高三英语冲刺讲座4 |
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阅读理解 阅读文章是我国考生接触外语的最主要途径,因此,阅读理解是试卷中占权重较大的一部分。2004年该试题有以下特点:难度适中,个别省份略有下降;短文选材符合《考试大纲》要求,即题材、体裁多种多样;对阅读技能考查全面;个别省份篇章长度有所加长;短文内容积极健康,有知识性、教育性。整体分析,各省市的试卷都做到了如下三个方面,1)信息含量大,体现在5篇文章题材与体裁的多样化方面;2)文章难易搭配适度,命题者注意到合理握文章及句子的难度;3)恰当控制生词的数量,较好地处理合成词与派生词。每份试卷的5篇文章20道题都能有序安排好细节判断,理解判断与推理判断题,命题者熔知识性趣味性实用性一炉,全方位多侧面对学生的阅读能力进行了检测。 英语高考中阅读理解短文的题材广泛,包括:政治、经济、文学、历史、地理、社会生活、科普知识等。短文的体裁以叙述文、议论文、说明文为主。叙述文描述人或事及相关情景的发生和发展经过。说明文是对事物现象的说明或解释。议论文论证某一观点是否正确,由论点、论据与论证构成。 阅读理解部分主要考察考生的以下能力: 1)正确理解英文原文; 2)掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 3)了解用于阐述主旨和大意的事实和有关细节; 4)根据上下文判断词汇和短语的具体含义; 5)既能理解单句的意思,也能理解上下文之间的逻辑关系; 6)根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推理; 7)领会作者的观点和态度。 要想顺利通过阅读理解部分,学生必须具备一定词汇和固定短语量、熟悉语法结构,拓宽知识面,熟悉各种题材和体裁的文章,提高阅读速度,提高通过阅读获取信息的能力。此外,学生还必须掌握有关阅读的基本技巧: 1.通过上下文猜测词义 1)利用某一生词前后出现的其他单词或整个句子的意思来猜测生词。 2)利用生词后面的同位语来猜测不熟悉的词。 3)利用语法知识和标点符号来猜测生词。 4)利用说明词义的定语从句来猜测生词。 5)学会只猜测生词的大概意思,而不必追求其准确定义。 2.善于分析和理解句子的内在关系 如果遇到较长的复合句,首先要找出表达句子主要意思的部分。准确判断句子的含意,分析和理解句子的内在关系,才能提高阅读能力。 1)逗号之后的句子像which ,that ,who等关系代词引导的从句通常是对前面的某个名词和句子作进一步解释和说明的。 2)句子较长找不到主语时,可以先找出谓语,然后确定在谓语动词前和句子主语核心名词后面的部分为该核心名词的后置定语,这样问题就迎刃而解了。 3)在短语或句子前后都有逗号时,可以把这一部分遮盖起来不要管它,再来重读句子,这时句子主谓结构就会突然变得清楚而又明朗了。 4)利用句子中的标点符号和反映句子内在关系的关键词或词组来分析理解句子。如:as a result of ; not only…but (also);from…to ; instead等。 3.利用有用的语言信号在阅读过程中进行猜测 一个有效率的阅读者要善于发现和识别有用的语言信号,如:读到thus这个单词时,我们就会期待着一个“结果”或“结论”,而见到however、but时,我们就会知道随之而出现的必定是一种和上文不同的情况。because、result ...from引导“原因”; on the other hand表示“对比”;such as 表示“举例”;consequently表示“结果”;furthermore表示提供进一步的信息;in fact表示进一步地说明和解释;similarly表示“相似”;on the contrary指一件事的相反方面;eventually表示“最终”的结果等。 1)先通读全文,然后做题,做题时如遇到困难,再重读有关的文字。这种方法的缺点在于第一遍阅读时,阅读目的性不明确,该记住的一些事实或细节未留心注意,答题时不得不再去查找。 2)先读问题,然后带着问题读文章。这种方法的优点在于目的明确,知道考查重点所在,因此阅读时就有侧重点,能节省解题时间。缺点在于,由于没有读过短文,不了解文章的主题、细节分布情况,因而可能不能很快找到所需的信息。 3)首先快速通读全文,对文章内容形成总体印象。然后读问题,再把全文认真读一遍,最后回答问题。这种方法避免了前两种方法的缺点,我们在快速阅读过程中能了解文章的题材、主要结构,并对细节也有所了解,这样既提高了做题的准确率,又能有效地利用时间。 第一部分: 高三考生英语阅读现状 1. 意识不到阅读的重要性 2. 没有时间做英语阅读 3. 不愿意做英语阅读 4. 找不到合适的阅读材料 5. 没有良好的阅读习惯和阅读方法 第二部分: 阅读考项中常考的题型及对策 我们如何在有限的时间内把自己的阅读水平提高一个层次呢?( 高考中取得相对高一点的分数) 阅读理解中非常重要的一个技巧就是在阅读中迅速地抓住文章或段落的主旨大意,也就是中心思想。文章或段落的中心思想犹如一支蜡烛的芯。这根芯看似无关紧要,但是如果没有它,那么这支蜡烛就不能再称为蜡烛,而是一堆蜡。所以,一篇文章通常是围绕一个中心思想展开的。要领悟文章的主旨大意,这就需要考生具备归纳和概括等方面的能力。而这种归纳和概括能力又常常是考试中被考查的重点。 下面,我们一起来回顾一下1990年到1999年近十年的全真试题,就可知道此项技能的重要性了。 1.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? [NMET91 (76)] 2.The best headline (标题) for this newspaper article is _____. [MET92 (66)] 3.The writer tells this story to _____. [MET92 (75)] 4. The best headline for this newspaper article would be _____. [NMET93 (61)] 5.The writer wrote the story in order to _____. [NMET93 (66)] 6.The text is mainly about _____. [NMET95 (61)] 7. The main purpose of this announcement is to _____. [NMET95 (76)] 8.What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? [NMET96 (61)] 9. The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about____. NMET96 (66)] 10.This news story is mainly about _____. [NMET97 (51)] 11.The text is mainly about _____. [NMET97 (55)] 12. The text is mainly about _______.[NMET98 (51)] 13. What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? [NMET98 (54)] 14. The text is mainly about ______.[NMET98 (57)] 15. What would be the best title for the text? [NMET98 (70)] 16. This article mainly tells about the story of _______. [NMET99 (51)] 主旨概括题 “主旨概括”(1)f 主旨判断题的范围一般包括:短文标题、主题、大意或段落大意等。做这类题目时,要迅速地剔除文中的细节事实、作者所使用的论据,找到各段的主题句,然后进行归纳、总结和概括。但要注意:概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不可离题太远、太笼统,或者只概括一段或几句话的意思。 