人教版 高二 Unit 11-20 useful expressions

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Unit 11 useful expressions
1 be likely to do sth. 有可能/有希望作某事
It is likely to rain tonight.
be likely that clause
It is likely that he will pass the exam.
2 set foot (in/on) 踏入,进入,到达
When I set foot in the country, I felt happy.
3 have an effect on 对…有效果,对…有影响
What his mother said had no effect on him.
4 rely on = depend on 依靠,依赖
He is a man to be relied on.
5 come to life 苏醒过来,变得活跃
He thought himself a failure and couldn’t come to life.
6 put forward 提出,建议,推荐
Mr. Smith put forward his plan in the meeting.
7 aim at 瞄准,旨在
Chairman Hu was on a visit to Japan, aiming at expanding the friendship of the two countries.
8 have … in common 与…有共同之处
They have little in common.
9 work on 从事于
Lily has been working on teaching for 12 years.
10 make it adj. to do sth. 使做某事….
Try your best to make it possible to realize your dream.
11 in store 即将来临
Winter is in store, so we have much food to prepare for it.
12 be home to …的所在地
Zhongguancun is home to science district.
13 set up 建立 set out 开始做某事
Look! The building being set up is our library.
14 get + v-ed 表示被动 如:get started
15 in the late 1990s 在20世纪90年代晚期
16 master’s degree
17 come true 变成现实 没有被动态
One day my dream can come true.
18 hear about/of 听说 hear from sb 收到某人的来信
I never heard of such a ridiculous thing.
His mother hasn’t heard from him for a long time.
19 together with 与…一起
20 explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事
不能说 explain sb sth
21 deal with = do with
deal with 与how 连用, do with 与 what 连用
Could you tell me how to deal with the problem?
22 be excited about 对…感到兴奋
23 not all 部分否定
如: Not all the students play football.
24 contribute to 对…做贡献,向…投稿
I will contribute to my work.
25 be filled with 充满
26 send … into 发射/发送…进入
27 become part of 成为…的一部分
28 prepare for 为…做好准备
29 at first sight 第一次看见
30 make fire 生火
31 divide … into 把…分成
32 give rise to 引起,导致,使发生
33 lead to 导致,引起
34 in turn 轮流,反过来
35 keep on doing sth 持续做某事
Keep on studying, you can get a big surprise.
36 later on 不久以后
37 afford to do sth 支付得起去做某事
His family is very poor, they can’t afford to his study.
38 pay attention to 注意 to 为介词
You should pay attention to your handwriting.
39 make sure 确保
40 benefit from 从…中获益
41 in ancient times 在古代
Unit 12 useful expressions
1 make a living 谋生
2 apply for 申请,请求
3 set out (to do sth) 出发,上路
4 in public 公开地,公然
5 throw light upon/on 阐明某事,使某事显得非常清楚
6 cut up 切碎
7 I doubt if/whether clause 我怀疑是否…
I don’t doubt that clause
8 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
allow doing sth 允许做某事
9 lay the foundation of 奠定了…的基础
10 long before 不久前 before long 不久后
11 remind sb of sth 提醒某人想起某事
12 turn out (to be …) 结果是
13 from that day on 从那一天开始
14 on board 在船上
15 defend …against 保卫…免受…的伤害
16 neither … nor … 即不…也不…
17 begin with 以…开始
18 pass through 穿过
19 dressed in 打扮
20 instead of 代替,如果放在句尾,省略of
21 dream of 梦想
22 slow down 减慢
23 burn out 烧光
24 it is/was …that/who … 强调句式
25 lie in 在于
26 cut off 切断
27 keep …from doing sth 保护…免受伤害
28 on the other hand 在另一方面
29 in the form of 以…形式
30 so far 截止到目前为止
31 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth
32 as follows 如下所示
33 be proud of 以…而骄傲/自豪
I am proud of my class.
be proud to do sth 做某事很骄傲/自豪
34 go up into 上升进入
35 cool down 变得冷却
36 prevent … from doing sth 阻止某事发生
The soldiers repaired the war to prevent the country from attacking.
Unit 13 useful expressions
1 benefit from 从…中获益
2 all the way 一直,一路上
3 take advantage of 对…加以利用
4 call in 召集,打电话
The firefighters were called in to put out the fire.
5 a variety of 种类繁多的
6 give off 释放,放出
The rotted meat gave off some bad smell.
7 cover … with … 用…盖上
8 pour … into … 把…倒入
9 fill … with … 用…把…装满
10 take …away 把…拿走
11 upside down 倒置
12 happen to sb 碰巧发生在某人身上
13 come up with 想出
At last, he came up with a good solution to solve the problem.
14 in this way 以这种方法
15 be used to do sth 被用于做某事
The knife is used to cut something.
used to do sth 过去常常做某事
He used to get up at five, now he gets up at six.
be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事
I am not used to speaking aloud.
