人教版 高三unit 5 reading and grammar

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Unit 5 Getting the message
Period 2 Language Points & Grammar
By XiaoShan No.10 High School Han Miao
Teaching goals
1. Deal with the language points of this reading to help students understand the text better.
2. Try to understand and use the Object Complement.
Teaching important points
1. Try to master some important words and phrases. Eg. available, illegal, hand in hand, accuse of, take into consideration,…
2. let students understand the types of the Object Complement and use it.
Teaching difficult points
How to explain the Object Complement clearly to help students understand it.
Teaching methods
1. Question-and-answer method to go through with the language points and grammar.
2. Check their homework to make every student work in class.
Teaching aids
A computer
Teaching procedures & ways
Step I Greetings
Greet the students as usual.
Step II Language points
We have divided the text into three parts. Let’s check your homework part by part.
1) Part 1 Tick the right answers.
Advertising is a ( highly developed / high developed) industry. The development of media has gone (hand to hand / hand in hand) with its development. In order to influence the choices customers make, advertising tries to associate the product ( to / with) the customers’needs. As people see many ads every day, advertisers must work hard to get their message ( across / across to) .For that reason, companies spend ( large amounts of / large amount of) money employing advertisers who can produce
wonderful ads to(appeal to / appeal for) customers’emotions.While people (react to / react on) abvertisements in different ways. Some people think it useful and entertaining .( On the one hand / On the other hand), some accuse companies ( of / by) using ads to mislead us.
Explain some important points:
1. highly developed
2. hand in hand
3. get across
4. large amounts of
5. accuse sb. of sth.
2.) Part 2 Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the words. The first letter is given.
1. Ads help people in a v_______ of ways.
2. First of all, it can help consumers make right choices to choose among all the a_________ products.
3. There are many things we need to take into c___________ before we buy a new product.
4. Ads a_______ customers to compare prices and quality by explaining the new product to them.
5. A______ with the facts and figures given by advertising, customers are better able to deal with the product.
6. However, not all ads are used to p_______ a product or to increase a company’s profits
7. Many governments use ad campaigns to make people a______ of social problems and government policies.
Explain some important points:
1. a variety of
2. take into consideration
3. arm with
3. not all
3) . Part 3 Find out some mistakes in the following sentences, then correct them.
There are also some bad ads to use legal ways to mislead consumers. It is not always easy to spotting a bad ad. But there are a few things we can look out. First of all, we should always keep a eye out for “hidden information”. Then we should be careful of a trick used in so-called “bait-and-switch” ads. Good ads make it is possible for companies to introduce new products and increase sales. Advertisements should provide accurate information to help consumers to find the right product in the best price., We consumers should learn to analyse ads to protect ourselves from false advertisements and make ourselves to believe this product.
Explain some important points:
1. look out for sth
2. keep an eye out for
3. make it possible
Step III grammar
1. Let students analyse the structure of a sentence:
The ads make ourselves believe this product.
Believe is the Object Complement.
The Object Complement 是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的行为、身份、状态、特征的成分
2. Let students analyse the types of Object Complement by finish the sentences.
1. We call her Linda.(我们叫她琳达) → 名词2. The coat keeps us warm.( 大衣让我们保暖) → 形容词
3. He ordered them away. (他命令他们离开)→ 副词
4. Make yourselves at home. (请随便一点) → 介词短语
5. They wish you to go with them.(他们希望你和他们一起去) → 动词不定式6. I heard you singing.(我听到他正在唱歌) → 现在分词
7. Speak louder to make yourselves heard.(说大声一点,让他们听到你) → 过去分词
1. 动词不定式作宾补时要注意的地方。
2. 现在分词与动词不定式作宾补的区别。
3. 现在分词和过去分词作宾补的区别
3.Let students do some exercises about the Object Complement.
3. check their answers and explain them if necessary.
Step IV. Homework.
1.Finish the exercises on page 180-181
2.Preview Integrating Skills



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