译林牛津 初一unit 5 Abilities 同步精讲精练

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Unit 5 Abilities
Ⅰ. 本单元话题解读
1. 本单元话题 从技能、责任和个性上,谈论年轻人该如何帮助他人。
背景知识 通过报纸上的真实事件,表现青少年的勇敢精神。讨论帮手俱乐部成员所做的好人好事及在校表现,也讨论了因此而推荐他们获得荣誉。本单元的中心任务是让学生写一封正式的推荐信。
注意点 同学们要通过听、说、读、写的训练达到运用本单元内容的目的。
说:运用can 谈论能力。
2. 小对话 根据句意及首字母提示,填出所缺的词。
Teacher: W would you like to recommend for the Best Student Award ?
Amy: Kitty.
Teacher: W did you want to recommend her?
Amy: B she is polite and helpful.
Teacher: What else?
Amy: She can also o class activities very well.
Teacher: Is she thoughtful?
Amy: Yes, she is. She often has a lot of i ?
Teacher: Does she work very c ?
Amy: Yes, she does. She p everything well.
Teacher: Do all the students in your class a with you?
Amy: Yes. We shall all be very h if she can have the a .
Teacher: Thanks a lot.
Amy: My pleasure.
Key: Who, Why, Because, organize, ideas, carefully, plans, agree, happy, award
Ⅱ. 重点单词、词组及短语详解
1. superdog 名词,超级狗
[注意] super- 在构词法中称为前缀,表示“上等的,特大的,特级的”,和其他词构成一个新词。
[拓展] super+market=supermarket 超市 super+man=superman 超人
2. clean up 打扫干净
[注意] up 这个副词常跟在动词后面,表示“彻底地,完全地”。
[典型例句] Be sure to lock up the door.. 务必把门锁好。
[拓展] clean up 还有消除有害影响的意思
[典型例句] The police are trying their best to clean up the environment around schools.

3. Visiting a home for the elderly 拜访老年公寓
the young 年轻人, the rich 富人,the poor穷人
[典型例句] Do not laugh at the poor. 不要嘲笑穷人。
4. hear someone shouting‘Fire!Fire!’听见有人喊“火灾!火灾!”
[注意]hear sb. doing sth. 表示听见某人正在做某事,强调主语听时,某人正在做。
类似的词组还有:see/watch/find sb. doing sth.(看见/注意到/发现某人正在做某事)。
[典型例句]When I was walking on the road, I heard a girl crying outside a shop.
[拓展] hear/see/watch 后面还可以跟动词原形(但find不可),表示“看见/注意到/听见(某人做事的整个过程)”。
[辨析] My father was watching me drawing pictures when someone knocked at the door.
Mum watched her son cross the street and go into the school.
[典型例题]( )I saw him into the small store room (2004年北京市中考)
A. to go B. gone C. going D. went
点拨: 此题对照词组see sb. do/doing ,故答案应是C.
[拓展]hear 常用的词组还有: hear of 听说……, hear from 收到……的来信(消息)
5. the 7-year-old Mr. Sun 79的孙先生
[注意]79-year-old 是用连字符连接起来的一个词,通常作定语。要注意的是此时year必须用单数。例:an eight-meter-deep river
[辨析]He is ten years old. 他十岁。
这里ten years old 指年龄,作表语。
He is a ten-year-old boy. 他是个十岁的男孩。
这里ten-year-old 是个形容词,作定语。
[典型例题]--Dad, when will you be free? You agreed to go to the seaside with me four days ago.
