人教版 高二同步辅导资料unit2

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高二同步辅导资料 Unit 2 News Media
1. reliable可靠的;靠得住
rely on/upon依靠;指望
Is this information ____________?这条信息可靠吗?
I rely on you ________________.我指望你帮我。
we can't rely on _____________ on time.别指望他按时来。
Nowadays we ______________ computers for work现令人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。
◇[考题1] Peter is my close friend,who can be______what he promises.
A.relied on to do B.relied to do C.relied on doing D.relying to doing
2.go up 涨价;上涨;上升;升级;增长;(楼房等)盖起来。修建起来
◇[考题2] Although the prices of TV set are______,he managed to make the manager_____the price of that TV set.
A.going up;bring down B.gone up;go down
C.going up;brought down D.going down;bring up
3.inform vt.通知;告诉(后接名词,代词,of 引起的复合宾语、不定式及从句等)
He will inform ______________ . 他将通知我们去哪儿。
He informed ___________________ . 他告诉他们他到了.
He informed the police _____________________________.他向警方报案说有些钱不见了。
He is a ________________ man .他是个消息灵通人士。
注意 : inform后不可直接用双宾语。类似用法有:
warn sb.of sth
rob sb.of sth抢劫某人某物
remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事
cure sb.of sth.治疗好某人某病
◇[考题3] (1) The manager promised to keep me_____of how our business was going on.
A.to be informed B.on informing c.informed D.informing
(2)一Keep me informed________the latest news.---OK.
A.by B.at C.for D.of
4. reIate n把……联系起来 be related to与……有联系;与……有关
relation n.(=relative)关系;亲戚
I can't _____ what he does __ what he says我不能把他所做的与他所说的联系起来。
These are two __________________.这是两个相关的问题
◇[考题4] Can you _____what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind ?
A. connect B.keep in touch with C.relate D.join to
5. present adj.出席的;在场的;存在的;现在的 n.目前;现在;礼物
He was the only Engishman ___________.他是在场的惟一的英国人。
Here's the doctor's _________________.这里是医生现在的地址。
____________ we are living in Paris.目前我们住在巴黎。
He often gave her _________________.他常常给她小礼物。
◇ [考题5] (1)All the people_______at the party were his supporters.
A.present 、B.thankful C.interested D.important
(2)Let's leave things as they are____,even though we may have a change later on.
A.present B.presently C.at present D.for the present
disappointing /boring vt.只使人失望的/厌倦的
disappointed/bored adj.失望的/厌倦的
◇[考题6] The 1ong speech giyen by the old professor seemed_____and endless.He felt so_____that he nearly fell asleep.
A.disappointed;boring B.disappointed:bored
C.disappointing;bored D.disappointing;boring
7. fall in love爱上(强调动作) be in Iove with与……相恋;爱上(强调状态)
◇[考题7] They _______in love at first sight.Now,they ____in 1ove with each other for nearly a month .
A.were;fell B.fell;were C.were;were D.fell;fell
8.face此面对;面向 诚向朝;面临(困难等)。正视对付(危险、困难等)
◇[考题8](1)_______such a difficult problem,he didn't know what to do. .
A.Faced B.Facing C.Faced to D.Facing witll
(2)My mum dropped me off at elementary school,leaving me alone to___new challenges.
A.offer B.avoid C.dea1 with D.face with
◇[考题9] (1)He would give no_______for his behaviour.
A.reason B.aim C.cause D.target
(2)Be_______;you can't expect her to do all the work on her own.
A.1ogical B.honest C.reasonable D.sincere
10. Switch n.开关。电门转换器;转变。改变。交换位置
a light switch灯的开关
switch off切断(电源煤气等)
switch on打开,接通
◇[考题11] Would you please__the light? I can't see much clearly.It is getting dark.
A.switch off B.switch on C.turn off D.take on
11.Reflect vt.反映(某事物的性质);表现;反射;映出;反省。考虑
◇[考题12] Her happy look_____that she has done well in the exam.
