人教版 高三Unit 7 A Christmas Carol学案

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Unit 7 A Christmas Carol
Word Study
1. offer 主动提出, 提供 n.
offer to do sth offer sb sth = offer sth to sb offer sb some money for sth accept one’s offer
He offered to help me with my maths.
I have been offered a job in Japan.
We offered him £ 3o,ooo for the house.
2.warn vt. &vi 警告, 告诫, 提醒
warn sb. that…告诫/提醒某人… warn sb. to do sth.告诫/提醒/警告某人做某事
warn sb. against doing sth.=warn sb. not to do sth.
warn sb. of/against sb/sth.告诫/警告/提醒某人注意/提防某人/某事
The old worker warned us of the dangerous bridge.
Some of Brown’s friends warned him that he was in great danger.
People have been warned _______________.(要小心)
We warned them ______________________(别去滑冰)on such thin ice.
My parents warned my brother ____________________.(不要抽烟)
I have been warned ________________________.(提防那个家伙)
The patient was warned __oily food after the operation.
A.to ear not B. eating not C. not to eat D. against eating
3.be greedy for/ of sth. 对…贪心/贪婪 be greedy to do=be anxious to do 急切做..
be greedy for knowledge 渴求知识=have an appetite for knowledge
4. care vt.介意; 在乎=mind (时常跟从句 ) vi
care for: like; feel like; be concerned about ;look after/take care of 喜欢; 愿意(想);关心; 照管
care about : be concerned about 关心; 计较; 在乎; 讲究 worry about 顾虑
Who will _________ the children if their mother dies.
We should__________ each other when in trouble ?
I don’t ___________what happens to him.
The sick with cancer_______a lot ________his health.
I don’t really_________ tea; I like coffee better.
take care to do/that … =be careful to/that…当心;留心 take (good) care of(好好)照顾,照料
under the care of 在…照料下 with care 小心翼翼 care to do 意愿做…
5.freeze freezing ,froze, frozen
1)vi. 冻结, (人, 身体)冻僵/冻死 vt. 使冻结/冻僵, 将…冷冻
Water freezes at zero degree centigrade.
I froze/was frozen while waiting for the bus in the cold weather.
Please freeze the vegetables and milk
2) freezing adv. 修饰cold 非常冷; adj. 作表语或定语 =cold I was freezing. It was freezing cold that day.
frozen 也作表语或定语极冷的,冻结的; (态度,表情)冷冷的, 冻僵的 a frozen dog
in the freezing weather a freezing look
I ________ while waiting for the bus in the __________weather; what’s more his _______ look made me more disappointed我在寒冷的天气里等车时,冷得冻僵了,他那冷冷的表情更让我难过.
6. separate…from divide…into
1) Taiwan ________________the main land by the Taiwan Strait.
2) Let’s _______ the children _______ 4 group. Each group will have a _________ room to sleep in.
A. separate; into; divide B. cut; into, separate C. divide; into; separate D. divide; divide; divide
3) He __________ the big eggs ______ the small ones
4) I will _______ the apple _____ half/ _____ halves.
5) They___________ at the school gate and went back home.
I want to talk to him about it____________.
7. “工资” 的种种表达
income pay salary wages fee
He gets his ____ on Fridays. A. salary B. wages C. salaries D. wage
8. a poor excuse 一个荒唐的借口 excuse/pardon/forgive sb. for sth./doing make up an excuse 编造一个借口
---I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was so tired.
---There’s no _____ for this while you are on duty.
A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation
9. anyway adv.=anyhow
1.) 无论如何,不管怎样, 反正
Anyway, that wasn't my fault. It may rain, but we shall go anyway.
2) 不论以何种方式, 不论从何种角度
You can do the job anyway you want.
any way 任何方法/方式 If there is any way, please tell me.
I can not manage it (in )any way/anyway.
10. leave /let alone =leave as sb/sth. is 别管, 别惹, 别碰; 让….一人呆着
Let it/him alone ! 不要管它/他! Let him alone to do it. 让他自个儿去干吧.
let alone更不用说
They had not enough food to eat; let alone send their children to school.
I’ve asked _________ but the journalists follow me everywhere.
I’ve told you before not to touch my things, and that is to ________________!
There is not enough room for us, ________ any guests.
1) recognize, confess承认, 供认
(to)sth. 承认某事 You must admit (to)the task to be difficult.
admit (to)doing sth. 承认做某事 He admitted(to) having stolen the bicycle.
that- clause 承认… He admitted that he had stolen the bicycle.
