人教版高二Unit 12 Fact and fantasy

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Teaching Goals
1. Talk about science fiction.
2. Learn to express beliefs and doubts.
3. Learn about Word Formation (2).
4. Practise creative writing.
Teaching Time: Five periods
The First Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn about some scientific facts by doing a small science quiz.
2. Train the students' listening ability.
3. Develop the students' speaking ability by talking about science fiction using the use¬ful expressions for beliefs and doubts.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Train the students' listening ability.
2. Master the useful expressions for beliefs and doubts.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to improve the students' listening ability.
2. How to finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods;
1. Free talk to arouse the students' interest in science fiction.
2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening mate¬rial.
3. Discussion to make the students finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Free-talk and Lead-in
Give the Ss ten minutes to talk about the topic on science fantasy. Then teacher say the following:
Today, we are going to talk about science fiction.
Step III Warming up
First, let's look at some new words. (The multimedia shows the new words in this period.)
New words;
fantasy /  / n.
Jules Verne /   /
league /Ii:g/ n.
distance /  / n.
balloon // n,
bulb /  / n.
fiction / / n.
(Teacher teaches the words and explains them, and then says the following, )
Now, look at the covers of the two books written by Jules Verne. (The multimedia shows the two books.) Have you read them?
(Some say " Yes", while some say "No". Teacher asks two students who say "Yes" to stand up and say some¬thing they know about the books. )
Have a quiz (Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following. )
1. What is the highest mountain on earth and how high it is? (2 points):
2. What is the deepest point in the ocean; and where is it? (2 points):
3. Which is the longest river on earth: and how long is it? (2 points);
4. What is the distance from the earth to; the moon? What is it to Mars? What; is it to the nearest star? (6 points):
5. How far is it to the centre of the: earth? (2 points):
6. How high are the temperatures near: the centre of the earth? (2 points):
7. What is the longest distance around; the world? (2 points):
8. How fast does a balloon travel? How: about an aeroplane? How about a space shuttle? (6 points)
Suggested answers;
1. Mount Qomolangma; 8848. 13 m
2. Mariana Trench; in the west of the Pacific Ocean.
3. the Nile River; 6 600 kilometers
4. 380, 000 kilometers; more than 56, 000, 000 kilometers
5. 150, 000, 000 kilometers
6. 7 500 K
7. 40, 000 kilometers
8. about 30 — 40 kilometers per hour; about 500 kilometers per hour; about 7.4—11.2 kilometers per sec¬ond
Step IV Listening
T: So much for Warming up. Now, let's do some listening. Look at the listen¬ing part on Page 9. Listen to the tape and write down where, when and what Sam and Betty saw. Then according to the description you hear on the tape, make a sketch of the animal. Are you clear about that?
Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. Then give the students a few minutes to fill in the chart and make a sketch of the animal as they saw. When they finish, teacher checks their answers and picks out one sketch of the animal drawn vividly by them as an example.
Go on with the listening practice. Listen to the tape again and then finish Exercise 2. Before listening to the tape, the Ss need to go through the questions and know what to do.
(Teacher begins to play the tape for the second time. During this lime, teacher may pause for the students to write down the answers to the ques¬tions. At last, check the answers with the whole class. )
Step V Speaking
Page 10. Let's look at the Speaking part. There are four dialogues about such topics, which are incomplete. Work in pairs to create dialogues. When you're making the dialogue, you can use the expressions on the black¬board,
(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)
I believe……
I suppose……
I doubt……
I'm sure that……
I’m (not) certain……
I can't imagine……
It could be……
It's likely……
It would like……
Sample dialogues;
Space Travel
A: I don't believe people can travel in space.
B: Why not? More than 100 years ago nobody thought it was possible for people to travel in the sky by plane from one place to another.
A: In my opinion, space travel is more than a master of time to us, and also a matter of technology. B: I agree with you. But we'll be able to develop. I believe with the develop¬ment of science and
technology, space travel is not a dream, and the day is on the way.
Life in 3098
A: I doubt whether there is any life on earth in the future.
B: Come on. What do you mean?
