译林牛津 高一unit 2 课文词组及句型

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Unit 2
P21 ●force sb. to do sth.
P22 ●be angry with sb. at/about over sth.
●What happened to their dog? (sth. happen to sb.)
●Mom and Dad arrive….a day earlier than expected. (P63)
●can’t wait to do sth. (导学 P21)
●Eric runs in…,followed by a dog, walking very slowly.
过去分词(表被动,完成), 现在分词(表主动,进行)作状语
●You weren’t supposed to….( be supposed to P63, 导学 P21)
●What did you do with the money…? -----How did you deal with the money…?
●The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor… (with+O.+O.C.表伴随)
● leave sb. in charge (导学P21)
leave+O.+O.C.(adj. doing, done,prep.phrase)
leave the door open leave me waiting leave the work half -done
●a person from whom we could expect… (expect sth. from sb.)
●the money with which you were to buy… is gone…(be to do, gone) P63
P23 ●bad behavior goes unpunished (P63) ●slam the door
●has his arms crossed (p63 have sth. done)) ●instead of shouting at me
●now that+cl. ●be rude to ●feel like (doing) sth.
●A be different from B
P25 ●shouldn’t have done ---should have done (p64)
●We didn’t think you would….(P64 否定前置)
● explain sth. to sb. explain to sb. sth,/cl. n .explanation
●argue with sb. about/over sth. n. argument
P26 ●differ ●be helpful to
P27 ●spoken English written English ●look up
P28 ●score a goal/point
P31 ●I still wish we could…, though. (though为副词) (P64)
● wish+that cl, 从句中常用虚拟语气,表很难实现或不可能实现的愿望.
I wish we could go outing to day. (现在)
I wish he would win in the contest. (将来)
I wish I had followed his advice. (过去)
P34 ●ride my bike ●be proud of ●do a good job
●All that worry was for nothing
P35 ●ask for advice take /follow one’s advice give advice on sth.
●advise sth. /doing /sb,. to do advise that sb. (should ) do
●all the time ●keep doing
P36 ●keep these things in mind
●What’s up?=What has happened?
●clean up ●make a bit of difference
P37 ●think of mum as friend again (think of…as…) ●Be busy with/doing sth.
●Solve the problem ●at the moment ●refuse to do
● Sometimes he acts as though he…( as though, as if 后接从句两种语气的用法)
It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了(可能性很大, 陈述语气).
She loves the boy as if she were his own mother. 她爱那孩子似乎她是他的亲生母亲(事实上不是, 虚拟语气)
●Recently he has been refusing…(P64)
●chat online ●allow him his freedom (allow doing, allow sb to do, allow sb th.)
●Help my son without harming…(导学 P22) ● forbid me form meeting ( 词组见下)
●Every time I watch a DVD…(every time, each time, next time…引导状语从句)
1. surprise
vt. You surprise me!
n. 惊奇, 吃惊 (u) He looked at me in ~.
可惊的事情, 意外的事情 (c) Don't tell him about the present -- it's a ~.
take sb. by surprise to one's great surprise in surprise
出其不意, 偷袭 使某人非常惊奇的是 惊奇地
2. charge
v. 1)收费 How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?
He was charged with stealing a car. 他被指控偷了一辆汽车。
n. 1) 费用;价钱;索价
a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用
The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票价每张三美元。
2) 责任;管理;照料 sb.be in charge of sth.-----sth. be in the charge of sb.
3) 控诉;指控;控告
3.mark n. 1)斑点;疤痕
You have a dirty mark on your face. 你脸上有个脏点。
It is dangerous to swim beyond this mark. 游泳超出这个标志是危险的。
3)表示;符号 a mark of respect 尊敬的表示
The teacher gave me a good mark for my story. 老师给了我的故事以好的评分。
Vt 1)弄污;使有斑点(伤痕等)
She marked her white dress when she sat on the grass.
2)表示;标志 留下痕迹;
He marked the floor with chalk. 他用粉笔在地板上作记号。
He marked the work 10 out of 10. 他给作业打了个满分10分。
4. interest n. 1) 兴趣 (u)
I find no interest in such things. 我对这些不感兴趣。
2) 爱好的事物;嗜好(C)
His two great interests in life are music and painting.
3)利益 4)股份 5)利息
vt 1)使…发生兴趣
American Football doesn't interest me at all. 美式足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。
Can I interest you in a cup of drink? 请你喝一杯饮料好吗?
5. insist v.
I insisted on his coming with us. (insist on doing) 我坚持要求他和我们一起来。
We all insist that we (should )not rest until we finish the work.
We all insisted that he was innocent. 我们坚持认为他是无辜的。
6.suggest v n. suggestion
He suggested going out for a walk. (suggest sth.) 他建议出去走走。
They ~ed a new program to the president. (suggest sth. to sb.)
He ~ed that they should go there by train. (建议)
His look ~ed that he was unhappy. (暗示, 表明)
7. fight v. - fought -fought , fighting 常与against, with,for连用)打仗;战斗
People often have to fight for their liberty. 人们往往不得不为自由而战。
The boy had to fight his way through the crowd to talk to the President.
n. 1)打仗;战斗 2)打架
The two boys had a fight. 两个男孩打了一架。
8 .forbid v. forbad/forbade; forbidden
His parents forbid him wine. (forbid sb. sth.) 他的父母不准他喝酒。
Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall. (forbid sth./doing) 演奏厅内不准吸烟。
I forbid you to go swimming. (forbid sb. to do) 我不准你去游泳。
9.spare adj.
1)备用的 a spare tyre 备用轮胎
If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight? 如果你有空床的话,今晚我可以留下吗?
v. 1)赦免;饶恕;不伤害 He doesn't spare himself. 他律己甚严。
2) 免除;使省去 3) 分出, 腾出
Can you ~ me five minutes?
10. act n
1)行为;举动 a foolish act 愚蠢的举动
Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.
3)〈戏〉幕 Act 5 Scene 2 第五幕第二景
v. 1)扮演, 表演 He acted his part well. 他扮演的那个角色很成功。
2) 行动 Think before you act! 三思而后行!
3)表现;行为 to act bravely and quickly 表现勇敢、敏捷
4) 起…作用;产生…效果 Does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?
1. vacation be on~ 2 .bend –bent-bent
3. touch get/keep in ~with sb. lose ~with sb. be in /out of ~ with sb.
4. reason for this ~ he ~ for sth. 5.behavior v. behave
6. mad g ~ be ~ about 7. punish ~ sb. for sth. n. punishment
8.boring bored V. bore 9. mix A with B mix up n. mixture
10. score scores of 许多 v. ~ a point/goal 11. column columnist
12. valuable value invaluable




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