他承认三天前已辞职. He admitted ________________________ three days before.
2) 准许进入;准许...进入;吸收, 接纳
admit sb. into/ to sth.允许某人进入 sb.be admitted to school/hospital接受某人入学/入院
No one but ticket-holders was admitted. _____________________________
Visitors are not admitted to/into this area. 游客不允许进入这个地区.
He was admitted to a key university. _______________________________
去年他入党了. He was admitted ___________________ last year.
每年有许多学生上大学. Many students _______________________________every year.
3) Our auditorium admits 3,000 persons. 容纳(hold, seat)
Children under six are not ______ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.
A. permitted B. accepted C. admitted D. received
12.do sb/sth. good =do good to sb/sth
do sb/sth. wrong = do wrong to sb/sth You did me wrong; didn’t do that at all.
do sb/sth. harm = do harm to sb/sth. do sb. /sth. damage =do damage to sb./sth.
Doing exercise will do good to us .=________________________________
13.bring in 获利,赚得; 引进(经验,思想,技术…); 收获=harvest/get in; 介绍=introduce
联想: bring about 造成, 导致 bring back 使回忆; 带回 bring down 使降低(物价, 温度)
bring forward 提出(计划) bring out 出版 bring up 养育, 教育
14. abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的 abundant rainfall
an abundant supply of oil 充足的石油供应 We have abundant proof of his guilt.
be abundant in.=be rich in The country is abundant in natural resources.
这棵树果实累累.The tree _______________________.
abundance n. Have an abundance of records. 拥有多项记录(许多唱片)
in abundance 丰富地,充裕地 At the party, there was food in abundance. They live in abundance.
China, one of the largest countries in the world, which used to ___ resources, is facing the problem of resource shortage.
A. lack of B. be abundant in C. filling in D. being full of
15. want n.需要;缺乏,缺少
You are wanted on the phone. 你的电话 The man was wanted for murder. 这人因杀人被通缉
in want of = in need of 需要 The house is in want of repair.
Dad and mum, how nice to see you two here. All the clothes need ___and I’m__ money.
A. washed; need of B. washing; in a great need of C. to be washing; needing D. washing; in want of
[思维拓展] in praise of 歌颂 in need of 需要 in favour of 赞同;支持 in face of 面对… in search of 寻找 in hope of 怀着…的希望 in charge of 掌管、负责 in honour of 为了表示尊敬…;纪念… in memory of 纪念…
People build a monument _____ those who died for the country.
A. in praise of B. in need of C. in time of D. in honour of
16.badly off 穷困;潦倒 well off 富裕, 一般不能置于名词之前.
They are badly off. = They are not well off. = They are poor.
They are not exactly rich, but they are fairly well off.
The government says that people are better off now than they have ever been.
They don’t seem too _______ off---they have smart clothes and a nice house.
She is ________off for a while after her husband died.
17.occupy vt. take up; hold, cover, seize 占用(时间或空间), 占有(地位/职位), 占用;占领/侵占某地
The dinner and speeches occupied/took up three hours. 宴会和演说….
He occupied/held an important position in the government
敌人很快占领了这个城镇 _______________________________________________
使从事/忙碌; be occupied with/in/… =occupy oneself with ( in doing)从事/忙碌=be engaged in/engage oneself in
He occupied himself with all kinds of daily affairs.
She is occupied in/with writing a novel.
18.close up vt 关闭(商店等); vi.靠拢/靠近; 愈合
They went on strike and close up all. the shops.他们继续罢工, 并且关闭了所有的商店.
The officer told his men to close up. 军官让士兵们靠拢.
The wound in his arm has begun to close up. 他臂上的伤口开始愈合.
The business has been closed up. 这家买卖已关闭.
close down倒闭 close round 笼罩 close to 接近/靠近=near
19.These are but shadows of the past.
•but adv. 只,仅仅 He is but a boy.
•I don’t think we can succeed. Still we can but try.
20. take the place of in place take one’s place
out of place take place in place of
Tractors have now taken the place of horses and cows in most villages.
The task is carried out by robots in place of human workers.
Mr. Li is ill, and I’ve come to take his place.
If you don’t like it , you can take another instead of it.