-- I’m sorry Jean. But I think I will have a holiday soon.(2004年河北省中考)
A. four-days B. four-day C. four days D. four day
点拨: 此题需填一个形容词,表示“四天的”,故选B。
6.put out the fire 扑灭火
[注意]put out 意为扑灭
[典型例句]It took them 2 hours to put out the fire.他们花了2小时扑灭了这场火。
[拓展]put out 还有伸出的意思。
[典型例句]He put out his hands to welcome me.他想向我伸出欢迎的手。
[拓展]put 常用的词组还有put away:放好,存放,藏好(某物)put down :放下,搁下
put into: 把……放入,把……灌入 put on:穿上,戴上 put up : 举起(手),升起(帆、旗)
[注意]fire 名词,意为火,火灾,炉火
[辨析]Fire can be very dangerous. 火可能非常危险。此句解释为火,是不可数名词。
    We make a fire in winter to get warm. 此句解释为炉火,是可数名词。
7.bring her flowers and presents 带给她鲜花和礼物
[注意]bring sb. sth.带给某人某物。Bring是动词,后跟人称代词的宾格。
[拓展]bring sb. sth. 带给某人某物 bring sth. to sb.带某物给某人
[辨析]Please bring some chairs when you come next time.当你下次来时,带几把椅子来。
Please take these new books to the classroom.把这些新书带到教室去。
[典型例题]You mustn't forget your dictionary when you come tomorrow.
A. to bring B. get C. to take D. take
点拨: 很明显这里把字典拿到说话人方向。故答案A。
8. be careful with 小心处理
[拓展]be careful with/of/about sth./in doing sth.意为“仔细做某事,小心处理,当心/警惕某事”
[典型例句]Be careful with these new cups. Don't break them. 拿这些新杯子的时候小心些。别打碎了。
Be careful of the dog. It sometimes bites people.小心那只狗。它有时会咬人。
Be careful (in) crossing the street.过马路时要小心。
9. join us 成为我们中的一员
[注意]join 是动词,后跟人称代词的宾格。
[拓展]常见的词组有join the army:参军 join the club:加入俱乐部
join 后跟“人”表示和某人一起参加活动。如:
I'd like to join you for the interesting game.我想和你们一起玩这个有趣的游戏。
join in (doing) sth.解释为“参加某活动”,如:
Ask him to join in the class activity.请他参加班级活动吧。
10. read about 读关于……
[注意]read 这里是不及物动词,read about/of sb./sth. 表示“通过阅读发现某人/事的情况。”
[典型例句]I read about the superstar in the magazine.我在这本杂志上看到了有关这位明星的报道。
[辨析] read 也可以作不及物动词。
[典型例句]She can read and write well.她有很好的读写能力。
11.get better 转好
[注意]better 这里是形容词well 的比较级,表示身体好。
[辨析]I don't feel very well. well这里是形容词,表示身体好
She likes music and she plays the piano well. well 这里是副词,修饰动词。
12.leave the stove on 让炉子燃着
[注意]leave在这里表示“使某人/谋事一直处于某种状态”;on 做副词,表示在接通/使用中
[典型例句]Don't leave the door open.别让门开着。
The TV is always on when I am at home. 我在家的时候,总是开着电视。
13.likely 形容词,可能的
[拓展]be likely to do 可能要干谋事
[辨析]It is likely to rain tonight. 今天夜里很可能会下雨。
It is like a cat. 它像一只猫。
14. something hot 热的东西
[注意]形容词hot 放在不定代词something 的后面。
[典型例句]I have something new for you.我有些新东西给你。
[拓展]形容词修饰nothing, something等复合不定代词,必须放在这些不定代词之后,如anything interesting, nothing important等。
[典型例题]Do you have to say? (2004年娄底市中考)
A. important anything B. anything important C. important something D. something important点拨: 此句是疑问句,故用anything, 形容词后置,故答案是B.
15. think of 想,想到
[注意]think of sth./doing sth. 意为想到,有时可与think about 换用。
[拓展]think of 还含有(对……)看法之意。
[典型例句]What do you think of the TV play? 你认为那部电视剧怎样?
think 常有的词组还有 think over 仔细考虑  think out 想出 think about 考虑,想到
16.tell sb. to be 告诉/要求某人……
[注意].tell sb. to be/do中间的to 不可少,其否定形式为tell sb. not to be/do
[典型例句]The teacher tell the students not to be late for school.老师要求学生上学不迟到。
His mother told him not to watch TV .妈妈要求他不看电视。
[典型例题]The teacher told us not in the sun.(2004年娄底市中考)
A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading
点拨:此题很明显tell sb. not to do sth. 应该填to do, 故答案是B.
[拓展]tell 还可意为“辨别、推断”
[典型例句]Can you tell who does wrong? 你能判断出谁做错了吗?
      Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?你能把汤姆和他的双胞胎哥哥区分开来吗?
Ⅰ. 词组翻译
1. 清理海滩_______ 2. 互相帮助_______
3.忘记带足球 ________ 4.尽力 ________
5. 善于写作_______       6. 在去…..的路上________
Ⅱ. 单项选择题
( ) 1.The students of Class 1,Grade 7 wanted to money for Project Hope.
A. give B. borrow C. collect D. lend
( ) 2. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, people enjoy eating moon cakes in the open air at night.
A. out B. outside C. inside D. onto
( ) 3.The new singer's voice very beautiful.
A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. sings
( ) 4.Daniel always wears his football boots he plays football in the football pitch.
A. if B. when C. after D. as
( ) 5. First, the old book away. Then please a new one here.
A. bring, take B. take, bring C. bring, bring D. take, take
( ) 6.Can you finish all the Math homework two hours?
A. at B. for C. within D. to
( ) 7. The problem is very difficult for me. Can you ?
A. working out it B. work it out C. work out it D. working it out
( ) 8. Zhao Aijia is good at and fond of .
A. run, play tennis B. running, playing the tennis
C. running, playing tennis D. run, play the tennis
( ) 9.You must teach the girls .
A. how to dance B. what to dance C. which to dance D. where to dance
( ) 10. –How long did you study at school?
-- .
A. about for four months B. for about four months
C. in about four months D. with about four months
Ⅲ. 按要求改写句子
He does the computer work well. (改为否定句)
He the computer work well.
2. Does he do well in reading English stories? (改为同义句)
he reading English stories?
3. He could not go to work because he was ill. (改为同义句)
It was not him to go to work because he was ill.
4. That was a good idea! (改为感叹句)
idea it !
5. She did something for her own safety. (改为一般疑问句)
she for her own ?
6. She was in hospital for two months. (对划线部分提问)
she in hospital?
7. She saw a lot of smoke coming from next door. (对划线部分提问)
she a lot of smoke from?
8. She put out the fire with a blanket. (对划线部分提问)
she out the fire?
9. May I stay at home? (作否定回答)

10. Billy bought a pair of football shoes yesterday. (用tomorrow 改写句子)
Billy a pair of football shoes .
Ⅳ.单句改错 选出错误的项,然后在横线上改正
( ) Don't put something hot into the rubbish bin.
2. ( ) Suzy is good at writing , but sometimes she is careful.
3. ( ) On my way to home, I met my old friend, Li Dong.
4. ( ) The weather is nice , Shall we go fishing instead of play football.
5. ( ) The firemen quick drove to the flat and put out the fire.
Ⅲ. 重难点句子详解
She went in and saw her neighbour , the 79-year-old Mr. Sun, in the kitchen.
她进去并看见了她的79岁的邻居Sun 先生在厨房里。
[注意] 句中79-year-old Mr. Sun 作her neighbour 的同位语,表示两者所指为同一人。
[典型例句] The famous dancer, Mr. Brown , will give us a talk on how to dance to disco.
句中Mr. Brown 作 the famous dancer 的同位语。
She put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mr. Sun out.
她用毯子扑灭火并救出了Sun 先生。
[注意] with 在该句中的意思是“用(工具、方法、材料等)”
[典型例句] He is writing a letter with his new pen.
[拓展] with 还可表示一种伴随的状态。
[典型例句] She came in with a big smile on her face.
It is important to be careful with fire.
[注意] It is +形容词+(for sb.)+ to do sth. 表示对某人来说干……是…….的。句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语to do sth..
[典型例句] It is very useful for us to learn English well.
[典型例题]( ) is really hard them to climb the mountain.
A. this ,to B. it, for C. this for D. it ,to (2004年黄岗市中考)
点拨: 真正的主语to climb the mountain 在后面,故应该用形式主语it, 根据上面的句型答案是B.
Thank you for joining us this evening, Wang Fang.
[注意] 句型 thank sb. for doing sth. 表示为做某事而感谢某人。特别要注意的是介词 for 后面要用名词或动名词(动词+ing 这种形式)。
[典型例句] Thank you for inviting us to your birthday party.
Do you know what happened to Wang Fang?
