人教版 高二unit 1 同步讲解

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第一讲Unit 1
一、 本单元知识点:
1. It takes + n. + to do…..
It will take a lot of courage to tell the truth.
Persistence is an important quality and it is what it takes to do everything well.
2. be known as / for / to
He is well-known for his film “Titanic” as a director to all in the world.
3. have a lot / much / little / nothing in common ( with sb. )
拓展:in common with / in common共用,公有
In common with most boys, he likes football.
Tom and I had background in common.
4. seem用法:
seem ( to be ) n. / adj.
seem to do / to be doing / to have done
seem like: He seems like an honest man.
It seems that / as if…….:
It seems (to him) that he would never be able to work out the problem.
It seems as if he has been at the scene of the crime.
There didn’t seem ( to be ) + n. =There seemed to be no + n.似乎没有……..
There be句型变体:
There used to be / appeared to be / must be / will be / was said to be…….
There lives / stands / comes / remains……..
There appeared ( to be) a quarrel between the two girls.
There was said to be a fight between Tom and Jim.
5. be/ get engaged to sb. ( engage A to B )与某人订昏
be engaged in doing ( engage oneself in doing)忙于从事某事
He wants to engage himself in foreign trade.
I can’t go with you. I’m engaged.
The father was shocked to learn that his daughter had got engaged to the poor young man.
6. nor 及 only +状语开头的倒装句
拓展:把否定词或否定结构not, little, hardly, never, no sooner….than, hardly……when, not only….but also, at no time, by no means, on no condition, in no case, nowhere, nor, seldom, few等置于句首时,常使用部分倒装结构。
No sooner had we got to the railway station than the train left.
If you don’t do it, nor shall I.
By no means will this method be satisfactory.
Never has she heard such a beautiful English song.
Only after he told me about it did I know the truth.
7. stop / prevent / keep sb. from doing sth.
They were stopped / prevented from going by the thick snow.
Don’t keep Bob from telling us the truth.
8. a promising man = a man of promise
promise n. / (to be) adj.有……的希望 / 预示……
This year promises a good harvest.
It promises to be cool in the evening.
make / keep / break one’s promise
promise sb. sth. / promise to do / promise sb. to do / promise sb. that clause
9. There is no point / seems to be no point ( doesn’t seem to be point)in doing sth.
做某事没意义 / 做某事似乎没有意义
10. be on fire for….热衷于./ on fire 着火了/ set fire to sth. ( set sth. on fire )放火烧 / catch fire着火 / make a fire 生火炉/ light a fire点火炉 / play with fire / open fire 开火/ under fire 受到攻击/ go through fire and water赴汤蹈火
As a child, he was on fire for drawing sth. freely.
11.make a difference to sb./ sth. 对某人有影响
make a difference between…… 区分,对…..不同对待
tell the difference between…..说出……之间的区别
the difference in / between / from在某方面的不同/……之间的不同/和……的不同
The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.
It makes a great difference which you choose.
It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.
You should make a difference between right and wrong.
Can you tell me the difference in spelling between the words?
12.make up one’s mind打定主意
change one’s mind改主意
have sth. in one’s mind记得,想到
lose one’s mind / out of one’s mind失去理智
(sth. ) on one’s mind(某事)使人担心
out of sight , out of mind眼不见,心不烦
Sb.’s mind is on sth. / keep one’s mind on sth.某人心思在某事上
Keep sth. in mind记住
13.I doubt if / whether…….
I don’t doubt that…….
There is some doubt / I have some doubt whether……
There is no doubt / I have no doubt that……
14.more than多于/不仅仅/极其
no more than只有 拓展:no better than=as bad as, no worse than=as good as
not more than不超过
15. match 使相配、相称,使较量,是……的对手
( A matches B , be well matched, match A with B) )
suit 指颜色、款式等适合某人的口味、需要
The curtain doesn’t match the paint.
No one can match him in football.
These gloves don’t match.
I’m ready to match my strength with / against yours.
His deeds don’t match his words.
I’m no match for you at chess.
16. What if…..?假如…….会怎样?
17. believe in :(1)believe in sb.= trust sb.(2) believe in (doing) sth.相信…..的存在(价值)
believe: (1)believe sb.=believe one’s words(2)believe sb. / sth. to be…(3) believe sb. to have done
18. (sth.)come up 被提出/(sb.) come up with sth.提出某事
The question hasn’t come up yet.
Scientists have to come up with better ways to deal with pollution.
run out / run out of sth.
come out / publish
come about / bring about
go out / put out
19. 强调句型:结构及注意点
结构:It is / was +被强调部分+that……..
