
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1. act as“扮演,充当;起……作用”(后接人/物。接人时,常省冠词,但名词前有形容词,则要冠词):He acts as manager in a company. Bonus acts as a stimulus to commerce.资金在商业中起着促进作用。 He acted as an excellent interpreter in the negotiation. act in“演出;在……中扮演角色”: In less than three months, Chaplin acted in 11films. He acted/played (the part of) general in a play.
2. add… to…“把……加到……上;把A与B相加;给……添加……”:He added the wood to the fire. Five added
to four makes nine. add to“增加,扩建”:This adds considerably to our difficulties.这一点在很大程度上增加了我们的困难。 add… up to“把从A到B中的所有数加起来”:1 added up to 100 makes 5050. add up to(=come to=total to= total up to)“总计;总括起来意味着”: The cost added up to 100 dollars. The evidence all adds up to a case of murder.所有的证据都说明这是一谋杀案。 add in“算入; 包括”:If you go on a picnic on the coming weekend, don’t forget to add me in. added to:对比:The wood added to a fire will soon disappear. The woods added to the beauty of our garden.
3. address … to…“把……寄给……;向……呈递”:He just addressed a letter to his friend. address sb“向……讲话;写信给……”: He addressed the newspaper editor.他给报社编辑写了信。 He addressed the audience in an eloquent speech. 他向听众发表了雄辩的演说。 address a talk to sb “向……讲话”:He addressed a talk to young people.
4. argue about; argue over “为……争吵/争论”(about为介词,over为副词):I don’t want to argue about it any more. They argued the matter over for hours. (argue with sb)(同quarrel)
5. admire sb for sth“因……而钦佩某人”:I admire him for his bravery. He is admired for his capacity for work. ( thank; excuse ; praise; blame; respect; forgive; apologize to sb for等词也用同样的搭配) admire at“对……感到羡慕/惊奇”:We all admired at his sudden success.
6. advise doing sth/ sb to do sth“建议……做某事”( allow; permit; forbid; consider; feel; understand; can’t bear/stand等结构相同) (如它们自身为被动形式则后面只能接to do):They strongly advised him to accept the offer. I advised people not to have hamburg. People are advised not to have hamburg. The doctor advised having the medicine twice a day. advise sb about/on sth“在……给某人提建议”: He advised me about the methods of how to learn English well. advise sb on sth/ how to do sth“在……给某人提建议” advise sb of sth “把……报告/通知某人”(ask; rob; remind; warn; inform等有相同搭配):He advised the police of the accident in the Third Avenue. advise (sb) that he (should) do sth (其后的从句谓语要用(should)+动词原形)( order; suggest; move; demand; command; request; require; ask; decide; plan; take it for granted; in case; for fear; lest等有类似的虚拟语气用法):He advised that we have a rest during the work. advise with sb. on/about sth.“同某人商量某事, 就某事请教某人”:We often advise with Tom on our study plans. (另:give advice提出忠告take/follow one's advice 接受忠告That's my advice to you. 这就是我给你出的主意。On his advice I am staying in bed.听他的劝告,我卧床休息。make/offer a suggestion提出建议)
7. agree on/ upon sth“(双方)在……上取得一致意见;通过(法律等)”: They agreed on a date for the next meeting. The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month. agree with sth“同意、赞成、赞同(某人或某人的话/意见/观点/见解/解释等); 与……一致; 适合”:I quite agree with you/ what you have said/ your ideas/ view. I don’t agree with your opinion. The verb doesn’t agree with the subject in number and person. The liquor did not agree with me. 这酒不适合我喝。 agree to sth“同意某人的建议/计划/安排/办法/意见”: The committee has agreed to your proposal. The terms have now been agreed to.那些条件已被接受。 agree to do sth (有时=agree on/upon doing sth)“同意/答应做某事”:They agreed to put off the ball games. We agreed how to try it.我们就怎样试行取得了一致的意见。 He agreed on taking the first bus. agree that“同意,答应”
8. ask for“要求,请求,找人”:They asked for a job. He sent us his book and asked for our criticism. Someone is asking for you.有人在找你。(另:ask for trouble自寻烦恼;自找麻烦; look for sb“找人”指寻找/寻觅某人,而ask for sb为“要见/想见某人”) ask sb for the answer;“找某人要答案”; ask (sb) for help“(向……)求助”; ask sb for sth“向某人要……”(=ask sth of sb):He often asked them for criticism. look for sb; ask for trouble; ask sb to do sth“要某人做……”:Don’t ask me to leave my job.(另:ask after“问候(身体健康)/探问有关某的情况”:He often asks after you.); ask leave“请假”; ask (sb) for 3 days’ leave“(向……)请三天假”;
9. attract/engage/ draw/ catch/ invite/call (one’s) attention (to/on)“吸引(某人的)注意”:The subject has lately attracted great attention. Her attention was attracted by a nice dress. (另:with attention留心地, 注意地;give/ devote (one's)attention to注意; 关心;pay attention to注意, 重视, 倾听; stand at attention【军】采取立正姿式; bring sth. to sb.'s attention使某人注意某事;Please give it your attention. 请对此多加关注;(May I) attention please, fellows!伙计们,请注意! Your suggestion has come to our attention.我们已经考虑了你的建议。)
10. be able to“能,会”:He is able to swim. (表示“经过努力达到目的”时不能用can)(表示将来的能力一般用shall/ will be able to) can(主语为物时或表示“许可、可能、可以”或请求/客观可能性时不能用be able to)对比:He tried hard and was able to swim across the river. John will be able to finish the work tomorrow. The machine can produce delicious bread. Could you please tell me the way to the station? Anybody can make mistakes.
11. be about to do“马上;就要;即将”(不表示按计划安排,不与表示将来的时间状语连用):He was about to leave when it began to rain. The meeting is about to start. be to do“打算;必须;得;应该;可以;能”(主要相当于must, should) (①表示按计划安排要发生或打算要做的事:They are to leave Guilin for Nanning tomorrow. ②表示要求、命令、禁止、注定等意思:You are to do your homework in ink. You are not to speak in the reading-room. He was never to see his mother again. ③后接不定式的被动式,相当于can, may, should, must:He is often to be found in the library. The traffic regulations are to be observed.) be going to do“打算/准备做某事;按计划安排要发生的事;有迹象表明即将发生的事”:I’m not going to argue with you tonight.今天晚上我不打算和你争论。I think it’s going to rain. How long is he going to stay here? What are you going to do this afternoon? be doing(表示运动或瞬间的动词常用此形式表示将来):When are you leaving for Beijing? will do (①事先没有安排打算的事:You will regret this. ②含有时间、条件、方式或让步状语从句的主句中要用此形式表示将来:When he comes here, I will/ shall let you know. Come what may, I will support you. ③作情态动词用,表示“愿意、决心”或表示一种规律或趋式:If you will listen to me, I am sure to give your more advice. Whenever it rains, he will stay at home.) does/do(①表示日历或时刻表上的将来动作或不会变更的计划常用现在时表示将来:This train leaves at 7. ②在时间、条件、方式及让步状语从句中常用一般现在时表示将来:Unless you study harder, you won’t pass the coming examinations.
12. be active in“在……方面积极”:He is active in classroom activities. China has also been very active in protecting the environment. (注:take an active part in积极参加)
13. be after“寻找,寻求;追捕,搜寻”:I know what you are after. We are not after anything.我们并追求什么。 The policeman is after the criminal. (另:run after追捕, 追求, 跟踪;go after追逐, 追求; name after按...命名;call after追喊, 以...命名;ask after探问,问候(身体健康)/探问有关某的情况;see after照顾,负责处理; look after目送, 寻求, 照顾, 关心)
14. be afraid of sth/ doing sth; be afraid to do sth “害怕,不敢,恐怕”(of doing/sth怕这一件事;to do怕这一事所产生的后果:He is not afraid of difficulties. He is afraid of lagging behind politically. She was afraid of being scolded by her mother. I’m afraid to tell her about the bad news. He is afraid to go out at night for he is afraid of being robbed.) be afraid (that)(与第一人称连用,往往表示不愿意或歉意,“恐怕、遗憾”:I’m afraid (that) I can’t go. ——Would you like a swim? ——I’m afraid I didn’t bring a swimming suit. Tom was afraid that he would be later again.)
