中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版


题 1. Know how to go shopping.
2. Introduce a shopping mall.
3. Use vocabulary to talk about stationery and other things

汇 1.有关文具和日常用品的词汇
CD comic books computer game football stickers hair clips teddy bear
walkman tennis racket T-shirts
a book shop a clothes shop an electrical shop a shoe shop a sports shop
a supermarket a fast food restaurant a shopping mall
cost expensive dear cheap discount buy sell shopping bag

焦 1. “There be” structure
2. The Present Continuous Tense
3. Personal Pronouns

线 和购物对话相关的句式,如:
How much do the cards cost? They’re ¥6.
Hello, can I help you? What are you looking for?
What size are your feet? I’m a size eight.
Could I try them on, please? Yes, of course.

养 1.听 能掌握购物对话的大意并获取其中的细节内容。
2.说 运用所学内容,进行购物对话并描述一座大型购物中心。
3.读 通过阅读购物对话获取细节内容,并能在语境中猜测词义。
4.写 介绍一座大型购物中心。

Lesson One Happy birthday
Before reading, think about the following questions.
1. What does Amy want to buy?
2. How much do the new cards and the stickers cost?
3. What does the shopkeeper ask Amy to buy for her friend?
4. What does Amy buy for her friend at last?
5. What do you often buy for your friend on his( her ) birthday?
1. I’m not free today. 我今天不空。
【要点详解】be free 表示“有空”。
e.g.① Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?
② Jack isn’t free at the moment. Jack此刻没有空。
2. I want you to go shopping with me today. 我想要你今天和我一起去购物。
【要点详解1】 want somebody to do something 是“想要某人干某事”。
e.g.① My mother wants me to be a doctor in the future. 妈妈想让我将来做个医生。
② When do you want to visit Beijing? 你想什么时候去北京?
【问题探究】 还有一些类似的动词不等式结构,你们知道是什么吗?对,tell somebody to do something; ask somebody to do something; help somebody ( to ) do something等。
e.g.① What does your mother often ask you to do at home? 你妈妈经常在家要你干什么?
② He never helps me do my homework. 他从不帮助我做作业。
【要点详解2】 go shopping 去购物。
e.g. My mother likes going shopping a lot. 我妈妈很喜欢购物。
【问题探究】 还有一些类似的表达方法,比如:go boating go swimming
go hiking等,你们想起来了吗?
e.g. ① Do you often go swimming in summer? 夏季你经常去游泳吗?
② ―Let’s go hiking tomorrow, ok? ―No problem. 我们明天去徒步旅行,好吗?没问题。
3. How much do the cards cost? 那些卡多少钱?
【要点详解】 cost 表示“值多少钱”,它的用法是something cost somebody money.
e.g. These books cost me $20. 这些书花费了我20美元。
【问题探究】 你们知道表示“花费钱”的其它的表达方法吗?对,somebody pay money for something; somebody spend money on something / (in) doing something.
e.g. ① Amy spends about 300 yuan on the new coat. Amy在那件新衣服上花了300元。
② How much do you pay for the CD? 你花了多少钱买CD?
【知识拓展】 此外,还有花费“时间”的表达方法,你们知道吗?对,It takes somebody sometime to do something; somebody spend time on / (in) doing something.
e.g.① How long does it take you to go to school by bike every day? 你每天花多少时间骑车去上学?
② He spends about half an hour finish the work. 他花了约半个小时完成了拿项工作。
4. I prefer to buy new cards. 我更喜欢买新的卡。
【要点详解】prefer to do something 表示“更喜欢做某事”。
e.g. Jim prefers to go there by train. Jim更喜欢乘火车去那里。
【知识拓展】 prefer的用法大体有两种,一种是prefer …to …意思是“喜欢…胜过…”另一种是prefer to do …than to do…意思是“喜欢干…胜过干…”同学们你们掌握它的用法了吗?让我们来看一下例句吧。
e.g. ① I prefer apples to bananas. 我喜欢苹果胜过香蕉。
② They prefer to play football than to swim. 他们喜欢踢足球胜过游泳。
5. What are you looking for? 你正在寻找什么?
【要点详解】 look for 意思是“寻找”。
e.g. The old man always looks for his glasses. 那个老人总是找他的眼镜。
【问题探究】 同学们,你们知道look for 和find 的区别吗?对,look for 表示“寻找”,find表示“找到”。
e.g. I look for my key everywhere, but I can’t find it anywhere. 我到处找我的钥匙,但我哪里也找不到。
6. I’d also like to buy a CD for her. 我也想给她买个CD。
【要点详解】 buy something for somebody 给某人买某物。此外还可以说buy somebody something。
e.g. ① She often buys some presents for her mother on her birthday. 她经常在她妈妈生日时给她买一些礼物。
② Since your son likes reading, why not buy him a book? 既然你儿子喜欢读书,为什么不给他买一本书呢?