从上述全真试题中,我们可以总结出,对于文章或段落的主旨大意设问的形式一般是: 1. The main idea of the passage (text) is _____. 2. The text (passage) is mainly about _____. 3. What does the passage mainly discuss (deal with)? 4. Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea? 5. The main point of the passage is ______. 6. The best headline for this newspaper article would be _____. 8. What is the topic of the text? 9. The main purpose of the story is to tell us _____. 10. The conclusion we can get from the story is _____. 大家只要记住,看到问题中使用mainly, main,title,headline,topic,conclusion等词时,就得仔细领会文章的主旨大意了。当然,除了上述通用的句型外,还可用其它的形式设问,这就要求我们认真理会题干的意思了。 例如92年的75题“The writer tells this story to _____.” 以及93年的66题“The writer wrote the story in order to _____. ” 也是考查考生对主旨大意的理解 “主旨概括”(2) 技巧训练 文章(或段落)的构成有其内在的规律性,其中心思想往往是通过主题句来体现的。因此考生对以下四种结构应首先有所了解,然后通过一系列有意识的训练进而掌握它们。 1. 主题句在篇(段)首的结构 这种结构通常用演绎法撰写,遵循从一般到个别(特殊)的步骤,即先概述,然后用细节加以说明。请看91年的Passage C: Jane Clark, fair-haired, blue-eyed and tough as steel, has just won the most difficult race in the world. In seventeen days she drove a dog team and sledge (雪橇) across 1,050 miles of the Arctic Circle and through some of the most difficult land in the world. In bitter(刺骨的) winds and snow-storms she drove her dogs along the Arctic track, in temperatures that reached-38. When Jane was asked how she felt about being the first woman ever to win the race she said, "I still can't believe it." She then went over to inspect her thirteen wild-eyed dogs. David Wilson, who came second, said, "It sure hurts when a young woman is ahead of you. But it doesn't hurt for long. She was a good winner." Question: 76. Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? A. Woman wins the world's toughest race B. Woman fights bitter winds and snow-storms! C. Woman wins a sledge race in the world! D. Woman drives a dog team across the Arctic! 你认为正确答案是哪一个呢? 其实这篇文章的首句就是主题句,其后的句子或是具体说明“世界上最困难的比赛”,或是从侧面说明赢得这场比赛的不易。本篇的终结句进一步呼应了主题句。。 你选对了吗? 2. 主题句在末尾的结构 尾句是主题句的结构通常是用归纳法撰写的,其步骤是先表述细节或交代论据,最后做出概括性的结论,以总结性的句子收尾。这种写作方法的特点是从个别到一般,由特殊性到共性。请看98年Passage A的最后一段: On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin's grand entrance for a long time! Question: 54. What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph? A. The roller skates needed further improvement. B. The party guests took Merlin for a fool. C. Merlin succeeded beyond expectation. D. Merlin got himself into trouble. 这段文字从Merlin入场的细节叙述,最后一句做了归纳总结:“很长一段时间大家都没有忘记Merlin不同凡响的入场。”可见Merlin取得了意想不到的成功。 “主旨概括”(3)f 在上一讲中,我们接触到了主题句在首句和主题句在尾句的结构。那有没有主题句在中间或没有主题句的结构呢?答案是肯定的。在这一讲中,我们就来重点看看这两种结构吧。 1. 主题句在中间的结构 有些主题句既不在句首,也不在句尾,而是处于篇章(或段落)的中间。这样的结构往往先以一句或几句为主题句的出现作铺垫,或是交代细节或论据。在主题句出场后,仍有适当数量的句子陈述细节或继续给予例证。 这类结构包括三个层次:引题——主题思想——解释或继续给予例证。从它的写作程序来看,也可分为三部曲:归纳——结论——演绎,即给出一两个例证之后,做出概括性的总结,然后再给予例证来证实其论点。请看下例: When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. When a bullet(子弹)is shot straight up, it will travel much faster and higher than a ball, but it, too, will come down. Whatever goes up must come down. We have always thought this to be true. An airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then travel far and long. Yet it does not stay up forever. Finally, like everything else, the plane must come down. 本段文字中用斜体显示的这句话就是主题句。其行文顺序和写作程序与上述的模式完全吻合。 2. 没有主题句的结构 没有主题句的篇章(或段落),并不是没有主题思想,它们的主题思想不是由具体的某句话表示的,而是在文中含蓄地存在着,需要读者自己归纳总结。这种结构通常是叙述一件事的发展过程,或是陈述一系列同等重要的细节或事实。