A; I mean that as the result of human beings' role in nature and society, peo¬ple at present are facing some terrible disasters, like wars, the environmental pollution, the excessively developed resources.
B: Yes. These disasters will lead to hu¬man beings' disappearing in 3098. What should we do?
A: I think we should take some measures to save ourselves from disasters, such as planting more trees, saving our resources, maintaining peace all over the world……
B: What you said is quite right.
Young Forever
A: Do you think there will be a time when we can cure all diseases?
B: I suppose that is only a happy wish for us. Because when old diseases are gone, new diseases will occur. Every¬thing in the world is changing all the time.
A; Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever. Medicine is also develo¬ping.
B: Yes. Let's expect that day to come to¬gether.
Creatures from Outer Space
A: Do you believe there are some crea¬tures from outer space?
B: I don't only believe in it, but also think we can see them some day.
A: Do you really think so? Can you imag¬ine what star they live in? What do they look like? Can they speak any language that we can understand?
B: There are so many stars, I'm sure there must be a star where they can live. I guess they may be taller and stronger than human beings. They may speak different languages, but they can com¬municate with us freely,
A: Your imagination is very good. But I think it would take us a long time.
B: Maybe,
Step VI Practice and Consolidation
Ask the students to talk more about what they be¬lieve may come true in the future For example, they can imagine Chinese as¬tronauts land on the moon successfully in 2015, and he or she is one of them. Standing on the moon, what will he or she say to the people on the earth?
Step VII Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we've talked about sci¬ence fiction and done some listening and speaking practice. When talking about science fiction, we have done a science quiz to help us learn more about some scientific facts. In the speaking part, we've learnt to express our beliefs and doubts freely by mak¬ing dialogues. Besides, we have also talked about an imaginative dream in the practice part. After class, accord¬ing to what you've said in class, make a dialogue using the useful expressions on the blackboard. At last, don't forget to prepare for the next period.
Step VIII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy
The First Period
Useful Expressions:
I believe……
I doubt……
It could be……but……
I suppose……
I’m (not) certain……
It's likely……
I'm sure that……
I can't imagine……
It would take……
The Second Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the useful words and phrases.
2. Train the students' reading ability.
3. Let the students learn about the French writer Jules Verne and his two famous science fictions.
Teaching Important Points;
1. Improve the students' reading ability.
2. Master the useful phrases.
Teaching Difficult Points;
1. How to make the students understand the passage better.
2. How to help the students finish all the exercises in Post-reading,
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion before reading to make students learn more about some scientific facts,
2. Fast-reading method to get the general idea of the passage.
3. Careful-reading method to get the detailed information in the text.
4. Discussion after reading to help the students finish the tasks in Post-reading.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures •
Step I Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
In the last period, we learnt some use¬ful expressions used to express beliefs and doubts. Now, I'll check your homework to see whether you can use them freely. Who'd like to act out your dialogue?
(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue. )
Step II Lead-in and Pre-reading
Show the following pictures on the multimedia.

Here are three great inventions. Who can say when the inventions in the pic¬tures were made?
S1 : Electric railway was invented in the early years of the 20th century.
S2: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.
S3: Steam-powered boat was made in 1807,
Teacher shows the following on the screen.
1. When was electricity discovered?
2. How was it used in the following two hundred years?
3. In the early 19th century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. Can you explain what we know about it today?
Work in groups of four to discuss the questions. Choose one of you to act as the leader of your group. Record the re¬sults of your discussion. A few minutes later, the leader will be asked to report the result.
Step III Reading
Read the passage quickly to see whether you've grasped the brief meaning of it. Then, re-read the passage carefully to further understand it. Then answer the questions on the screen. (Show the following on the multime¬dia.)
1. To make a living, what did Jules Verne have to do?
2. What will many of the instruments in his novels remind the readers of?
3. How did Verne lay the foundation of modern science fiction?
4. In his novel "20 000 Leagues Under the Sea", what kind of person is Captain Nemo?
5. How does the story "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" begin and end up?
(A few minutes later, teacher asks some of them to answer the questions one by one.)
Suggested answers:
1. To make a living, Jules Verne had to write and sell stories.
2. They will remind the readers of Dr Benjamin Franklin's experiment with electricity.
3. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further.