7. They match her favourite T-shirt. 他们和她最喜欢的体恤衫很相配。
【要点详解】match 表示“和…相配”。它的近义词是go well with。
e.g. ① Her shoes match her trousers well. 她的鞋子和她的裤子很相配。
② Which shirt goes with the blue hat? 什么衬衫和那蓝帽子相配呢?
【知识拓展】match 还有其它的含义,你们知道吗?对,它可做名词,表示“比赛”等含义。如:
There will be a football match between Class Five and Class Six tomorrow. 明天将有一场四班和五班的足球赛。
7.Never mind! 没关系。
【要点详解】never mind表示“没关系”是回答I’m sorry的答句。
e.g. ―I’m sorry I’m late.―对不起,我迟到了。
―Never mind. Come earlier next time.―没关系,下一次早点来。
It doesn’t matter; That’s ok.
【知识拓展】同学们,想一下该如何回答thank you呢?对,我们说:
You’re welcome; It’s my pleasure; That’s all right.
2. d 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a
购物用语 动词用法
Can I help you?
What are you looking for?
--How much do the cards cost?
--They’re ¥6.
--They cost ¥6.
That’s quite expensive.
What size are your feet?
--I’m a size eight.
Could I try them on, please? --Yes, of course.
1.Look for / find
2.buy sth. for sb.
=buy sb. sth
3.would like to do
4.prefer to do sth.
5.help sb. (to) do sth.

1.--Whose CD player is this?
--It’s mine. It _______ me 500 yuan.
A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost
2.--What are you _______?
--I can’t ______my English book.
A. looking for, look for B. finding, look for
C. looking for, find D. look for, finding
3.There’s a discount_____ these old storybooks. They are only 3 yuan.
A. on B. in C. for D. of
4.My mother ________ a lot of money on clothes every year.
A. pays B costs C. takes D. spends
5.Tomorrow is Simon’s birthday. I’d like ______a present_______ him.
A. buy, for B. to buy, for C. buy, to D. to buy, to
6.How much are these CDs?(改成同义句)
How much _______these CDs__________?
7.I’d like some hair clips.(就划线部分提问)
_______ _________you__________?
8.I only have 10 yuan. I can’t buy these football stickers.(连成一句)
I don’t have_______ ________ ______buy these football stickers.
9.My mother bought me a new skirt last Sunday. (改成同义句)
My mother bought a new skirt ________ _______ last Sunday.
10.—Good morning, may I speak to Mr. Smith please?
--OK, please wait a_____________(片刻).
11.This computer is 6,000 yuan. I think it’s too ________________(昂贵的) for me to buy.
12.Which season do you__________(更喜欢), spring or summer?
13.Her new hairstyle _______________(与…相配) her coat.
14.The little girl is very ______________(漂亮的).
20.对不起,我忘了把你的随身听带来了。 --没关系。
II. 读一读,选一选:
Tom wanted to buy some new clothes, so he went to a shop. First he asked for some trousers and put them on, but then he took tem off and gave them back to the shopkeeper and said, “No, give me a coat instead of these. ”The man gave him a coat and said,“This one costs the same as the trousers.”Tom took the coat and walked out of the shop with it. The shopkeeper ran after him and said,“You have not paid for the coat!”“But I gave you the trousers for the coat.”said Tom,“They cost the same as the coat, didn’t they?”
“Yes!”said the shopkeeper,“But you didn’t pay for the trousers, either.” “Of course I didn’t!”answered Tom.“I didn’t take them. I am not foolish! Nobody gives things back and then pays for them!”
21.In the shop Tom tried on _____at first.
A. new clothes B. some trousers
C. a coat D. some trousers and a coat
22.The shopkeeper said the trousers cost______.
A. as much as the coat B. more than a coat
C. less than a coat D. not more than a coat
23.Tom went out of the shop_____.
A. without the coat B. with the trousers
C. wearing the coat D. holding the coat
24.Did Tom pay for the coat at all?
A. Yes. B. No.
C. Of course, he did. D. No. But he would pay later.
25.May we do as Tom did when we buy things?
A. Yes. B. Perhaps we can have a try.
C. Never. D. Yes, if you have no money.
Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __26__ shop, no assistant will come near to you and said, “Can I help you? ”You __27__buy anything you don’t want. You may try to find out __28__the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is __29__ selling any book at all.
There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical(医学的) student __30__a very useful book in the shop, __31__ it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __32__ at a time. One day, however, he could not find __33__ from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing(示意) to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __34__, “I put it there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. Then he __35__ the student and let the student go on with his reading.
If you spend time in such a bookshop, aren’t you really enjoying yourself?
26.A. good B. bad C. cheap D. expensive
27.A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t
28.A. what B. which C. where D. when
29.A. surprised at B. not surprised at C. interesting in D. not interested in
30.A. bought B. found C. read D. took
31.A. but B. and C. so D. or
32.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few
33.A. the book B. the shop C. the assistant D. the shopkeeper
34.A. on the floor B. in another man’s hand
C. in a corner D. in his own pocket
35.A. left B. let C. helped D. taught
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. do…cost 7.What would like
8.enough money to 9. for me
10.minute 11.expensive
12.prefer 13.match 14.pretty
15.How much is this English dictionary?
