前面的名词若是表示时间、地点的名词,则when和where引导的是定语从句,否则则为同位语从句。如:
They put forward the question where they could get the money.
This is the place where the accident happened.
Hello,I didn’t know you were in London. How long have you been here?
The teacher told us that light travels at a very high speed.
(2)主语从句作主语相当于单数第三人称作主语,谓语动词用单数,如果由and 连接两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用复数;由两个或多个连接词引导一个主语从句,谓语动词用单数。如:
When the meeting will begin has not been decided yet.
When they will start and where they go have not been decided yet.
When and where the meeting will begin has not been decided.
He asked me what was the matter with me.
We’ve heard the news that we’ll move into the new house.
Whatever you say will interest us all.
1. A computer can only do ________ you have instructed it to do.(NMET 2001)
A.how B.after C.what D.when
2. —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week..
—Is that _________ you had a few days off ? (NMET 99)
A.why B.when C.what D.where
3. I hate __________ when peope talk with their mouths full.(NMET 98)
A.it B.that C.these D.them
l._ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing makes the nation very excited.
A.Whenever B.If C.Whether D.That
2.The headmaster made a suggestion that the sports meet until next Sunday.
A.Will be put off B.will put off C.put off D.be put off
3. is a fact that English people and American people share a lot of customs.
A.There B.This C.That D.that
4.Dr Black comes from either 0xford of Cambridge,I can’t remember .
A.where B.there C.which D.that
5. he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.
A.What B.That C.The fact D.The matter
6.I remember this used to be a quiet village.
A.when B.how C.where D.what
7.Can you tell me the railway station?
A.how I can get to B.how can I get to
C.where I can get to D.where can I get to
8.We all took for granted that he would agree with us.
A.it B.him C.that D.what
9.It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey.
A.while B.that C.if D.for
10. leaves the room last ought to turn off the 1ights.
A.Anyone B.The person C.Whoever D.Who
11. they are most interested in is they can produce more and better cars.
A.That;how B.What;how C.What;that D.That;that
12.The reason she gave for not being present was the heavy snow prevented her coming.
A.why;because B.why;whether C.that;that D.how;that
l3. I have will be yours sooner or later.
A.No matter what B.No matter how C.Whatever D.However
14.Word came I was wanted at the office.
A.which B.why C.that D.whether
15.The town is no longer it was ten years ago.
A.which B.that C.what D.when
16.It is generally considered unwise to give a child be or she wants.
A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever
17.Please tell me you would like to have your coffee—black or white?
A.what B.where C.when D.how
18.—Do you remember be came?
—Yes,I do.He came by car.
A.how B.when C.that D.if
l9. we can’t get seems better that we have.
A.What;what B.What:that C.That;that D.That:what
20.—I drove to Zhuhai for the Air Show last week.
—Is that you had a few days off?
A.why B.when C.what D.where
21.You can take measures you think good to deal with the problems.
A.whatever B.however C.whichever D.those
22.— has made our city Dalian she is taday?
—It is the Party’s policy that has made it take on a new look.
A.What;that B.That;what C.there;so D.That;that
23.It was at the very beginning Mr White made
the decision we should send more firefighters there.
A.that:that B.when;which C.there;what D.where;what
24.It was he worked out the maths problem that we wanted to know.
A.what B.how C.that D.which
25.There will be a special price for buys things in large numbers here.
A.who B.whom C.whoever D.whomever
26.—I rang you about ten,but there was no reply.
—0h,that was probably I was seeing the doctor.
A.when B.why C.what D.that
27.Maria has to baby-sit.That’s she can’t come out with us.
A.how B.why C .when D.what
28. surprised me most was they had finished the work so quickly.
A.What:what B.That;that C.What:that D.That;what
29.You can’t imagine when they received these nice Christmas presents.
A.how they were excited B.how excited they were
C.how excited were they D.they were how excited
1-5 DDDCA 6-10 CAABC 11-15 BCCCC 16-20 BDAAA 21-25 ACABC 26-29 ABCB




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