21.have an eye for 有判断力;对…有眼光 She has a good eye for fashion.
have\with an eye to sth\doing sth指望着,为了要…She bought the house with an eye to making a quick profit out of it.
keep an eye on sb\sth 密切注视;照看 请帮我照看一下孩子。_____________________________________
keep an eye out\open for sb\sth 注意或留心;警惕 make (sheep’s) eyes at sb抛媚眼、送秋波
to one’s eye = in one’s opinion 依某人看来 an eye for an eye 以眼还眼;以牙还牙
in the eyes of 依据…的判断或见解 In her mother’s eyes she did nothing wrong.
22. be content with: be satisfied with
be content to do sth: be willing/ready to The Smiths are content to live a simple life.
•How about the content of the room /the book.
•Jenny stared at her boyfriend with a contented look / smile.
23. of late : lately , recently What are you busy with of late ?
•at ( the ) latest 最晚;最迟 Be here on Monday at the latest.
24. toast
Let’s propose a toast to the bride an bridegroom. Let’s toast the bride and bridegroom.
Let’s drink a toast to your success. Let’s toast our friends.
Period 2 Reading
Step 1 . Answer the following questions.
1.When does the story happen ?
2.Who is Ebenezer Scrooge ? Which word is he always to comment everything ?
3.Who is Bob Cratchit ? What does he want to do ?
4.What does the gentleman want to do ?
Step2.Judge the following sentences True or false
1.It was cold in scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over the candles.
2. Scrooge was willing to let Bob have a day off because it would be Christmas the next day.
3. Scrooge was invited by his niece and he accepted happily.
4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collected money for the poor.
5. Scrooge didn’t want to give the poor any money because he was poor himself.
6. According to the dialogue, in Scrooge’s dream he met his old friend ------Jacob Marley.
Step 3. Characters in stories by Charles Dickens can often be recognized by some typical behaviour.
Main heroes What they say Characteristic
Step 3 : Fill in the blanks according the passage
It was the day before C_________ and the w_________was terrible . Bob wanted to have a day o_____ in order to have a good Christmas dinner. But his boss , Scrooge, who was c______ , mean and only interested in making m_______ didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew--- Fred wanted to i______ Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was r_______ . A gentleman who wanted to collect some money for the poor was also t_______ down by Scrooge. At last when all the others left, Scrooge had a d__________ , in which he met Santa Claus.
Integrating SkillsDivide the play into 3 parts. Try to find out what caused Scrooge to turn over a new leaf.
Find out something about the first scene
Place: _____________________________________
Time: _____________________________________
Characters: _________________________________
Event: _____________________________________
Scrooge’s reaction:
In the second scene, Scrooge saw the Christmas party held in Bob Cratchit’s houses. Judge the following sentences True of False .
In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having a Christmas dinner.
2. In the dream Tiny was ill but his father couldn’t afford the medicine for him.
3. These things really happened to the Cratchits.
4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life.
5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the Cratchits’.
Scene 3 From here we say the Scrooge turned over a new leaf. How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Scrooge and his turkey ? A. Satisfied B. Interested C. Angry D. Surprised
He hadn’t expected that Scrooge would be so generous
Choose the best answers
1.Christmas is traditionally celebrated on .
A. December 24 B. December 25 C. December 30 D. December 31
2.Which of the following is not true according to the dialogue?
A. The business is now owned by Scrooge and his partner, Marley.
B. Marley died on December 24th.
C. The gentleman tried to persuade Mr Scrooge to do something good for the poor.
D .Many thousands of people don’t have enough money to keep themselves warm.
3.Ebenezer Scrooge is .
A. a warm-hearted boss B. a lazy kind boss
C. a hospitable boss D. a greedy ungenerous boss
4.According to the dialogue, which of the following sentences is right?
A. Nothing happened when the clock struck one. B. Scrooge’s eyes were wet because he had a cold.
C. The girl who used to love Scrooge has married another man.
D. Scrooge, a kind old man is always commenting on everything by saying “Humbug”.
5.In the sentence, “He is cold, mean and selfish old man ”,“mean” is .
A.有技巧的 B.心情不好的 C.普通的 D.吝啬的
6.From the dialogue, we can infer .
A. Fred helps Scrooge become a helpful man B. everyone does wish Ebenezer Scrooge a merry Christmas
C. Ebenezer scrooge corrects his mistakes and makes a fresh start D. Scrooge’s partner, Marley died at Christmas
7.The main factor that makes Mr Scrooge change his mind is that .