A.presents B.reflects C.appears D.seems
12. concern vt.与……有关;涉及;影响到;使提心。使关心(常与about,in。with搭配)
This article ___________ a man who was wrongly imprisoned.
These problems _______________.这个问题影响到我们大家每个人。
More and more people ____________________ the environmental problem.
◇[考题18] (1)Anything that_______Mr.Green interests me.
A.concerns B.matters C.importances D.subjects
(2)It's not necessary for you to be____about others'business.
A.concern B.concern yourself C.concerning D.concerned
13.complete vt.完成;结束;使……完整;齐备 adj.完整的
(2)complete 是比较正式用语,一般表示对计划.事业 .建筑等的完后跟名词或代词,不跟动名词,不定式
(3)end 是指停止,结束某一过程
The headmaster has _________ speaking .
When will the railway be ___________ .
They _________ the meeting at five .
◇[考题19] (1)All the preparations for me task_____,and we're ready to start.
A.completed B.complete 'C.had been completed D.have been completed
(2) Is the story he told us a_______one?
A.end B.finish C.stop D.complete
She _____________ her feelings.她很少表露感情。
He __________________________ to lead,did he?他很少有机会读书,是吗?
◇[考题22] I watched the film The Lord of the King(《指环王》)last night.Seldom______such a good film.
A.I did see B.had I seen C.have I seen D.I saw
15.hurt、wound injure 、harm表示"伤害"的区别
wound刺伤,常指在打斗中,由外来暴力造成 的刀伤、枪伤,程度较重。
◇[考题24] Mrs.Green's car ran into a large tree and she_______in the accident.
A.got badly hurt B•was lnjured badly
C.got badly wounded D.was wounded badly
[考题25](1)He is brave,hald-working and kind,so he was selected _______monitor of our class.
A. as a B. to be the C .a D. 不填
(2)一Have you________what you want to eat?
have difficuly(in)doing sth. 有困难做某事
with difficulty 费劲地,吃力地
without difficulty 不费劲地;轻易地
out of/the difficulty 脱离困境
get/run into difficulties 陷入困境
◇[考题27] I wonder what difficulty he had_____the plan.
A. to carry out B.carrying out C.carryied out D.with carrying out
make(an) effort(s)to do sth.)努力做某事
spare no effort不遗余力
without effort毫不费力地
But all these efforts ____________________.但是所有的努力都化作泡影。
I'll _________________ to help you.我将不遗余力地帮助你。
◇ [考题29]The rescue team made every_____to find tlle missing mountain climber.
A.force B.energy C.effort D.possibility.
pay attention to注意
catch/calL/attract one's attention。
turn one's attention to把某人的注意力转向
concentrate one's attention on /upon把注意力集中在
draw attention to对……表示注意
[考题30]Great attention must be paid_____education, especially in tlle countryside.
A.develop B.to develop C.to developing D.developing
20. even if的用法及让步状语从句引导词
even if=even though表示"即使"的意思。
Even if it ________________,we will go to schoo1.即使下着倾盆大雨,我也要上学。 引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有although,though,even if,even though,as,despite,in spite of,no matter+特殊疑问词,及wherever,whatever等。
You wiIl succeed in the end _________ you failed last time.
He didn't stop working _________ he was i11.他虽然病了,但未停止工作。
Child _____________.he knows a 1ot.他虽然是个孩子,但懂得很多。
________________________,1 won't believe you.无论你说什么,我决不相信你的话。
◇[考题32](1)___________she is young,she knows quite a 1ot things.
A.When B.However C.Although D.Unless
(2)______,he doesn't study well.
A.As he is clever B.Clever as he is C.He is as clever D.As clever he is
(3)Nobody believed him_________what he said.
A.even if B.in spite C.no matter D.contrary to
1. Difficulty__________________ 2. informed______________________
3.Relate___________________ 4.Present__________________
1.There is a rumour that-clause.
2. it was the first time that-clause.
3.make+形式宾语it+for sb.to do sth.
4.What do you think of..?
5.1 would rather choose…
6.What's your opinion?




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