15. be against“反对;违反;不利于”:Lincoln was against slavery. This is what we are firmly against. It is against law. Almost everything was against him. (反义:be for“赞成;主张”:Of five people, two were against the plan, while three were for it.) (另:go against反对, 违反, 不利于;go for去找, 努力获取, 被认为, 主张, 拥护;fight against, play against; against the wind;against the wall/ the wind; 但with the wind)
16. be/get angry with/ at/ about(接人常用with,有时用at;接物常用about,有时用at) be/ get cross(cross作形容词时指“脾气暴躁的;生气的”,如:Why are you cross with me?)
17. be anxious about for/ about(为……而忧愁/着急) be eager for(渴望)对比:We have been anxious about you. He is anxious about/for her safety. We are eager for his return. He is eager to join the League.
18. be bent“弯曲;变弯曲”: The stick is slightly bent. be bent on“一心想做某事”: He is fully bent on the project. My father is bent on buying a new car.
19. be busy doing sth; be busy with sth; be kept busy doing sth/ with sth“(使)忙于做某事”:He is busy doing his homework. They were busy (in) fighting drought. He is busy with/ about/ over / at his work. What have you been busy with/ about? He is busy in study. He has been kept busy writing his paper.
20. be born in/on/ at/ of/ to; be borne by; “生于”(毫无疑问只能用过去时) (be born of为“出生于……家庭”: He was born of a peasant family; be born to为“是谁所生、生而处于”:Two children were born to them; She was born to/ in the purple“她出身显贵。”; be borne by“生母是谁”: He was borne by an American mother) 21. be caught in the rain/ in a snowstorm/ a heavy downpour“遭遇雨/暴风雪/大雨”(类似:be trapped/ lost/ hurt/ bent/ devoted/ determined/ wounded/ interested等)
22. be careful doing/ to do/ of/ with/ in/ about; “小心,介意,注意”:You should be careful crossing the street. He was careful to adjust the machine. Be careful what you do/ where you / go/ how you do it. We have to be careful of/ about our health. He is very careful with his work. be not careful to do; be careful not to do;
23. be content to do sth; be content with sth“满足于”:He is content to live in a small house alone. We should not be content with such a small success.
24. be cross at sth; be cross with/ at sb“因……而生气”(类似:be/ get angry with/ about/ at)
25. be different from“与……不同/不一样”; tell the difference between; tell A from B“说出……的区别”; what’s the difference between… and…;“A与B的区别是什么”
25. be determined to do sth./ that-clause(状态,“下定决心,有决心”:For a long time he was/ has been determined to work in the countryside.); determine to do(动作,“下决心”)
27. be eager to do sth/about sth/ for sth/ that-clause“渴望,急切于”(从句中用(should)+动词原形):I am eager that you (should) arrive there before ten.
28. be familiar with“熟悉”(主语为人):I am not familiar with European history. be familiar to“熟悉”(主语为物):This song is not familiar to me.
30. be fond of; become/ get fond of“喜欢,爱好”(be fond of不用于否定句,否定改为like等:The dancer doesn’t like icecream.)
29. be famous for; be famous as; be known for/ as; be noted for/as; be popular with/among; be well-received by“因……而出名”“在……中出名”“受……欢迎”(注意介词用法)
31. be free from/ of“无……的;摆脱了……的”:This city is free from/ of thieves. They like to live in a village, free of crowds and noise. be free with“滥用……的,慷慨地给予……的”:He is free with his money. be free to do sth“自由/随意做……”:He was free to choose his own course. You’re free to leave at any time. for free“]免费地, 无偿地” set sb free“释放某人”
32. be full of; be filled with“充满”; fill A with B“把……装进……”:He then filled a cup with some of petrol.
33. be good at“擅长,在……方面做得好”(有时用in):She is good at singing and dancing. be good for“对……有益”:Taking a walk after supper is good for our health. be good to“对……好/善良”:He is good to me. It’s good of/for sb to do sth“某人做……是很好的”:It is good of you to help me.
34. be happy about/ at sth“因……而高兴”:He is happy about his promotion. She was happy at the news.
35. be held prisoner(s)(前无冠词); be made/ taken prisoner(s)“被(当作囚犯)关押”
36. be late for“迟于规定做……的时间,赶不上做……”= come late to:He was late for our appointment . be late with“准备迟了”:Mother was late with the dinner so we were late for the film.
37. be in for“参加某活动;肯定会经历,注定要遭受”:Are you in for the competition? The day was really hot, obviously we were in for an uncomfortable day. She is in for a second disaster. (后两句可用be to do) 38. be honoured with the title of…/ in a number of ways/ as a hero“被授予……荣誉;受到……尊敬”:He was honored with the title of “Advanced Worker”. in honor of“向...表示敬意, 为祝贺...” in memory of纪念, 追念
39. be interested in“对……感兴趣” take/ have/ show (an) interest in; lose interest in; find interest in;
40. be known as; be known for; be known to“因……而出名”
41. sb/ sth is likely to do; it is likely/ possible/ probable that“有可能做……”(作为副词用时, likely前通常会有修饰性的词,如 very或 quite:He will quite likely require some help with his classes. They'll likely buy a new car this year.) as likely as not (=most [very] likely)“可能, 多半, 说不定” likely 系常用词, 指“从表面迹象来看很有可能”, 如:The likely out come of the contest varies from moment to moment.比赛结果可能每分钟都在变化。possible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到”, 强调“客观上有可能”, 但常含有“实际希望很小”的意思, 如:It is possible to go to the moon now.现在有可能登上月球。probable 语气比 possible 强, 指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物, 带有‘大概’、‘很可能’”的意思, 如:l don't think the story is probable.
我觉得那故事不大可能。 且Likely常用to do句型,而possible及probable用that句型。
42. be/ got lost (in)“迷路;消失;丢失”:The boy ran out of the house and was lost in the dark. be lost in“全神贯注于; 沉湎于; 不胜...之至”; be lost on[upon]“对...不起作用, 不能引起...的注意”; be lost to“不再属于...所有; 对...无动于衷”
43. be of great value“很值钱”/ great help“很有帮助”/ an age“同年”/ age“成年”/ brick“用砖做的”/ three types“有三种式样”(be of“具有;属于”)
44. be made of/from/in /by/into/out of/up of; make sth from/ with/ out of; make sth of sb; consist of=be composed of; 44. be marked with“标一个……记号” / in“用什么工具来标记号”:Each stone was marked with a number. The language points are marked in red pencil.
46. be on“上演,演出” “(灯)亮着”:I s there anything good on? What’s on tonight? The light/ gas is still on. The strike was on. be on sale在售/ holiday在度假/ tour在旅行/ trial在受审/ the paper在报社工作(on加名词常表示“处于……状态,在从事”)
47. be pleased at/ about/with sth; be pleased with sb
48. be proud of; take/ have (a) pride in;
49. be/ get ready for; be ready to do sth
50. be related to“与……有关;跟……有亲戚关系”;=be connected with= have something to do with; relate to“有关;涉及;向某人陈述……;与……相处好”:He related to us the whole story. She doesn’t relate well to her mother.
