人教版 高二Unit 7 Living with disease |
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Unit7 Living with disease 课时安排 根据教材内容、结构特点,本单元分4个课时 Period 1: Warming up, Listening and Speaking Period 2: Reading Period 3: Let’s Study Period 4: Integrating Skills 教材分析和处理 本单元中心话题是 “疾病”, 内容涉及艾滋病的常识、艾滋病患者小华的故事、癌症患者的故事等,语言知识和语言技能的设计都围绕中心话题设计。 Warming up 以讨论医学界有挑战性的疾病入手,使学生对这些人类疑难的疾病有所了解。用病人患者的图片引出艾滋病、癌症不治等之症,从而过度到做“艾滋病常识测验”,学生可能知之不多,结合书上的五张图片以及文字解释使学生对艾滋病有初步的了解,为本单元的学习做好铺垫。 Listening 部分介绍了疾病预防控制中心的专家的工作。如何把学生从谈论艾滋病等社会问题引到这部分内容来,我把去年的SARS作为例子,指出有那么一些医学工作者正在研究攻克疑难疾病,他们就是Disease Detective。为了使学生对任务做到心中有数,在听之前让学生先浏览第一部分题目。在学生完成第一部分练习以后,让学生复述专家们从采集病源―分析病情―给出疾病预防建议等一系列工作。紧接着学生讨论“假如你是个Disease Detective, 你会怎么做以至对这种新的疾病有更深的了解?”通过讨论,使学生思考如何寻找病源,共同关注疾病,达到共同战胜疾病的目的,就像我们对待SARS一样。不过由于这个话题可能离学生生活遥远,可能操作性不是很强,教师自主选择。 Speaking紧紧围绕一些有挑战性的疾病和社会不良习惯,通过辩论,探究它们的社会危害性的大小,教育学生每个人都应该从自身做起,远离不良习惯,关注艾滋病,关注健康。另一方面还可以培养学生以事实和道理说服别人的能力,同时也可以丰富学生描述疾病的词汇、句型等语言知识。 这样从Warming-up到Listening到Speaking,这堂课中心是关注疾病关注健康、远离不良习惯。 思考:备课时觉得内容有点散,建议把Speaking放在Reading上完以后,学生在更多地了解艾滋病的情况下,让学生把它与吸毒、吸烟、酗酒比,辩论其危害性,可能效果会跟好。Reading 是一篇记叙文, 叙述了一位不幸染上艾滋病毒却勇敢面对现实、与艾滋病做斗争的小女孩Xiao Hua的经历以及她的心声和愿望。文章简要介绍了艾滋病是怎么回事,艾滋病的传播途经,目前世界上青少年患艾滋病的情况等有关艾滋病的知识。实际上,课文有两条线索,一条叙述Xiao Hua, 另一条是介绍艾滋病的一些基本常识。两条线索清晰但又有机地结合在一起。文章既引导艾滋病患者要正确对待有限的生命,又呼吁全社会共同关心艾滋病患者,了解并防范艾滋病。 我从小华的一张图片入手让学生描述图中的女孩,图中的女孩子年龄很小,很可爱。这时候我指出She is young and lovely, but she is dying, because she is suffering from an incurable disease. 然后板书Born Dying,让学生理解标题。这时学生对这标题理解就比较容易。 紧接着让学生对着标题Born Dying和图片猜测What do you think the writer will tell us about Xiao Hua?并收集学生的问题。例如: What kind of disease did she get? How did she get it? How did she feel about it? What is her life like? What is she doing now? 培养学生养成读前预测的习惯,锻炼学生预测的思维。 为了快速让学生对Xiao Hua有大概的了解,这时让学生带着读前预测的问题快速阅读文章并找到答案,培养学生略读的能力。对于有些不是用一句话就能回答的问题,(如What is her life like? What is she doing? How did she feel about it?)要让学生细读,提高学生的归纳、推理的能力,同时使得学生比较全面了解她的生活状况以及她的所作所为,她的所思所想。为了达到让学生掌握艾滋病的基本知识,呼吁全民防范艾滋病这个目的,我把学生分成四人一组,两人搜索文章中有关艾滋病的知识,另两人根据搜索到的知识设计艾滋病Quiz,我挑选最佳Quiz,各组挑选一人参加抢答赛。通过这个活动,学生学会自主搜寻知识,自主利用知识进行交流的能力,也让学生掌握艾滋病的基本知识,同时落实了有关描述疾病的语言知识(如break down, leave…defencelese agaist.. manage to live, be infected with, transmit by, a lack of, suffer等)。为了巩固这些知识,让学生完成Workbook 第124练习一。 至于课文中出现的本单元语法“虚拟语气”的句子,在这节课只要求学生了解“虚拟语气”的含义,它的运用放在下一节课学习。因此让学生通过找小女孩的愿望找出虚拟语气的句子,并告诉学生愿望不是事实,一般是目前比较难以实现的。通过对比小女孩的愿望与她的现实,使学生明白了虚拟语气的含义。我也趁机提出我们能做些什么来关心帮助青少年艾滋病患者,帮助她们实现愿望。最后提出红丝带、红丝带的故事(小诗)世界艾滋病日,要是有首歌也可以,深化了主题。 总结:Reading 这堂课以阅读入手,在阅读中完成任务。我想学生在解读小华与对艾滋病的进一步了解的过程中,不但提高了阅读理解能力,他们的身心也会有所震动。 思考:可能时间不够。参考建议:把Vocabulary 作为作业。 困惑:词汇教学是否会冲淡阅读的主题思想,影响整体性。 Language Study分词汇和语法两部分。1)、词汇归类学习策略,既通过反意词学习来巩固所学词汇,帮助学生学习在具体语境中正确使用词汇。课堂引入从复习Reading入手,巩固了所学词汇。接着让学生完成Word Study 练习,学习在语境中运用词汇。 2)、语法。虚拟语气:教材设计了六个练习,第一个练习要求学生用句子解释五个虚拟语气句子的意义,帮助学生理解虚拟语气句子的含义。这一步已在阅读课中处理过,所以我直接从第二个练习Picture1入手。总体思路是先围绕主题引出句型,再创造语境应用句子, 达到熟练应用的目的。Picture1: 假设图中的小女孩是小华,今天是她的生日,她会许什么愿?目的是让学生回忆小华的愿望,加深学生对I wish…句子结构的记忆,也可以再次强调其含义;接着紧紧围绕小华的话题,假如你是她的朋友,你会怎么做,列出句型If you were her friend, what would you do?同时向学生解释你实际上不使她的朋友。但是实际上有很多人瞧不起她们,“They treated her as if she were a bad or dangerous person.” 这时,打出中国第一例人造美女的照片,让学生站在她的角度想象当时其“整容的目的”以及“整容后的情景”,让学生试着用I wished…,If I were…I would…表达,最后把镜头又对准学生,假定今天是你的生日,你们许个愿,用“I wish…; If I …,I would..”。最后让学生自行探究,归纳虚拟语气的结构与运用,并完成workbook 上的练习。 思考:语法课该如何做到笔头落实?因为笔头练习使语法知识更扎实,但课堂变得单调。另外,语法课堂教学该用中文还是最好用英语?因为有时中文解释得更清晰. Integrating Skills 提供的范文是一个身患癌症的病人。自述确诊为癌症的那一天的情形及心理活动,然后解释什么是癌症,如何与癌症作斗争,最后战胜癌症的过程,以及这次经历对自己的人生的改变。在布置学生写作之前,要让学生通读范文,找出叙事的五要素(Who What When Where How)并掌握文章的整体结构,同时让学生仔细解读作者描述感觉的句子,从刚开始I remember having an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going to end.到This was only the beginning.到I wished that I were dead so that I would not feel so sick.到I now feel as if that was when my life really began。为了提醒学生阅读时要注意一些优美的句子,并做到会用,我设计了6个句子,希望学生能应用到写作中。接着指导学生找到自己人生中的一些重要事件以及当时的所思所想,并给出写作的具体步骤,帮助学生学会记事和将所学语言知识用于实践。 总教学目标 Talk about deadly diseases and attitudes towards AIDS, cancers, etc. Practice talking about imaginary situations. Practice supporting and challenging an opinion. Learn to use the Subjunctive Mood(1): If I were you,.. Write a personal narrative 教学重难点 1. 