How much does this English dictionary cost?
16.Most boys like playing computer games.
17.I prefer to stay at home to watch TV.
18.These are Amy’s favourite hair clips.
19.I am on the same football team as he.
20.I’m sorry I forgot to bring your Walkman.
--Never mind. / It doesn’t matter.
21. B 22.A 23.D 24. B
25. C 问题是:“购物时,我们能和汤姆一样吗?”文中汤姆耍小聪明,想赖帐,不付钱。
27.B。needn’t表示“没必要”而shouldn’t表示“不应该”; mustn’t表示“禁止、不允许”;can’t表示“不可能”,均与句意不符。
28.C。从下文“…will lead you there and …”中的信息词there可以判断应该选where。
29.D。从第一段该句句意应理解为:似乎工作人员对售书不感兴趣。be interested in表示“对…感兴趣”。
31.A。从前句的信息词very useful与后句的信息词来判断该句前后存在转折关系。
32.B。用a little来修饰动词read,表示“读一点”。little与句意不符;few与a few只能用来修饰名词。
33.A。从上文“他一次去读一点”这个事实来判断:他理应是寻找那本书。故答案应选用the book。
34.C。从下句可以判断:工作人员将书放在了一个不易被发现的地方,以便不被卖掉。故推测应选in a corner。
Lesson 2 Going shopping
1. there be结构
【要点详解】there be结构表示“存在,有”的意思。比如:
There is a table in the room. 房间里有一张桌子。
Are there any boys in the classroom? 教室里有男孩吗?
【问题探究】表示“有”的意思,还有另一种表达方法,同学们你们知道吗?是的,我们可以用“have”。它和there be有何区别呢?一般说来,there be表示“某地有某物”,而have表示“某人有某样东西”。两者之间没有非常严格的分界线,且在现代英语中有时把两者混同使用。比如:
How many floors are there in this building? 这幢楼有多少层?它也可表达为:
How many floors does this building have?
【知识拓展1】there be 结构中be动词的用法遵循“就近原则”,也就是说当紧跟着there be后的表语是单数名词或不可数名词,则be动词用单数,而当紧跟着there be后的表语为名词复数,则be动词为复数。比如:
There are some boys and a teacher in the classroom. 有一些男孩和一个老师在教室里。
Is there a teacher and three girls in the classroom? 教室里是否有一个教师和三个女孩?
【知识拓展2】there be结构还有一种形式是there be somebody/ something doing。表示“有某物或某人正在干什么”,比如:
There is a boy playing football on the playground. 有一个男孩正在操场上踢足球。
Are there any woman talking over there? 是否有一些妇女正在那里交谈?
2. Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时
【要点详解】现在进行时表示现在或当前阶段正在发生的动作。它的结构是be ( is / am / are ) doing的形式,其中be动词是助动词。比如:
I’m doing my homework now. 此刻我正在做回家作业。
Look, what is Kitty doing? 看,Kitty正在干什么?
构成 举例
大部分动词 直接加ing Do—doing help—helping
以不发音的e结尾的动词 去e加ing Come—coming have—having
以ie结尾的动词 变ie为y直接加ing lie—lying die—dying
重读闭音节,且此闭音节只有一个元音字母并以一个辅音字母结尾 双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing run—running get—getting
【问题探究2】现在进行时的常用时间状语有:now all the time right now
at eight o’clock(在某一个具体的时间)
【知识拓展】同学们你们知道吗?针对一些表示位置移动的动词,我们也可用现在进行时表示将来。比如:leave come go arrive等。请看例句。
① He is arriving come this evening. 今天晚上他将回家。
② When are you coming to see me? 你将在什么时候来看我?
3. Personal pronouns ( object form ) 人称代词(宾格)
① The book is very cheap and I want to buy it. 这本书很便宜,我想买它。
② The boy is ill so her mother takes him to see the doctor. 这个男孩病了,他妈妈带他去看医生。
主格 I you He she it we you they
宾格 me you Him her it us you them
形容词性物主代词 my your His her its our your their
名词性物主代词 mine yours His hers its ours your theirs
反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves
4. My cousin is visiting me. 我表弟来看我。
① My father often visits Beijing in summer. 我爸爸经常在夏季去北京。
② What place do you like to visit? 你想去哪里玩?
【知识拓展】visit可做动词,也可做名词。词组有go on a visit to,比如:
He always goes on a visit to Shanghai. 他总是去上海玩。
There are a lot of visitors to Suzhou every year. 每年都有很多旅游者到苏州来玩。
5. I am waiting for my turn. 我正在等轮到我的时候。
【要点详解】wait for something / somebody 等待某人或某物, 比如:
① There is a boy waiting for over there. 有个男孩在那里等你。
② Who is waiting for me outside the school? 谁在校外等我?