48. be proud of; take/ have (a) pride in; “为……感到自豪/骄傲”
49. be/ get ready for; “为……做好准备” be ready to do sth “准备好做……;乐于做……”
50. be related to“与……有关;跟……有亲戚关系”;=be connected with= have something to do with; relate to“有关;涉及;向某人陈述……;与……相处好”:He related to us the whole story. She doesn’t relate well to her mother. 51. be respected as; “被当作……尊敬”
52. be rich/ high in;“盛产;含有丰富的;充满……的” be poor in; “在……方面差;缺乏”be low in;“缺乏” 53. be seated; sit; seat oneself“坐着;坐下”(表示状态) sit down“坐下”(表示动作)
54. be set in;“以……为背景,……发生在” set in“到来,开始, (疾病等)发生”
55. be so kind as/ kind enough to do“请……,劳驾……”
56. be supposed to do; be expected to do;“期望;认为必须/应该;认为……必要”
57. be sure;“确信;肯定;必定”be sure about/ of sth; “确信,自信” be sure of doing sth;“确信;自信” be sure to do sth;“肯定,必定”(用于祈使句,表“务必”) be sure (that); “认为……一定会”(不可用It is sure that句型,而用It is certain that) be certain;(含义与sure同)(作定语时,sure为“值得信赖的”,certain为“某一/些”) make sure“确定,确信,证实,弄清楚,查明,打听,询问”(后不接that从句,而接whether/if从句)
58. be tired of;=be fed up with=be sick of“厌烦,厌倦” be/get tired from/ with;“因……而疲倦” be tired out;=be worn out=give out=get/be exhausted“精疲力竭”
59. be uncertain about/ of; “对……不肯定;无把握”
60. be used to do;“被用来做……”(或用be used for (doing) sth) be/get used to (doing) sth;“习惯于;养成……习惯”used to do;(作谓语,“过去做[而现在不做了],此时would只表反复性、主观性; 作其它成分,“被用来”) used to (doing) sth;(不做谓语,“习惯于” (be) used for; “被用来做……”
61. be worth doing/ sth; be worthy to be done; be worthy of being done; be worthy of sth; deserve to be done; deserve doing; It is worthy doing/(for sb) to do sth; ten dollars' worth of natural gas; wanted their money's worth; a person of great worth. (注:状语用well, quite等,不用very, very much等,定语用great/ little/ much/ actual等,不可用very)
63. because of; because; due to; owing to; thanks to; on account of; as a result of; “因为”(注意介词与连词的区别)
62. beat… to death;“把……死;打得致死” be kicked/ crushed/ burned/ frightened to death;“被踢/压/烧/吓死” put … to death;“杀死,处死” sentence … to death“判……死刑”
64. become/be experienced in/ at;“在……方面有经验”(作“经历,阅历”为可数名词,作“经验,体会”为不可数名词,另:through/ by experience“凭经验”)
65. become of “遭遇,使发生”(eg. What will become of the child if his father dies? Whatever has become of my umbrella? I can’t find it anywhere.)
66. beg one’s pardon; excuse me; I’m sorry“对不起,请原谅”(pardon为“没听清请重复;无意碰撞而道歉”excuse“打扰某人而用的开场语”sorry为做了错事而道歉)
67. begin/ start with;“以……开始,以……为起点” to begin/ start with;“(作状语用)首先”= first of all
68. believe in;“信任;信赖;主张;觉得”(He believes in keeping early hours他主张早睡早起) believe;(后接sb时表“相信某人的话”;后接sth或从句时表“认为”I believe his answer is right.) trust“信任, 信赖, 盼望, 希望, 赊卖, 热望, 切望”trust in “信任, 信赖”
69. belong to(无被动无进行)“属于;是……的成员”(后不可接“谁的”)
70. blow away;“吹走,刮走”(away为副词) blow over/ down;“(风暴等)过去/散掉;把……刮倒”(The dark clouds will soon blow over乌云不久就会散去)
71. build up;“建立,设立,加强;增强(体质等)” build“修建,建立”(常和house, road, bridge,hope, socialism等词连用;build up含有“逐步建立,逐步建设,创建”之意,有时两者可换用:They have build/ build up the industry of their own.)
72. break away (from);“(与……)脱离,离开” break down ( break down into);“损坏,垮掉,失败;分解,分成(若干部分)”(作不及物时,表示“[机器等]损坏,[身体]垮掉,[计划等]失败”,作及物时,表“分解,分成[若干部分])(bring [sth] into…“[把……]分解成……”) break up (break up into);①“分解”(down为向下,up为向四周或向上)②“结束,散会,打碎,破碎” break into;“破门而入,闯入,突然开始”(后者=burst into, burst out) (后不接宾语时用break in(burst in)) break off;“打断,折断,突然停止” break out( burst out; burst into);“爆发,发生”(为不及物) break/violate the law (keep/ obey the law);“违反” break the rule(s) (keep/obey the rule); break with“与...绝交, 结束”; break through.“突围, 突破”;
73. burn down;“把……烧成平地,烧光” burn out;“烧完,烧坏,熄灭” burn up;“烧掉/毁;消耗”burn to the ground; “烧成平地”
74. bring about ( cause; lead to);“引起,造成,带来……后果” bring along; bring around.使信服, 使复苏;(take along) bring back (remind sb of=bring back sth to one’s mind); “带回来,使回忆”bring down (go down);“使倒/落下,推翻,使下降” bring forward“提出, 提前, 显示”; bring to“使恢复知觉”; bring in (introduce; get in; gather); “带进,引入,挣得,得到,加进,插进来,收(庄稼)”bring… into…;“使处于……状态,使卷入”( The two countries were brought into war.) bring on; “使发生,引起,使发展,使前进” bring out; (come out; publish); “拿出,取出,使显出,使表现清楚,出版,推出[作品])(The meaning of this word is brought out very clearly in the next paragraph.)bring … to an end/ a close (come to an end/ a close); “使……结束,使……停止”bring (…) to light (uncover);“揭露,暴露,揭示,使了解到” bring through.”救活”; bring up (raise);“提起;提出,抚养,培养;呕/咳出;使突然停止,急停”(He brought the car up short when the light changed to red.) bring with= carry/take… about/ with “随身带”(have … about/ on/ with“身边有,手头有”); bring sth into being.使形成;bring sb under镇压; bring together使集合;(gather, get together)
75. carve into; (divide into) “把……雕成,把……划分为”
76. burst into laughter/ laughing突然哈哈大笑,捧腹大笑/ tears大哭/ applause爆发出一片掌声/ cheers发出欢呼声/ flames突然起火/ fame突然出名/ a storm of abuse破口大骂; burst out;(后接to do)
77. call at; “访问某地,(车、船)停靠”call by顺道访问; call on/ upon;“访问/探望某人” call on sb to do sth; “呼吁某人做”call in;“到某地访问”“请某人来,叫进来/去;命令收回/撤回”:The librarian called in all the books. ( visit; pay a visit to; pay/make a call to; drop in on/at; look in on/at; drop by; & send for); call away;“把……叫到别处去,请去(出诊)” call back;“把……叫回来,回电话”( ring back; phone back); call for;“要求,需要;到某地约某人;去取/拿” (pick up) call forth“产生,引起,使起作用” (cause; effect; bring about; lead to); call off;“喊走,叫……走开,取消” call out; “叫喊,大声说出,召唤/命令……行动”call up (ring up; phone; make sb a call/phone); “给某人打电话”
78. carry away; (smooth away;)“拿走,搬走,抢走,冲走” carry forward;“推进,使前进,发扬” carry off; “夺走,抢走,获得(锦标)”;carry on (有时接with);“进行,继续进行” carry out; “开展,执行,实现”carry… out of;“把……抬出去” carry through; “进行到底,完成” carry sth. through to the end把某事做到底; carry sth about随身携带; carry sb in one’s arm;“抱着某人” carry sth too far;(做……)过度 carry all/ everything before one/it获巨大成功,势如破竹,所向无乱
