人教版高二Unit 11 Scientific achievement

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

I. Teaching Goal
1. Talk about science and scientific achievement.
2. Practise expressing intentions and wishes.
3. Learn about word formation (1).
4. Write a persuasion essay.
II. Teaching Time: Four periods
The First Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following.
(1)New words
engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution
(2) Everyday English s
If I got the money,I would……
My plan is to……
I hope that……
I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to……
I'd like to……"
I'm thinking of……
2. Train the students' listening and speaking abilities.
3. Talk about science and scientific achieve¬ment, urging the students to further under¬stand the significance of science and scien¬tific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.
Teaching Important Points;
1. Finish the task of listening to train the students' listening ability.
2. Practise expressing intentions and wishes to train the students' speaking ability.
Teaching Difficult Points;
1. How to help the students talk in English about science and scientific achievement freely.
2. How to help the students finish the tasks of listening and speaking smoothly.
Teaching Methods;
1. Listening and speaking to train the students' ability to use English.
2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures;
Step I Greetings and Lead-in
Greet the Ss. Then teacher turns on the multimedia. First, show the students a recorded programme in which the students can see the hard life people lived in the past. Then show them a programme in which people live a happy and modern life. After that, teacher asks some Ss up to describe what they saw in the programmes. Last, write the following on the boackboard.
(Bb: Unit 11 Scientific achievement)
First, let's learn some new words. Please look at the screen. (Teacher shows the screen and deals with them with the whole class.)
engineering/ / n.工程,工程学,设计,建造
solar /  /adj.太阳的,日光的
significant // adj.意义重大的,重要的;有意义的
mankind// n.人类
Neil Armstrong/  /尼尔 •阿姆斯特朗(美国宇航员)
Alexander G Bell/bel / 亚历山大•贝尔(美国发明家)
Ray Tomlinson/ / 雷• 汤姆林森(美国计算机工程师)
constitution /  / n.宪法
:Aeureka /ju'ri:k/ interj. 我找到了!
Step II Warming up
Ask some Ss to tell us what scientific achievements they think have changed the world?
(Teacher writes all the scientific achievements mentioned above on the blackboard and says the following. )
Step III Listening
The listening material contains two parts. You are going to hear some words said by some famous people at the time when they achieved success.
Look at the chart in Exer¬cise 1 at the top of Page 2 quickly. Then play the first part of the tape for the Ss to complete it. After that, check their answers. (After checking the answers to Exer¬cise 1, teacher goes on to deal with Exercise 2)
Now, listen to Part 2 and complete the sentences in Exercise 2, If necessary, play it twice for Ss to finish or check their answers.
At last, teacher deals with Exercise 3.
Step IV Speaking
Here are four scientists who want to get money to complete their project. Each scientist will have to introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important. Now, the teacher put the students in groups of five to have a discussion. Four group members represent scien¬tists tone member will listen to all the scientists and ask questions. At the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and why..
(Teacher and the students go through the expressions. After that, teacher puts the students in groups of five and gets them to prepare for a few mi¬nutes. At the end, teacher asks one or two groups to report their work to the rest of the class. )
A sample dialogue;
Organizer: Now, everybody is here. Who'd like to be the first to make a statement on this project? Dr Wilson: I and my team are working on a cure for AIDS. As you know, the number of people
infected with AIDS is keeping increasing at an astonishing speed. Some of them are facing death. As a result, we have to find a way to solve this prob¬lem as soon as possible. But, right now, the lack of money is a big problem. If we got enough money, we would com¬plete the first stage of our pro¬ject in the near future.
Organizer: I see. Dr Jones, how about you?
Dr Jones: At present, we are also facing the same problem of lacking money. My research project is about cloning and how to use new technology to cure dis¬ease. Today, more and more patients are expecting to get organ transplant in order to prolong their lives. I wish what I am doing could help them.
Organizer: I understand. Dr Smith, could you please give me your opin¬ions on your project?