重点 话题: Talking about deadly diseases and attitudes towards them 词汇:quiz false virus via blood prevention persuade defenceless illness treatment unprotected sex lack available discourage cheer network specialist meaningful fierce stranger cell radiation strength recover fighter contrary category 功能:1. Supporting and challenging an opinionI think that…, because… First,… One reason is that… For example,… If we/they were to…, we/they could… Perhaps, but what if/about..? Have you thought about…? Could you please explain…? If I were you, I would…? 2. Describing imaginary situations If I were you, I would… I wish… If we were to…, we could… …as if… 语法: 虚拟语气 If I were not so busy now, I would go with you. I wish I could remember more about my mum. If we didn’t know how HIV spreads, we could easily get AIDS. 2. 难点 a. Reading 结构的总体把握 b.描述有关疾病的词汇、句子的正确理解。 c. 虚拟语气的运用 教学设计 Period One Warming-up, listening and speaking Goals: 1. Know about some diseases Practise listening Practise the expressions supporting an opinion and challenging an opinion Important points: 1. To train the students’ ability of listening 2. To get the students to practise the expressions of supporting and challenging opinions. Difficult points: 1. To get the students to organize the facts in an effective way during the debate and train their skill of deduction. Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Warming up(Showing some pictures of some patients ) T: What do you think has happened to the people in the pictures? Ss: They are in trouble. They are suffering a lot. T: Yes. They are suffering from illness. Some diseases are incurable. Do you know some of them? Ss: AIDS, Cancer and so on. What do you know about AIDS? Ss: It’s a deadly disease which can make people die. It’s incurable. Everyone can be infected with AIDS. It’s caused by the AIDS virus—HIV. T: Here is a AIDS QUIZ. Finish the quiz. Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes: cups, glasses, toilet seats, swimming pools, mosquitoes, other insects or giving blood. (on slide) Step2 :Listening T: We know AIDS is difficult to cure. But maybe in the future, it will be curable and controlled. Just like SARS, which struck China last year, it was controlled. So we should not lose heart, because there are a group of people who are engaged in finding the most effective way of controlling the disease. They are disease detective. To know more about what a disease detective do? How does a disease detective work? let’s listen to Jane –a disease detective who works at the centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Finish Part 1. Step3: Post-listening T: You know their job is very important. To control a disease, it’s more important to prevent than to cure. Discuss: If you were a disease detective, what would you do to learn about a new disease? Step4: Speaking(Work in groups of 4) AIDS is a deadly disease which endangers our health and meanwhile the society because it is spreading fast and causes a lot of fear and suffering in the world. It has been another serious problem of the world just like drugs, smoking, and drinking. Among these, which do you think is the most serious social problem? Each student represent a different idea and must think of reasons to support his or her view. Supporting an opinion I think that …, because… First… One reason is that… For example… If I were to…, we could… Challenging an opinion Perhaps, but what if/about…? Have you thought about…? What makes you think that…? Could you please explain…? If I were you, I would… Step 5:Concusion AIDS, drugs, smoking and drinking are all harmful to our health and meanwhile harmful to our society. We should care about our own health and stay away from the bad habits and together with the disease detective fight against the diseases and bad habits. Homework: Collect the causes of cancer, then check your own way of life and your diet to make a necessary change. Period Two Reading Goals: 1. Learn about basic knowledge of AIDS and the life of people with AIDS. 2. Improve the students’ reading ability and comprehension. 3. Call on people to care about the people with AIDS and fight against AIDS. Important points: 1. To improve the students’ reading ability and comprehension. 2. To get the students to know more about AIDS including the words related to it. Difficult points: 1. How to design a quiz 2. Subjunctive mood Teaching procedures: Step 1: Leading-in (Showing a picture of the lovely girl, Li Hua) T: Look at the girl in the picture. What do you think of her? Ss: She is young and lovely. She is smiling and talking. T: Yes, she is lovely. She is young but she is dying. Today we will read “Born Dying” Look at the title. What can you have about the girl in your mind according to the title? Ss: Maybe she is suffering from a serious disease. 