79. catch back运回, 拿回, 使回忆起;catch fire;“着火” (set fire to …; set … on fire; be on fire; make a fire; put out a fire; light a fire); catch sb doing sth;“看/碰见某人做某事,某人在做某事时抓住他” catch up.追上, 吸住;catch up with (keep up with) (fall/ lag behind); “赶上,不落在……后面” catch (a) cold.感冒; catch at想抓住, 渴望获得; catch on抓牢, 理解, 流行;
80. check out; “检查,查明;(从旅馆、商店等)结帐离开,办妥手续离去”(check up [on]“检查,核对”强调查明真相,核对是否符合事实; make sure; see; find out)
81. change for;“把……换成,换车前往某处” change into;(turn into);“变化,变成,使……变成,兑换成” change one’s mind; “改变主意”(make up one’s mind); change … with…;(exchange … with…)“与……交换……”
82. clear away; “把……清除,收拾走,消失,消散”=blow over; clear up;“整理好,收拾好,晴朗起来” (与tidy up意思相仿,clear着重“清理,清除”,tidy着重“整洁,整齐”)
83. close down;“关门,关闭,倒闭” close to;“接近于,在近处”(close为形容词,to为介词) close with; “以……结束……”(end [up] with)
84. come about;(happen);“发生,产生”(不及物) come across;(不及物表“从一边走到另一边”;及物时表“碰见” (run across; come upon; meet; meet with; happen to see; chance to see); come after跟着...来, 跟在...后面; come along;“一道走,跟……去;赶快,加一把劲(用于祈使句);(农作物、工作等)进展顺利” come on“快来吧,(风雨等)到来,开始,进展,长势” ;come back.回来, 在记忆中重现, 复原, 恢复, 反驳; come by从旁走过, 得到,取得,经过; come down下来, 倒塌, 没落, 病倒, 捐钱, 流传下来, 垂下; come forth出现, 涌现, 被公布; come from.来自, 出生于来自,出身于; come in.进来, 到达终点, 流行起来, 当选, (钱)到手; come on突然产生, 要求, 成为...负担, 偶遇, 跟着来, 开始, 出台, 上演,快点,赶快; come into being/existence; “出现,存在,形成,成立,诞生”come off;“脱落,褪色,(计划等)成功,获胜” come out;“出来,长出,结果为,洗掉,褪色” come out of;“从……出来,有……结果” come over;“过来,来访,突然掠过,产生”:A look of disappointment came over his face.“他脸上显出失望的样子” come round/ around;“前来,来访,重又来到,改变看/想法;恢复知觉,复原” come through经历, 脱险, 传出, 捐助,经历,成功; come to (oneself);“苏醒,恢复知觉,到来;到达,总数是,谈到,说到” come/ get to do; come to an end/ a close; (bring … to an end/ a close); “结束”come to light;“显露出来,暴露出来” (bring.. to light); come/become true;“(预言、期望等)实现,变为现实” come up;“抬头,上来;发生,(问题等)出现” come up to;“达到(高度、程度等) (reach up to; reach to);
85. compare notes;“对笔记,交换意见” (make/ take notes; & take notice of; attract one’s notice; until further notice); compare … to…; (compare… with…; compared to/ with)“把……比作,喻为”(with指“把……和……比较,与……相匹敌”,但它们的过去分词短语作状语时无区别)
86. congratulate sb on sth (congratulations to sb on sth) “因某事祝贺某人“
87. connect … to…; (connect … with…; connect with…; join… to…) “连接,相连,把……接到……上”(表“与……有关/有联系时”一般用be connected with,而connect with表“相连,相通,衔接”:This street connects with that one. The two rooms connect with each other.)
88. cross out/ off; “删去,划掉”(leave out省略,漏掉)
89. consider… as…; (consider… to be…; consider sb/ sth …; regard … as…; look on/upon … as…; think of … as…; think … (to be) …; see … as…; treat/ love/ respect/ admire… as)“把……看作,认为……是……”
90. cry out for; “哭喊着要;迫切需要”(cry out)
91. continue doing/ to do sth/ sth; (go on; keep; keep on;) “继续做某事”
92. cover the events; “报道那些事情”
93. dive off; “从……往下跳水”dive into“跳入水中,潜入水里”
94. cut down;“砍倒,砍下,削减,缩短,降低” (cut off;“切掉,割掉,切断[水、电等]”; cut up“切碎,切开,切成几块”); cut … into…; “把……切割成,把……刻入”(cut into;“切入,割入” cut in“插话”); cut through; “穿过,切断,凿穿”
95. deal with;“处理,解决,对付,对待,与……打交道,涉及,关于,与……做买卖” (do with); deal in;“做买卖”(后接具体买卖的商品)
96. date back (to);“追溯到” date from;“追溯到;” be dated from“注明日期从……发出”另:I received your letter dated Sep. 1./ dated from Nanning.
97. divide … into..; divide into;“(把……)分成,分为” divide up;“分配,分掉” (separate into);
98. depend on/ upon; (rely on/ upon; lie on); “依靠,依赖,相信,依赖,靠……决定,得看”depend on sb to do/ one’s doing/ for sth“得看,靠……决定”
99. dip into;(look through)“把……浸入,随便翻阅,浏览”
100. devote … to…;“将……献给,把……用于,献身于,致力于” be devoted to…; “献身于,致力于”(lose one’s life for; give up one’s life to);
101. dream of= dream about;“向往,渴望,做梦,梦见”
102. die of; 死于(饥寒,生老病死,喜怒哀乐)die from;死于(不卫生,不注意) die by;死于(暴力,工具,手段,方式) die with;死于(情感)( be dying for/ to do;渴望 be dead); die out;“熄灭,灭绝” (go out; put out; turn off; switch off)
103. do a good deed (for sb) “做件好事”=do a good thing/ action/ turn; do research in/ into/ to;“对……进行研究”(make a study of) (carry out research into; conduct researches into; make researches on; do some research on/about); do a word puzzle;“猜字迷” do away with; (get rid of); “结束,去掉”“消灭,摆脱,除掉”do computer studies/ physics/ the kitchen/ one’s hair/ the repairs/ business);“学习……,做……” do harm to sb/ sth; do sb/ sth harm; “对……有害处,损害某人/某物理学”(good; do sb a favor; do a favor for sb); (be good to sb; it is good of sb to do…); do one’s best to do (try one’s best to do; do what one can to do; do everything (that) one can to do; do all (that) one can to do; do anything (that) one can to do); “尽力做……”工do sb a favor;( do sb a kindness,give sb a hand);“给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙” do some/much/little/ one’s washing/ listening/ reading/ running/ shopping/ typing/ the cooking;“做……”(-ing为不可数) do the deed;“付诸行动,生效” (do business; do good; do damage); do … to..;“对……做出……” (eg. Don’t be afraid; they won’t do anything to you. Kunta wondered why the white people had done this to him. What are you doing to that picture?); do up;“把(衣服、鞋子等)扣/系好;收拾,整理,装饰,打扮”=make up; do well (in);“(在……方面)做得好/干得好; do with; “凑合着用,有……就够了”(与can, could连用,表示“想要,需要”;与what连用表“安排,处理”; have done with表示“不再干……,与……不往来”:I have done with painting.我不再画画了。) have … to do with; “与……有关/联系”do without;“不需要,没有……也行” do wrong; “做错事/坏事,犯罪,违法” do sb wrong/ do wrong to sb;“冤屈某人,迫害某人” do’s and don’ts;“要与不要” (Don’t use so many but’s. Mind your P’s and Q’s. ); do right做得对; do/carry out/perform/make/ conduct/try experimets (on/upon对比:with); do with利用, 忍受, 需要, 乐意做; do a poem作诗;do the bed/the table/the room/ the dishes/one’s hair收拾;what to do( how to deal) with; How do you do? (How are you?)
