Unit 12 Education Language Study (学案)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

一. Useful phrases.
1.九年义务教育 nine years of compulsory education
2.达到目标 reach the target
3.学龄儿童 school-age children
4.上小学 attend primary school
5.与…密切联系 be closely linked to
6.全球教育论坛 the World Education forum
7.联合国教科文组织 UNESCO
8.承诺,许诺 make a commitment
9与…相同 be similar to
10.首先 to begin with(作状语)
11.重视 attach importance to
12.怀疑 be sceptical of
13.使…脱离 take sb. away from
14.改变传统观念 change traditional ideas
15.有…倾向 have a tendency to
16.辍学 drop out
17.吸收,接纳 take in
18.短缺(名词) a shortage of
19.在混合班里上课 have mixed-grade classes
20.展开 spread out
21.在一些乡村定居点 in some rural settlements
22.几乎完全依赖其他国家的援助 rely almost completely on aid from other countries
23.远程学习 distance learning
24.三个中有一个 one in / out of three
25.通过希望工程捐赠钱 donate money through the Hope Project
26.向某人提供全部课程 provide sb. with a full curriculum
27.完成目标 accomplish the goal
28.出台一部法律 introduce a law
二。Language Points.
Key sentences
1.It is reported that 99% of the school-age children in China ….. ( A Para 1)
It is reported/ said/ known /hoped …etc. that….句型结构,通常表达“据报道(据说,人们认为,人们希望等)”,其中句首的it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句内容。
2. In China, as in other countries, the government realizes that the future welfare of its citizens is closely linked to education.
be linked to 与……连接(相关)的。
e.g. 1.新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。
2.The road links all the new towns.
※ Link up 把…连接起来,汇合,集合 Link n. 连接、联系、连接物。
3. In areas where agriculture plays an important role, people do not attach importance to education, and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on farm. (para 3)
句中where和that都引导定语从句。 attach ... to ...(加于……之上)和be sceptical of(对…抱着怀疑的态 度)是固定短语。
※ 1.这家医院隶属于那所大学。 This hospital ______________ that university.
He didn’t seem to ________ any importance _____ the question.
4.…..and often drop out later. In some cultures are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls. (para. 3)
1.drop out: 不参与, 离去, 放弃,辍学
1) She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out later.
2) 他不得不中途退出比赛. He had to drop out of the match.
※ drop in on sb./ at s.p
2. rather than 而不是 would rather ..than 宁愿, 宁可。。。也不
other than 不同于,除了 or rather 更确切地说
※ 1.I think I would have a cold drink ______________ coffee.
2. I________________ have the red one ________ the green one.
3.These shoes are comfortable ______________pretty.
4.There's nobody here _______ _________me.
5.You can't get there _________________by swimming.
6. She works as a secretary, ____________a typist
words & expressions easily confused
1. commitment n.委托事项, 许诺, 承担义务 cf. promise
a) a commitment to pay $50000 to Red Cross
b) China has made a commitment to spare no
efforts to help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.
2. 责任;承担义务
a) I've taken on too many commitments.
b) He doesn't want to get married because he is
afraid of any commitments.
vt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把..交托给, 提交,答应负责
1) 犯(错误、罪),做(坏事),犯(法)
a) commit a murder
b)A theft was committed last night.
2) 把…委托于… ; 交付; 把…投入
He was committed to prison.
commit oneself on sth. commit oneself to do sth.
commit oneself to sth.
cf: committee n.委员会
1)be /sit on a committee 2)This was discussed in committee.
2.distribute ~ sth to sb/ among sb
1)分;分发,分配;分送 2)分布;散布 3)供销;配给
a) distribute books to students 给学生发书
b)~ profits among sb 在某人中分配利润
distribute & divide
These verbs mean to give out in portions or shares. 这些动词都指按部分或按份额分发,
distribute 是意义最广的:
In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cultivate it.
Divide 表示根据计划或目的进行按份额分发,常是平等的:
The estate(财产,不动产) will be divided among the heirs(继承人).
3.To begin with (first, first of all, to start with)
To begin with, it is important to create a positive attitude.
to start with to be frank to tell the truth to be honest
和其他国家一样, 中国政府正在尽其最大的努力给学龄儿童提供九年义务教育. 而且结果非常成功. 然而, 在农村地区,贫困地区,人口稀少地区仍然存在许多问题和困难. 远程教育和混合班很有帮助. 一些国际组织和地方组织都提供了一些钱来满足贫困地区的花费.
尽管“全民教育”这个目标很难达到, 联合国教科文组织,每个政府以及一些当地组织正在努力.我们的路很漫长,但我们一定会成功!
In China, as in other countries, the government has been doing its best to provide every school-age child nine years of compulsory education and the outcome is highly successful. Yet, problems and difficulties remain in the rural areas, some poor countries and less-populated areas. Distance learning and mixed-grade classes helped a lot. Besides, some international organizations and local organizations offered money to meet the cost in the poor areas. Though “Education for All” — the international target is hard to achieve, the UNESCO, every government and some local organizations are doing their bits. There is a long way to go, but we’re sure to succeed.




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