Unit 25

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1.send out发出,派遣
send up发射,把……送上去
send for派人去叫/喊
2.ring sb up打电话给某人
call sb up
telephone sb
give sb a phone call(ring)
ring/call back回电话
3.hold on比较wait a minute
4.answer (the phone/the letter/the door…)
比较:reply to
1.Where is Mike now?
A.In Chicago.B.Back home.C.In New York.
2.Why doesn't the man want to tell Jane that he likes her?
A.Because Jane may say "no".
B.Because Jane doesn't know him.
C.Because he wants to keep it a secret.
3.What does the woman mean?
A.Philip has to come to class.
B.Philip shouldn't hate any lessons.
C.The man should do something to Philip.
4.When will the man return the book?
A.Now.B.Tomorrow.C.Three days later.
5.Why doesn't the man like the caps the woman shows him?
A.Because they are red.
B.Because they are new.
C.Because they are expensive.
6.Where was the man when Mr Brown came?
A.At home.B.In his office.C.In a restaurant.
7.What did the man do before he left?
A.He left a card with the woman.
B.He told the woman about Mr Brown.
C.Both of the above.
8.Why didn't the woman phone the man?
A.She forgot what the man told him.
B.She didn't know Mr Brown had important information.
C.She didn't have the name and the number of the restaurant.
9.What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?
A.Husband and wife.B.Boss and secretary.C.Guest and hotel worker.
10.Why is the woman driving so slowly?
A.She doesn't want to have any accident.
B.A police car is following them at the moment.
C.Both of the above.
11.-I think Carrie is at home.
-No.She be at home,for she phoned me from her sister's just a minute ago.
A.mustn'tB.can'tC.must beD.can be
12.I got to him and he said he had got the examination.
13.Not having a good excuse for being late for school,Sally .
A.made one upB.made it upC.took one upD.took it up
14.This happened the morning of the second day of the meeting.
15.Would you like a message my brother?
A.take…to B.have…to
C.to take…for D.to have…for
16.Tom did more work,but he said he wasnt' tried.
A.a little…a bit B.little…a bit
C.bit…a little D.a bit…a little
17.The trees--new leaves in spring.
A.send outB.send offC.give outD.give off
18.It took people to finish the work.
A.six years B.four years
C.ten years D.more than one hundred years
19.-Hello,may I speak to Kate,please?
- please,I will go to look for her at once.
A.Hold on a minute B.I'm sorry
C.Don't wait D.This is Kate speaking
20.I have not had dinner,but I haven't decided whether to go to the dinner.
A.yet…yet B.still…still
C.yet…still D.still…yet
21.-Hello.May I speak to John?
-Yes. .
A.John speaking B.I'm John
C.My name is John D.John is me
22.Hello,is that 05377328876?Please me the president.
A.get…through B.hold…on to
C.put…through to D.call…over
23.-I rang you up yesterday.A fellow answered,but I didn't recognize the voice.
-Oh,it my uncle,John.
A.may be B.must have been
C.can have been D.can't be
24.Miss Liu didn't the invitation,for she didn't want to it.
A.answer;receive B.reply to;accept
C.reply at;receive D.answer to;accent
25. he a cold?He looks fine.
A.could;catch B.Must;have caught
C.May;have caught D.Can;have caught
26.-Hello!May I speak to Mary?
- Would you please call back later?
A.Who are you? B.Sorry,she is out.
C.Thank you very much. D.Yes,here you are.
27.-Hello,May I speak to Ann?
A.This is Ann speaking. B.I'm Ann.
C.I'm Ann.Who are you? D.I'm no Ann.
28.-This is John speaking.Who is that?
A.This is bill. B.I am Bill. C.You are Bill. D.Where is Bill?
29.-Could I speak to the headmaster?
- please.
A.Hold on for a moment. B.Speak loudly.
C.He is at work. D.What's wrong?
30."Hell,5847552.""Hi! "
A.Are you Linda? B.Who are you?
C.I am David. D.Is that Linda speaking?
Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends,Lan and Betty.It was a dark,31night,and they didn't know the road
very well.They 32through Cookstown,until they found33they thought was the road to Dorling,where Lan and Betty 34.But it soon became35that they were not on t
he road to Dorling at all.The road that they were on was getting 36,and there were no other 37on it.The wind was 38harder with every minute that passed.
Now they went past a small church,and then two houses without39on.There was nobody to find who could tell them40they were.Just then Ben caught sight of a telephone 41,50 metres o
r so ahead.They planned to telephone Lan and Betty for 42,so they moved a little bit and 43 their car in front of it.Ben got out of the car and was trying hard to 44 the door of the b
ox when Susan saw a 45 making a telephone call in the box.They had to 46 for quite a long time in the freezing wind47 the door opened,and 48 came the woman.It was
49 else but Betty,one of the friends that they had been 50 for.