6. I do not have enough money to buy it. 我没有足够的钱买它。
Are there enough children in the classroom? 教师里有足够的男孩吗?
【知识拓展】enough 还可做副词,放在形容词和副词前面,表示“足够地”,比如:
The boy is old enough to go to school. 那个男孩年龄足够大了,可以上学了。
p75 A 1. electrical shop 2. bookshop 3. clothes shop 4. supermarket 5. sports shop 6. shoe shop
B a. vegetables 4 b. comic book 2 c. walkman 1 d. shoes 6 e. tennis racket 5 f. T-shirt 3
p76 A 1. There is 2. There are 3. There are 4. there is 5. There are 6. There is 7. there are
p77 B1 1. is looking 2. are eating 3. is paying 4. is playing 5. am carrying 6. are having
Work out We use ‘are’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __you__, __we__ and __they__.
We use ‘is’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __he__, __she__ and __it__.
P78 B2 2. is visiting 3. is doing 4. is playing 5. are playing 6. am waiting
P79 C 2. us 3. her 4. it 5. me 6. you
你能把下列动词变成ing 形式吗?试试吧:
动词 ing 形式
help, eat
take, make,
lie, tie, die
run, begin, put
主格 I you he she it we you they
宾格 me him her it you them
形容词性物主代词 my your her our your their
名词性物主代词 yours his its ours your
反身代词 myself yourself herself itself ourselves themselves
I. 精心选一选:
用is, are, isn’t, aren’t填空
1.There ________some orange juice in the bottle.
2.There_______a photo, two maps and a clock on the wall of my room.
3.There_________ any money in my purse.
4._______ there any sheep on the hill now?—No, there______ .
5.How many people _______there in your family?
6.There _______some time left. Let’s do our homework now.
a) 用所给动词的进行时完成下列各句
7. She ___________(wear) a new pair of shoes today.
8. The boy ___________(lie) on the grass and looking at the blue sky.
9.The children______________(fly) kites in the park.
10.Look! Kitty and Sandy________________(eat) ice cream.
11.We________________(have) an English class now.
12.________they_______________(wait) for the bus?
b) 用适当的代词填空:
13. Sandy and I are good friends. _____________often play together.
14. Where is my pencil-box? I can’t find ___________.
15. John is my pen friend. I often write to _________.
16.Where is Ann? Miss Gao wants to talk to ___________.
17.Don’t worry, Millie. I’ll help_____________.
18.My brother got a CD from his friend as a birthday present, but ________didn’t like______ at all.
19.These comic books are really interesting. May ________ read____________?
20.Tom and Mary are new students here. ________come from America.
toy shop, stationery shop, sports shop, supermarket, electrical shop, clothes shop, bookshop

21 Pens, pencils, writing paper, notebooks
22 books, storybooks, comic books, magazines
23 toy trains, planes for children
24 jeans, dresses, sweaters, skirts, T-shirts, shoes
25 vegetables, fruit, meat
26 sneakers, basketballs, tennis rackets
27 walkmans, radios, tape recorders

28.You can’t see many of the stars in the sky because ________ are too far away.
A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
29.Thank you very much for helping _______ with our English.
A. Sandy and I B. I and Sandy C. Sandy and my D. Sandy and me
30.Miss Gao teaches ______ math. We like _____ classes very much.
A. we, she B. us, her C. our, her D. ours, hers
31.Look! The Young Pioneer ______an old man _________the street.
A. is helping, cross B. helps, cross C. helps, across D. is helping, across
32.These football socks are ours. Those are ____. Please put____ away.
A. ours, them B. yours, them C. yours, it D. our, it
33.My father is ___TV and my mother is ______a book.
A. seeing, watching B. looking, reading C. looking at, seeing D. watching, reading
34.It’s four o’clock now. Some of the girls ____ the classroom.
A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans D. are cleaning
35.May I _____your ticket?
--OK. Here it is.
A. have a look B. have look C. have a look at D. have look at
36.Where are the students of Class 3?
A. are playing football over there B. are Young Pioneers
C. are all Chinese D. come from China
37.There____some bottles of milk in that box.
A. be B. is C. are D. have
This is a picture of a park. You can see many trees and flowers near a small river. There are some birds singing in the trees. There is a hill behind the river.
There are many people in the park. Some old men are drinking tea and talking under a big tree. Two young women are sitting near them. They are reading newspapers. Some boys are flying kites. The girls are looking at the boats in the river. They are all very happy.
43.What’s near the small river?
44.What are the birds doing?
45.Where are the old men and what are they doing?
46.How many women are sitting under the tree?
47.Are the women drinking tea? What are they doing?
48.What are the boys and girls doing?