104. drink to…; “为……祝酒,为……干杯”=to one’s health/ the health of sb/ health to sb/ our friendship
105. dress oneself as;“把自己打扮成……”=be dressed as=dress oneself like/ be dressed like; ( put on; pull on; have on; wear; be in; try on; fit on; try out“试验, 考验, 提炼”)
106. drop in (on/ at)=call in=look in“顺便走访,串门”
107. earn/ get/ gain/ make one’s living(or: a living) by doing sth (or: as a teacher, ect.) “(以……手段/方式/工作)谋生,自食其力”
108. eat up; “吃光,吃完;耗尽,用光”(use up; run out; run out of; go through; run down)
109. end up“结束,告终” end (up ) with;=close with= end in“以……结束,以……告终” (begin with);
110. enjoy oneself; =have a good/ nice time“玩得痛快,过得快活” enjoy doing
111. fail in“在……方面失败,缺乏” fail to do sth “未能做某事”(有时=fail in doing sth)
112. exist in“存在于”= lie in exist on/ by“靠……生活” come into existence/being
113. express oneself“表达自己的思想,发表自己的观点” express one’s satisfaction with …“对……表示满意”
114. fall asleep“睡着” fall ill/ sick“生病”=get/ become ill/ sick≈ be ill; fall into/ to ruin(s)“毁灭,崩溃”=go into/ to ruins fall off“掉落,(质量)下降,(数量)减少” fall down“跌倒,倒塌下来” fall in“集合,倒塌” fall into“落入, 陷于(混乱,错误等), 注入, 开始, 分成, 属于” fall over=trip over“跌倒,从……跌落,倒塌” fall to pieces“烂成碎片,垮台,崩溃,瓦解”
115. feed on“以……为食物,以……为能源”(一般不用于人)≈live on/ upon(常用以指人) feed … on/ with; feed … to …“给……喂……”
116. feel like doing/sth“想要(做)……” like to do/ doing“喜欢做……” would like to do“想做……”
117. fight against与…战斗; fight with同…战斗; fight for为…而战;fight off击退;fight up勇敢战斗;fight back回击;fight on继续战斗;fight it out决一雌雄
118. find one’s way找到路径; ( push/ wind one’s way to); find out查明,了解,发现; (check; see; make sure); (find; discover); find oneself自我感受; find satisfaction得到满足;find support得到支持;find a mistake发现错误;find the answer to找到…的答案;find enjoyment in在…中获得快乐;find expression in在…中表现出来; find sb in/ out发现某人在家/不在
119. fix a /the date/ time for…“确定……日期/时间”=set a date for; make a date for…“约定会面日期为”≈make it …(可接时间及地点) fix up“安装,修理好,安顿,照应;安排,搭起,固定”
120. force open“强行打开,撞开”
121. forget to do/ doing; (remember; regret)(to do为“忘了要去做”,not to do“忘了不要去做”,doing“忘记曾做过”,not doing“忘记还没有做”)
122. glance at“看一下,瞥一眼” glance over“回头看,浏览,匆匆看完”“从……上方看”
123. grow rich on“靠……致富” ( run on; depend on; rely on); grow up“成长,长大” (grown-up)
124. had better (not) do“最好做”
125. get along/ on well with与…相处;进展,过活; get along生活, 融洽相处, 进展, 有起色;走开,离开 get on上车/船/飞机; 生活, 融洽相处, 进展, (使)前进, <口> 赶快, 发迹, 进展;穿上 get away“跑掉,逃脱;离开” get away from“摆脱,避免” get away with “偷走,拿走,与……一道离开”get back返回;回来,找回,取回 get/ live/ be/ sit close to“接近,靠近” get down降下,下车; get down to sth/ doing着手/开始做;认真做某事=set out to do=set about doing; get to到达; get to do开始,逐渐,终于(get to know认识)=come to do; get/ catch hold of“拿到,抓住” get in“进站,进去,回来,收回来,请来,收割(庄稼);收集”=call in; get in touch (again) with与…取得联系; (be/ keep in touch with; lose touch with); get in one’s/ the way碍事,挡道; get into进入,陷入; get into/ form/ acquire/ fall into/pick up the habit of形成…习惯; (have a habit of; break off/ give up the habit of); get/ be married“结婚”≈marry sb; get off下车,脱下; =take off; get out“拔出,取掉,传出去,漏出(煤气等) get over爬过,克服; (从疾病中)恢复过来;=covercome; get through“(电话)接通,(考试)及格,(方案)通过,做完(工作),通过(考试)” =put through; get together聚集,聚会,联欢; (get-together); get up起床,,站起来,举办,安排,打扮; get about/round/ around消息传开(get about还有“走动”之意); get ahead (of)有进展,胜过,提前; get close to接近;get there到那里,成功;get above oneself变得自高自大;get out of hand失控;get home/here/there到家/这里/那里;
126. give a talk演讲,做报告; (give a cry/ a jump/ a kiss/ a song/ a comparison/ a kick踢某人一脚; have a talk); give (sb some) advice(给某人一些)忠告; (take/ accept/ follow one’s advice; ask for one’s advice); give away赠送,泄露(秘密),暴露(真相),背弃,出卖; give a concert举行音乐会;give a lesson/ lessons讲课,授课; give sb a hand帮助;give an example/examples举例;give an order/ orders发出命令; give a loud laugh在笑一声; give back归还,送还; (return); give birth to“生小孩” (bear; have a baby/ child; bring … into the world); give in (to sb)(向某人)屈服,让步,投降;交上去,递交;=hand in= turn in; give up放弃,停止,让给,献出; give medical care to sb“治疗护理某人” give off发出(气体、光等); ( send out); (give out发出[光、声音、气味等],分发,用尽,耗尽)(hand out); give one’s life to/ for为……而献身; give/send one’s regards to sb“转达问候” (remember me to sb; say hi/ hello/ goodbye to sb for/ from…; ); give way“撤退,后退,让步,退让,退位,让路”
127. go against反对,不利于; (be against); go ahead“先走,进行;进展;(用于祈使句)干吧,玩吧,开始吧” go along (with)“前进,向前走,与……一道去” go away离开,走开,逃走,离家外出,外出度假; (get away); go back回去;go back to“回到,追溯到”=date back to= date from; go/ become/ get/ turn bad变坏,坏掉; (go sour/mad/ wrong/ dry/ wild/ hungry); go by经过,过去;(时间)消逝,遵照,按照; (pass; pass by); go fishing/ sight-seeing/ outing/ hunting/ skiing/ skating/ shooting/ boating/ sailing/ dancing/ farming/ teaching/ shopping“去做运动/游戏/从事某工作/去逛商店” go down下去,下沉; go down/ fall/ drop/ sink on one’s knees“跪下”=kneel down; go/ walk (some/ any/ no) further“往前走,更多地给,进一步地做/说” go in (for)参加(比赛);喜欢(业余活动),从事(某事业或活动); (take part in;) go into“进入;研究,讨论” (make a study of); go off“走开,动身,出发,(电流)停止,(枪炮)放响,进行得,开展” (leave; set off/out; start off/ out); go on doing/ to do/ with sth“继续下去;继续前进,发生,进行,(时间)过去,消失” (go by) (continue; keep doing/ on doing/ at sth); go on a trip/a picnic去旅行/野餐 (make a trip); go out熄灭,出去;过时,不流行 (put out; turn off; shut off); go over检查,复习;审阅;越过,渡过,到另一边 (review); (go through); go through“走过,经过,仔细检查,审阅” (go through with“做完,完成,干到底”); go to rest“去睡觉,就寝” (go to one’s rest“安息,长眠”); (come to rest“停下来”); go up“上涨,涨价,增长,提高,上去,上楼” (bring up); go up to“到较高处;上……去” go with“伴随,和……一起,与……相配” go without“随身不带……就走了,没有……也行,没有……将就对付,没有(吃、穿等)” go without saying“不用说, 不成问题,不言而喻” go out for a walk去散步;go home回家;go to bed上床,去睡; go ahead用吧,尽管去做;go into进入,参加;go together协调,相配;go all-out/ all out for sth/to do sth拼命干,尽力做; go all the way完全同意; go back on one’s words食言,违背诺言,说话不算话;
128. hand down“传下来;传递” (pass… down; come down); hand in hand“手拉手,联合,并进” hand out“分发,散发” hand over“交给,移交”
129. happen to do“恰巧,碰巧” sth happens to sb“(偶然)发生或遭到(某种情况,尤指不幸的事)” (chance to do) take place“发生”(指预安排好要发生的事)