[注意] what happened to…在句中作know 的宾语。因为是句子作宾语,所以what happened to……. 又称为宾语从句。
[典型例句] I can guess what he is doing now.
[注意] sth. happened to sb. 表示某人发生某事,sb. 放在to 后面。
[典型例句] What has happened to Jim? 吉姆发生了什么?
I'm sure that I 'll lose the game within 10 minutes.
[注意] 句型 be sure (that) +从句,表示……是肯定的。
[典型例句] Are you sure she has lost it? 你肯定她已经输了吗?
[拓展] be sure to do sth.表示“务必一定要做某事”, be sure of sth. 表示确信某事。
make sure 与 be sure 表示的意思相近。
[典型例句] I'm sure he will come.=I make sure he will come. 我确信他会来的。
Ⅰ. 单项选择
( ) 1. It is good manners in public.
A. not shout B. don't to shout C. not to shout D. to not shout
( ) 2. Don't leave the baby ay home . It is .
A. alone, danger B. lonely, dangerous C. alone, dangerous D. lonely, danger
( ) 3. He speaks English and write his hand.
A. with , with B. in, in C. in, with D. with, in
( ) 4. Do you often practice ?
A. writing B. writeing C. danceing D. to read
( ) 5. The ticket is on the floor. Please .
A. pick up it B. pick up them C. pick it up D. pick them up
( ) 6. ---Did the teacher tell you this afternoon?
---Yes, we will go to visit the Science Museum.
A. how to do B. where to do C. what to do D. which to do
( ) 7. Wang Fang thanked her schoolmates and the teachers who helped her .
A. many B. a lot C. lots of D. a lot of
( ) 8. Do you your father every week?
A. hear from B. hear of C. hear a letter from D. hear
Ⅱ. 完成句子
! Don't coffee my book.
Children must themselves water and fire.
We must learn English .
Can you teach us a fire , please?
Oh, it is ! I my umbrella.
very you me my maths.
I for two months last year.
8. 因为他伤了腿,所以他没有在运动会上跑步。
He didn't run at the sports meeting .
⑴ 表示能力,“能,会”。
〔典型例句〕Tom can speak English. 汤姆会说英语。
My cousin can make dumplings. 我表妹会包饺子。
〔注意〕 can的否定式为 can’t,表示“不能”,过去式中用 could和 couldn’t
〔典型例句〕 She couldn’t ride a bike when she was three years old.
〔典型例题〕 ---- Can you write a letter in English? (北京)
---- No, I _____.
A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t
点拨:此题考查情态动词can 的用法,can 表示“能力”,否定回答为can’t 故选 C.
⑵ 表示推测,“可能”。
〔典型例句〕I can get there in five minutes. 5分钟后我会到哪儿。
〔典型例句〕It can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。
〔典型例题〕--- Is Mr Wu in the library? (重庆)
--- No, he_____ be there. He is waiting for me at the school gate.
A. mustn’t B. may not C. isn’t able to D. can’t
点拨:情态动词must 表示推测时,意为“一定”,只能用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句 用can’t和 can 代替,根据题意可知:他一定不在那儿,因为他正在门口等我。B,C 两项均不表示语气十分肯定的推测,故选D。
⑶ 表示请求许可,不如may正式,常用于口语。
〔典型例句〕Can / May I borrow your ruler? 我能借用一下你的尺吗?
Can I have a seat? 我能坐下吗?
〔注意〕can和 could蔼都表示现在,用could比用can语气更加委婉客气。
〔典型例句〕 Could you bring me some water? 请帮我带些水来好吗?
〔典型例题〕---- _____ I use your car? (武汉)
---- Yes, you _____.
must B. can C. need D. shall
点拨:may和can 用来征求许可,此题明显在征求对方的许可,是否可用一下车子,故选 B。
2. May/might
⑴ 表示请求许可或征询对方许可,表示“可以”的意思,常与第一人称“I”连用。 May I … ? 回答时,一般肯定回答用 Yes, you may.,否定回答用No, you can’t 或No, you mustn’t.。
〔典型例句〕 May I come in? 我可以进来吗?