16 range from … to … 在…到… 范围内变动
17 be made up of 由…组成
18 break down 破坏,崩溃,分解
19 fall into 掉入
20 that is 那就是
21 mix with 与…混合
22 even though 尽管,即使, 不与but 连用
23 be sensitive to 对…很敏感
24 add … to 增加
25 百分比,分数比作主语,谓语动词语所接名词保持一致
Ninety percent of the students have passed English exam.
One third of water has been drunk.
26 as if 好像
27 besides 除此以外,表示递进关系
I don’t want to go there, besides, I have something to do.
28 play a trick on sb 开某人的玩笑
No one likes to be played a trick on.
29 provide … for... 为…提供…
30 compare to 与…做比较,把…比作
Compared to the whole country, the town is too small.
31 hunt for 搜索,狩猎
32 manage to do sth 设法做某式(成功可能性大)
33 despite = in spite of 尽管
34 in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上
35 send out 发送出去
Unit 14 useful expressions
1 put … in prison 把…投进监狱
如果in the prison 在监狱里
2 join hands 携手,联手,合伙
3 set an example to 为…树立榜样
4 from then on 从那时起
5 start with 以…开始
6 regardless of 不理会,不顾
7 at first sight 乍一见,初见之下
8 make friends with 与…交朋友
9 fight for 为…而战
10 as a result of … 由于…原因
11 set free 释放
12 treat …as … 把…看作
13 allow into 允许进入
allow doing / allow sb to do sth
14 in the same way as …和…一样的方式
15 treat with respect 用尊敬的态度对待
16 separate … from … 把…分开
17 demand + 从句(主语+(should) +动词原形)
The officer demanded that all the policemen should go there in 2 hours.
18 believe in 信仰
19 ask for 要求,请求
20 fight against 为反对…而战
21 be addicted to 上瘾
22 run away 逃跑
23 break out 爆发(没有被动语态)
24 prove to be 证明是 prove 没有被动态
25 take part in 参与
26 the same …as… 与…一样
27 pay for 支付 pay off 还清 pay back 还回
28 not only…but also …不但…而且…
Unit 15 useful expressions
1 look into 调查
2 every now and then 偶尔,不时地
3 get/be tired of 对…感到厌倦,对…失去兴趣
4 cool off 变凉,冷却,冷静
5 act out 表演
6 taste, smell, feel, sound 等感官动词没有被动语态。
7 get the itch to travel 有旅游的渴望
8 be known/famous for 因为…而著名(特点)
be known/famous as (身份/地位)
9 spend … on sth/doing sth 在…花费
10 there is no need to do sth 做某事没有必要
11 work out 算出,做锻炼
12 take a dip 为时不长的游泳
13 a feast for the eyes 大饱眼福
14 be located in 位于
15 bring up 抚育,培养
16 suggest doing sth
suggest that clause (主语+(should)+ 动词原形 )
17 prefer to do sth rather than do sth
prefer doing sth to doing sth
prefer sth to sth
18 avoid doing sth 避免做某事
19 a list of 一系列的
20 in addition to 除…以外
21 be/become popular with 受到…的欢迎
22 within reach 够得到,能够到达
反义词 out of reach
23 a number of 谓语动词用复数
the number of 谓语动词用单数
24 plenty of 许多,大量
25 choose from 从…中选择
26 treat… to… 款待
27 consider
考虑 +doing 认为+to do
28 get around 四处走动
Unit 16 useful expressions
1 in vain 徒劳,白辛苦
2 take a chance 冒险,碰运气
3 leave alone 不打扰,不理会
4 insist on 坚持(做)
5 as a result 结果
6 put out 出版, 生产,扑灭,关掉
7 on sale 出售,减价
8 in turn 轮流,反过来,转而
9 take notes 记笔记
10 turn into 变成
11 connect with 与…联系
12 pass through 穿过
13 drive off 驱赶,驱逐
14 burn down 烧毁
15 struggle to do sth 挣扎着做某事
16 recover …from 从…恢复
17 a series of 一系列的
18 be determined to do sth 决心去做某事
19 in honour of 为了纪念…,表示对…的敬意
20 share with 与…分享
21 look up 查找
22 disagree with sb 不同意某人的观点
23 in this way 以这种方法
24 die out 灭绝
25 supply sth for sb 为某人提供某物
26 cut off 切断
27 look forward to 期望,盼望 to 为介词
28 adapt to 适应
29 die of 死于…(内因)
30 live through 度过,经历
31 according to 根据
Unit 17 useful expressions
1 get around = get about 四处走动,活动
2 get/be used to 适应于…;习惯于…
