人教版 高三复习教案第一册Unit 19-20

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(SB I—Units 19-20)
fair army
careless refuse
support officer
remove cross
pretend engineer
designer design
metal ink
pot form
unknown print
steam press
method sheet
development net
lightly printing
everyday discribe
to one’s surprise 使……吃惊的是
call at 拜访(某地)
look down upon 蔑视
come out 出版;(花朵)开放
throw away 扔掉
at the same time 同时
fishing net 鱼网
It seems that…
It’s adj. For/of sb.to do sth.
Unless you tell me , I …
I’m sure(that) …
The problem as that by the first century…
The making of paper had been developen.
That dosen’t sound like…
It’s believed that…
I’m(not)sure…/I believe…
I guess…/I (don’t)think…
In can believe that…/ That’s not fair.
I(don’t)think so.
a man doctor→men doctors男医生
a woman driver→women drivers女司机
police officers 警官 boy-friends男朋友
match-boxes火柴盒 flower shops花店
frying pans平底锅
passers-by过路人 lookers-on旁观者
fathers-in-law(岳父) sisters-in-law(嫂嫂)
go-betweens中间人,媒人 grown-ups成年人
appear, seem, look都有“看起来似……”之意,但其暗含意思和用法又各有不同。
He appears to know more than he really does。他看起来好像懂得很多。(其实懂得没有那么多)
His health seems to be better.
He doesn’t look his age.
(to + be)+表语(adj.或n.或prep.)
+to v.
It + ~ +(that)从句如:
He seems/appears(to be)very sad today.
=It seems that he is very sad today.
It seems like years since I saw you last time.
He seems a kind doctor.(=It seems that he is a kind doctor.)
He seems/appears to have caught a cold.
=It seems/appears that he has caught a cold.
look当“看起来似乎……”讲时,可接形容词、过去分词、名词、介词短语和as if从句。如:
He looks strong.
She looks like her mother.
It looks as if we are going to miss the train.
(1)—How about coming to my house?
—I’d love to if it doesn’t give you so much trouble.
在hope, like, love, promise, want, wish等词后作宾语的不定式常省略。再如:
You may go if you want to.
She can get a job if she hopes to.
—How about going hunting with me tomorrow?
—I’d like to, but I have no time.
(2)Don’t close the window until I ask you to.
在allow, ask, tell 等词后作宾语补足语的不定式常省略。再如:
Don’t touch the light unless your mother allows you to.
Don’t plant potatoes until the peasant tells you to.
(3)He didn’t want to hand in his composition, but he had to.
在be able to, be going to, have to, need to, enough to, used to等后的不定式需省略。再如:
I don’t sing much, now, but I used to a lot.
If you don’t want to say anything at the meeting, you don’t need to.
She didn’t go out last night, because she was afraid to.
在afraid, glad, happy, pleased, sorry等词后作状语的不定式常省略。再如:—Will you go with me to see the film tonight?
—I’ll be glad to.
4. at work; out of work; after work
(1)at work表示“在工作、在上班”,作表语或状语。例如:
They are both at work today.今天他们俩都在上班。
His father had an accident at work last week.上周的父亲在工作时出了事故。
(2)out of work表示“失业”,是介词短语,相当于lost one’s job或be unemployed。例如:
If you don’t work hard, you’ll be out of work.如果你不好好工作就会失业。
You’ll be out of work if you keep coming late.如果你老是迟到,你会失业的。
(3)after work表示“下班后”,作时间状语。例如:
What do you usually do after work?下班后你经常干什么?
I visited Mr Liu after work yesterday.昨天下班后我看望过刘先生。
5.to one’s surprise表示“令人吃惊的是”,是介词短语。作结果状语或插入语,位于句首,其中one’s 指形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,surprise前也可用形容词修饰。例如:
To my great surprise, he passed the English examination.令我大为吃惊的是,他的英语考试极格了。
To Mr Lin’s surprise, Miss Li alone got three gold medals.使林先生吃惊的是,李小姐一人得三块金牌。
(2)in surprise表示“吃惊地、惊奇地”,是介词短语,作程度状语,常位于谓语之后。例如:
“How do you come to know it ?”Mr Zhao asked in surprise.赵先生惊奇地问:“你怎么知道的?”
He shouted to us in surprise.他吃惊地向我们呼喊。
(3)by surprise表示“出其不意、趁……不防、突然”,是介词短语,作方式状语。例如:
He took the dog by surprise. 他趁那条狗不防突然进行袭击。
His visit took me by surprise.他的突然来访使我感到意外。
6. promise sb. to do sth.
allow/permit sb. to do sth.