1. What disease has she got? 2. How old is she? 3. How serious is the disease? 4. How did she get the disease? 5. What kind of life does she live now? 6. What’s her attitude towards the disease? 7. What is she doing? … Step 2. Fast-reading T: Read to find the answers to the first four questions you asked. 1. She is infected with HIV. 2. She is 12. 3. The illness is incurable.(There is little hope.) 4. She got the illness through birth. Step 3 Careful reading Read again to answer question 5-7.Meanwhile explain some words and sentences in bold. 5. She lives an unhappy life.(Why?) She has no mother. Her father also has AIDS. There is little hope. The drugs that are available are much too expensive. She will get AIDS one day and will die. Besides these, she also deals with people’s fear of the disease. They usually think they are bad and dangerous. But she didn’t let that knowledge discourage her. 6. What’s her attitude to the disease?(Which sentence shows her attitude to the disease?)What does she mean by it? My life may have to be short, but there is no reason why it can’t be beautiful. 7. She has decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help others. She spends much of her time telling others about her disease and encouraging people to learn how to protect themselves. She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up. Step 4: Design a quiz about AIDS.( Dividing the class into two big groups.) T: In the text, the writer tells us a lot of knowledge about HIV and AIDS. Group1: Find the information about AIDS and try to remember some important information.(Work in groups of 4) AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illnesses. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease. Medicine can help keep them alive, but the treatment is expensive and doesn’t cure them. 4. People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV. 5. HIV spreads through blood the other body liquids.(Explaining “what are HIV and AIDS?”) HIV: Human Immune Deficiency Virus (人体免疫缺损病毒) AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫功能缺失综合症) People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth. Thousands of children become infected with HIV every day. In 2002, 800,000 children under 15 became infected. There were 3.2million infected children in total in the world. The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education. We should care and help the AIDS patients. We shouldn’t fear them. It’s safe to shake hands, talk, and eat with someone who has AIDS. Let’s treasure our life though it is short.(on Slide) ( Show it to the students to see whether they’ve found all the information about AIDS in the text and explain the phrases in bold.) Group2: Design a quiz about AIDS according to the text. (Work in groups of 4,trying to design at least 6 questions about AIDS) 1. AIDS is a disease that stops a person from protecting himself by destroying the immune system. TRUE or FALSE? 2. How long do most AIDS patients live? 3. There is treatment for AIDS but the treatment is too expensive. 4. Is HIV the same as AIDS? 5. How does HIV transmit and what are three ways HIV transmit? 6. In 2002, there were 3.2 million children infected with HIV. True or False? 7. Why is the disease spreading fast in Africa? 8. It is safe to shake hands, talk and eat with AIDS patients.Yes? 9. What should be the right attitude towards the AIDS patients? (on Slide) ( Choose the group who has the best questions and have a AIDS knowledge contest). (1 point for each) (asking 4 students Step 5: Vocabulary Finish Ex1 on page 124. Step 6: Discussion T: Living with HIV/AIDS is especially difficult for children and young people. There are many problems a young person with HIV/AIDS has to deal with. How I wish they could live happily like the healthy children! Does Li Hua have wishes? Ss:(Collect Li Hua’s wishes) I wish I could remember more about my mum. I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these AIDS patients. I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person. If I were you, I would