4. He is someone you will neither like nor dislike. He is very cruel because he keeps Aronnax and others as prisoners and destroys ships. But at other moments, he is gentle and weak be¬cause he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.
5. The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document and ends up with them being shot out of a volcano in southern Italy with ever increasing speed and temperature.
Step IV Language Points
Show the following on the multimedia.
1. make a living ( = earn one's living)
e. g. She made a living by singing in a nightclub,
2. lay the foundation of
e. g. Four-year college life laid solid foundations of his career.
3. come true
e. g, The boy's wish to become a PLA man has come true.
4. set out
e. g. They set out to look for the lost child.
5. turn out (to be) + adj. n.
e. g. The weather man said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely. To everyone's surprise, the fashiona¬ble girl turned out to be a thief.
6. defend ……against/from
e. g. We should defend our country against attacks.
7. be dressed in
e. g. The girl was always dressed in red.
Dressed in uniform, he looks hand¬some.
Step V Post-reading
Read the passage again. Then fin¬ish Exercise 2 in Post-reading on Page 13.
Suggested answers-
2. During the time they do all they can to continue to live……
3. They realize that they come to the sur¬face of the monster
4. his long-term guests
Exercise 4. In Jules Verne's times, the knowledge about the earth was very limited, and many scientific facts couldn't be ex¬plained by people. But Jules Verne contained a lot of knowledge about the earth in his novel. Where do you think he might have got his ideas from? You can use all the knowledge you have learnt to explain the questions. Work in groups of four to have a discussion. (After a while, teacher checks their answers. Students may have various answers. )
Go on with the exercises in Post-reading. Under water travel and space travel have many things in com¬mon. Do you know the differences and similarities between them? Work in groups of four to finish the chart of Exercise 3.
Suggested answers:
Speed slow fast
Landscape under water landscape space landscape
Number for people a lot of people a few people
Food common food special space food
Clothes diving suits space suits
Similarities Demand for skills is high. They're both exciting. Tourists must be trained by experts. They're expensive.
Finish the chart in Exercise 5.
(Teacher gives them a few minutes. Teacher joins them in the discussion and gives some advice if necessary. )
Suggested answers;
Preparation : Tools and things to bring Risks: Dangerous and things that could happen
Food,water, warm clothes, ropes, matches, a knife, a chis¬el .some medicines losing one's way falling into a hole being injured
Step VI Summary and Homework
T: In this period, we've read a passage about Jules Verne. By reading, we've learnt more about Jules Verne and his two novels. We've also learnt some useful expressions and done some con¬cerned exercises. After class, try to make more sentences using them to master them better. Besides, read the passage over and over and prepare for retelling it. At last, preview the third period—Language Study.
Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy
The Second Period
Useful phrases:
make a living
lay the foundation of
come true
set out
turn out (to be) + adj. / n.
be dressed in
The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Review the new words appearing in the last periods.
2. Learn to use the rules of word formation to guess the meaning of the word.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Learn to choose proper words according to the contexts of the given passage.
2. Learn to guess the meaning of the words by the meaning of some stems and affixes. Teaching Difficult Points;
1. Master the meanings of the following stems and affixes:
mis- = wrong extra-= outside inter = between sub-= under
under-= below over- = too much dis- = not -marine= sea
2. How to guess the meanings of the words according to these stems and affixes.
Teaching Methods:
1. Review method to consolidate what we've learnt.
2. Practice to make the students learn and master these stems and affixes, and then guess the meanings of the words using what they've learnt.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures;
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Revision
In the last period we learnt a passage about a French famous writer Jules Verne. Now. who'd like to retell the text? (One student stands up and retells the text in his own words.)
Step III Word Study
Page 14 and finish the exercises in Word Study.
Suggested answers t
1. fantasy 2. voyage
3. collision 4. on board
5. voyage 6. collision
7. on board 8. escape
9. fantasy 10. permanent
Step IV Word Formation
As we know, learning the rules of word formation is one of the ways to enlarge our vocabulary. We can guess the meanings of the words using them without looking them up in the dic¬tionary, Please look at the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
rewrite, unhappy, disappear, impossible, invisible, non-smoker, supermarket, worker, illness, movement, useful, action, cooperate, cloudy, musical
Get some Ss to explain their meanings.