Dr Smith: For humankind on the earth, food is a fundamental factor, and as the population keeps growing, per capitation resource of people is becoming less and less. My plan is to de¬velop new technology that will make it possible to grow food with very little water. Howev¬er, currently, the shortage of money prevents my work from further going. I hope you can give me a hand on my project,
Organizer: It sounds a good idea. Dr Winfrey, it's your turn now.
Dr Winfrey: It’s ceaseless for human be¬ings to explore the universe. That's why we are urgent to know what the Mars looks like and if there is any life on it. I'm thinking of sending a man¬ned spaceship to Mars. Never¬theless, this huge project will surely cost a large sum of money. And I don't think we can get to the aim without your support.
Organizer: So, everyone has finished their statements on their own pro¬ject. Frankly speaking, they all sound tempting to me, but I'm more inclined to the project suggested by Dr Smith. From my point of view, it's more closely related to the daily life of people and in accord with the actual condition of our country. I'd like to pour money into his project.
Step V Summary and Homework
T. In this class, we've mainly talked about scientific achievement. Centering on this topic, we did some listening and speaking. This way, we've learnt more about science and scientific achieve¬ment. Moreover, we've learnt some useful expressions to express inten¬tions and wishes, .such as "If I got the money, I would……; My plan is to…… (Teacher writes them on the black¬board. ) After class, try to practise using them and preview the reading part.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 11 Scientific achievement
The First Period
I . Scientific achievement:
electricity, cars, aero planes, radio and television, the Internet, cloning, ge¬netic engineering, the Theory of Gravity,nuclear science, solar energy
II. How to express intentions and wishes:
If I got the money, I would……
My plan is to……
I hope that……
I want/wish/hope/intend/plan to……
I'd like to……
I'm thinking of……
The Second Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases.
likely, zone, private, grasp, master, perfect, arrange, set foot (in), rely on, failure,locate,valley
2. Train the students' reading ability.
3. Get the students to learn about Zhongguancun — China's Silicon Valley.
Teaching Important Points;
1. Learn to use the following:
(1) Phrases:
in store, set foot in(on), rely on, come to life, put forward
(2) Sentence patterns;
It is likely that……
……makes it clear that……
2. Improve the students' reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to help the students understand the reading material exactly.
Teaching Methods;
1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.
2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.
3. Careful reading to get the detailed informa¬tion.
4. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class,
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures;
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Revision and Pre-reading
Yesterday, we talked about science and scientific achievement. We know scien¬tific achievements can not only make our life better, but also change the world. Science makes the world be¬come a smaller place. Science and scientific achievement promote the devel¬opment of mankind and society. However, to achieve success in science research is not easy. It needs to work whole-heartedly. It also needs support and good environment. Now, please look at the questions on the screen and work in pairs or groups to discuss them. Let's go through them first. (Teacher shows the following on the screen. )
1. If you wanted to do research or start a company, what kind of support and environment would you need?
2. What is it that makes a scientific achievement important?
3. Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?
Teacher shows the new words on the screen and deals with them as usual.
likely /  / adj. 很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的
economic /  / adj. 经济的;经济学的,有实用价值的
zone /  / n.区;区域.地带
hi-tech/‘haitek/ n.高科技,高技术(=high technology)
private/ / adj. 私立的;私人的;非公开的
technological /  / adj.技术(学)的;工艺(学)的
overseas/ / adj.(在)海外的; (在)国外的
adv. 在海外;在国外
grasp /  / vt.掀住。抓牢,理解
perfect/ / adj.完美的,理想的.绝对的
arrange/ / vt.安排书筹划;整理;布置
set foot (in) 到达;进人.踏上
IT /ai 'ti:/ abbr.(= information technology)信息技术.信息产业
Lenovo / li 'nuv / n.联想公司:
Founder/ / n.方正公司:
rely /  / vi.依靠;依赖; 信赖; 指望:
rely on依靠;依赖,信赖,指望
failure /  / n.失败,失败的人(事);
locate/ / vt.(常用被动语态)把……设置在.使……坐落于;指出……的位置:
silicon/ / n. 硅;
valley/ / n.低凹处(尤指波谷); 山谷;溪谷
Step III Reading
Page 3, Read the passage—Zhong-guancun quickly in four minutes and find out the answers to the following two questions!