(1) 如被强调的部分为人,连接词也可用who;
(2) 如对句子的主语强调,应注意保持主谓一致;
It was not you but he that / who was to blame for it.
(3) 注意not until……在强调句中的使用,结构为:It is / was not until…….that…….
It was not until he shouted to me that I recognized him.
(4) 注意强调句与定语从句的区别;
It was in this village that he was brought up by his uncle.
It was this village where / in which he was brought up by his uncle.
It was in 1995 that he graduated from college.
It was 1995 when / in which he graduated from college.
It was in the hotel which / that was run by my uncle that we stayed when we were in Shanghai.
二、 重点:动词不定式的用法(作主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾补、状语及其时态、语态)
三、 难点:强调句型及否定词置于句首的部分倒装
四、 同步巩固练习:
1. She looks very worried; I wonder what’s ______ her mind.
A. in B. for C. to D. on
2. Be careful! Your trousers will _______ fire if you stand there.
A. light B. catch C. get D. burn
3. What the doctors really doubt is _____ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.
A. whether B. when C. if D. that
4. ----Can I help you?
----I want to buy a blue tie to ______ my shirt.
A. fit B. compare C. match D. suit
5.I ______ what the doctor had said and am better now.
A. took up B. went by C. passed by D. came across
6.-----How is everything going?
A. Very well B. Very good C. Good, thank you D. Nothing serious
7.-----How long has he _______ to the girl? -----Only a month.
A. engaged B. got engaged C. been engaged D. engaged himself
8._____ turned out that he was not the kind of person we wanted.
A. He B. That C. It D. This
9.He ______ me to come to the party, but until it was over, he didn’t appear at all.
A. asked B. demanded C. promised D. suggested
10.-----_______ we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?
----I can’t agree more.
A. What you think B. What if C. Even if D. Only if
11.Although I believe most of what he said just now, he is still not a man you can ______.
A. believe in B. trust in C. believe D. depend
12.He had tried everything but it made little ______.
A. use B. difference C. point D. sense
13.----How do you like this park?
----I never dreamed of _______ such a quiet place in this noisy city.
A. there was B. it was C. it being D. there being
14.It _____ unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.
A. took B. needed C. spent D. shared
15.He didn’t support me in the match, ______ he disagreed with me.
A. the other way B. the other way around C. on the other way D. another way around
16.Why! I have nothing to confess. ______ you want me to say?
A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that
17.It was _________ back home after the experiment.
A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go
C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go
18.. His speech turned ____ to be the most important on biology this year.
A. out B. off C. on D. in
19.There is no ___in protesting. It won’t help.
A. cause B. need C. point D. law
20. Only in this way ______ progress in your English.
A. you make B. you can make
C. you will be able to make D. will you be able to make
21. Children are naturally ___about everything around them.
A. curious B. worried C. interested D. serious
22. --It is not right for him to give up his present job.
--Well, I _____to change his mind but failed.
A. got B. came to C. searched D. sought
23. It was a _____practice for a man to wear a gun in belt around their middle in the 1860s in America.
A. usual B. ordinary C. normal D. common
24. We have something in common. It means:
A. We are partners B. We’re both ordinary
C. We like each other D. in some way, we’re similar.
25. In old stories, dragons were often ______a most powerful animal.
A. described B. described into C. described as D. describing as
26.It is in the factory ________Jack visited last week _________I will work after I graduate from the college.
A. that; that B. which; / C. where; that D. where; which
27.Not until he shouted to me __________.
A. that I recognized him B. did I recognize him
C. I recognized him D. I didn’t recognize him
1. There is nothing for us to do it but _____ the injured man to hospital.
A. taking B. to take C. took D. take
2. Having done his Chinese exercises, he went on _____a letter _____Russian.
A. to write, with B. with, with C. writing, in D. to write , in
3.. -----What should we do? There’s no bus any more.
-----Missing the bus means _____home. Let’s go.
A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. walk
4. I know this boy well. I’ve seen him _____from childhood.
A. grew B. has grown C. grow D. to grow
5. The man will use what he has _____a camera for his wife.
A. to get B. got C. buy D. bought
6. Who did the teacher _____ an article for the wall newspaper?
A. has write B. has written C. have write D. have written
7. We should keep on _____ English every day to improve our spoken English.
A. to practice to speak B. to practice speaking
C. practice to speak D. practicing speaking
8.______to top of the hill, and you can see the whole of the town.