In this class, we'll go on with some rules of word formation, (Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following. )
mis-= wrong extra-= outside inter- = between sub-= under under-= below over-= too much dis-= not -marine=sea
Page 12. Word Study, Ex¬ercise 1. Match the words and the cor¬rect definitions. Give the Ss two mi¬nutes to do it.
Suggested answers;
l. E 2.F 3.B 4. C 5. D 6. A
Go on with Exercise 2, Guess the meanings of the words in italics, using context clues and what you know about word parts, and then translate each sentence into Chinese.
1. The word in italics “misbehave” means "behave improperly or wrong1y". Its Chinese meaning is“行为不端”The whole sentence means“妈妈告诉我在祖母家不要行为不端/不懂规矩”
2. The word “subtitle" is formed by adding the suffix ",sub-" before the word "title". "Sub-" means “under",so “Subtitle” means “小标题,译文对白字母".in Chinese. The Chinese meaning of the. whole sentences is“荧屏底端的中文对白字幕帮助我们理解外国影片",
如果你穿着衬裤在公共场合走,人们 将会认为你疯了。
Step V Consolidation
Teacher shows the following on the screen.
Add a proper affix to each of the follow-jing words to form another word.
1. ____ curricular 2. ____ dependent 3. ____ patient
4. ____ stop 5. ____ judge 6. ____ tired 7. ____ heading
8. ____ clothing 9. ____ advantage
Suggested answers
1. extra- 2. in- 3. im- 4. non- 5. mis- 6, over-
7. sub- 8, under- 9. dis-
Step VI Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we've reviewed some new words appearing in the unit by doing exercises. We've also learnt some rules of word formation. By doing so, we can guess the meanings of some words without looking them up in the diction¬ary. After class, learn the affixes on the blackboard by heart, and look for some reading materials to try guessing the meanings of new words. Besides, don't forget to prepare for the next period.
Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy :
The Third Period
Word formation:
mis- = wrong
extra-= outside
inter- = between
sub- = under
under-= below
over- = too much
dis- = not
misconduct, extraordinary, international,
subsoil, underground, overcharge, disagree, submarine
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.
2. Review some word formation.
3. Train the students' writing ability by prac¬tising creative writing.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Consolidate word formation learnt yester¬day.
2. Help the students finish the creative writing.
Teaching Difficult Points;
1. How to help the students practise creative writing.
2. How to improve the students' reading ability.
Teaching Methods:
1. Revision method to help the students con¬solidate the useful expressions.
2. Question-and-answer activity to help the students understand the reading passage better.
3. Discussion method to help the students fin¬ish the task of writing.
4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures;
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Revision
Do an exercise to consolidate the rule of word formation.
Teacher shows the following on the screen.
1. submarine = +
2. disappear= +
3. overturn= +
1 4. Internet= _ + _
5. underwater= _ + _
6. prisoner = _ + _
(After a while, teacher asks one student to do the exercise. Then teacher shows the answers on the screen. )
Suggested answers;
1. 潜水艇sub +marine sub- = under
2.消失dis- +appear dis- = not
3. 打翻over +turn over-=too much
4. 因特网Inter +net inter-=between
5. 在水下的under +water under=below,
6. 囚犯 prison +er -er=person who carries out the action of the verb
Step III Reading
Page 15. Read the passage quickly and then answer some ques¬tions on the screen. (Show the following on the screen.)
1. What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?
2. After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?
3. What attracted his attention?
4. Did he discover the cause of life?
5. Although he knew how to create life, what remained a difficult work for him?
6. Why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?
(Teacher gives them five minutes to read them. After that, check their answers. )
Suggested answers:
1. He wanted to learn the secrets of heav¬en and earth when he was young.
2. He found all that was taught at univer¬sity very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.
3. The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.
4. Yes.
5. How to prepare a body for it with aft its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.
6. Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed.
Do an exercise. (Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
l. The boy ____ becoming a pilot.