1. What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?
2. What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park? (Teacher writes the two questions above on the blackboard. Four minutes later, teacher checks the answers. )
1. It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhong¬guancun a success.
2. One is "Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic pow¬er." The other is “Encouraging pionee¬ring work and accepting failure.”
Work in pairs to finish the first exercise in Post-reading.
Suggested answers: l. ABC 2.D 3.CD 4. B 5.CD
Explain some phrases and sentences. Please look at the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen and explains them to the students.)
1. in store (for sb. / sth. ) : coming in the future; about to happen
e. g. There is a surprise in store for you.
I can see trouble in store.
2. set foot in /on sth. : enter or visit (a place) ; arrive
e. g. Don't ever set foot in this house again!
Who was the first man to set foot on the moon.
3. rely on/upon; depend on……
e. g. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help.
You can rely on it that it will rain this week.
4. come to life: back to normal state, esp. of mind
e. g. As soon as the mother came to life, she cried for her daughter.
After three hours' saving, the injured man came to life,
5. It is likely that--- (Note:likely→ probable)
e. g. It is very likely that she'll ring me tonight.
It isn't likely to rain.
She is very likely to ring me tonight.
6. ……make it clear that……
(Note: make→ cause ••• to be or be¬come……)
e. g. She made it clear that she objec¬ted to the proposal.
She made clear her objections.
Step IV Listening and Reading Aloud
Listen to the tape of the passage, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then read it aloud by themselves and try to understand the phrases and sentences learnt just now.
(Teacher begins to play the tape. )
Step V Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we've learned more about Zhongguancun by reading the passage. As a new center of science and technology, it is known to the world. It is said that it is called "China's Silicon Valley". After class, use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two are¬as. How are they similar or different? Besides, we've learnt some useful phra¬ses and sentences. Remember to review the use of them.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 11 Scientific achievement
The Second Period
I, Zhongguancun
1. What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?
2. What are the two mottos men¬tioned in the text for the park?
II. Phrases:
in store, set foot in/on, rely on/up¬on, come to life
III. Sentence patterns:
1. It is likely that…… :
2. ……make it clear that……
The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words: brand , luggage , achieve , organ
2. Review the words appearing in the last two periods.
3. Learn about Word Formation.
Teaching Important Points;
1. Learn some words which are closest in meaning,
2. Study the ways of forming a word.
3. Study the meaning of some affixes and stems.
Teaching Difficult Point;
How to help the students master some knowledge of Word Formation,
Teaching Methods;
1. Doing exercises to review the learnt words.
2. Studying and practising to master the ways of forming a word.
3. Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures :
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Revision
In the last period, we read the passage Zhongguancun and learned much about it. Now, who can tell me something about it? Get some Ss to try it.
Zhongguancun, in Beijing's Haidian District, is the new centre for Chinese science and technology. The centre itself got started in the early 1980s and was set up as a special economic zone in the late 1990s. Then it quickly be¬came the leader of China's hi-tech in¬dustry. A growing number of overseas have returned to China and grasped the opportunity to develop their ideas at Zhongguancun. Zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science. Today, there are more than 8 000 hi-tech companies in Zhong¬guancun, more than half of which are IT companies. What has made Zhong¬guancun a success is the spirit of crea¬tivity and scientific skill.
We all know Zhongguancun is the leader of China's hi-tech industry as Silicon Valley in the USA. So some¬times it is called China's Silicon Val¬ley. In the last class, I asked you to use a library or the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley and then compare the two areas. Now who'd like to tell us how similar or different they are?
Both Zhongguancun and Silicon Valley are home to Internet industry as well as hi-tech companies, most of which are founded by students, faculty and staff members from the surrounding universities. However* as a fledgling hi-tech community, Zhongguancun has many differences from Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley has evolved a culture that is tuned to market-driven innovation, while in Zhongguancun, innovation is still largely driven by technology. In addi¬tion, investors in Silicon Valley are fre¬quently an integral parts of companies day-to-day operations. While in Zhong¬guancun. Investors has been used only as a source of financing.