1.is 2.is 3.isn’t 4.Are, aren’t
5.are 6.is 7.is wearing 8.is lying
9.are flying 10.are eating 11.are having 12.Are, waiting
13.We 14.it 15.him 16.her
17.you 18.he,it 19. I, them 20.They
21.stationaery shop 22.bookshop 23.toy shop
24.clothes shop 25.supermarket 26.sports shop 27.electrical shop
28.A 29.D 30.B 31.A
32.B 33.D 34.D 35.C
36.A 37.C
38.Is your father watching TV? No, he’s reading a book.
39.How many fish are there in the river?—Sorry, I don’t know.
40.They are drawing, they are taking photos.
41.What are the boys doing? They are playing volleyball on the playground.
42.Are these your trousers? –No, they’re my brother’s.
43.There are many trees and flowers near the small river.
44.They are singing.
45.They are under a big tree. They are drinking tea and talking.
46.Two women are sitting under the tree.
47.No, they aren’t. they are reading newspapers.
48.The boys are flying kites and the girls are looking at the boats in the river.
Lesson 3 Spending your pocket money
1. We saw an advertisement in the newspaper. 我们在报纸上看到一条广告。
【要点详解】in the newspaper 在报纸上 一般说来,“在…上面”在这里我们用介词in,而不是on。请看例句。
① Is there any interesting news in the newspaper? 在报纸上有没有有趣的新闻?
② What’s in the newspaper? 在报纸上有什么消息?
2. We would like to help the children in poor areas in our country. 我们想要帮助我国贫穷地区的孩子们。
【要点详解】would like to do something 想要干某事。它的否定形式是would like not to do。比如:
① What would you like to eat, Mr. Wang? 你想要吃点什么呢,王先生?
② He would like not to have something to drink. 他不想要喝点东西。
will / would / could you please ( not ) do something 你(不)做某事好吗?
had better ( not ) do 最好(不)做某事;
why not / why don’t you do 为什么不做某事呢?
what / how about ( not ) doing something (不)做某事怎么样?
Let’s ( not ) do something   让我们(不)做某事吧
Shall we ( not ) do something 我们(不)做某事好吗?
① Would you please not open the window? 你能不开窗吗?
② You’d better come there by bus because it’s far from here. 你最好乘车去那里,因为路很远。
③ Why not buy the green coat? 为什么不去买一件绿色的外衣呢?
④ What about playing basketball with us tomorrow? 明天和我们一起去打篮球好吗?
⑤ Let’s not tell him the news. 让我们不要告诉他这个消息。
⑥ Shall we give him some cakes instead? 让我们给他一些蛋糕吧?
3. I’d like to buy a pair of football boots. 我想要买一双足球鞋。
【要点详解】a pair of 表示“一双”的意思,后面要跟名词复数形式。比如:
a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a pair of gloves 一副手套
【问题探究】常用的量词是piece, 它能和很多名词连接。此外,一些固定的搭配有:a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 a loaf of bread 一条面包
a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a carton of milk 一盒牛奶
a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a plate of grapes 一盘葡萄
a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a glass of water 一玻璃杯水
a bag of apples 一袋苹果 a basket of pears 一篮梨
a box of balls 一箱球 a basin of clothes 一脸盆的衣服
4. What size are your feet? I’m a size eight. 你的脚是几号的?我是八号的。
① What size are your trousers? 你的裤子是什么尺寸的?
② What size coat do you wear? 你穿着什么尺寸的外套?
5. Could I try them on? 我能试穿它们吗?
【要点详解1】try on表示“试穿”意思,比如。
① You should try it on before you buy the coat. 在你买外套之前你应该试穿一下。
② Please try on the shoes first. 请先试穿一下那些鞋子。
【要点详解2】同学们,你们知道为什么我们说try them on,而不说try on them吗?对,在一般情况下人称代词放在动词和介词构成的词组之间,类似的情况还有:
pick it up 把它捡起来 turn it on 打开它
take it off 把它脱下来 work it out 把它解出来
6. Well, they fit very well. 他们很合适。
――How do the trousers fit you ? ――Very well. ――这裤子合适吗?――是的,和合适。
【知识拓展】fit还可做形容词,表示“合适”,可用作be fit for表示“适合”,比如:
① She is fit for the job. 她适合这个工作。
② The book is fit for the boy. 这本书适合那个男孩读。
7. shopping dialogue 购物对话
What can I do for you? Can I help you? 你想买什么?
Do you have story books? 你有故事书吗?
Can I have a look / look at the blue one over there 我能看一下在那边的蓝色的吗?
How much does it cost? How much is it? 它多少钱?
Can I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?
I’m afraid it’s a little expensive /dear. 恐怕它有点贵。
Do you have a cheaper one? 你有便宜一点的吗?
There is a discount on the book. 这本书可以打折。
Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?
I’ll take / have / buy it. 我要买。
1.Does the key _________(合适)the lock?
2.There is a big ___________(超市) near our school, we often go _________(购物)there after school.
3.Which _________(国家) does your friend Timmy come from?
4.The young man wants to buy a new house in the_________(中心) of the city.