2. ____ before you reach the crossroads.
3. He shouted to ____ .
4. The fire ,
5. Can you the problem?
6. He meat with a sharp knife.
7, Her skin is
T: Fill in the blanks using the proper phrases on the blackboard.
Throw light on, attract sb.’s attention, dream of, slow down, cut up, burn out, as white as snow
Suggested answers:
1. dreams of
2. Slow down
3. draw people's attention
4. burn not
5. throw any light on
6. cut up
7. as white as snow
Step IV Listening and Reading Aloud
Now, listen to the tape. First lis¬ten and repeat. Then read the passage aloud by yourselves. Pay attention to your pronunciation.
(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and follow. Then give them a few minutes to read. After that, ask some students to read the passage and correct the mistakes in pronunciation. )
Step V Designing and Writing
We have read a passage about Dr Frankenstein, which tells us how Dr Fran¬kenstein created a human being like us. In fact, one of man's greatest dreams has always been to create life, especially a life form that looks like us: to create a man. Now, look at the screen. Please discuss them in groups of four. (Teacher shows the following on the multimedia.}
1. How does your doctor create a life form that looks like a human being?
2. Describe your doctor's efforts to do that.
3. Great a word web of nouns, verbs and adjectives for the story. Add all the words you need.

(Teacher goes among the students to help them finish the word web.)
Suggested answers:
1. My doctor uses high technological skills to create a life form that looks like a human being, who has the ad¬vantages of human beings and ani¬mals, and at the same time has the fea¬tures of advanced computers. It is a superman.
2. My doctor takes the following steps to create the human:
First, choose the cells of human body and fur and features of animals as materials. Second, use the test tube and medicine to cultivate cells in the lab, Third*on the one hand, arm the man-made human with culture and thought i on the other hand, put the machine which has the functions of storage. code, language…… in the body of him. Fourth, a superman is born。

Now, write a short story about how your doctor would create a human being according to what you've discussed. Before writing, read the tips for writ¬ing on Page 16. They will give you some help.
(The teacher gives the students enough time to finish the task and asks some of them to read their creative writing to the whole class.)
One possible version;
Hard Course
My mysterious doctor, Mike Chan, owed his great success of creating Robot to a ridiculous dream. An idea suddenly struck him when he was sleeping.
He began to collect the bones from graves at night. It was horrible but he didn't stop. Even trapped by the stain land, he still went on and on. "I'll never give up," he thought. Days going by, it was a long way to make his dream come true. Besides, his friend John said. "Stupid, Mike, you'll never finish it! God blesses you! •••"
Hearing these words, Mike went a further step instead of being angry. He continued to do his job, such as cutting up bodies and analyzing the structure of each organ carefully. But this was far away from the complete analysis in detail. He had no choice but to get dead animals consisting of rabbits, birds and monkeys from the butcher's.
At the same time, he went to the hospital to get test tubes, chemical medi¬cines to keep the materials fresh. It took him nearly one month to prepare.
Rome is not built in one day. He went on with his research. He put these useful cells into the test tubes and observed them every day. Then he stored the information into a mini-computer. What he must do next was to make clear of the structure of fur, feathers of birds. He did the research in the same way. After two months, he solved the code of the order on Gene DNA. This was a markable stone, "I'll never give up." he thought.
Everything went well, but how to make the unfinished Robot speak? With the help of the language function of com¬puter, he achieved the success at last! A superman Robot was born!
Step VI Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we've reviewed some rules of word formation by doing an exercise. We've also read a passage about the story of Dr Frankenstein and learnt to write a creative descrip¬tion. After class, go over all the con¬tents in this unit, especially the im¬portant points. If you haven't finished your writing, go on with it.
Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy
The Fourth Period
Useful phrases:
throw light on
attract sb. 's attention
dream of
slow down
cut up
burn out
as white as snow
The modern scientific development has
thrown light on the mysterious.
The Fifth Period
Word Formation
Teaching Aims:
1. Review all the methods of word formation the students have learned and summarize them.
2. Do some exercises to enable the students to master what they've learnt.
Teaching Important Point:
How to enable the students to apply what they've learned about word formation to help them in reading comprehension.
