人教版 高二第三单元知识点归纳

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Unit 3 Art and architecture 知识归纳
1. be free to design… 自由设计……
2. dream house 梦想屋
3. share your ideas with… 与……分享你的
4. visit a shop 逛商店
5. prefer one thing to another 喜欢一件事胜过另一件事
6. a traditional house 传统住宅
7. It is also convenient to live
close to your work. 住在离工作场所近的地方很方便。
8. all the same = just the same 都一样,无所谓;仍然,还是
9. personal style 个性化
1. in one’s opinion 在某人看来
2. look at 看;关注,考虑,看待,观察
3. living environment 生存环境
4. Every great culture in the past had its 以往历史上的每一种伟大的文化,都
own ideas of beauty expressed in art 有用建筑和艺术来表达自己审美观念
and in art and architecture. 的做法。
5. ideas of beauty 审美观念
6. in art and architecture 用艺术和建筑
7. in different styles 以不同的风格
8. go against 违背,违反
9. people’s feeling of beauty 人们的审美情趣
10. To many people modern architecture
equals progress. 在许多人看来,现代建筑就等于进步。
11. developing countries 发展中国家
12. act as 充当,扮演
13. You don’t feel invited to enter the buildings. 你并不想走进这些建筑物。
14. the Temple of Heaven 天坛
15. stand much closer to nature 更接近大自然
16. in fact 事实上
17. fill up…with… 用……装满;用……填满
18. be full of 充满
19. refer to 提到,谈到;查阅,参考;指的是
20. scan the text 浏览课文
1. make use of 利用
2. Water is to fish what air is to men. 水之于鱼就如空气之于人。
3. succeed in doing… 成功做了……
1. pull down 拆毁
2. decorate…with 用……装饰……
3. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事
4. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事
5. set…aside 把……放在一边
6. stand empty 保持空空的情形 / 状态
7. far from the city 远离城市
8. turn into 变成
9. the advantages and disadvantages 优缺点
1. differences between Chinese and Western architecture 中西方建筑方面的差异
2. similarities between Chinese and Western architecture 中西方建筑方面的相似
3. valuable art objects 珍贵的艺术品
4. cultural exchange 文化交流
5. play one of the roles 扮演其中的一个角色
6. discuss the issue 讨论这个问题
7. reach an agreement 达成共识;达成一致
8. be acceptable to all 为大家所接受
1. on display 陈列;展览
2. classical art 古典艺术
3. be open to the public 对公众开放
4. have a history of ages 具有悠久的历史
5. in the case of architecture 就建筑来说;至于建筑
6. serve the purpose 为目的服务
7. place art works in parks 在公园里摆放艺术品
8. at first glance 第一眼就……
9. enrich real life 丰富真实的生活
10. instruct the audience 教育观众
11. set goals for oneself 为自己设定目标
12. present different ideas 提出不同的观点
13. project developer 项目开发者(商)
1. prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. 喜欢(做)什么胜过(做)什么
2. preferred to do… rather than do… 宁愿做……也不愿做……
3. have a preference for sth. 偏爱某物
4. have a preference of sth. to / over another 喜爱某物甚于喜爱另一物
5. give preference to 给……优先权
6. in preference to 优先于……
7. take examples from 借鉴、仿效
8. take sth /sb for example 拿某人/物为例
9. fill up sth. with sth.
fill sth. up with sth. 用……填满……
10. impress sth. on sb. / impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事
11. make a (good) impression on sb. 给某人留下(好)印象
12, inspire + sb. + to sth. / to do 激励某人做
13. inspire + sth. + in sb. = inspire + sb. + with + sth. 激起某人的……
14. Air is to us what water is to fish. 空气之于人就如同水之于鱼一样。
15. Reading is to mind what food is to the body. 读书之于头脑如同食物之于身体。



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