请看92年的Passage A: Shu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten (咬) by snakes. "It was seeing people with snake bites (伤口) that led me to this career," he said. In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives. "I was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart. Rushing home he shouted, ‘Bring me the knife' Minutes later the man lost his arm forever." "The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes" Shu said. Question: The best headline (标题) for this newspaper article is _____. A. Astonishing Medicine B. Farmer Loses Arm C. Dangerous Bites D. Snake Doctor 文章陈述了一系列同等重要的细节,都是围绕“一位治疗毒蛇咬伤的医生”展开的。In short, 正确理解文章或段落的主题思想是阅读的首要目的。因此,提高识别文章结构并准确找出主题句的能力和准确归纳总结出无主题句文章的主题思想的能力,是提高阅读理解能力的重要环节。而从无主题句的文章中总结出主题思想的能力尤其是考试的重点,也是我们平常阅读训练时难度较大的一项,这就需要我们在阅读任何文章时都要下意识地归纳总结其主旨大意 细节理解题 细 节 理 解 (1)(一) 试卷分析 准确地抓住并理解文章或段落的主题思想是十分重要的。但是仅仅粗略地看懂大意,不可能真正理解所有细节。只有准确理解全部细节,才能深刻而又全面地领悟主题思想。因为段落中的细节都是用来阐明主旨大意的,用辅助论据支撑或阐述主题思想。因此,属于细节类的理解题既可检测阅读者对主旨大意理解的深度,又可测定他们对每个细节准确领会的广度。这类试题考查考生对文中某一细节或重要事实的辨认、理解。因此,考生应该首先阅读短文后面的问题,确定所需查找的细节及事实的范围,然后利用略读手法快速确定文中的出处,并对其进行转换、加工,直至确定最佳答案。 从NMET开始以来,细节理解题占阅读理解题总量的百分之五十以上。例如1990年试题中20道阅读理解题,细节题就占了10题: 1.Annealing can make metal ______.(70) 2. Why do people put hot metal in water? (71) 3. In annealing, the required hardness of a metal depends on ____.(72) 4. How did Mr. Cassatt react (反应) when his daughter made her announcement? (74) 5. What in fact was Mr. Cassatt's main reason in opposing his daughter's wish? (75) 6. Which of the following maps shows rightly the positions of Benin and its neighbouring countries? (81) 7. For how long was Benin under France? (82) 8. For how long was Benin an independent state before it became a People's Republic? (83) 9. Choose the right order in which the following people ruled in Benin.(84) 10. When and how did Benin get its two names—Benin and Dahomey? (85) 我们再来看看1999年的试题中细节题占了多少? 1.Philadelphia is thought to be the best home for the diary because ____.(53) 2.Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to the diary? (54) 3.From the text, we learn that the diary is now owned by _____. (52) 4.David Tebbutt started Computertown UK with the purpose of ____.(59) 5.Which is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to a small town 80 miles away for four days? (60) 6.A man bought himself a ticket of £15 and three tickets for his family with a family railcard. How much did he pay? (61) 7.The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was that he ______.(63) 8.People would stop feeling uneasy when realising that the children they're talking to _____. (67) 通过对90年和99年试卷的对比分析,可以看出越来越重视对考生综合理解能力的考查。卷面已逐渐增加了对主旨大意,作者的意图,观点,心理等深层次理解题的分量。即使是细节题,也不象90年试题那样容易从原文中找到根据,而是需要考生根据文中的信息,通过自己的归纳总结,能对图表进行辨别,能对发展顺序进行判断,以及能对具体情况进行计算。这就需要考生能真正理解文章内容及主题思想,抱有碰运气或者猜的思想是根本行不通的。 在阅读考核中,查找主要事实或特定细节常见的题型是: 1. Which of the following statements is (not) true (or correct)? 2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3. All of the following are true except... 4. The author (or the passage) states that... 5. According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, what, which, etc.)...? 当然,针对某一具体的文章,还可以有各种各样,形形色色的设问方式。对于细节题,也可以说对于任何阅读理解题,考生必须根据文章提供的信息进行答题,而不能根据自己的主观判断或者一般常识来答题。切记!切记 细 节 理 解 (2)(一) 细节理解题是最让人捉摸不定,变化万千的题型了。因为针对不同的文章,不同的细枝末节,可以有不同的设问,这就让人觉得它是那么不可捉摸,犹如雾里看花,水中望月。其实,这种题型是阅读考项中最简单的了。我们只要记住一点:万变不离其宗。这种题型无论有什么千变万化,你只要能看懂文章和题干,答案都能在原文中找到明显的线索。下面,我们就来看看,对付这等“千变魔头”有何绝招? 技巧训练 我们读文章,无外乎是对两个方面的理解。一个是浅层理解,或表层理解。另一个是深层理解,或内涵理解。所谓表层理解,指要读懂文章的基本内容,包括主要事实和各个细节。主要事实指文章中对于主题主旨具有典型意义的重要事实,这是文章的基本构架。细节是构成主要事实的局部因素或充实事实的例子,数据等细枝末节。一篇文章一般都包括这些要素。所以阅读理解考核中要求寻找的主要事实和特定细节都可以在文章中找到。但是,要注意的是出题者不会很明白很直接地提问,而是很注意提问的技术性或艺术 性。也就是说,他提问都是要设障碍的,要罩上一层迷雾的,使得你弄不清问题指的是哪一件事,哪一个细节,造成你寻找的困难,这就要求你仔细琢磨了。 