A. Get B. To get C. Getting D. Having got
9. -----Would you like us _____ in the classroom or shall we have a P.E. lesson.
-----Since there aren’t many exercises to do, I expect you _____a P.E. lesson.
A. staying, have B. to stay, to have C. to stay, had D. staying, having
10. Her skirt has become loose. She seems _____weight.
A. to lose B. that she has lost C. to have lost D. to be losing
11. The two dogs were used to ______in this strict way and they were once used to ____ prisoners who had run away from prison.
A. being trained, search for B. being trained, looking for
C. be trained, search for D. training, look for
12. -----Whom would you rather have _____ with you, Mary or Jane?
A. go, Either B. to go, Either C. gone, Neither D. X, Anyone
13. I’m sorry _____that to your sister, but I didn’t mean to hurt her.
A. to say B. to have said C. saying D. having said
14. You shouldn’t allow ____games near the classroom, for it is too noisy.
A. to play B. to playing C. students playing D. students to play
15. The doctor is now very busy. Many patients are waiting _____outside his office.
A. to examine B. to be examining C. to be examined D. examination
16. I’m feeling a bit tired. Shall we stop _____a rest under that tree?
A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken
17. He was so careless ________lock his car.
A. that he B. as not to C. as to not D. in order not to
18. ----What is he doing? ----He seems _____a letter.
A. writing B. to write C. to be writing D. having written
19. I’m going to Shanghai next week. Have you anything _____ to your parents?
A. to buy B. to be bought C. to take D. to be taken
20. Take turns to listen. That way everyone can get the chance ____and ______with respect.
A. to speak, to listen B. to be spoken, to be listened
C. to speak, to listen to D. to speak, to be listened to
21. ----Are you used to ____up early now ?
----Yes, I am. But I used to _____ up late.
A. getting, getting B. get, get C. get, getting D. getting, get
22. ----Have you decided where to go today, Alice?
----I feel like ____to the Natural Museum. Would you like ____with me?
A. to go, to go B. to go, going C. going, going D. going, to go
23. The teacher came into the classroom, _____of the students in it.
A. only to find none B. finding no one C. to find no one D. finding some
24. How many wounded soldiers are left outside _____?
A. to be operating B. to be operated on C. being operated D. have operated on
25. The professor spoke very clearly to make his speech easy _____.
A. to understand B. understand C. understood D. understanding
26. The stars can’t be seen ____ in the sky in the daytime.
A. shine B. shone C. to be shone D. shining
27. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _____ in my new job.
A. to be expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects
28. The lost boy desired nothing but_____home.
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
29. -----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
-----Well, now I regret ______ that.
A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done
30. When the new students got off the bus, we hurried over ________the luggage for them.
A. to carry B. carrying C. only to carry D. carry
31. -----What do you think of the book? ------Oh, excellent, it is worth______a second time.
A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read
32. They don’t care for the meeting ________next month.
A. being held B. having been held C. to be held D. held
33. -----Are you waiting________?
-----No, I’m waiting ________the result of the exam.
A. the rain to stop, for seeing B. for the rain stopping, to see
C. to stop raining, for seeing D. for the rain to stop, to see
34.Have you forgotten_______a ruler from Mike? Please remember______it to him tomorrow.
A. borrowing, to return B. borrowing, returning
C . to borrow, to return D. to borrow, returning
35. Paul doesn’t have to be made _________.He always works hard.
A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning
36. We agree_________ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met
37. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_________
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not it
38. The patients were warned _______oil food after the operation.
A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating
39. Robert is said _________abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in .
A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying
40.—Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?
----________enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting
41. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person_______.
A. to send B. for seeding it C. to send it to D. for sending it to
42. To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule________.
A. to never break B. never to be broken C. never to have broken D. never to be breaking
43. Which do you enjoy _______ your weekends, boating or fishing on the lake?
A. to spend B. spending C. to have spent D. having spent
44. It happened _______ when I got out of the train.
A. to rain B. raining C. that rained D. to be raining
45. He is supposed to _______ to the meeting, but he didn’t.
A. come B. have come C. be coming D. came
46. She was sorry she had got no knife _________.
A. to cut B. cutting C. to cut it D. to cut it with
47. ________ you the truth, I didn’t want to tell you about it.
A. To tell B. Telling C. To be told D. Told
48. With a lot of difficult problems _______, the newly-elected President is having a hard time.
A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled
49.-----I’d like to buy an expensive sports car. -----Well, Mike, we have got several models ______.
A. to be chosen from B. to choose C. to choose from D. for choosing
50. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it.
A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen




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