give and AIDS patient a hug. T:As we know, wishes are only wishes. They are not the facts. Can you tell me the facts? Ss: …(talking about the facts) T: They are difficult to realize. Maybe she can’t wait until the day when her wishes come true, but if we do something about AIDS, we can make a difference, maybe some of her wishes will come true. Now supposing one of the organizations which fight HIV/AIDS has asked you to help them decide which of the following problems is the most important problem and suggest what we can do to solve the problem. (work in groups of four) Young people living with HIV/AIDS may 1. Have to keep their illness a secret at school 2. Have to watch their parents die 3. Have to take care of themselves without help 4. Have little money for treatment 5. Have to deal with people’s fear of the disease Ss:(possible suggestions) By raising awareness of HIV and AIDS in my area. By wearing a red ribbon, and asking others to do the same. By collecting money for an AIDS charity By caring about them … Summary: T: Whatever you do, no matter how big or how small it is, it will help a lot. So let’s care about AIDS. Let’s care about the people with AIDS. The World AIDS Day is drawing near. If it's the only thing you do for World AIDS Day, wear the Red Ribbon on 1st December. T: This is a red ribbon. I’ve got one here. It’s easy to make. I’d like to wear it here. Maybe people will ask, “Why do you wear that there?” Do you know why? Ss:… Now listen to the following poem and answer. A woman came up to me and said "Why do you wear that there" I said "To show I remember to show I care" A man came up to me and said "Why do you wear that there" I said "To show it's out there to show I'm aware" A child came up to me and said "Why do you wear that ribbon of red" I said "I wear it for the living and for the dead" A Teenager came up to me and said "I know why you wear that ribbon there" "Oh" I said "Please tell my why" "I don't need to" he said "I can see the pain in your eyes" It's the international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness. By wearing it, you're showing your support for over 42 million people across the world who are living with a disease for which there's still no cure. Homework: 1. Read “Fighting The Virus: HIV/AIDS In Africa” and finish the Exx after it on page128. 2. Put up some posters about AIDS Period Three Let’s Study Goals:1.Help the Ss to master the use of Subjunctive mood. 2.Help the Ss to find out the grammar rule themselves. 3.Try to make the Ss use “wish, If …, as if.” Important points: The rules of subjunctive mood and the use Difficult points: To get the students to understand why it is necessary to use the subjunctive mood and use it correctly. Step 1: Reviewing and leading in T: What’s wrong with XiaoHua ? Ss: She is infected with Aids. T: Is there any medicine that can help us be immune to Aids now? Ss: No. Aids is still incurable now . T: So XiaoHua will die one day. Is she discouraged by her disease? SS: No, she is not discouraged. She did not lose heart. T: What does she do now? Ss: She will not let the disease destroy her happiness. She is trying to create a network ….. She is explaining some knowledge of Aids to people. (Purpose: In this way , the Ss could review the reading part, and review the meanings of the underlined words.) T: Now Let’s finish Word Study.( to make sure the students can use them correctly.) Step 2: Practice (1) Show the Ss a birthday cake.(or draw a picture on the Bb.) T: Now suppose it is XiaoHua’s birthday today? What do you think she will wish? Ss: She wishes that . T: But we know they are just wishes, they will probably not come true. Work with each other and draw a conclusion. Sb. Wish/wishes (that) … did / were/could /would …. Step 3:Practice (2) T: If you were her friend, what would you do ? Ss: If I were her friend, I would … T: in fact you are not her friends now. They are just our thoughts, not the facts. T: Please draw a conclusion. If …were/did…, Sb. Would …. Step 4 Practice (3) T: Very good. You talked as if you were her friend now. But how do most people treat her when they know she has Aids? Ss: They treat her as if she were a bad or dangerous person. T: Look at this picture. How does she feel ? Ss: She looks as if she were not happy. She looks as if she were thinking . She