归纳起来,提问技巧一般有隐含提问法、真伪证实法、间接提问法三种。这一讲里我们先来看看前两种提问技巧。 1. 隐含提问法 出题者使用同义词语、参照词、代词等,使考生对阅读内容和问题产生模糊感。例如: The basketball team never lacked vociferous(大叫大喊的)young supporters, but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm. Question: Who seldom reacted to that enthusiastic show? A. The young people B. The players C. Some people D. A lot of people 因为the basketball team 和 players;seldom reacted 和rarely responded是两对同义关系的词语,而“they”又与basketball team有参照关系 2. 真伪证实法 出题者要求考生确立文章中的事实,不让其问题直接与文章中的事实对号入座,而是提出似是而非,或完全错误的事实让考生去判断。对于这类题目,考生不要根据自己读文章的最初印象马上加以判断,而必须找到与问题相应的文章部分,找出正确肯定的事实,才可以据此判定否定的或错误的答案选择。例如: One word that sums up(概括)our age better than any other — whether "our age" is "the technological age" of western countries or the "modernizing age" of China — is the word CHANGE. But has change not always been present? True, but never before at such a breakneck speed. Today it is more than just change. It is unprecedented change. In such a world, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade. Question: Which of the following is not true? A. Western countries and China are being remade. B. Reading will help understand our age. C. The present age and future world are continually changing. D. Reading is the best tool provided by our age. 选择题中,A、B、C项均与文意吻合一致。D项是一个似是而非的选择答案。文中的Reading provides the best tool for us(阅读对我们来说,是最好的工具。)和选项中D. Reading is the best tool provided by our age.(阅读是我们时代提供的最好工具。)意思不符。 细 节 理 解 (3)(一) 我们来见识见识第三种迂回提问法。 间接提问法 这又是一种设障提问技巧。问题不直接提出,而是绕着弯子提出。比如,涉及时间、距离及数据等时,你必须经过复杂的测算才能确定答案,有时,选择答案给你的数据与文章中的数据不符,只是一个近似数值,(其它选择答案完全不沾边,完全错误),或者,提问者只给你一部分事实,让读者续出相应的事实使某事实更完整正确(这又叫做省略提问法)。 例如: 1999年第60,61题 Want to save money when travelling by train? Here are some ways. Day Returns This ticket can save you up to 45% on the standard fare (车费). You have to travel after the rush hour period Mon.- Fri., but can travel at any time on Sat. or Sun Big City Savers These are special low-priced tickets on certain trains. You have to book in advance-at the latest by 16:00 the day before you travel. It's first come, first served. Weekend Returns Weekend Returns are available (有售) for most journeys over 60 miles. Go on Fri., Sat. or Sun., and return the same weekend on Sat. or Sun., and save up to 35% on the standard fare. Monthly Returns These are available for most journeys over 65 miles. Go any day and return within a month. Monthly returns save you up to 25% on the standard fare. Family Railcard For £20 this railcard allows you to take a second adult (成人) and up to 4 children for only £3 each when you buy single or return tickets. You can travel as often as you like until the card becomes out of date. 60.Which is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to a small town 80 miles away for four days? A. Big City Savers B. Monthly Returns C. Weekend Returns D. Day Returns 61.A man bought himself a ticket of £15 and three tickets for his family with a family railcard. How much did he pay? A. £44 B. £29 C. £24 D. £15 60解析:要去一个远在80里以外的小镇游玩四天,选项A和D就可排除了。而选项C,我们可从对 Weekend Returns的介绍“Weekend Returns are available for most journeys over 60 miles. Go on Fri., Sat. or Sun., and return the same weekend on Sat. or Sun.”中了解到:虽然其旅程距离超过60里,但必须在同一周末返 回。所以,要游玩4天,最好的选择当然是B了。 61解析:这里题干的意思是“有一个人用family railcard为他自己买了张15英镑的票,并且为他家人买了三张票。问题是:他须付多少钱?”从文章可知“使用family railcard,可以带一个成年人和四个小孩而每个人只需花三英镑(就可买到票)。”所以答案是:15+9=24 猜测词义题 猜 测 词 义 (1) 做阅读理解的三个能力的培养(理解能力和推理判断能力及词汇积累能力) 试卷分析 近几年的NMET的阅读理解考项中总有一些考题要测试考生根据上下文和构词法知识猜出生词词义或旧词具有新意的能力。