〔注意〕 might的语气比 may 更委婉,用在疑问句中有羞怯的意思。
〔典型例句〕Might I ask for another cup of tea? 我可以再要一杯咖啡吗?
〔典型例题〕---- _____ I go out to play now, mum ?
---- No, you _____.
A. may; shouldn’t B. Can , needn’t
C. Must; can’t D. May; mustn’t
点拨:此题明显在请求妈妈的许可,前一空可用can 或may 否定回答只能用 No, you can’t或 No, you mustn’t 故选D
⑵.may/might 表示可能性,推测,常用于肯定句,没有must 语气强。表示推测的可能性较大时用 may ;might含有怀疑或犹豫的意思。
〔典型例句〕That may be our car. 那辆可能就是我们的车。
That might be our car. 那辆也许是我们的车。(但有所怀疑)
〔典型例题〕--- Let’s move the bags away, or there ____ an accident.
A. maybe B. may have C. may be D. will have
点拨:此题为 There be 结构,而maybe为副词,要表达 “可能有”,故选C.

( )1 She __ know the answer , but I’m not sure.
A maybe B may be C may D must
( )2 --Could I borrow your dictionary?
--Yes, of course , you __
A must B need C can D will
( )3 Class 3 won the football match! __ it be true?
A May B Must C Will D Can
( )4 Look out ! The knife is very sharp . You __ cut your finger.
A need B must C should D may
( )5 --May I smoke here ?
--__, you ___. It can be dangerous.
A Yes , can B No, can’t C Yes , may D No, needn’t
( )6 --Can you ride a bike ?
--No , I ___
A can’t B won’t C mustn’t D needn’t
( )7 They __ in the past.
A can dance B could dance C can to dance D could to dance
( )8 John, you __ play with the knife , you __ hurt yourself.
A won’t ; can’t B mustn’t ; may
C shouldn’t ; must D can’t ; shouldn’t
( )9 Peter__ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.
A must B may C can D will
( )10 --I’m sorry I didn’t win in the race.
--Bad Luck! Well, you__ win every time.
A can’t B must C should D mustn’t
Ⅱ 按要求改写句子
She can fly kites .(改为一般疑问句)
May I use your bike ? (作否定回答)
You might watch TV (对划线部分提问)
Millie can read newspapers.(用 when she was 5 years old 改写句子)
Maybe he is a Canadian student. (改写句子)

Ⅲ. 完成句子
Wang Ming ___ ___ ___ ___ last year . He ___ now .
___ you ___ Tom ___from his ___ brother?
There is ___ ___ at the door , who ___ it be?
Mr Brown ___ ___ ___ ___ the ___ tonight.
We ___ ___ ___ a ___ yesterday because it ___.
Ⅰ.Welcome to the unit (P73)
b 2. a 3. d 4. f 5. e 6. c
Ⅱ. Reading (P74)
Part B1: 1.e 2.a 3.b 4.c 5.f 6.d
Part B2: 1.five 2.May 3.neighbour 4.poured 5.afraid 6.hospital
Part D: 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c
Ⅲ. Vocabulary (P76)
Part A: 1.e 2.d 3.f 4.g 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.h
Part B: 1.kind 2.brave 3.helpful 4. polite 5. careful 6.quick 7.grateful 8.happy
Ⅳ. Grammar (P78)
Part A1: 1. could not row a boat , can
2. could not ride a bicycle , can
3. could not swim , can
4. could not play tennis , can
5. could not fly a kite , can
Part A2: 1. Can 2.row 3.Yes. 4.can 5.Could 6.ride 7.No, 8.could’t 9.Can 10.swim 11.Yes. 12.can 13.Can 14.play 15.Yes. 16. can 17.Could 18. fly to kite 19.No 20.could’t
Part B: 1. can 2.can not/can’t 3.could not /couldn’t 4. could 5.could not /couldn’t
Part C: 1. might 2.may 3.may 4.may not
Ⅴ.Integrated skills (P82)
Part A1: 1.Suzy 2.1 3.7 4.Chinese 5.English 6.History 7.Geography 8.piano 9.Volleyball 10.Monday 11. Tuesday 12. class
Part A3: 1.Chinese 2.English 3. History 4.Geography 5.class 6.piano 7.volleyball
Ⅵ. Main task (P85)
The right order: 2 4 8 1 5 10 6 3 9 7 11
Ⅶ. Checkout (P87)
Part A: 1. can 2.may not 3.can 4.may 5.can
Part B: 1. helpful 2.kind 3.brave 4.careful 5.polite 6.happy
1 清理公园 6 一位80岁的老人
2 当心火 7 输掉比赛
3 求助 8 着火
4 住在你隔壁的人 9 为…而感到感激
5 掉进水里 10 推荐某人为…
1 --___ you speak Japanese now?