A. he feels afraid the bad thing will happen to him in the future B. he regrets what he did in the past
C. he is moved by what Santa Claus says D. he loses his fortune and becomes a poor man himself
8.What can’t be concluded from the passage?
A. People usually have turkey for Christmas. B. The place they live in is cold in winter.
C. Bob is quite astonished Scrooge’s generousness. D. All the poor people can enjoy a merry Christmas now.
9.According to Fred,Christmas is the day of the year when people .
A. think of the past and look forward to the future B. put valuable things in their pockets
C. have dinner together D. show kindness to people and help others
10.Mr Scrooge is reluctant to open his heart to the poor because .
A. there are plenty of prisons in the world B. he is poor himself
C. the union work houses can help the poor
D. he only cares about his own business and never shows kindness to others
关心 care for 在社会中 in society 想放一整天假 want all day off
一整天的工资 a whole day's wages 掏腰包 pick a man's pocket
一定做某事 make sure to do sth 庆祝圣诞节 celebrate Christmas
不管,不理会 leave…alone 祝某人… May sth/sb +动词原形
对某人有益 do sb good 带来利润 bring in profits
自由地敞开心扉 open one's heart freely 丢掉职位 lose one's position
在这个欢庆的季节 at this festive season 缺乏 be in want of
基本必需品 basic needs 无数的 hundreds of thousands of
作坊 work houses 筹款 raise money 取暖的用品 means of warmth
作贡献 make a contribution 负得起/负不起做某事的费用 can/cannot afford to do
穷 be badly off 富裕 be well off 你干什么? What is your business? 停歇,关门 close up
典型,代表 be typical of sb/sth 与…有关 be concerned with
表现对…的同情 display one's sympathy for sb 对…不感兴趣 have no eye for
立刻成功 be an immediate success 评论某事 comment on sth 把某人投进监狱 put sb in prison
以经济困境而结束 end up in financial troubles 法律事务所 law firm
内容如下 read as follows 看窗子另一边 have a look through the window 过去的影子 shadows of the past 关心 care about 取代某人 take sb's place
一个接一个 one by one 有眼力,把眼睛盯着… have an eye for
涌入一个野心 flow into one single ambition 追溯到,追忆到 date back to
把某事搞错了 get sth wrong 近来,最近 of late 祝他长寿! Long life to him! 为这件事而赞美吧! Be praised for this! 别浪费时间了。 No time to lose.
在拐角处 around the corner …的两倍大 twice the size of…
相反 on the contrary 为…干杯 toast to…/ drink a toast to
祝你们圣诞快乐 wish you a Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you!
根据利益权衡… weigh… by gain 务必平衡…与… Make sure there is a good balance between…and …
社会生活 life in society 牢记 keep…in mind
着手做某事,从事 go about 与…协调 find harmony with…
故事情节 the plot of the story 勾搭上某人 pick up sb
有愉快的结尾 have a happy ending 顺便拜访 drop in
笑迎某人 greet sb with a smile 非常恐惧地 with great fear
弥补 make up for 眼中带着悔恨的泪 with tears of regret in one's eyes
通过道德说服 through moral persuasion 号召某人做某事 make a call upon sb to do sth
怜悯 have mercy on 与…保持眼光接触 keep eye contact with
自信地 with confidence 嘴上叼着香烟 have a cigarette between one's tips
对某人有害 do harm to sb 新学的单词 the newly learnt words
在日常交际中 in everyday communication 俯视城市 have a bird's eye view of the city
被判8年徒刑 be sentenced to 8 years in prison 有…之罪 be guilty of doing sth
假奶粉 fake milk powder 交出 hand over
某人非法所得 one's illegal earnings 不注意 take no notice of
被判刑 receive jail sentence 对…负责 be responsible for
照顾,护理 attend to 在…手下 at the hands of
公平对待 do justice 把某人投进监狱 throw sb in prison
…就是这样 Such was... 从监狱中解放 be freed from prison
…的出事地点 the hot spot for 重点领袖 key leaders
想为…报仇 want revenge for 放弃财产 give up one's fortune
爱上 fall in love with… 失败 be a failure 由于害怕,生怕,以免 for fear of 消灭旧阶层中的许多亲属 many belonging to the old order 在到达时 upon arrival 支持某人 be on sb's side 把某物读给…听 read sth to… 为…而受责 answer for
对某人不公平 do wrong to sb 判处某人死刑 sentence sb to death
处死某人 put sb to death 做出牺牲 make a sacrifice/sacrifices




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