5. I think Suzhou is a nice__________(地方) to live.
--Yes, I think so.
6.--Where shall we have lunch today?
--What about have it in a ___________(餐馆) near our home?
7.Is there anything important in today’s ___________(报纸)?
8.The little girl ___________(节省) some money and sent it to her pen fiend from Guizhou.
9. There is a lot of ____________(文具) in this shop.
10. What’s the __________(价格) of this T-shirt?
11. I’d like to buy a pair of jeans.(就划线部分提问)
12.This jacket is eighty yuan. (就划线部分提问)
13.Kitty writes an e-mail to her sister in English every day.(改成现在进行时)
14.What are you doing? (chat with my parents)(用括号里提供的短语回答问题)
15. They sometimes play basketball after school. (就划线部分提问)
16. What size are your ______________(foot)?
17.These boots are too expensive, do you have some _______________(cheap) ones?
18.I have a lovely dog. ___________(it) back is black and white.
19.I like this pair of gloves. Could I try __________(they) on?
20. Are you free this Sunday? I’d like ____________(invite) you to my birthday party.
21.Sandy likes____________(listen) to music. She spends a lot of free time ___________(listen) to music.
IV. 精心选一选
It’s Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.
“What does your shop sell?”Mary asks. “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. Mary finds a nice white skirt.
“How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.
“It’s eighty yuan. ”
“ That’s too dear. Can I find a cheap one?”
“What about the green one? It looks nice. And it’s only thirty yuan. ”
“OK, thanks a lot.”
“You are welcome. ”
After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of things, like bread, meat and fish. They get home very late.
22.Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on _____.
A. Saturday B. afternoon C. Saturday morning D. Sunday
23.Mary wants to buy a new skirt and ______.
A. some school things B. some drinks
C. some clothes D. some food
24.Mary finds a nice_____ skirt, but it’s too dear.
A. green B. red C. white D. cheap
25.The green skirt is________.
A. nice but dear B. nice and cheap C. not nice but cheap D. not nice and cheap
26.Mary’s mother doesn’t buy any_______ for supper.
A. eggs B. fish C. meat D. bread
There are__27__students in the classroom now. They’re __28__ an English lesson. They have an English lesson __29__Monday __30__Friday. Look! __31__standing before the blackboard? That’s Lucy. She __32__something on the blackboard. Is the young woman __33__ the window __34__English teacher? Yes, she’s a __35__teacher, but she __36__well. What’s she doing now? She’s asking one of her students a question about New York.
27.A. no B. a lot C. some D. any
28.A. having B. are having C. have D. are have
29.A. on B. to C. in D. from
30.A. on B. to C. in D. from
31.A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose D. What
32.A. write B. writes C. writing D. is writing
33.A. by B. in C. on D. under
34.A. he B. they C. their D. them
35.A. new B. old C. tall D. short
36.A. study B. studies C. teach D. teaches
It is Sunday. We do not have any classes. We are playing in the park. It is a fine day. There are a lot of boys and girls in the park. Some boys are swimming in the lake and others are flying kites. Li Lei is very good at it, and he is flying a very nice one with Lin Tao over there. Sam and Bill like swimming. They are now swimming. How well they are swimming! Some of the girls are swimming in the lake, too.
Look, what are Lily and Lucy doing? They are talking with some Chinese students. They are learning to speak Chinese. Miss Gao is helping tem. Mr and Mrs Green are sitting under a tree. They are looking after the clothes for the swimmers.
It is good to be out in the park on a fine day!
37.What are Li Lei and his friends doing?
A. They are under a big tree. B. They are talking to their English friends.
C. They are playing in the park. D. They are all swimming in the lake.
38.What are Lucy and Lily doing?
A. They are having a Chinese lesson. B. They are talking in Chinese.
C. They are talking with Miss Gao. D. They are helping some Chinese students.
39.What are under the tree near the lake?
A. Mr and Mrs Green. B. The children’s clothes.
C. A chair and a desk. D. Some food and drink.
40.Which of these is NOT right?
A. It is a fine day.
B. There are no girls in Sam’s class.
C. Children can swim in the lake of the park.
D. Some Chinese students are talking to Lily and Lucy.
There has a park near my home and 41.__________
we can see a small shop in it. A shop sells 42.__________
a lot things. On Sundays I often go to the 43.__________
park with mine parents. We often 44.__________
sell things in the shop. We also have 45.__________
anything to drink there. I like 46.__________
oranges and my parents like tea. We often 47.__________
go back to home at 5:00. 48.__________
1. fit 2. supermarket, shopping 3.country 4.centre 5.place
6. restaurant 7. newspaper 8.saved 9.stationery 10.price
11.What would you like to do?
12.How much is this jacket?
13.Kitty is writing an e-mail to her sister in English.
14.I’m chatting with my parents.
15.How often do they play basketball after school?
