人教版 高三 Unit 10 语言点

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1. outcome n. 结果;结局;后果(相当于an effect; result)(常用+of)
I think there can be but one outcome to this affair. 我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。
She was satisfied with the outcome of her efforts. 她对自己努力的结果很满意。
2. weep (wept, weeping)
vi. 1.) 哭泣,流泪[(+over/for)]
The girl wept over her sad fate. 那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。
Mother wept for joy. 母亲高兴得流眼泪。
2.) 悲叹,哀悼[(+over/for)]
We all wept in silence for the deceased. 我们都默默为死者哀悼。
vt. 流(泪);哭泣
The little girl wept herself to sleep. 小女孩哭着哭着入睡了。
n. 哭泣
3.furnish vt.
1.) 给(房间)配置(家具等);装备[(+with)]
How are you going to furnish the house? 你将如何布置房子?
2.) 供应;提供[(+with/to)]
I'll furnish you with all you need. 我将提供你所需要的一切。
furnish A with B(=furnish A to B) 为某人提供某物
furnish sth with sth 为某物提供家具
4.attend to
1.) 处理(=deal with ) I’m may be late. I have got one or two things to attend to.
2.)照顾;关照(=serve; take care of)
The nurse is attending to a sick man. 护士正在照料病人。
Are you being attended to, sir? 先生,有人在招呼你吗?
5.do up
1.) 修理 The room needs doing up. 这房子需要修缮。
2.) 使穿上 She was done up in her Sunday best. 她穿着节日盛装。
3.) 使精疲力尽 He was done up after the long trip. 长途旅行后他精疲力尽。
do away with 摆脱;废除,取消 do for 照料 do out 收拾,打扫;整理
do out of 抢劫;骗走,骗去 do up 系上;扣上 have sth. to do with 和…有关系
have nothing to do with 和…没有关系 do without 没有某事物也行
do with (前面与could, can连用)需要;有关系
a. 1.) 苍白的,灰白的
She was pale with fear. 她吓得脸色发白。
2.) (颜色)淡的
Her beauty seemed pale beside Mary's. 她的美貌与玛丽的相比似乎显得黯然失色。
He wore a pale blue tie. 他戴一条浅蓝色的领带
7.approve vt., vi. 批准;认可;通过;(常与of连用)赞成,赞同
My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes. 我的父母不赞成我吸烟。
The professor does not approve the government's foreign policy.
The mayor approved the new building plans. 市长批准了新建筑计划。
I don't approve of wasting time. 我不赞成浪费时间。
I don't approve of smoking. 我不赞成抽烟。
approval n. 【u】 赞成;赞许;批准
He showed his approval by smiling. 他用微笑表示赞成。
【拓展】 goods on approval不满意包换的货物 approve sth批准某事
approve of sb/(doing)sth赞成/赞同某人或(做)某事
vt. 1.) 剃去...上的毛发;刮(脸)等 shave one's face刮脸
2.) 刮(胡子等)[(+off/away)] He shaved off his beard. 他剃掉了胡须。
vi. 1.) 修面,刮脸 He shaves every morning. 他每天早晨刮脸。
2.) 挤过,勉强通过 He shaved through the math exam.他勉强通过了数学考试。
n.[C]1.) 剃刀,刮胡刀;刨刀
2.) 修面,刮脸[S] I need a shave. 我需要修面。
9.comb n.[C] 1.) 梳子;(羊毛等的)毛刷,马鬃刷 2.) 女人头发上梳状的饰物
3.) (用梳子)梳理[S]
My hair needs a good comb. 我的头发需要好好梳理一番。
vt. 1.) 用梳子梳理
The mother combed the child's hair. 母亲梳理了孩子的头发。
2.) 彻底搜查[(+for)]
We combed the city to look for our lost dog. 我们搜遍了全城寻找我们走失了的狗。
10.at length
1.) 最后,终于
At length, we began to understand what she wanted.最后,我们总算弄清楚她到底要什么。
2.) 详细地
He talked at length about his work.. 他详细地谈了他的工作。
vt.1) 使闪光;使闪烁[(+at)]
Why is that driver flashing his lights at me? 那个司机为何用灯照我?
