人教版 高一unit1-6单元重点词组汇集

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Unit 1
1 喜欢
2 一直
3 网上冲浪
4 玩电脑游戏
5 在飞行
6 独自
7 搜索,寻找
8 增进友谊
9 把…当成…
10 同甘共苦
11 关心
12 与…交朋友
13 上飞机
14 开玩笑
15 给某人写封信
1 be fond of
2 all the time
3 serf the internet
4 play computer games
5 be on a flight
6 all alone
7 hunt for
8 develop a friendship
9 treat… as…
10 share happiness and sorrow
11 care about
12 make friends with
13 on board the plane
14 joke about
15 drop sb. a line

Unit 2

1 第一次
2 直飞…
3 别客气, 请随意
4 大多数
6 母语
7 除…之外
8 英语知识
9 发生
10 几天以后
11 分别去度假
12 旅行愉快
13 以…告终
14 不睡觉,熬夜
1 for the first time
2 fly all the way directly to…
3 make yourself at home
4 the majority of
5 in total
6 mother tongue
7 except for
8 a knowledge of English
9 take place/come about
10 in a few days time
11. go on separate holidays
12. have a good trip
13. end up with
14. stay up late
Unit 3
1. 进行体育锻炼
2. 去远足
3. 注意,当心,警惕…
4. 防晒
5. 体验生活
6. 逃离,远离
7. 为某人送行
8. 乘出租车
9. 代问某人问候
10. 乘飞机旅行
11. 另一方面
1. take exercises
2. go hiking/go for a hike
3. watch out for
4. protect sb. from the sun
5. experience life
6. get away from
7. see sb. off
8. take a taxi
9. say “Hi” to sb.
10. travel by air
11. on the other hand
Unit 4
1 主办2008 年奥运会
2 遇上,赶上,被困于
3 上游泳课
4 担任,充当
5 一大片,一大块,大量的
6 三思
7 往上拽,拦阻,使停下
8 抓住,坚持住
9 站立起来
10 面现惧色
11 冲走,刮走
12 电话号码
13 进行两天的旅行
14 一直爬到山顶
1.host the 2008 Olympics
2.be caught in
3. take swimming lessons
4. work as
5. a big mass of
6. think twice
7. pull up
8. hold onto
9. get on one’s feet
10. with a look of fright
11. sweep away
12. phone number
13. go on a two-day trip
14. climb all the way up to the top of the mountain
Unit 5
1 扮演角色
2 获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖
3 挣钱
4 脱掉,起飞,成名
5 使某人得到一份导演的工作
6 把…剁碎
7 出错,出问题
8 把成功归功于某人
9 总共
10 以…开始
11 追赶,追逐
12 逃学
13 出现在电视上
14 对…高度评价
1. play roles
2. win Oscar for the Best Actress
3. make money
4. take off
5. win sb. a job as a director
6. cut …into pieces
7. go wrong
8. own success to sb.
9. in all
10. start with/begin with
11. run after
12.run away from school
13. appear live on the air
14. think highly of
Unit 6
1 一封感谢信
2 把…介绍给…
3 为…向某人道歉
4 留下好印象
5 为某人的健康干杯
6 喝一小口
7 赶时髦
8 忙于
9 敬酒的习惯
10 有礼貌
11 招待某人吃饭
12 请随便吃
13 省去,遗漏,不考虑
1. a thank-you letter
2. introduce… to…
3 . apologize to sb. for
4.make a good impression
5. drink to one’s health
6.take a sip
7. follow the fashion of time
8. be busy with sth.
9. the custom of toasting
10. have good manners
11. serve sb. with a meal
12. enjoy your meal
13. leave out



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