Let's do an exercise.
Please look at the screen.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
Find the right explanation for each word.
1. zone 2. significant 3. institute 4. achievement 5. announce
6. grasp 7. giant 8. perfect
A. something you have worked hard for and done well
B. to say something in public
C. to take hold of something firmly
D. a group of people who want to study a special thing, or the building used by such a group
E. without any fault or bad points
F. large and important; having a special meaning
G. unusually large person, animal, plant, business organization, etc.
H. area or region with a particular fea¬ture or use
Suggested answers: l.—H 2.—F 3.—D 4.—A 5. —B 6.—C 7. —G 8. —E
Step III Word Study
Page 5. We'll deal with Word Study. First, Word Study. Then, Word Formation. Look at the exercise in Word Study now. Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part. First, do it by yourself. Then check the answers with your partner. In the end, col¬lect the right answers.
Suggested answers:
LA 2.B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C
Step IV Word Formation
Study Word Formation. First, look at the words on the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
international = inter-+ national
telephone = tele- + phone :
mankind = man+ kind
broadband= broad + band
extremely = extreme + ly
manned = man+ -ed
hi-tech= high + technology
e-school = electronic school
IT=information technology
CSA = Chinese Space Agency
The Ss are given two minutes to study the words and find out the ways of forming a word. Then ask some students to explain how they are formed.
Look at the stems and affixes on the screen. Match each of them with the right meaning on the
(Teacher shows the following on the screen. )
-port- carry
more than usual
The Ss are given two minutes to prepare. Then check your answers.
Suggested answers:
trans- = across tele- = far co- = together/with bio- = life vis- = see -graph= writing -port-= carry sub-= below super-=more than usual
Please look at the screen. Let's do an¬other exercise.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
Use context clues and what you know about word parts to guess the meaning of the underlined words.
1. ____ Many countries import most of the oil they use.
2. ____ He studied biophysics at college.
3. ____ It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.
4. ____ All your luggage will be trans¬ported to the destination by train. 5. ____ My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is to become a
(Teacher asks some students to do it. One student, one sentence. )
Suggested answers :
1.进口 2.生命物理 3.合作 4.运输 5.超级歌星
Step V Consolidation
Page 6 and look at Part 4. Read the news article and tell how the words in bold are formed. First, look at the giv¬en example to make sure you know how to do it. Then work in pairs to finish it. After a few minutes, check your answers.
Suggested answers
showcase= show+ case breakthrough= break + through
bioengineering = bio- + engineering outstanding = out + standing
enable= en- + able restore = re- + store
indirectly = indirect+-ly strengthen= strength+-en
Step VI Summary and Homework
T. Well. Let's see what we've learnt in this class. First, we've reviewed the words learnt in the last period. Then, we've learnt about Word Formation CD. We've learnt some ways of form¬ing a word, such as derivation, com¬pound and short form. This way, we know how to guess new words accord¬ing to the meanings of the stems and affixes as well as the context clues. After class, please review what we've learnt in this class and preview the next part in this unit — Integrating Skills.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 11 Scientific achievement
The Third Period
Word Formation
Ways of forming a word
a. derivation: international, telephone, extremely, manned
b. compound: mankind, broadband
c. short form: hi-tech, e-school, IT, CSA
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims;
1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:
boom, put forward, breakthrough, agency, announce, evolution, supercomputer
2. Train the students' integrating skills, espe¬cially reading and writing skills.
Teaching Important Points:
1. Help the students understand the passages exactly and master the following words and phrases: put forward, aim at, announce, map out
2. Learn to write a persuasion essay to train the students' writing ability.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to help the students finish the task of writing.
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast and then careful reading to improve the students' reading ability.
2. Learning tips to help the students learn to write a persuasion essay.
3. Individual, pair or group work to make the students finish each task.
Teaching Aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures-
Step I Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step II Revision and Lead-in
(Show the following on the screen. )
Study the sentences and guess the mean¬ing of each underlined word. Explain how the word is formed.
