人教版高二Unit 3 Art and architecture

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Teaching goals:
• Talk about art and architecture.
• Practise expressing preference.
• Learn about the Past Participle used as Object Complement.
• Write about advantages and disadvantages.
1. 重点词汇:architecture, architect, preference, design, convenient, apartment, style, stand, ugly, construction, impress, create, rent, act as, fill up with, belong to, set aside
2. 重点句型:学习掌握一些用于表达喜好的句型。
A is to B what C is to D.
3. 语法:动词过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。
Period 1:Warming up, Speaking & Listening
Step 1. Greetings and warming-up
Step 2 Speaking
Step 3 : Preparation for listening
Step 4. Listening.
Step 5.Homework
1.Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration.
2.Find out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. Share the ideas with others.
Period 2&3: Reading
Step1: Pre-reading
----Enjoy pictures of both modern architecture and classical architecture
1. Greetings
2.Brainstorming or guessing game
Step2: While-reading
1. Fast- reading
----Find the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture in the text.
Q: what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture?
Modern architecture Classical architecture
Materials Steel, iron, glass… Stone, brick, wood…
Characteristics Huge; like boxes; unfriendly Beautiful, closer to nature
Q: What kind of materials is used? What other materials do you know?
Q: What’s the characteristic? How do people feel towards modern architecture?
2. Careful-reading
----Find out the information according to the key words
Modern architecture

Q1: When was modernism invented? -----1920s
Q2: How many architects are there in the text? ---Antonio Gaudi/ Wright
Q3: Where were they from? ----Spanish/ American architect
Q4: What did Gaudi want to be used in his works? What’s the characteristic of his architecture? How is his architecture like?
----Natural materials/ like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.
Q5: What inspired Wright? ----Japanese seashells
3. Listening
----While listening, pay attention to the key points in the text.
Step3. Post-reading
1. Task 1: Interview (group work)
2. Task2: Design (group work)
--- Design the architecture of a new school.

---Report four elements: what kind of materials is used? / Why do you design in this way? / How do the architecture look like? / What’s the style?
Step4. Homework
1. Exchange designs with your classmates and exhibit them.
2. Report what you have learned about modern architecture next time.
Period 4: Language study
Step 1, Lead—in
Step 2, Vocabulary
Step 3, Word Study
Step 4, Grammar
Step 5, Homework
1.Workbook page 97, exercises 1—5
2.Workbook page 98, exercises 1—2
Period 5: Integrating skills
Step 1. Revision:
Step 2. Lead-in
Step 3. Fast reading on “ Factory 798 ”
Try to find out: “What is Factory 798? ”
Step 4. Careful reading
--- Now let’s get some detailed information about Factory 798. Please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out:
Step 5. Listening and reading
1. set aside
Step 6. Retelling
Step 7. Discussion
--- In almost every city around the world, there are old buildings which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. What do you think people should do with them? Why?
Step 8. Writing.

Step 9. Homework.
1. Finish the program about Factory 798 as a TV reporter.
2. Finish your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings.



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