例如: 1. Which of the following words can take the place of the word "career" in the first paragraph (段)? [NMET92 70] 2. The word "he" in the last sentence refers to ______.[NMET92 80] 3. The word "yielded" in the last sentence means _______. [NMET93 73] 4. The underlined phrase "make out" in the first paragraph means ______. [NMET94 70] 5. The underlined words "geothermal energy" in the third paragraph mean ______. [NMET94 78] 6. The underlined word "family" in the second paragraph means _____. [NMET95 71] 7. The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to _____. [NMET96 59] 8. The underlined word "leg" in "Bicycle tour and race" probably means _____. [NMET96 68] 9. The underlined phrase "figure out" in the text means _____. [NMET97 54] 10. The underlined word "one" refers to _____. [NMET97 68] 11. "Act your age" means people should _____. [NMET97 69] 12. The words "Youth Summit" refer to ______. [NMET98 55] 13. When the writer says "Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man", he means _____. [NMET98 58] 14. What did Cory Luxmoore mean when he said "I'm on high"? [NMET99 55] 15. The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to the idea that Computer towns ____. [NMET99 58] 16."Professional work" used in the text means _______. [NMET99 69] 由此可见,历届高考对考生推测词义的能力是非常重视的。这就要求我们在阅读时要通过上下文交代的内容做出合乎逻辑的推理。在必要时,做些语法分析,通过词与词的关系,确定其词性;有时根据常识和生活经验或者构词法知识,完全可以对那些从未见过的生词的词义做出正确的推测。一般说来,这种题型的题干部分总含有mean, refer to的字样。做这种题时,特别要注意的是,对于那些我们熟悉的词千万不要妄自、草率下结论,一定要结合上下文判断它在文中的意思。例如95年的71题: The underlined word "family" in the second paragraph means _____. A. home B. children C. wife and husband D. wife and children "family"是我们很熟悉的词了,意为“家庭”,但以这个意思理解family的话,我们就无法选择答案了。但是,如果我们结合上下文“The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof.”就很容易看出family其实指的是"children子女",所以答案应该是B。 因此,考生不仅要知道常用词的意思,更要知道其灵活变化的意思。 在阅读理解测试中,常见的考查这种技能的题型有: 1. The word "..." in line ... most nearly means _____. 2. The word "..." in line ... probably means _____. 3. In line ..., the word "..." refers to _____. 4. In line ..., the word "..." could best be replaced by which of the following? 5. The word "..." as used in line ... in this passage means _____. 6. The word "..." as used in line ... is closest in meaning to ____. 7. In line ..., "..." could properly be replaced by ____. 8. By "...", the author means _____. 猜 测 词 义 (2) 猜测词义的能力不光在考试时很重要,就连我们平时阅读英语文章时也很用得着哦。 就象我们在看中文的文章时,并不是一碰到生词就去查字典,而是根据语境去猜测生词的。我们读英语文章时,也应养成这样的习惯和能力。 技巧训练 要想提高猜测词义的能力,我们可从以下七个方法下意识地进行阅读。 1. 根据定义或解释说明猜测生词的词义 在be,be called,call等判断词出现的判断句中,可根据已知部分,猜测生词的含义。例如: 1)A mosquito is a small flying pest that thrust the skin and then drink blood. 2)A person who is skilled at making or repairing wooden objects is called a carpenter. 你能猜出斜体部分单词的意思吗?mosquito是“蚊子”,carpenter是“木匠”。 怎么样?不难吧? 有时,我们还可根据定语从句或同位语对其修饰的先行词的词义做出推测。例如: His uncle is a zoologist, an expert who does research on animals. 不难猜出,zoologist就是“动物学家”的意思。 当看到文中的破折号“—”时,我们也应该留点神,因为它也可引出起解释说明作用的同位语或具有同义的短语或从句。如: Some organizations of United Nations prefer to take on Polyglots as their workers—those who can understand as well as speak many languages. 这里,Polyglot指的是“懂而且会说多种语言的人”。 你猜出来了吗? 2. 根据对比关系猜测生词的词义 在but,however,yet,otherwise,though这些表示意义转折的连词出现的句子中,其前后的词有明显的对比关系。根据已知的内容,通过这种对比关系,就很容易猜出生词的词义了。如: 1)Though Tom's face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. grubby是什么意思呢?和clean相对,便是“肮脏的”了。 2)John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things;his wife, however, is very thrifty. 和wastes a lot of money相对比,thrifty就是“节俭的”意思。 3. 通过因果关系猜测词义 because,since与as是连结原因状语从句的从属连词,so是连结表示结果的并列句的连词,so...that与such...that中的that是连结结果状语从句的。