人教版 高三unit 2 phases

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Unit 2
reach out across the ocean 跨越海洋
reach out to sp 外出抵达某地
form the foundation for
lay the foundation for/of sth
inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
search sb/sp 搜查
search for 寻找
search for sea routes to sp寻找通向某地的海上路线
long before +clause/n 在某事发生很久以前
before long
have contacts with/ contact with
find one’s way to/into/out of
in exchange (for)
He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.
What will you give ma in exchange?
meet with
develop into the world’s trading centre for ivory …
hear from sb
hear about sth
lead to 导致/通向
lead sb to do sth 带领某人做某事
lead to the awareness of each other’s existence
sb be taken/made prisoner 囚禁/俘虏某人
make several voyages to sp 多次通过海路到某地
date from/ date back to
an accurate map of the world
the time was ripe for sth 对于…时机成熟
be on voyages of trade and exploration 在进行贸易和探索的航行中
under the command of sb 在某人的指挥下
set sail from…across…to the mouth of …
travel further south 再向南行进
renew the relation with sb 恢复与某人的关系
excite one’s curiosity about sth 激发起某人对某事的好奇心
the response of sb 某人的回应
in return (for) 作为回报
He helped me. In return ,I bought him a drink.
I bought him a drink in return for his help.
26. have a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves 有远比商品价值本身更重要的象征性的意义
27. show one’s friendship to sb 向某人以示友好
28. make some expeditions 进行远征
29. bring up 提出/养育/呕吐
30. a large sum of money
31. sb take possession of sth 某人占据/拥有某物
sth be in the possession of sb 某物归某人所有
32. in one’s youth 在某人小时候
33. show respect for sb 尊重某人
34. contribute greatly to the science of navigation 为航海科学作出巨大的贡献
35. be unable to adjust to these extreme conditions 不能适应这些极端的条件
36. at such a great height/altitude
37. rely on one’s support 依赖某人的支持
38. fail to reach the top
39. refer to … as … 认为…是…
40. sb run out of sth
sth run out
41. be praised as national heroes
42. a great personal achievement
43. in the name of…
44. culture relics
45. come into existence 出现/产生
46. apart from…
47. be willing to do sth
have the will to do sth
48. dig up 挖掘
49. do research on sth 从事某方面的研究
50. a state key project 一个国家级的重点工程
51. be equipped with… 配有/装有
52. present sb with sth 赠送某人某物
present sth to sb
53. open embassies 开设大使馆
54. prosper under a new dynasty 在新的朝代统治下繁荣昌盛
55. organize a demonstration 组织一次示威游行
demonstrate sth to sb 向某人证明
56. be up against 面对
57. act as 充当/担任
58. make sb ideal companions 使某人成为理想的伙伴
59. the origins of the world’s major rivers 世界主要河流的源头
60. on one’s return 在某人返回的途中
61. make advances in 在某方面取得进步
make progress in



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