16.feet 17.cheaper 18.Its 19.them 20.to invite
21.listening, listening
22-26: D A C B A
27-36:C A D B B D A C A D
37-40:C B B B
41.has →is 42.A →The
43.lot →lot of 44.mine →my
45.sell →buy 46.anything →something
47.oranges →orange 48.back to →back
Lesson 4 Let’s go shopping
1. It is easy to find. 很容易找到。
【要点详解】 It is + adj. + to do something. 表示“做某事很。。。”,比如:
It is very difficult to finish the work in two days. 在两天之内完成那项工作很困难。
Is it interesting to visit the farm? 去参观农场很有趣吗?
【问题探究】这个句型的否定形式是It is + adj. + not to do something. 请看例句。
It is not so easy to win the game. 要赢得比赛可不那么容易。
It is not happy for him to play with his little sister. 和他的小妹妹玩不是一件高兴的事。
2. There are five floors of shops and each of floor is very big. 有五层楼的商店,且每层楼面都很大。
How many floors are there in the building? 这幢楼里有几层?
【问题探究】表示“在第几层时”我们说on the (用序数词) floor。比如:
I live on the second floor. 我住在第二层。
【知识拓展】同学们,你们知道吗?在英美两国,具体楼层的表达是不一样的,比如,在英式英语中,一楼是the ground floor;二楼是the first floor;而在美式英语中,一楼是the first floor;二楼是the second floor。所以如果你们以后到英美国家去,千万别搞错了!
① Each student can go there tomorrow. 明天每个学生都可以去那里。
② They each come here by bike. 他们每个人都骑自行车来这里的。
Each can have one apple, but not two. 每个人可以拿一个苹果,但不是两个。
We read the letter to him each. 我们每个人都读了一遍信给他听。
3. This is great for girls. 这对女孩来说真是太好了。
【要点详解】be great for somebody 对某人来说真是太好了。此外,我们还可以说be good for somebody。比如:
The game is good for boys. 这游戏对男孩来说很好。
4. I think the mall needs some more. 我认为那个大型购物中心需要更多的。
【要点详解】some more意思是“更多的”,比如:
① Can I have some more water? 我能再要点水吗?
② Who wants some more apples? 谁想再要些苹果?
5.You can eat different kinds of food from different countries. 你能吃到来自不同国家的不同食物。
【要点详解】different kinds of 意思是“不同种的”,a kind of表示“一种”,比如:
a kind of books 一类书 a kind of orange 一种桔汁
6. I like watching a film before going shopping. 我喜欢在购物前去看场电影。
【要点详解】在这个句子中going shopping从语法上讲是现在分词作时间状语。比如
Before going to bed, I read some books last night. 昨晚在睡觉前我看了一些书。
After saying goodbye to him, she left the house. 对他说了声再见,她离开了屋子。
【知识拓展】在这句话中还有一个词组,你们找到了吗?是的,watch a film表示“看电影”,你们知道它还有其他的表达方式吗?是的,我们还可以说
see a film go to the cinema watch a movie go to the movies
看电视watch TV 看戏 see a play 去听音乐会 go to a concert
7. When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish. 当我在玩游戏时,那儿总是有很多人在等我快点结束。
The mall is a really fun place to go. 那个购物中心确实是个有趣的地方。
It is a good place to meet friends. 它是和朋友会面的好地方。
This is an interesting book to read. 这是一本有趣的书。
He is a funny person to talk to. 他是一个能和他交谈的有趣的人。
【问题探究】一般说来,用动词不定式做定语时,动词不定式的动词应是及物动词或不及物动词词组,但在口语或不太规范的情况下也可直接用不及物动词,比如第二个例句The mall is a really fun place to go ( to ). 再如,课本中多次出现的短语a place to live ( in )等。
8. She is having a stomach ache. 她肚子痛。
【要点详解】ache表示“痛”,比如:toothache 牙痛 headache 头痛。 请看例句:
She always has a toothache. 她总是牙痛。
――What is wrong with you? ――I’m having headache. ――你怎么了?――我头痛。
A: How many students are there in your class?
B: There are_________________________________.
A: How many girls are there?
B: _________________________________________.
A: How many boys are there?
B: _________________________________________.
A: How many Young Pioneers are there?
B: __________________________________________.
A: How many teachers are there in your school?
B: Let me see. Er, _______________, I think.
II. 耐心填一填
1.What are you doing?
--I ________ (make) dumplings.
2.Look! some boys _________(run) near the lake.
3.There are some people under the tree. One of them ________(read) and three of them ______(play) games.
4.Are you good at___________(skate)?
5.My classmates are from different_________(country)
6.____________(not talk). They are having a class.
7.__________like Uncle Wang very much because he often helps ________.(they)
8.I like_________(read) some books before_________(go) to bed.
9.One of the cat’s leg is broken. It _________(need) some help.
10.Sally often helps her grandma_________(carry) water at weekends.