130. have a gift (for doing/ sth/ to do)“在……方面有天赋/才能” have a seat请坐/ a look看一下/ a test测验/ a walk散步/ a meeting开会/ a haircut理发/ an interview会见/ a fever发烧/ a cough咳嗽/ a talk with与……谈一谈 (take a seat); have a word with; (have words with与……吵架); have an effect on/ upon“对……产生影响,对……起作用” (affect); have been to“去过,到过,来过” (have been in; have gone to); have difficulty/ problem/ trouble with sth/ (in) doing sth“在……方面有困难” (have a … time/ fun in doing); won’t have … doing sth“不允许某人做……” have (got) to do“不得不,必须,一定要” (must); have mercy on/ upon sb; (show mercy to sb; have/ take pity on/ upon sb; feel pity for sb)“对……表示同情/怜悯” have no idea/ an idea about/ that“(不)知道” have … on; “穿着,有事,有约会”( put on; pull on; dress; wear; be in); have… one’s (own) way“按照自己的意思办,随心所欲”:All right, have it your own way.“好吧,就按你的意思办吧”; have/get … done“让别人做……;(有时可指主语参与完成或解决某事)遭遇到对主语不利的意外事件或事故” ( have … to do/ to be done/ doing/ do); have the surprise of one’s life“大为吃惊”( have a big surprise); have something/ nothing/ much/ little to do with“与……有关系” (be connected with; be related to);
131. head for“(使)朝……前进,(使)走向”
132. hear about“听说,听到” (hear of; hear sth/ sb; hear that); hear from“收到……来信;从……听到”
133. help one(self) to“自用(食物等),拿……给某人吃/喝” help (sb) out (of)“帮助某人摆脱困难或解决问题” help with help sb with sth= help sb in doing=help sb to do sth “帮助做某事”
134. hold a meeting with sb“与……举行会唔,与……碰头”=have a meeting with sb;hold back“阻止,阴挡,控制” (keep back); hold on“(打电话)不挂上,继续下去” (hang on; ring off; hand up; ring up); hold one’s breath“屏住气,不出声” hold out“伸出,坚持,维持” hold up“抬/举起,支撑,阻止,使停顿”
135. judge by/ from“根据……作出判断”
136. invite sb to sth/ to do sth“(邀)请某人”
137. join in“参加,加入” (take part in; go in for) ( join sb/ a club/ the Party/ a game); join … to…把……与……连起来; join up“联合起来,把……连接起来” (connect; link)
138. keep/ make a record/ records (of)“作记录,把……记下来” (break/ beat a record; create/ set a new record; hold a record); keep ( a certain distance) away (from)“不靠近,离开” keep back“扣下(不付),隐瞒,阻止” (hold back); keep fit“保持健康” (be fit for/ to do “胜任,对……适合” fit sb“某物适合某人” fit on“试穿” keep-fit为形容词,“保健的”); keep from“避开,抑制,阻止” (keep … from doing; stop/ prevent … (from) doing; keep… doing); keep/ have … in mind“记住,想着” (learn … by heart); keep in time (with)“(使)合拍子” keep off“离/让开,不接近” keep (on) doing; ( keep on at sth); (go on doing/ to do/ with sth) (continue to do /doing/ sth)“继续做某事” keep one’s promise/ words“遵守诺言”/one’s balance“保持身体平衡,保持镇定”;(lose one’s balance) (break one’s promise; eat one’s words); keep out“不使入内,留在外面” keep out of“置于……之外,不卷入” keep up“保持,维持,继续” (hold out);
139. knock down“击倒,撞倒,拆除” (pull down); knock into“碰撞,不期而遇” (run across; come across/ upon); knock out“击倒,打败,敲出来”knock out of“把……从……敲出来,敲掉”
140. lay eggs产卵/ a foundation奠定基础; lay/ set the table“摆桌子” (clear the table清理桌子);
141. know about/ of“知道……情况,听说过” (know sb/ sth);
142 lead/live a(n)…life“过着……生活” (eg: live a simple (way of) life ); lead into“通入,把……引进” lead to“通向,引起,导致“ lead up to“(向上)一路通到,把……领向,导致” lead sb in (the )doing (of) sth;
143. laugh at“嘲笑,取笑” laugh over“因……而发笑”
144. learn about“了解到,听到” (learn of; learn); learn/ get … by heart; (keep … in mind)“背熟,记熟”
145. leave off“停止,中断” leave out“漏掉,省去” leave for“动身到……” ( leave; go off to; start off/ out; set off/ out);
146. lie in“在于”; lie to sb“对……说谎”
147. like sb to do sth“像……做的”(like为形容词,用于It is like sb to do sth):It was like him to do that.“像他这样的人才会干那种事” like to do; like doing; would like (sb) to do sth;
148. lend sb sth= lend sth to sb“把……借给某人” (borrow sth from sb; keep sth);
149. live on/ by“靠……过日子” (feed on)
150. let in/ out“让……进来/出去”;
151. listen to“听,倾听,听取,听信” listen in“听广播,窃听(电话)” listen for“用心去听,听着等待” (hear) 152. look after“照顾,照管” (care for; tend; take care of; attend; see to);look around/ round/ about“环顾,往四下看,观光,游览” look at“(注意)看,朝……看;看待,考虑”:He always looks at things in isolation.“他总是孤立地看问题”。He looks at life differently from us.“他对人生的看法和我们不同”。 look back at“回头看” look back on/ upon/ over“回顾,回忆” look down at“往下看,俯瞰” look down on/ upon=think little of“轻视,看不起” look for“寻找,期待” (search; search for; find; find out); look forward to“盼望,期望” look forward at“朝前看” look into“朝……里看,检查,调查,研究,观察” look like“看起来好像” (feel like) (be like); look on/ upon … as“把……看作” (见consider … as); look out (for/ that)“注意,当心,留神,找出来” ( watch out; be care; take care); look over“从上面看过去,审查,检查,翻阅” look over one’s shoulder“回头看” look through“透过……看去,看穿,识破,仔细检查,审阅” look up“向上看,查阅,审阅” look up at“仰视”/ to“尊敬”“重视”
153. lose heart“灰心” (lose one’s heart to sb爱上某人); lose one’s life (for)“(因/为……)而丧生,送命” lose one’s sight“失明” (lose sight of“不再看见,得不到音讯”); lose one’s voice“嗓子哑” lose weight“减轻体重” (put on weight增加体重);
154. manage to do sth“成功地做到;设法得到” =succeed in doing sth (try to do sth“努力做,尽力做,企图做,想做”)
155. make a decision“作出决定”/ an effort作出努力/a record of把……记下来/ a speech作演讲/ an agreement with与……达成协议/ agreements with/ a fire生火/ wa开战r/ a plan for制订……计划/ some calculations作出一些估计/ a comparison做比较/ a living谋生/ a trip作一次旅行/ a noise发出响声,叫喊 make/ fix an appointment (with sb)约会 (make a date with sb与情人约会); make do (with/ without)“将就着使用,凑和着对付过去” make (both) ends meet“收支相抵,量入为出” make / have enemies“树敌” (make an enemy of使……成为敌人); (make friends); make for(尤指匆匆地)走向, 有利于, 倾向于, 导致,向前进,有助于:Money doesn’t always make for happiness.“金钱不一定带来幸福”; (head for); make fun of取笑,嘲笑,和……开玩笑 (laugh at; play a joke on); make/ earn/ gain (some/ much/ a lot/ big) money“赚钱,发财”(earn one’s bread/living谋生) make/ take notes/ a note“记笔记” (make/ take a note of把……记录下来); make/ push/ wind/ shoulder one’s way to“向……走去” make oneself known to sb“向……自我介绍” (make oneself understood/ heard/ seen); make out“辨认出来,看清楚,理解,明白” (recognize); make plans for“为……作计划” make (great/ rapid progress/ advance (in)“(在……方面)进步,取得进展” make (much, some, any, no) sense讲得通,有意义;合乎情理;make sure (of/ about/ that)“确保,务必,弄明白” (find out; see, check; be sure); make … to one’s measure“照……的尺寸做” make up“组成,占,编造,编写,弥补” (be made up of); make up one’s mind(s) (to do/ 从句)“下决心,决定” (decide); make (full/ good/better/ the best) use of“利用,使用”
156. mean to do sth“打算做……,意欲” (mean doing意味着); (go on; stop; try; want; require; need; deserve; learn; forget; remember; regret);
157. move on“继续移动,把……往前移”
158. obey/keep/ observe/ follow the rules/ the law“遵守” (break the rules);
159. offer to do sth“(主动)提出做……” offer sb sth“(主动)拿给/给予”(其后不能用give/spare等词)
160. ought to do“应当,应该” (should do; be supposed to do; be expected to do);
161. persist in (bad habit)“坚持”(指行动,时表固执已见) (insist on“坚持; 坚决主张; 一定要,强调”,指意见,主张; stick to“坚持,固守保持坚定、确定或决定”,指原则,计划,诺言,决定,意见等。):He always sticks to his promise. They insisted on leaving that day. She persists in her sparetime studies.