1. The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.
2. She has written good essays before, but this one is substandard.
3. He is a kind of intellectual superman.
4. The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate (with each other).
5. Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil,
6. Have you read an e-book?
7. When did China join the WTO?
8. They helped us to map out a long-term plan.
Suggested answers
1. output = out+ put产量
2. substandard = sub-+ standard低于标准的,不够标准的
3. superman = super-+ man超人
4. intercommunicate= inter- + communicate互相联系
5. transplant=trans-+plant移植
6. e-book = electronic +book电子图书
7. WTO=World Trade Organization世贸组织
8. long-term=long + term长期的
Today, we've going to read about some scientific achievements in China. First,let's learn the new words.
(Teacher shows the screen and deals with the new words.)
boom /bu:m/.n. (经济、工商业的)繁荣(期),迅速发展期;(营业等的)激增,
put forward提出,建议;推荐’
△rejuvenate / / vt. 繁荣昌盛;使返老还童;使恢复(青春)活力,
breakthrough// n.(知识或技术领域的)重大突破;重大进展(发现)
△impressive /  / .adj. 激动人心的;感人的.给人深刻印象的:
agency/  / n.(行政或职能)机构;代理机构
announce/  / vt. 宣布.宣告
△genome// n:基因组;染色体组
△element/  / n.元素;要素,组成部分:
evolution, /  / n.发展,展开:进化
△byte /bait/,.[计〕字节.比特•,
supercomputer /  / n.超级计算机‘:
△humanoid/ / adj. 具有人的形状或特点的;类人的。
Step III Reading
Page 7. Look at Reading and Writing. Read each passage quickly and find out the answers to the following two questions on the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
1. What plan has helped Chinese scien¬tists make many breakthroughs?
2. Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?
( After a while, teacher checks the answers. )
1. The plan for "rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education".
2. Exploring space, genetic research, computer engineering and medical science.
(Teacher writes the answers above on the blackboard.)
Read the pas¬sages again carefully, trying to under¬stand them more exactly and pay at¬tention to some detailed information. After that, work in groups to complete the chart after the passages according to what is tearnt from the text. After four minutes, check an¬swers.
Suggested answers:
Exploring space
Achievements: The Chinese space Agency has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series.
Importance: The rockets are used to prepare for the nation's first manned space flight.
Genetic research
Achievements: Chinese scientists have completed mapping out their part of the inter¬national human genetic project,
Importance; It has proved that Chinese scientists are among the world's best. It helps to solve the mysteries of life.
Computer engineering
Achievements: Chinese computer engineers have developed the super¬computer Shenwei.
Importance: The nation's first humanoid robot has been built.
Medical science
Achievements: Scientists have been able to create a chemi¬cal element that can fight cancer cells.
Importance: The breakthrough makes the cure of deadly disease possible.
(After that, teacher deals with the lan¬guage points. )
Now, let's learn some useful words and expres¬sions. Please look at the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen and gives brief explanations to make sure the students understand how to use them correctly.)
1. put forward: advance, propose or sug¬gest sth. for discussion
e. g. He is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform.
2. aim at: intend or try to do sth.
e. g. We must aim at increasing ex¬ports.
3. announce : make (sth. ) known publicly
e. g. They announced their engage¬ment to the family.
Have they announced when the race will begin?
4. map out: present sth. in detail
e. g. He mapped out his ideas on the news project.
Step IV Listening and Reading Aloud
Play the tape for the Ss to lis¬ten. The first time, listen and follow. The second time, listen and repeat.
(Teacher begins to play the tape. )
Step V Writing
Writing part. The Ss have been asked by the magazine Modern Science to help them choose the greatest scientific achievement ever. Write a short essay, telling them which achievement you
have chosen and explaining why you think that it is the most important. In order that they can write your essay better. They’d better read and study the tips at Page 8 carefully before writing.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 11 Scientific achievement
The Fourth Period
I . Areas
exploring space
genetic research
computer engineering
medical science
II. Words and phrases
put forward
aim at
map out




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