31.A.sunny B.fine C.windy D.snowing
32.A.looked B.walked C.came D.drove
33.A.how B.which C.where D.that
34.A.lived B.worked C.stayed D.studied
35.A.sorry B.clean C.clear D.known
36.A.longer B.shorter C.wider D.narrower
37.A.buses B.trucks C.houses D.people
38.A.blowing B.becoming C.growing D.getting
39.A.phones B.lights C.radio D.windows
40.A.what B.which C.where D.that
41.A.box B.card C.call D.message
42.A.ideas B.advice C.a map D.help
43.A.slowed B.waited C.started D.stopped
44.A.break B.find C.open D.knock
45.A.boy B.man C.friend D.woman
46.A.keep B.stay C.sit D.wait
47.A.as B.after C.until D.when
48.A.up B.out C.down D.in
49.A.no one B.anyone C.someone D.everyone
50.A.sending B.waiting C.looking D.asking
(A)The Suez Canal
In 1869,a special waterway was completed.This new waterway connects the Mediterr
anean Sea and the Gulf(湾)of Suez,which is part of the Red Sea.This canal,which lies in a desert area in northeastern Egypt,is called the Suez Canal.
The Suez Canal runs for about 173 kilometres from port of Suez,on the Gulf of Suez,to Port Said on the Mediterrnaean Sea.Some parts of the canal are very narrow(狭窄的),so two ships cannot pass there at the same time.One ship must wait in a
special place or in one of the lakes until the canal is passable again.
A French engineer,Ferdinand de Lessep,was the director of the construction(建设) of the Suez Canal.The works had been expected to be completed within 6 years.Be
cause of the bad weather,illness and lack(缺少)of labour power(劳动),actually la
sted 4 more years.In honour of the completion of the Suez Canal,a famous Italia
n musician had famous operas (歌剧)written.
The Suez Canal greatly shortens the shipping distance from Asia to western Europ
e.But before 1956,this Canal didn't benefit(有益于),people on it,for it was unde
r the control(控制)of an international company.There was an agreeinent the declared(宣布)that the ships of all nations could us
e the Suez Canal in peacetime and wartine.However,in 1956 there was a big confrontation(对抗) among four countries.The French,British,and Israelites(以色列人)d
id not allow the Egyptians to exercise sovereignty(主权) to the canal.Then a war
broke out and the Canal was closed.With the help of the United Nations,the Egyptians achieved(达到) the aim,and the Suez Canal was reopened the next year.
51.The Suez Canal .
A.is in Africa B.runs through northwestern Egypt
C.lies in Asia D.connects Asia and Africa
52.The construction of the canal probably began in .
A.1869 B.1875 C.1859 D.1863
53.We can infer(推断)that the Suez Canal is now managed by .
A.FranceB.EgyptC.IsraelD.the United Nations
54.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage? .
A.An international company had run the Suez Canal for nearly a century
B.Not all the parts of the canal are wide enough for two ships to pass through
at the same time
C.There was an international agreement that declared ships of any country could
use the canal at any time
An old lady came to bank and saw a car near
the door.A man got out off it and went into 1.
the bank.She found the keys was in the lock by 2.
chance.She took out the keys and following the man 3.
into the bank.The man took a gun out of his pockets 4.
and said to the clerk,"Give me all the money!" 5.
And the old lady did not see this.She went 6.
to the man,put the keys in hand and said 7.
"Young man,you are stupid!Never to leave keys 8.
in your car,-Someone will steal it."The man 9.
looked at her for few seconds then looked at the 10.
clerk.Taking his keys,he ran away as fast as he could without any money.
一、听力:1-5 C C C B A 6-10 C B C B C
二、单项选择:11-15 B B A D A 16-20 A A C A D
21-25 A C B B D 26-30 B A A A D
三、完形填空:31-35 C D B A C 36-40 D D A B C
41-45 A D D C D 46-50 D C B A C
四、阅读: 51-55 C C B D D
五、改错:56.off-of 57.was-were 58.followed 59.pockets 60.√
61.but 62.this 63.删to 64.them 65.∧a
Xiao Ming is trying to learn the trick of cutitng a brick in two with his palm. One day,he found a pile of bricks in the courtyard. He was about to raise his hand when he heard a shout behind his back. He turned round and saw it was his neighbour, Grandpa Wang. "Don't do that, Xiao Ming," he shouted. With these words, Grandpa Wang dragged Xiao Ming to his own home, where he saw his friend Xiao Ling with his right hand bandaged. Xiao Ming was told that Xiao Ling had tried to cut a brick with his palm and badly hurt himself.
(105 words)




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