--Yes, I ___ (can)
2-- ___ she play the piano last year?
--No, she ___
3 He ___ understand English TV programs two years ago.
But now he ___(can)
4 She was afraid he ___ come because he ___(may) have a cold.
5 Could you ___(play) tennis yesterday?

1 Some of us are the members ___the Helping Hands Club.
2 We must keep little children ___ danger.
3 I am very grateful ___ your help.
4 He rushed ___ the building and carried the baby ___ safety.
5 He can write ___ his left hand.
6 Some organizations give awards ___ people ___ the things they do.
7 He does lots ___ computer work ___ the club.
8 Now we may get information ___ the Internet ___ our work and study.
9 Chen Dan looks ___ the children’s group ___ each other .
10 We always look forward ___ hearing ___ each other.

D) 选用所给词组的适当形式填空,每个只能用一次。
have good grades, be able to, keep away, work out, give her seat, happen to , think of,
receive an reward, get a letter, escape a fire, lose one’s way

This math problem is very difficult. I can not ___ it ___.
I’m looking forward to ___ from you. Please write to me quickly.
Su Ning studied very hard. She ___ yesterday.
Something is wrong with his face . Do you know what___ him?
Don’t put the stove here. ___ the children ___.
The sportswoman broke her leg in an accident, so she wasn’t ___run quickly.
He is a kind man. He always ___ others, but little of himself.
Little Peter made great progress and ___ in the exam.
On the bus, Li Ping ___to an old woman.
Wang Fang helped her neighbor ___ . But the fire burnt her arms and neck.
( ) 1. --Could you swim last summer?
A Yes, I can B No, I can’t C Yes, I could D No, I could
( ) 2. It is almost certain that I will visit the Great Wall. It means I___ visit the
Great Wall.
A may B might C can D could
( ) 3. Listen! I can hear Mary ____ in the next room.
A sing B singing C to thing D sings
( ) 4.This Math problem is too difficult. Can you teach me, how___?
A to work out it B work it out
C to work it out D work out it
( ) 5. I can’t remember so many words. I need ___ to help me.
A to more exercise B much exercise
C more exercises D to exercising
( ) 6.Thank you for ___ this evening.
A join us B joining us C join in us D join with us
( ) 7. She can get better ____ Chinese this time.
A result in B results on C results in D results at
( ) 8. ___it important____ careful with fire.
A That, be B It, be C That, being D It, to be
( ) 9. Will you please ____ him the present when you see him?
A give B gives C giving D to give
( )10. She is good at Chinese ,but sometimes she is_____.
A careful B brave C careless D polite
I want to recommend 61 for the Grade One Most Polite Student Award. She is a thoughtful and 62 girl. When she sees her parents in the early morning, she always says, “Morning, Dad and Mum.” She lives 63 from her school , So she always goes to school 64 She often gives her 65 to an old person. At school, she respects(尊敬) her 66 and listens to them carefully. She does her 67 to help her classmates 68 many things . She can get on well with her friends. They help each other and learn from each other. One day some visitors from the USA 69 their way. They didn’t know 70 to the hotel where they lived. They were very unhappy . Amy is a brave girl, she walked up to them and told them that she could help them find the way. The foreign visitors were very thankful to her for her help.
( )61. A Tom B Jack C Amy D Mr Want
( )62. A polite B tall C funny D slim
( )63. A away B near C / D far away
( )64. A by the bus B by a bus C by bus D by buses
( )65. A sit B seat C seats D sits
( )66. A parents B classmates C teachers D schoolmates
( )67. A better B good C well D best
( )68. A do B doing C did D does
( )69. A lose B lost C loses D losing
( )70. A how get B when to get C what to get D how to get
ⅳ. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people.
Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind(盲人).
Many years ago there was a very good dog. His name was Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of the dogs all over the world. They are working for the blind .The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. At the end of the training school he must take tests(测试). When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.
Now he can help the blind people . The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.
( ) 71. We can see the Seeing Eye dog___.
A. only in the country B. only in small cities
C. all over the world
( )72. What can the Seeing Eye dog do?
A. Look after sheep B. Find the lost children
C. Help the blind people
( )73.If you want a dog to become a Seeing Eye dog, you must let him___.
A. go to a middle school B. go to a training school
C. go to an evening school
( )74. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay____.
when he hears the telephone call
when he hears the teacher’s call
when he hears the trainer’s call
( )75. How long will it take the dog and his blind master to learn to work and live together?
A. One year B. Five weeks C. About a month
ⅴ 单句改错,把错误的项选出来,然后在横线上改正。
( )____1. Daniel saved his old neighbor , a 79 years old man.
( )____2. Mr Black is badly ill. He is in the hospital now.
( )____3. We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
( )____4. Kate is good at play the piano.
( )____5. There are many fish in the pool. I like it very much.
( )____ 6. Today Sam will go walking instead of swim.
( )____ 7. Fire can be very dangerous if we are careful.
( )____8. I forgot closing the window . The window is open now.
( )____9. Andy was on his way to the club when he heard someone cried.
( )____10. How can I get to there?
Ⅰ. 1.clean up the beach 2. help each other 3. forget to bring football
4. do one's best 5. be good at writing 6. on one's way (to)
Ⅱ. 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9.A 10. B
Ⅲ. 1.doesn't, do 2.Is, good, at 3. possible, for
4. Did, do, anything, safety 5. How, long, was 6. Where, did, see, coming
7. How, did, put 8. will, buy, tomorrow
Ⅳ. 1. B. anything 2. D, careless 3. B, home
4. D, playing football 5. B, quickly
Ⅰ. 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A
Ⅱ. 1. Be ,careful, pour, over 2. keep, away, from
3. try/do, our, best, to, well 4. how , to , put, out
5. raining, forgot, to, bring 6. It, is, kind, of, to, help, with
7. was, in, hospital 8. because, he, hurt, his, leg
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. A

Ⅱ. 按要求改写句子。
1. Can she fly kites?
2.No, you can’t.
3. You might not watch TV.
4. Millie could read newspaper when she was 5 years old.
5. He may be a Canadian student.
Ⅲ. 完成句子。
couldn’t row a boat, can
can tell from twin
someone knocking can
may not go to movie
couldn’t go for picnic rained
Ⅳ. 单元必考题演练 Unit 5 参考答案
ⅰ. 词汇
1. clean up the park 6. an 80-year-old man
2. be careful with fire 7. lose the game
3. call for help 8. be on fire
4. the man living next to you 9. be grateful for…
5. fall into the water 10. recommend sb for…
B) 1. can can 2. could couldn’t 3. couldn’t can
4. might not might 5. play
C) 1. of 2. from 3. for 4. into to 5. with 6. to, for
7. of, for 8. from, for 9. after, on 10. to, from
1.work out 6.able to
2.getting a letter 7.thinks of
3.received an award 8.had good grades
4.happended to 9.gave her seat
5.keep away 10.(to)escape a fire
ⅱ. 单项选择。
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C
ⅲ. 完形填空
1.C 2. A 3.D 4.C 5.B
6.C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D
ⅳ. 阅读理解
5:C C B C C
Ⅴ. 单词改错
D→ 79-year-old 6. D→ swimming
D→ in hospital 7. D→ careless
C→ hearing from 8. B→ to close
D→ playing 9. D→ crying
D→ them 10. C→ get
Ⅵ. 写作答案
Last Sunday afternoon, Li Ming and his classmates played in the park. Suddenly, they heard
someone calling for help. They ran to the lake and saw a little boy in the lake. The boy’s mother
couldn’t swim, so Li Ming jumped into the lake and carried the boy to the bank. He saved the
boy’s life. The boy’s mother was very grateful.




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