162. pass away“逝世,去世,消逝,过去,度过,消磨(时间)” pass by“经过,走过” (go by); pass down“沿着……向前走;把……传递下来” (come down);
163. open up“打开,开张,开发,开辟,开设,开办”
164. pay a visit to“拜访,访问”(make/ pay a call to, visit, call on/at, call in, look in on/ at, drop in on/at) pay attention to“注意” pay back“偿还,报复” pay off“还清,付掉” pay the/ a bill/ bills“付费用”
165. persuade sb to do sth/ into doing sth“说服……做……” (advise sb to do sth; try to persuade;)
166. pick out“挑选,拣出” pick up掘地, 捡起, 轻易/花小钱获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速,收听/看,接(人),装(货);
167. plan for sth/ to do sth“打算,为……作计划”=make a plan for/ to do
168. point at/ to (come to/ at)“指着,用……指着/对着/瞄准”(at含恶意,to=towards只表方向) point out“指明,指出”
169. play a part/ role (in/of)“(在……中)扮演一个角色,(在……中)起作用” (act a part in/ of); play a trick on sb“欺骗/捉弄……,开某人的玩笑”play games“做游戏,闹着玩” play a / the game of“做……游戏,打一场……球赛” play the piano/ the violin演奏(一种乐器) play basketball/ football/ chess/ cards“打球/下棋/玩牌)
170. prefer sth to sth= prefer to do rather than do=prefer doing to doing=(would rather do than do= would do rather than do“宁愿……不愿……”(注:这两词后的从句要用虚拟语气)
171. prepare for“为……作好准备,使……有准备,把……准备好”=make preparations for=prepare sb for(prepare为直接作准备,而for为准备去参加……) be prepared for“作好心理准备”(准备有……情况,防备某种情况) be/ get ready for(强调准备就绪,指结果)
172. press (against) my foot“挤,挤压”
173. pretend to do sth“假装做……” pretend to sth“自称有……”:He pretended to great learning.
174. pull down“拉倒,拆掉(房屋等)” pull out“把……分开,拉出,拨出” push over“把……推/挤倒,把……推到一边”push one’s way to“朝……挤去”
175. provide … with…“为……提供,供给……” (provide … to/for… )
176. quarrel with sb about/ for/ over sth“因……与某人争吵”
177. put away“收拾起来,放好” put back“放回原处,推迟,延期”(后义与put off同) put down“放下,记下来” put in prison“把……投入监狱” put in/ into order“整理,把……按顺序排好” put … into…“把……放进……,把……翻译成” put off“推迟,拖延,关上(灯、电视机等)” put on“穿上,戴上,上演,演出” put out“熄灭,扑灭,伸出,放出” put sb to (the) trouble (of doing sth)“麻烦某人”=give sb trouble= give trouble to sb ; put up“举起来,抬起,张贴,盖起,修建, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 提名, 推举”
178. reach out (for)“伸出(手、树枝等) reach up“抬起(手、足等)” reach (up to)“达到”
179. read out“(放声)读出,念出来” read over“看一遍” read through“看完,从头至尾读/看一遍”
180. reason with sb“与某人评理,劝告”
181. recognize … as“认出,辨认出(某人身份)” (recognize that);
182. refer to“指的是,指……而言;参考,查阅;提到,提及” refer to … as“把……称作”
183. remind sb of sth“使某人想起某事/某人” (类似:warn; rob; advise; inform); (remind … about“提醒……某事”,有时可用of代about:In case I forget, please remind me about it.);
184. save one’s life“救……的命”
185. ring off“挂断电话,停止谈话,走掉,离开”=hang off/ up(对比hold on); ring up“给……打电话” [phone sb; call sb (up)]; ring back“回电话”=call back
186. rely on/ upon“依靠,期待,指望”(常用:rely on doing,但rely on sb to do) (depend on);
187. report sb to“向……告发(另一人)”
188. remember to do“记住将要/要去做……”/ doing sth“记得曾经做过……”
189. result from“由……造成,由……引起” result in“结果是,导致,结果造成”
190. rise by“上升,增长”(by表比例) rise to“上升到”(to表结果)
191. roll over“翻滚,翻身” (turn over); roll up“卷起,裹起,(烟雾)袅袅上升”
192. round up“使……聚拢” (gather, meet)
193.run across“从一边跑到另一边;偶然遇见,发现”=come across/ upon= run into(run into还指“跑进,(液体)流入,撞到……上”); run away“跑掉,离开,(液体等)流走”(作“逃走时”=get away= escape; run after“追赶,追求(异性)” run out of“从……跑出,用完”=use up; run out“(某物)被用完” run round/ around“围绕着(延伸),东跑西跑”
194. rush sb off his feet“使……奔忙” (stand to one’s feet; help sb to his feet); rush through“快速通过,赶紧做,匆忙完成”:He was rushing through his work.
195. return to normal“恢复正常”
196. say goodbye/ hello/ hi/ yes/ no/ sorry to sb“向某人道别/好/同意/反对/道歉”
197. sentence sb to (death)“判……死刑”
198. see for oneself“亲眼所见,亲身体验”:This is a very good method. Try it and see for yourself. (think for oneself); see sb off“给……送行”(look after sb) (meet); see through“看透,识破,进行到底”:You mustn’t stop half-way; you must see the thing through. see to“注意,处理,料理,负责” see (to it) that=take care that= make sure/certain that= look out that“注意做到,务必要,确保”(seeing that“既然”)
199. shut down“关闭(企业);使停工”
200. share sth with sb“与……合用;与……共同分担/分享” share in sth with sb“让某人分享自己的东西”
201. send for“派人去请;派人去取” ( call for; call in; pick up); send/ give one’s wishes/ regards/ love to/ for“向……致意,向……祝福” (say hello/ hi to sb for/ from sb); send out“发出(光亮等);派出去” (give out/ off; let out); send up“发射”
202. shout at“对……大声叫嚷,对……破口大骂” shout to“大声叫喊某人” shout for“大声召唤,呼救”
203. set about“开始,着手干” (set out; be up to; get down to); set an example of“树立一个……榜样”/ to“给……树立榜样” set fire to sth=set sth on fire“放火烧,使燃烧” set sb free“释放,解放,使自由” set off“动身,出发,使爆炸,引起” (set out; start off/ out; go off; leave for); set out“出发,陈列,安放,开始,着手干”:The medical equipment is cleverly set out at the exhibition. set sail“启航,出航” set up“建立,设立,创立,竖起,建造,安放好”:After the war, Cook married and set up home in London.
204. speed up“加速,加快进度”:They tried their best to speed up the building of the city.