Teaching Difficult Point;
How to apply what they've learned about word formation to guess the meaning of an unknown word.
Teaching Methods;
1. Explanation to make the students under¬stand what they've learned clearly.
2. Practice to enable the students to master what they've learned.
3. Pair work or group work to make every student active in class.
Teaching Aids :
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures;
Step I Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual. (Teacher asks one of the students to read his homework and then asks some other students to check it. Then teacher discus¬ses some of the answers with the students and corrects the mistakes the students made in their homework if there are any. At the same time teacher gives some ex¬planation if necessary. )
Step II Lead-in and Discussion
(Teacher shows the following on the screen, ) Let's do an exercise now. Look at the sentences on the screen. Please fill in the blank of each sentence with a suitable word according to the word given in the bracket.
Complete the following sentences:
1. These gold rings are ____ while those glass ones are ____(value).
2. We all like the report given by the famous scientist yesterday. It is ____ (encourage).
3. Mary's daughter is old enough to ____ and ____ herself, (dress)
4. We were on duty yesterday. But after school we couldn't find Jack. Tom said that he was ____(self) and must go home.
5. ____ (self) is a virtue of the Chinese people.
6. He lost his keys. He is ____. I'm sure he will be ____ with every¬thing from now on. (care)
7, At the beginning the Blacks in the US had no right to vote. It was ____ (fair).
8. That plan was a waste of money. We ___(agree) with it.
(Teacher goes into the students and has a discussion with them.)
Suggested answers:
1. valuable and valueless
2. encouraging
3. dress and undress
4. selfish¬ness
5. Unselfishness
6. careless; careful
7. unfair
8. disagreed
Step III Further Discussion
Look at the sentences on the screen. Who can tell us the difference between the under¬lined words in each group of sen¬tences?
Compare the following sentences:
1. a. It has not much taste.
b. The bread tastes delicious.
2. a. They had a quarrel yesterday.
b. They quarreled for half an hour last night.
3. a. I've got an interview with National Chemicals.
b. We interviewed 20 people for the job.
Step IV Practice
(Show the following on the screen. ) Do prac¬tice. Pair work or group work. Later, we'll check the answers.
Try to guess the meaning of each word.
1. misapply
3. interconnect
5. transplant
7. substandard
9. intermarry
ll. teleprinter 2. disability
4. international
6. subnormal
8. extraordinary
10. biochemistry
12. supertanker
Suggested answers-
1.误用;滥用 2..无能力
3.互相联系;互相连接 4.国际间的
5.移植 6.低于正常的
7.低于标准的;不够标准的 8.不平常的,非常的
9.通婚 10.价生物化学
11.电传打字机 12.超级油轮
Step V Test
Tell the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence? Try to guess them.
1. The hall can seat a thousand people.
2. The train slowed down.
3. They helped us bridge over the diffi¬culties.
4. We must better the life of the people.
5. His holiday was ruined by a series of misadventures.
6. There is often subzero temperature in winter here.
7. I disbelieve every word Tom says.
8. He is extra-thin.
9. The article has a subtitle
Suggested answers;
1. 坐 2.慢了下来
3. 度过 4.改善
5. 不幸事件 6.零度以下
7. 不相信 8.相当瘦
9. 小标题_
Step VI Summary and Homework
T: In this class we've reviewed the four methods of word formation and some useful affixes-" (Teacher writes all of these on the blackboard. ) To master some knowledge of word formation is very important. It can not only help to improve our ability to read English articles but also help us remember new words. I say, it is a useful tool in helping us study English. Let's work hard at it. Today's homework: Collect as many prefixes as you can and divide them into groups according to their meanings.
Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy
The Fifth Period
Grammars: Word Formation
The Methods of Word Formation
1. Clipping (Shortening)
telephone→ phone; examination→ exam
2. Conversion
have a rest (n) → rest (v)
catch hold (n. ) of→ hold (v. )
3. Compounding
blackboard; man-made
4. Derivation
prefixes: un-; im-; non-; re-
suffixes: -er; -or; -ize; -en




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