Unit 15 Popular youth culture

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I.Key words
voluntary, annual, acknowledge, elder, elderly, breathless, eyesight, dizzy, weekly, beneficial, straight away, communist, satisfaction, eager, worthwhile, timetable, starve, adjustment, mature, uniform, jeans, casual, adolescent, recent, whereas, possess
II. Key phrases

1.make a contribution to
2.make a difference
3.help with doing
4.have company
5.inspire sb. to do
6.concentrate on
7.improve one’s grades
8.apply for
9.have big hearts
10.be eager to do
11.have a great/good time doing
12.poverty relief
13.open up
14.build confidence
15.go without
16.promote awareness of hunger
17.fit in
18.without payment
19.make an adjustment to sth.
20.go out of fashion
21.have a reputation for
22.approve of sth/doing
23.be through
24. in many aspects

III. Word study
1.acknowledge v. 为…表示感谢(publicly express thanks for ); 承认; 告知已收到
acknowledgement n.
acknowledge sth/sb to be + adj/n
sth/sb. as + n.
that clause
The opponents acknowledged defeat.
having been defeated.
that they were defeated.
He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world.
as the best player in the world.
It is widely acknowledged that he is the best player in the world.
I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local business.
2. eager adj. 热切的,渴望的, 渴求的 eagerly adv. eagerness n.
be eager for /about/after sth.
to do
He is eager for his parents’ approval.
to win his parents’ approval.
3.worthwhile adj.值得花时间(金钱、努力)的;有意义的;重要的
be worthwhile doing /to do
Hangzhou is a beautiful place, it is worthwhile going/to go there.
Helping old people is a worthwhile activity.
③a worthwhile cause /discussion/job值得为之奋斗的事业/有意义的讨论/值得干的工作
4. whereas conj.(用以比较或对比两个事实)然而,但是,尽管
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.
5.adjustment n. 调整,调节;适应
adjust v. 调整,调节;适应;整理
adjust (oneself) to sth/doing
make an adjustment to sth.
This button is for adjusting the volume.
It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark./to make an adjustment to the dark.
He adjusted his tie and left the room.
IV. Phrases
1. fit in 适应,协调
fit in with sth./ sb. 与。。。相适应; 与。。。合得来/处得融洽
fit sb./sth in 找到时间(见某人、做某事)
be fit for sb./sth.
be fit to do
①When he arrived in Tibet , he had some problems fitting in.
②Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?
③He tried to fit in with others, but it was difficult.
④Doctor White can fit you in on Wednesday afternoon.
⑤He is the best person to be fit for the position.
V. Practice
(A)Fill in the blank with proper words.
1. She went through a period of emotional adjustment after her marriage broke up.
2.Doing voluntary work can benefit not only the people helped but also volunteers.
3.A good diet is beneficial to health.
4. She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
5.He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.
6. I suggest you wear something a bit more casual for such an informal occasion.
7. It is known that many students don’t like to wear school uniform.
8. I am mature enough to make up my own mind. You do not need to teach me.
9.In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness(秃头).
(B) Fill in the blank with proper phrases.
1. The students in the remote village school study hard. They are eager to learn whatever is new to them.
2. I had a great time chatting online with lots of different people involved with the university.
3.It is time that we made a contribution to protecting the environment.
4. He’s never done this type of work before; I’m not sure how he’ll fit in with the other people.
5. Long skirts have gone out of fashion this spring.
6.How long can a human being go without sleep?
7. Although the remote Tibetan area of Yunnan was very different from Guangdong, he had no problems making the adjustment to his new life.
8.This matter is very urgent. Please deal with it straight away.
(C)Multiple choices
1. His long service with the company was_____ with a present.
A. admitted B. contributed C. acknowledged D. accepted
2. His mother does not ______ of her wearing transparent underwear.
A. admit B. approve C. agree D. prove
3. We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found____ we like yet.
A. ones B. one C.it D. them
4. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels___ desire to go to bed.
A. the most B. worse C .the least D. more
5. Why are so popular with young people? And what distinguishes you from ____ of your age?
A.those B. that C. them D. ones
6.I wouldn’t think it_____ to ask him to join the club----he’ll only refuse.
A. worth B. worthy C. worhtwhile D. worthless
7.---Excuse me, sir. Would you please lend me a hand?
---Of course. What is it?
---I ____ if you could type this article for me.
A.had wondered B. would wonder C. did wonder D. was wondering
8.Scientists say it may be five or six years_____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
A. since B. after C. before D. when
9. The expert helps adolescents who are addicted to online games make the necessary _____ needed to re-balance their lives.
A. improvement B. adjustment C. management D. assumption
10.They want a house, ______ we would rather live in a flat.
A. whereas B. thus C. nevertheless D. when
11. If you work with strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is.
A whatever B however C wherever D whenever
12.It _________ long before we ______ the result of the experiment.
A. will not be, will know B. is , know C. is , will know D. will not be, know
(D) Writing
70%的学生赞成参加志愿工作 为社会作贡献,帮助别人是一件很有意义的工作,带来很多个人利益,为日后的工作获得宝贵的技能和经验,为自己创造机遇,增强信心、自觉意识、良好的交际能力和领导才能
25%的学生不愿意从事志愿工作 无报酬,浪费时间,耽误学习
5%的学生无明确态度 漠不关心
make a contribution to , benefit, open up, approve of, no matter how…, worthwhile,
without payment, leadership
Different students have different attitudes toward voluntary work.
70% of the students approve of doing voluntary work. The consider that it can make a contribution to society and it is a worthwhile job to help others. It can also bring personal benefits and will contribute to their future because they can gain valuable experience and skills for their future career. Voluntary work often opens up opportunities for them, build confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.
25% of the students disapprove of doing voluntary work. They think the work is done without payment and it is a waste of time.
The rest of the students don’t have clear attitude to it , nor do they care about it.
I think each of us should make a contribution to society. No matter how small it is, it will help make a difference.




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