3 adjust to 适应
4 participate in 参与
5 get dressed 打扮
6 make a contribution to 为…做贡献
7 play a role in/within …在…中扮演…的角色
8 live with 与…生活在一起,忍受…
9 reach one’s goal 实现某人的目标
10 be gifted in 在…方面有天赋
11 make friends with sb 与某人交朋友
12 every four years 每四年
13 fail to do sth 做某事很失败
14 compete in 在…比赛
compete for 为…比赛
15 it seems as if +clause 似乎好像
16 make sure that clause 确保
17 be accessible to 容易接近的,容易进入的
18 at least 至少
at most 至多
19 keep in mind 记住
20 turn around 转过来
Unit 18 useful expressions
1 allow for 顾及到,为…做准备
2 get stuck 陷进去,遭到困难
3 break away from 摆脱,脱离
4 be aware of 意识到,知道
5 trial and error 反复实验,不断摸索
6 after all 毕竟
7 match …with …把…和…相连
8 throw away 扔掉
9 be tired of 厌烦,对…没有兴趣
10 be used for 被用于做某事
11 think about 考虑
12 be connected to 与…连接
13 way of doing sth
way to do sth 做某事的方法
14 force sb to do sth 强迫某人去做某事
15 try doing 试着做某事
try to do sth 尽力去做某事
16 that much 那么多
17 be said to be doing 据说正在进行
be said to have done sth 据说已经完成
18 now that 既然,由于
19 be similar to 与…相似
20 come across 偶遇,邂逅
21 just around the corner 即将来临
22 no longer 不再
23 dare do sth 此处dare 作为情态动词
dare to do sth 此处dare 作为实义动词
24 take …for granted 认为…是理所当然的
25 laugh at 嘲笑
26 in the beginning 在…开始
Unit 19 useful expressions
1 pay back 偿还,报答
2 have mercy on 对…表示怜悯
3 go about 开始做,着手于
4 as far as I know 据我所知
5 tear up 撕毁, 取消合同等
6 at the mercy of 任由…摆布或控制
7 go down on one’s knees 跪下
8 get married 结婚
9 give up 放弃 give in 屈服,让步
10 it’s useless doing sth 做某事没有用
11 might/may as well do sth 倒不如做某事
12 pass … on sb 宣判…
13 be calm 保持冷静
14 be seated 就坐
15 in the end 结束,最终
16 let/have/make sb do sth 让某人做某事
17 accuse sb of doing 谴责做某事
18 bleed to death 流血而死
19 offer up 奉献
20 expect sb to do sth 期望某人去做某事
21 at present 目前,现在
22 at sea 在大海上
23 so + adj. + a/an + n
such +a/an +adj. +n
24 no more, no less 不多不少
25 be worthy of 值…
26 above all 总而言之
27 go ahead 做吧
28 tear down 拆除
29 lie to sb 向某人说谎
30 wake up 叫醒
33 escape from 从…中逃脱
34 fall in love with 与…相爱
35 not only 放在句首,用部分倒装
36 care for 关心,在意
37 stand out 突出,显眼
Unit 20 useful expressions
1 tend to do sth 趋向于做某事
2 in terms of 就…而言
3 in the eyes of 在…看来
4 lend a hand 帮助
5 serve as 作为,当作
6 dig up 挖出,崛起
7 find out 找出,发现
8 date back to = date from 追溯到
9 a second 又一个
10 on average 平均的
11 including +n/pron ./v-ing
n/pron ./v-ing +included
12 trade …with … 与…进行交易
13 a large quantity of 大量的,
quantities of 无论后边加什么样的名词,谓语动词必须用复数
14 belong to 属于 没有被动语态
15 be familiar with 对…熟悉
16 by no means 决不
17 be concerned about 关心
18 have sb do/doing sth
have sth done
19 get damaged 受到损害
20 result in 导致
21 add to 增加
22 consist of 由…组成
23 need 的用法
24 have a hand in 参与,插手,对某事负部分责任
1 构词法 2 情态动词 3 被动语态 4 直接和间接宾语
5 定语从句 6 it 的用法
7 直接引语和间接引语
一 听力理解 时间15分钟 18分
第一部分 听一遍
共5个小题 5分
第二部分 听两遍 共13个小题 13分
4段对话一段独白 6、7段各两个小题 8、9、10段各3个小题
二 单项选择 16个小题 16分
1 情态动词 表示推测 现在和过去的推测
2时态一个 考现在完成时以前的
3主谓一致一个 从句做主语谓语动词用单三
4 it 形式 形式主语 形式宾语 强调句式
5 定语从句 限定性和非限定性,主要靠非限定性从句
6 过去分词 考书上的固定结构,固定搭配
7 虚拟语气 考查动词后的虚拟用法 should + 动词原形
8 v-ing 考定语 状语 补语
9 辨析8个 (副词 介词词组 名词 动词的单个辨析 词组
动词以及固定搭配 交际用语一个)
三 完型填空
20个小题 20分
四 阅读理解 30分
记叙文 说明文 议论文
A B C 各4个小题 较简单 D 篇3 个小题 很难
考察猜词理解 句意理解 最好的标题 2个计算题
中心思想 2-3个小题
五 书面表达 19分
注意形式,落款结尾的表达 时态的表达转换
分段 根据提示写出自己的感想




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