205. show off“炫耀,卖弄,显示” show/ take sb. around/ round a place“带……参观(某地)” show up“出现,露面,暴露,揭露” (turn up); show sb in/ out/ up/ to the door“送/带/陪…进来等”
206. be sick with“生……病”(be ill with; suffer from); be sick for“渴望,想念” ( long to do; look forward to; be dying for); be sick of对……感到厌倦,厌恶“ (be tired of, be fed up of)
207. smile to oneself“自己发笑,暗笑” (say to oneself“心里想” think to oneself= talk to oneself“自言自语);
208. speak of“提到,谈到” ( talk of); speak up“响亮(清楚地)说,公开地说出” speak well/ highly/ ill of“如何评价,说……怎么样”
209. spend … on/ in/ doing; (take; cost; pay; sell; buy)“花……干……”
210. stand against“(使)靠……放着,反对” stand by“站在旁边,袖手旁观,支持” stand for“代表,表示,象征” stand in a line/ queue“排成一队,排队等候” standing room“立足之地,站立位置”(不可数名词)
211. stick to; (persist in; insist on)“坚持”(见persist的用法)
212. start doing/ to do sth; (begin to do/ doing sth)“开始做某事”(doing多指一般的行为,to do指具体动作) start out/ off“动身,起程”“着手做”(set out/ off; leave for; go off);
213. stay the night“过夜”=stay for the night/ the day/ the week); stay up (late)=sit up late“熬夜,不睡觉”(另:stay up可指“挺住,站立,不掉下来”)
214. stop doing sth“停止做……” stop to do sth“停下来去做……” (go on; try; mean; forget; remember; regret; learn; want; require; need; deserve);
215. stare at“盯着看” (glare at“瞪视”“怒目而视”) (fix one’s eyes on)(regard有“看,凝视,留心”之意) 216. succeed in doing“成功做……,在……方面取得成功” (manage to do) (fail to do);
217. struggle against/ with“同……作争” struggle to one’s feet“挣扎着站起来” ( get to one’s feet; jump to one’s feet“一跳而起” take to one’s feet/kneel“逃走,走路,走开”; start to one’s feet“吃惊地跳起来” help sb to his feet“把……抚起来”);
218. suffer from“受……之苦,患……疾病”
219. suggest (one’s/ sb) doing sth“建议(……)做……” (risk; avoid; mind; enjoy; miss; escape; practise; postpone; put off; suggest; ignore; insist on; keep; keep on; give up; appreciate; admit; finish; fancy; imagine; delay; deny; RAMEMEP3SI2K2/GA2F2ID2那妹妹不吃咖啡的!)
220. suit … to“使……适合”:(常用于be suited to/ for结构) We can suit the building to your specifications. It doesn’t suit you to work on the night shift.“你上夜班不合适”。 (be fit for; sth fit sb. be fit to do); ( be suitable for; eg. This toy is not suitable for young children.);
221. talk about/ of“谈论,讨论,说到,谈及”talk over“详细商议,充分讨论,商量”
222. teach oneself“自学,自修”
223. tell … apart= tell … from…=tell the difference between … and …“区分,分辨,区别” tell lies/ a lie=tell a story)
224. take a deep breath“作一次深呼吸,深吸一口气” ( take a look at/ a photograph/ a taxi/ an action/ an interest in/ a rest/ a walk/ a bath/ a drive开车/ a decision决定/ more exercise多做活动/ a seat/ the place of); take along“随身带,带……一道去” take away“拿走,减去”:Take away 3 from 10 and you get 7. take … by surprise/ storm“袭击,出其不意做某事,使惊奇” take sb by the hand“拉某人的手” (lead; hold; grasp; pull; draw; catch); (hit sb in the face/ on the forehead); take care to do/ for sth“当心,注意”/ of sb“照顾,负责,爱护” take charge (of)“负责,掌管,看管” (in charge of; in the charge of); take/ have exams“参加考试” take… for“把……当作,把……误认为/以为是” (mistake … for); take/hold/ carry… in one’s arms“把……抱在怀里” take it/ things easy“别着急,别紧张,放松些” ( go easy with it/things; don’t worry); take/ acquire… nationality“取得……国藉” take off“起飞,脱掉” (take three day’s off休3天假); take on“呈现,承担,增加” take one’s seat“坐下,就座” take out“拿出,取出” take possession of“占有,拥有,占据” take sb/ sth seriously/ lightly/ badly“认真/随意对待” take sides (in)“(在……方面)偏向/袒护,站在……一边” (take the side of); (be on the side of); take sth with sb“随身带走” (bring sth with sb; carry sth with); take the place of“代替,代理”( take place; take one’s place); (replace; in place of; instead of; in one’s stead/ place); take (the) trouble to do sth/ over/ about sth/ in doing sth“费力,不辞辛劳,费事”( have trouble doing sth/ with sth; put sb into the trouble of doing sth; trouble sb to do sth; make trouble for sb); take up“拿起,占(地方、空间等),占用(时间等),选学(课程),从事(某种工作),跟着做……” take up arms“拿起武器”
225. tear down“拆毁,拆除,扯下” tear up“撕碎” tear into pieces“撕成碎片”
226. translate/ put/ turn/ render … into“把 ……翻译成”
227. think about“考虑,思考,想(到)” think of“考虑,想到,想象,回忆,想出,关心,对……有某种看法”(如:What do you think of/ about the film?) think over“仔细考虑,认真思考” think out“.彻底思考, 设计出, 解决, 发现” think up“想出,设计出,编造” think well/ highly/ much/ a lot/ little/ a little/ nothing/ ill/ poorly of…“对……评价如何,对……印象如何”
228. throw … at/ to“把……向……扔去”(at含恶意) throw away“扔掉” throw light on/ onto“把光线投射到,使人了解” throw off“很快地脱掉(衣服等),摆脱” throw up“呕吐,抛起,放弃,辞职” (bring up);
229. turn away“把……打发走,走开,离开” turn down“翻下来,朝下翻转,把(收音机等)关小,拒绝” turn into“(把……)变成” turn off“关上(水、电等)” turn on“打开(电灯,收音机等),开,开动” turn out“结果,证明是,翻出来,生产”( come out); turn over“翻倒,翻过来,翻身” turn to“转向,转到,翻到,求助于,变成” turn up“出现,露面,来到,发生,卷起,旋大(收音机等” (show up; appear);
230. try for sth/ to do sth“设法得到”, (manage to do); try on“试穿,玩弄(花招)”(fit on); try out“试用,尝试,推销” try to do“努力,企图” try doing“尝试,试一试(方法)”
231. trade with“与……做买卖,与……交换” trade in“做……生意,经营……”
232. travel through“穿过,游遍”
233. use one’s head/ brains“动脑筋,有头脑” use up“用光” (run out; run out of);
234. walk about/ around“闲逛,到处走动” walk away“跑开,走开” walk sb away/ off“带……走” walk down“往……下走,沿着……走,往……走去” walk over to“步行前往” walk to and fro“踱来踱去,来回地走” (pace to and fro; run to and fro; swing to and fro); walk up to“走近”
235. visit/see a doctor“看医生,让医生看病”
236. wake up; (awake作表语,“醒着”)“醒来,叫醒”
237. win/ carry off/ gain/ take/ get a prize“获奖” (win a match/ a war/ over sb) (award a prize);
238. wash away; (smooth away)“冲走,冲掉,洗掉,洗去”
239. wish sb sth; wish sb to do sth; (hope; expect)“祝愿……某事”
240. wonder about/ at“对……感到惊奇,觉得不解而要了解”(at无进行时态)
241. watch out (for)“注意,小心,密切注意” watch over“看守,照顾,监视”
242. work at“致力于……,从事于” work on“致力于,从事于;(具体工作);继续工作,对……有影响”work out“计算出,设计出,制定出”
243. write about/ of“写有关……的事” write down“把……写/记下来,把……描写成/看成”(put down; take down); write out“写出,开出(单据等)” write to= write sb=write a letter to“写信给……”
244. worry about/ over“为……发愁,为……操心” (be worried about指状态);
245. drive off击退; drive sb mad; drive back赶退; drive out驾车外出, 逐出; drive down.压低; drive in赶进, 敲进; drive in a taxi; drive at.意指, 用意所在; drive sb home; drive sb hard强迫某人拼命工作; drive away赶走,开走; drive an oil well钻油井; drive on(汽车等)可以开上去的;不停地开车;let drive at.对准打




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