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中,通过因果关系,依据已知部分,就能猜出生词的词义。例如: 1) She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 根据后边的原因,我们就可推测出trim就是“修剪”的意思。right? Ok, it's your turn.看看你能否正确猜出下句中斜体词的意思。 2) The river is so turbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is shallow. 根据that引导的结果状语从句,可以猜出,turbid的意思是“浑浊的”。你猜对了吗? 4. 根据生活常识猜测词义 运用逻辑推理能力,自身的生活经验及生活常识,根据上下文能读懂的部分,可以正确猜出词义。 下面文字中斜体单词的词义你能猜出来吗? 1) Birds fly with their wings, and they pick up their foods, and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding objects. 2)Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. 句子的已知部分和我们的常识告诉我们: wings是“翅膀”;beaks是“喙”;claws是“爪子”;wither表示“枯萎”。 5. 根据同等关系猜测词义 同等关系,指的是一个词,一组词或短语在句中作同一成分,而且它们的词义都属于同一范畴。明显的标志是,这样的词组或短语中间常常用并列连词and或or来连接。例如: 1) At forty-two he was in his prime and always full of energy. 2) Are people born intelligent or stupid? 你能根据同等关系猜出斜体词的意思吗? 从“年龄42岁”以及与prime具有同等关系的full of energy,可以猜出prime的意思是“盛年时期”。从选择连词or“还是”以及与intelligent处于同等位置的stupid “愚蠢的”可以猜测intelligent是“聪明的”意思。 6. 根据列举的事例猜测词义 如:You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, or English Learning. 从后面列举的例子可以猜出periodical是“期刊,杂志”的意思。 7. 根据构词法知识猜测词义 根据学过的构词法知识,知道词根和前缀或后缀的意义,就可猜出由它们组成的新词词义。 如: The colors of Hawaii in summer are unforgettable. 根据构词法和我们已熟悉的词forget,我们可以知道unforgettable就是“令人难忘的”意思。 推理分析题 推 理 分 析(一) 推理判断题属于主观性极强的高层次阅读理解题。做这类题目时,要严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。应注意:当问及作者的看法、意图与态度时,不是在问你作为中国学生的想法,而是作者本人在字里行间所表述的观点。 除了靠平时多训练自己这方面的能力外,还可以多看看有关这方面技巧介绍的文章。下面,我们一起来看看有些什么技巧吧。 技巧训练 要进行正确的推理,首先应对文章的写作特点或推理特点有所了解。推理是揭示事态的原因或结果,这类文章通常是以三种方式展开的。 第一种是从结果到原因,重点在原因。其推理方式往往是首先提出一个问题或叙述一个事实,然后给予答案或说明原因。 第二种推理方式是从原因到结果,重点在结果。其推理方式是首先在导言中提出问题,然后指出或列举这个问题可能引起或已经引起的后果。 第三种推理方式是因果连锁反应,即前一个矛盾统一体中的结果又连为后一个矛盾统一体中的原因。掌握文章的推理方式,在进行推理时是大有帮助的。 其次是要看清题意和题型要求,还要在阅读时注意收集各种线索,捕捉与之有关的信息。 另外,在选择答案时,因其大同小异,模棱两可,应根据题意要求,选择最切合原文内容的一个。但往往很多文章并不严格依照这三种模式来展开,所以,做题时就得靠考生保持清醒的头脑,从文章给出的事实和逻辑两个方面去判断推理了。当考生遇到问及作者的态度,观点的考题时,首先要通读全文,对文章的写作风格有所了解,尤其要仔细领会文章的主题思想,因为它通常能规定作者的写作笔调。 其次,要注意作者在描述事物,表达观点时遣词造句的方式。因为在表达个人看法时,作者往往用一些带有个人感情色彩或褒贬分明的词汇,阅读时对这些方面多加注意就能作出正确的判断。 下面,我们一起来看看1995NMET阅读理解项的文章B,试试自己能否选出正确答案。 Frank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. "Oh no!" he thought to himself. "Another day at that office; a boss who shouts at me all the time." As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door. He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside. "Big woods Football Pools(足球赌博公司)would like to congratulate you. You have won half a million pounds." Frank suddenly came to life. The cigarette(香烟)fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street. At 11:30 Frank arrived at work. "Please explain why you're so late," his boss said. "Go and jump in the lake," replied Frank. "I've just come into a little money so this is good-bye. Find yourself someone else to shout at." That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar(雪茄) when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men, neatly dressed in gray suits. "Mr. Smithson," one of them said, "we're from Bigwoods Pools. I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake…" 65.When he heard the knock at the door, Frank probably thought _____. A. someone had come to make an apology B. someone had come to give him the money C. his friends had come to ask about the football pools D. his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck 66.On hearing "…there's been a terrible mistake…" Frank was most likely to be _____. A. disappointed B. worried C. nervous D. curious 以上两小题答案均没有直接表达在短文里,但根据二、三、四自然段中对Frank的行为活动的描写可以推断出,Frank那天晚上急于等待有人把half a million pounds送到家中,所以65题正确答案是B。