2) (向...)闪现出[(+at)]
I flashed a warning glance at them. 我向他们投去警告性的一瞥。
3) (火速地)发出(电报,焵讯等);使迅速传遍
The news was flashed around the world. 这一消息迅速传遍世界各地。
vi. 1) 闪光,闪烁 The stars flashed in the night sky. 夜空中群星闪烁。
2) (想法等)掠过,闪现 A thought flashed through my mind. 我脑子里闪过一个想法。
3)飞驰,掠过 A car flashed by.一辆汽车疾驰而过。
n. 闪烁,闪光[C] There was a flash of lightning a moment ago. 刚才有一道闪电。
vt. 简化,精简;使单纯;使平易
The subject is very complex, and hard to simplify. 这个题目非常复杂,并且很难简化。
simple adj. 朴素的;朴实的;简单的,不复杂的;单纯的;绝对的;正直的
simple clothes 朴素的衣服
The little boy can already do simple problems in arithmetic.
a woman of simple goodness 纯真善良的女人
simply adv简单地;容易地;朴素地;清楚地;自然地;仅,只;真地
He is simply a workman.他只是一名工人罢了。
She looks simply lovely.她看起来的确可爱。
That basketball game we watch last night on television was simply great!
simplicity n. 简单;简易;朴素;朴实;单纯
13.rare adj. 罕见的;珍奇的;煮得很嫩的
That bird is very rare in this country. 那种鸟在这个国家很稀有。
rarely .adv. 难得,很少
She is old and rarely goes out. 她年纪大了,很少外出。
He rarely comes here anymore. 现在他难得来这儿。
14. pride n. 自负;骄傲;自尊(心);自豪
She showed us her new home with great pride. 她非常得意地给我们看她的新家。
Pride goes before a fall.(谚)或Pride will have a fall.(谚).骄者必败。
wound a person's pride 伤害一个人的自尊心
have a pride in one's son 为自己的儿子感到自豪
【拓展】 take pride in (=be proud of)对……感到自豪
pride oneself on sth./ doing sth.以……自豪;对……感到自豪
15.worn adj 破烂的;损坏的
the worn pockets on a jacket夹克上的破兜。
sth be worn out不得某东西破了 wear sth. away 磨损, 消逝, 衰退, 磨减, 消磨
wear sb./sth. down削弱 wear off 逐渐减弱, 消失, 磨损, 耗损
wear sth. out 消瘦, 穿破, 用坏, 克服 wear sb. out 消磨, 疲劳
16.baggage 不可数名词 (=luggage) 行李;(军队的)行装
Baggage should be checked in at least an hour before the flight.
17. let
let down 扫(某人的)兴;失约 let in 让…进来,放…进来 let on 泄漏(秘密) let out 加宽,放宽(衣服);放出
let off 放(炮),投放(炸弹);(与with连用)宽恕;赦免;从宽处理
18.work vi. vt.
1) 运转
You should check that the fire alarm is working properly.你要确保火警系统运行正常.
Do you know how to work a machine? 你知道怎样开机器吗?
You need to find which method works best for you.你需要弄清楚哪种方法对你最有效?
They are testing a drug that works against some types of cancer.
3)行 I don’t think the scene with the small children really works.
4)适合 The color doesn’t work for me. 这种颜色不适合我.
19. expense 可数/不可数名词 “花费,费用”
He borrowed $ 1,500 and used the money for legal\medical\living\travel expense.
at great/considerable/vast expense 花费\代价很高,很大
The rooms were equipped at great expense.装备这些房间花费很高.
at the expense of sb./sth. 以……为代价
He finished the job at the expense of his health. 他以牺牲健康为代价完成了这项工作.
at sb’s expense 让某人花费
They had a wonderful dinner at the manager’s expense.
1. at a time 每次, 在某时, 一次 2. a tear or two =one or two tears 一两滴泪珠
3. be worthy of 值得的, 应得的 4. be burdened with 负重担, 麻烦
5. fix one’s eyes on 看, 注视 6. stare at 凝视, 盯住
7. attend to 处理;照顾;关照 8. take pride in 对……感到自豪
9. do up 打扮;梳妆 10.let down 不支持;使失望
11. at length 最后;终于;详细地 12.go far (人)大有前途;成功
13.come into being 形成 14. as to 关于
15.set free 使获得自由;释放 16. refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是
17.turn to 转向,变成;求助于 18. for a moment 片刻;暂时
19.break out in tears 突然大哭起来20. cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝
21. tear at 撕,扯……用力撕
The child was tearing at the wrapping of the gift box.那孩子正在用力撕礼盒的包装纸。
22. live through 度过;经受住 He has lived through two world wars.他经历过两次世界大战。
23. pull down 摧毁, 推翻, 使降低, 使身体变差, 使下跌, 使萎靡, 领取
24. hold out 伸出, 提供, 维持, 阻止, 制止, <美口>扣留, 声称
25. put away 放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃
26. be accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责




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