人教版 高三Unit 8 语言点讲解与训练

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高三英语Unit 8 语言点讲解与训练
Unit 8 Learning a foreign language
1. stick (stuck) v. 粘贴; 把… 刺入…,扎; 陷入, 阻塞;伸出;
n. 棍 棒 手杖
stick out
stick to
get stuck in /on…
He stuck the picture on the wall.
Don’t stick pins into the chair.
Our car stuck/was stuck in the mud.
④They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick out.
他们用红色大字写出通知, 这样会很显眼。
⑤Don’t stick your arm out of the car windows.不要把胳膊伸出车窗外。
2.instruct v.教=teach;指导;命令,吩咐=order
instruction n.教授;命令;用法说明,操作指南
receive /follow the instruction(s)接受指导
give sb instructions to do命令/吩咐某人做。。
instruct sb in sth.=teach sb sth.
sb to do命令/吩咐某人做。。
that clause
They instructed me in the best ways of doing the job.
我奉命通知你们, 部长不想发表声明。
②I am instructed to inform you that the minister is not willing to make a statement.
法官告诉证人, 他应当说出全部事情。
③The judge instructed the witness that he should tell the whole truth.
④Make sure you read the instructions before you turn on the engine.
3.acquire v.(通过努力)取得,获得;开始具有 acquisition n. 获得, 得到; 获得物
The company has acquired shares in a rival business.
③acquire a habit of drinking
④He has acquired a good command/ knowledge of the French language.
4. adopt vt.采取, 采纳,采用; 收养
The old couple decided to adopt a girl though they had three of their own.
adopt a new technique/ method/idea
2. adopt vt. 收养; 采取, 采纳
①adopted son/daughter 养子/ 养女
②这对夫妇不能生育孩子, 所以就收养了两个小孩。
The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they adopted a couple of kids.
Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
1.make progress
With the help of his teacher, he has made great/good/much progress in English.
The less anxious and more relaxed the learners, the better their language acquisition.
2.make sense of理解,弄懂。。的意思
no sense
in a sense=in a way在某种意义上
a sense of humour /responsibility/ shame/safety/ hunger
the sense of sight/ hearing/ smell/ taste/ touch
Can you make sense of what the poet is saying ?
3. in other words
in a/one word 总而言之;总共=in all/in total
in word and in deed在言语上和行动上
word for word 逐字地
have a word with sb.
have words with sb.
4. experiment with sth.进行试验/实验
on/upon sb/animals
experiment with new methods on the students
5.But you know if I hadn’t noticed the little girl crossing the street all of a sudden, I wouldn’t have knocked her down.
knock down撞倒; pull down/tear down
into sb.撞倒;run into/come across
…out of…从..中敲出来;
against 撞到…上;run into/come across
6.fall behind落后
back 后退,撤退
off (从。。)掉下
over 跌倒
into 陷入
7.be concerned about/for sth/ sb = be worried about sth/sb
with sth/sb. 关心;和..有关
in sth. 参与。。
The book is concerned with Africa.
He is concerned in social welfare.
about his son’s future.
III.Sentence structures
1.Every time I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to someone , I find it difficult to express myself.(P66)
every time/each time, the first time, (the)last time, (the) next time, the moment, the minute等名词短语用作连词,引导时间状语从句
①Every time I am will , my parents will drag me to hospital.
②The moment he saw the picture, he was attracted by its beauty.
2.But once you consider the situation further, you will realize that this is indeed the case.(P67)
This is (not) the case.
If that is the case, you will have to work much harder.
3.The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better their language acquisition.
The + adj./adv.比较级, The + adj./adv.比较级.
The more expensive the hotel is, the better the service is.
In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go , ___.
A.our holiday will be better B.our holiday will be the better
C.the better our holiday will be D.the better will our holiday be 3.It takes patience to learn a language.
V. Practice
(A) Fill in the blanks with words.
1. I was terribly anxious about the children when they didn’t come home from the school.
2. I adopted their method of making the machine.
3. The card is rather appropriate for the occasion, isn’t it?
4. We finally managed to acquire the committee’s approval of our plans.
5. There are some programming errors that need correction.
6. Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding.
7. She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was trough to the next round.
8. The students return in September for the start of the new academic year.
9. Computers play an important part in our everyday life.
(B) Fill in the blanks with phrases.
1. Time is up. Let’s put an end to the class.
2. Take it easy. You will soon adjust yourself to student life.
3. The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.
4. He walked out leaving piles of debts behind.
5. I can’t make sense of the painting.
6. Too tired, she soon fell behind the others in the team.
7. You have no right to take risks with other people’s lives.
8. She often depends on others. In other words, she doesn’t do things by herself.
9. They experimented with the new medicine on the animals.
(C) Multiple choices
1. These books are my most recent ____________.
A.things B. acquisitions C. acquisition D. obtaining
2. Children must __________ road safety before they are allowed to ride a bike on the road.
A. instruct in B. be instructed in C. instruct D. be instructed
3. No matter what you say, I shall_________ my opinion.
A.carry out B. keep up C. insist on D. stick to
4. He thinks we shouldn’t go ahead with this plan because of the _____ of failure.
A. future B. pressure C. worry D .risk
5. With the help of his English teacher, Tom _____in English in the past few weeks.
A.made great advances B. has been greatly progressed
C.has made a rapid progress D. has made much progress
6. The champion boxer ____________ his less experienced opponent in no time.
A.knocked on B. knocked into C. knocked down D. knocked against
7. What he told us about the affair simply doesn’t make any _________.
A.idea B. meaning C. sense D. significance
8. The stronger the _________is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.
A.acquisition B. comprehension C. association D. motivation




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