但是当他冲到门口打开门时听到的却是“...I'm afraid there's been a terrible mistake...", 由此可以想象Frank的心情是何等的失望,因此66题正确答案应该是A。 从上面例题我们可以看出,推断的内容在文章中虽没有明确的叙述,但却暗含在文字之中。因此在进行推断时,必须要靠有关的文字部分作为推理的前提和依据,千万不能想当然。 在判断推理题目时,学生有时会发现所给的四个选项中,有不止一个选项可以作为答案项,学生一旦发现有一个看似正确的选项,就立即把它作为正确答案的备选项,这是不明智的,正确的方法是再看一看其他选项中还有没有更完备的答案。如果有别的备选答案的话,就要根据作者的意图,选择比较,去伪存真,做出深层理解和全面分析,进行合理的推理和判断,选出切合文章的最佳答案。 推理型问题主要包括以下几大类:对作者语气、态度、倾向、风格的推理,对作者意图、主题思想的推理,对数字的推断,对文中细节的推断等。 1)推断作者的态度、语气、风格、倾向 在一些文章里,作者的语气和态度往往并不能直接在文章中读到,而是通过一些描写反映了作者的某种态度或倾向。通过全文的阅读,有时可以从文章中领悟作者的观点;通过对作者使用的词汇(多为形容词和副词)的分析,可以推断出作者的态度和感情,例如作者对某一观点是赞成还是反对,是批评还是客观陈述。 2)推断作者的意图或主题思想 利用确定中心思想(主旨)的方法可以先确定短文的主题和大意,然后分析句子之间的关系,在全面理解原文的基础上,推测出作者的写作意图和目的。 3)推断文中的数字 先在短文中找出题目中所涉及的数字和文字,然后根据题目要求对各数字进行推算。应注意,有的题目只要求找出相关的数字,有些题目则要做简单的计算。 4)推断文中细节 文中经常会为了说明一个主题或者观点,而做出一系列论述或解释,采用的方式可能是举例、论证、摆事实或讲道理、提出问题或者指出事件的原因等。这种题型常常集中对文章中某一点或几点、某一方面或几方面、某一部分或几部分提出问题。回答这类问题时,应首先仔细阅读原文以确定推理依据的范围,然后按题意进行推断。 例如下文: The early settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and in Virginia were drawn largely from the rural areas of England. Few actual paupers and few of the really rich were among them. Nevertheless, exclusively members of what today would be described as the rural middle -class did not people the colonists. Many settlers were so poor that they paid for passage across the Atlantic by selling their freedom for a given number of years; poverty forced others to leave their native lands for the New World against their will. Question: It can be inferred from the passage that some settlers were able to pay for travel to the New World by ______________. A) disguising themselves as wealthy merchants B) falsifying their ancestor's wills C) drawing and selling portraits of upper-class Europeans D) working for other people for several years 对于该问题,文章有提示,即文章的最后一个句子。我们可以从该句子中they paid for passage across the Atlantic by selling their freedom for a given number of years所包含的信息,推断出“这些人为了过大西洋需要去挣钱,其方式就是为别人打工,出售自己的自由”。故选D是正确的 推 理 分 析(二) 前面我们了解了推理分析题型的常见考查点,你还有印象吗? 对,一是对整篇文章的逻辑推理分析,二是对作者的写作意图和态度的判断。除了这两点以外,另外一些技能也会成为考查点。 一、 对文章的体裁和来源作出判断 考试大纲就明文规定:体裁避免单一化,包括记叙文、说明文、应用文等。而文章的来源指的是该文的出处,是选自小说,报刊杂志,还是科技论文,书评等,这就得靠考生自己作出判断了。通常这类问题的提问方式有以下几种: 1. This selection(节选) might be some parts of a book concerned with... 2. This passage might be taken out of a book dealing with... 3. Where did this passage most probably appear? 4. These extracts(摘录) are probably taken from... 二、技巧训练 那么如何判断文章的体裁和来源呢? 判断体裁应根据其写作特点和叙述的内容,故事、评论、阐述对话各有其特点,是不难区分的。判断其来源要留心所选的部分是哪一类的,涉及哪方面的内容。一篇故事是不可能取材于科学杂志,新闻报道也不可能刊载在书评内。因此,判断文章来源应将文章的形式及内容特点加以综合考虑才能下结论。例如: More than 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured(受伤) each year. At a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third floor window. Wearing a seat belt(安全带) saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to $ 50. It will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver's responsibility(责任) to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing seat belt of some kind. However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing(倒退) your vehicle or you are making a local delivery(发送) or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances(情形) apply to you before you decide not to wear your seat belt. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it. Question: This text is taken from _____. A. a medical magazine B. a police report C. an advertisement(广告) D. a government information booklet(小册子) 这篇文章由不系安全带造成的危害引出不系安全带会处以什么样的惩罚,以及哪些情况下可以不系安全带。