looks as if she were tired. T: So you are not sure of it. When & how do we use “as if”? ….. as if … were/ did….. T: Do you know who she is? She is the first man-made beauty in China. Look at another picture. Now she becomes beautiful. Her eyes are bigger and her nose is higher. Do you think she is happy or not happy now? Talk with your partner. Try to use “wish, If.., as if ” Ss: Maybe she wishes she would be more beautiful. If she were in Korea, she would become more beautiful. So it looks as if she were not so happy. If she were more beautiful, she could marry a rich man, and live a happy life. For her husband will treat her as if she were a princess. She wishes she were like before. If she were like before, her friends would not look at her as if she were a stranger. Step 5: Finishing the exercises in the book. T: Now please finish the Exx with your partner. Check the answers later. Step 6: Activity T: Now we still have the cake with us. I’d like each of you to make a wish, using “I wish, If …, as if ” Step7:Summary Summarize the use of the Subjunctive Mood (1). Do the Grammar Ex1 and 2 on P125 Homework: Try to write a short paragraph ,using “I wish, If …, as if ” to express your feelings and your thoughts. Period Four Integrating Skills Goals: 1.Develop Ss’ extensive reading skills. 2.Learn about how to write an essay describing an important event in their life. Important points: 1. How to train the students’ reading and writing skills 2. The sentences to describe a disease and the feeling. Difficult points: How to train the students’ writing skills Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Leading in Hello, everyone. We have learned about Xiaohua who fights against HIV and AIDS. Today let’s read about another person. Step 2. Fast-reading a. Read the para1 quickly and answer the following questions: Who? What? When? Where? How? b. Read the whole passage for the main idea of each para. Para1. I was diagnosed with cancer. Para2. I know more about cancer. Para3. I struggled with cancer. Para4. Cancer has changed my life. Step 3. Careful-reading a. Read the passage again for more information about cancer and how I struggled against cancer. What do I mean by saying “This was only the beginning.” and “I now feel as if that was when my life really began”? In general , what treatment do people with cancer need to receive? How did I feel about the treatment? b. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks according to the passage. My mother took me to the hospital to have me _________ after I had been ______sick for a long time. When the doctor _________________________, I knew the news was bad. I remember having _________________________in my stomach and thinking _____________ They helped me find the_______ I needed to _______and they___________ me___________________ sad and lonely. My life has not yet ended. ________________, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. I now think of my cancer as a ______. It taught me _____________________. Step 4.Discussion 1. How did cancer changed the writer’s life? How did she feel at last? What do you usually do when you meet a great difficulty? Step 5.Writing Ask the students to think of an important event in their life. Tell them to write down what happened, how they felt, what they thought, and how the event changed their life and way of thinking. First, think about the event you want to describe and try to remember all the details. (what, who, where, when, how) Second, make a list of your feelings and thoughts about the event. Then, while writing, try to describe the event and explain how it made you feel and what it made you think of. Finally, explain why this event is important in your life. Step 6: Assessment (写作自我评价标准:) Ask the Ss to exchange their writings and correct them according to the form. Choose two of the writings to show the students on slide Did I give the main idea for each paragraph? Did I give the details for each main idea? Is the event important? Why or why not? Did I explain the event clearly? Did I express my feelings and the event with examples? Did I try to use the new words and expressions I have learnt in the unit? Did I use sentences which have the Subjunctive mood? Homework: Ask the students to finish the writing task. |
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