11.They are looking for something.(改为否定句)
12. He’s doing his homework in the classroom.(改为复数形式)
13. book, riding, you, a, bike, reading, are, or, a (连词成句)
14. and, boy, clothes, it’s, the, o’clock, his, seven, putting, now, is, on (连词成句)
15.They have some Chinese friends.(改为一般疑问句)
III. 精心选一选
16.Who teaches________ Chinese?
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
17.How many boats_______in the river?
A. is there, There is only five B. are, They are very, very big
C. have, They’re only five D. are there, There are only five
18.He likes_____ TV at home on Sundays, but sometimes he goes to _____a film.
A. watch, see B. watching, seeing C. watching, see D. seeing, watch
19.Where ________your school things?
--Look! _______on the desk.
A. are, They’re B. is, It’s C. are, It’s D. is, They’re
20.This is my friend Lily’s cat. Can you look after______ for_______?
A. her, it B. it, her C. hers, it D. it, she
21.There is a bird________in the tree.
A. sing B. singing C. sings D. to sing
22.It’s too hot today. Please give______ a bottle of orange.
A. his B. my C. I D. him
23.Mr and Mrs Green often help my sister and______ with _______ English.
A. I, our B. me, our C. I, us D. me, us
24.Don’t worry. There ______ to finish the work before 10 o’clock.
A. is enough time B. are time enough
C. is an enough time D. are enough time
25.This large shopping mall is easy_________.
A. to find it B. find it C. to find D. find
Mr White has a small shop in the middle of our __31__, and he sells pictures in it. They are not __32__ ones, but some of them are quite nice. Last Saturday a woman came into the shop and looked at lot of pictures. Then she __33__ Mr White to one of them and said, “How __34__do you want for this one?” It was a picture of horses in a field.
Mr White looked at it for __35__ seconds and then went and brought his book. He opened it, looked at the first __36__ and then said, “I want twenty pounds for that one. ”
The woman closed her __37__ for a moment and then said, “I can give you two pounds for it.”
“Two pounds?” Mr White said __38__,“Two pounds? But the canvas(画布) costs __39__ two pounds.”
“Oh, but it was __40__ then,” the woman said.
31.A. road B. park C. river D. town
32.A. expensive B. cheap C. good D. true
33.A. brought B. had C. took D. wanted
34.A. money B. many C. much D. number
35.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
36.A. copy B. page C. sentence D. word
37.A. pocket B. hands C. mouth D. eyes
38.A. angrily B. happily C. friendly D. quietly
39.A. fewer than B. less than C. more than D. more or less
40.A. white B. clean C. useful D. beautiful
I work in a small shop. It is near a factory. Every day, workers, old ladies and housewives come to the shop to buy things.
I live in a house not very far from the shop. I usually get up at six, have breakfast and then go to work by bike. I take some food along in my lunch box.
I get to the shop at about ten to seven. At seven customers(顾客) begin to arrive. They buy meat, eggs, sugar, soybean sauce, cooking oil, salt, candies, biscuits and many other things. We don’t sell vegetables or fruit. There is a shop for those things nearby.
I have my meal at noon from my lunch box. At seven in the evening we close the shop. I tidy things up and then go home for supper.
Some people may think my work isn’t so interesting. But I do my bit for the four modernization(现代化), don’t I?
41.What does the“I”in the passage do? She is a_______.
A. worker B. customer C. teacher D. saleswoman
42.The shop is a ______ shop.
A. grocery(副食) B. vegetable C. fruit D. grain(粮食)
43.How long does she work every day?
A. Five hours B. Thirteen hours C. Twelve hours D. Eight hours
44.Her house is _____ the shop. She often goes to work______.
A. very far from, by bus B. very close to, by bike
C. very far from, by bike D. very close to, on foot
45.What does she like about her work?
A. She thinks her work is too tired.
B. She doesn’t like having lunch in the shop.
C. She thinks the long-hour work is a pleasure.
D. She likes her work a lot though she is busy all day.
Today is on Sunday. Children don’t go to school today. 46.___________
There are many children in the park. They are student of 47.___________
Class 1. They are play games there. Some are flying kites, some 48.___________
are singing and dancing. There is two boys boating 49.___________
on the middle of the river. There are two women with them. 50.___________
They are their teachers. All the children look very happily. 51.___________
1.am making 2.are running 3.is reading , are playing 4.skating 5.countries
6.don’t talk 7.They, them 8.reading, going 9.needs 10.carry
11.They aren’t looking for anything.
12.they’re doing their homework in the classroom.
13.Are you riding a bike or reading a book?
14.It’s seven o’clock now and the boy is putting on his clothes.
15.Do they have any Chinese friends?
16-25: A D C A B B D B A C
26.There is a baby crying in the room.
27.Is there anybody singing in the music room?
28.Would you like to go shopping with me tonight?
29.You can eat different kinds of food in this restaurant.
30. I think parks are good places to do morning exercise./
I think a park is a good place to do morning exercise.
41-45: DACBD
46.on Sunday →Sunday 47.student →students
48.play →playing 49.is →are
50.on →in 51.happily →happy




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