很显然,文章应该是从警方的报告中节选下来的,答案是B。 推 理 分 析(三) 考查推理分析能力的题型,还经常会让你对所阅读的文章的前后内容作出判断和预测。 一、对前后的内容作出判断与预测 这是要求你对该选段前面未取部分或其后将要谈及的内容,作出判断与预测。通常提问的方式有: 1. The paragraph preceding(先于...) this one most probably discusses ... 2. The paragraph preceding this extract probably deal with... 3. What does the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss? 4. What do you think the author will discuss in the next part? 5. The author intend to explain next ... 6. According to the passage you've read, the writer will probably suggest next ... 二、 技巧训练 那么,如何判断和预测前后的内容呢? 由于所选文章的前后内容都未出现,且该部分是孤立的一段或几段,因此要准确作出判断,并非易事。这就要求我们在看文章时,要带着问题去阅读。 首先,我们对所读的选段要有一个全局的概念,弄清它所涉及的全部内容,哪些可能已谈过,哪些还没谈,而我们正在阅读的摘选部分就是你作出分析的参照物了。 其次,我们要从文章的语篇结构上去分析。一篇文章通常由导言、正文和结束语构成。导言一般要概述全篇内容,它规定了文章的主线或中心内容。借助导言,我们能紧紧把握作者的思路,从而有利于对文章的理解。正文是文章的主体,也是最常选摘的部分。正文的各段内容都由导言确定,也就是说,正文不论述导言中未提及的观点和内容。结束语是文章的收尾部分,尤其是正式论文往往通过它而使全篇得到提纲 挈领的概括并从中得出结论。 因此,通过对文章的篇章结构的分析,就可判断已谈了什么或将要谈什么。 下面,我们一起来看一篇短文,试试你能否正确作出判断,OK? Garson McCullers had the brilliant and early success that has come to be almost a tradition of the southern school. She was born in Columbus, Georgia, in 1917 of a family that was poorly off(贫困的), but which sympathized with her early passion(激情) for music and writing. She started writing plays in her early teens under the influence of Eugene O'Neill. At seventeen she went to New York to study music at Julliard with the idea of becoming a concert pianist, but she lost her tuition(学费) money in the subway and thereafter supported herself in a variety of jobs, from guarding the door for a book publisher to playing the piano for others, from music to literature(文学), at nineteen she sold two stories to Story magazine. Then she went back to the South to marry Reeves McCullers (he died in 1953) and lived for two years at Fort Bragg where he was stationed. It was in this period that she wrote The Heart is a lonely Hunter (1940), whose publication made her immediately (立即)famous. It is extraordinary enough for a first novel, but is prodigious(巨大的) for an author of twenty-two. Mrs. McCullers, understandably, had not yet learned the tight control of her art that was to make her next book so memorable, but The Heart is a lonely Hunter embraces all the themes that she was later to deal with more particularly. Question: With what topic does the paragraph following the passage most likely deal? A. The major themes in Carson McCullers' work. B. Carson McCullers' musical compositions. C. How Reeves McCullers affected his wife's work. D. Carson McCuller's contributions to Story magazine. 你决定选哪一个了吗? 我们先来分析分析这篇文章。文章前半部分主要讲的是Carson McCullers的早年经历和使她一举成名的书。原文最后一句话指出那本书容纳了她后来刻意论述的主题。但主题是什么,这里没有提到。这也是文章后半部分要谈的内容。到现在,你应该知道答案了吧。对,就是A。 第三部分:复习策略 1. 坚持每天做至少两篇阅读并在规定的时间内完成(考生在平时练习时应把握好测试时间,最好按略高于考试要求的速度即70wpm进行练习)。(阅读不同题材和体裁的文章,广告,通知,告示…) 2. 要求针对不同的阅读材料使用不同的阅读方法来解决阅读中的问题。 高考阅读文章选材要求: 1)阅读材料的主题要明确,话题要新,要有时代感, 2)语言应地道,条理清晰,结构紧凑,在时间顺序、空间顺序或逻辑推理上要有较大的复杂性。 3)材料长短适宜。平均每篇短文300词左右,但每篇文章要有足够的信息量 4)语言难易要适度。材料中的生词量应控制在1%以内(由构词法形成的词不计为生词),避免短文中出现太多的汉语释义。每篇注释的词控制在3个以内。 5)材料应具有真实性,原汁原味,选材新颖,避免选用广为流传和人所共知的材料,可涉及科普、社会、文化、政治、经济和生活等。 6)体裁应多样化,应有叙述文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。每套试题最好有一篇考查特定信息能力的广告、公告类材料,也可选用科普、新闻等体裁。 总之,今年高考阅读理解测试的内容和形式将朝着纵深方向发展,命题的难度也将逐渐加大, 篇幅加长。阅读理解是英语学习的关键。我们除了要具备丰富的词汇、固定短语以及实际应用它们的能力、熟练的语法知识及其综合应用的能力外,平时一定要多做阅读练习。阅读题材要广泛,如人物传记、新闻广告、英文报刊杂志、社会文化背景、科普知识等。阅读的体裁也要广泛,如说明文、议论文、叙述文、应用文等,同时也要注意阅读速度。在此基础上,掌握科学的解题思路与分析方法,即阅读技巧,必将提高阅读水平,加快解题速度,从而为获得优异的成绩打下良好的基础。 |
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