My father promised me to give up smoking. 我爸爸答应我戒烟。(是“爸爸”戒烟,而不是“我”戒烟。即:动词不定式是主语发出的动作)
My father doesn’t permit/allow me to smoke.我爸爸不允许我抽烟。
promise to do sth.(后跟不定式)
allow/permit doing sth.(后跟动名词)
例:I promised to help him with his English.
Drinking wine is not allowed /permitted in our school.
例:I have never lied in my life.
Obviously he was lying.
例:The children lay on the grass, looking at the beautiful sky.
The look is lying on the desk.
例:She laid the baby gently down on the bed.
The hen laid an egg yesterday.
8.this/that kind of…
…of this/that kind“这种……”
析:this/that kind of 后常用“单数名词”;而…of this/that kind前常用“复数名词”。即:
this/that kind of+单数名词=复数名词+of this/that kind
例:This kind of car is made in China.(单数谓语动词)
= Cars of this kind are made in China.(复数谓语动词)
9.come out
come out是本单元需要掌握的一个重点词语,现在我们对它们的用法作一比较全面的了解。
(1)come out(= be published)出来;出版
I’ll let you have a copy of my book as soon as it comes out.我的书一出版我就送你一本。
(2)come out (= to bloom)长出;发芽;开花;(使)开花;(使)繁盛
Spring comes, the trees turn green and flowers come out.春天来了,树变绿了,花儿开了。
(3)come out (= to appear)出现;出来
Ever since then, the bat comes out only at night.从那时起,蝙幅只在晚上出来。
(4)come out(= to win…)获得(名次)
I came out first in the examination.
(5)come out(= to become known)传出,公之于众;(秘密)泄露
The truth will come out some day.
(6)come out (= to be seen, as in a photograph)(在相片等中)显示;被看见
Mary always comes out well in photos.玛丽总是很上相。
(7)come out (= to be developed)冲印;冲洗
The boss said that the photos had been come out for a long time.老板说照片已经冲印出来很久了。
(8)come out (= to be removed; disappear)去掉;消失
Would you please help me to make the ink in my shirt come out?你能帮我把衬衣上的墨水渍去掉吗?
(9)come out (to be on strike; to refuse to work)罢工
The workers came out for a pay raise.工人们为增加工资而罢工。
(10)come out (= to end in the stated way)后来发现;结果是
The answer to the question came out wrong.这个问题的答案后来发现是错误的。
(11)come out (= to express clearly)(意思)表达清楚
The meaning of his speech did not come out well.他讲话的意思不很清楚。
(12)come out (= to be counted)算出来;总计
The total expense(花费)comes out at 5000 yuan.总开支达五千元。
10.call 短语
(1)call at 指短期访问某地:顺便去某处。
We called at the park when we stayed in the city. 我们在那个城市时顺便去了那个公园。
(2)call on的意思“正式拜访某人”;此外,它还有“号召”之意。如:
They called on the famous scientist.他们拜访了那个著名科学家。
The Party calls on us to learn from Comrade Lei Feng.党号召我们向雷锋同志学习。
(3)call to“大声呼唤、招呼、呼求”。如:
They called to us for help. 他们向我们呼求援助。
(4)call for可作“要求、需要、提倡”,还可作“邀约”解。如:
This is a problem that calls for immediate solution.这是个要求立即解决的问题。
I’ll call for you then and we go there together.到时我来叫你,我们一起去哪儿。
(5)call in有“召来、召请、召进”之意。
You’d better call in a doctor.你最好请一位医生来。
(6)此外,call back有“叫回来、收回”之意;call off有“叫出去、叫走”之意;call after可作“追在后面叫喊”和“以某人的名字命名”之意。
If that’s the case, you’ll have to work much harder.如果是那种情形的话,你将不得不更加努力地工作。
There were seven cases of cholera.有7起霍乱的病例。
The civil case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件将于下星期审理。
John bought a case of beer.约翰买了一箱啤酒。
①in case意为“因为可能发生某事、以防万一”,是介词短语,在句中作状语,常可置于句尾;也可用做连词,后跟that从句(that常省略),表示条件或目的,从句谓语习惯用should+动词原形(should常省略)或陈述语气。
It may rain—you’d better take an umbrella(just)in case(it does).可能下雨——你最好带把雨伞,以防万一。
In case(=If)he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
He doesn’t dare to leave the house in case(that)he should be recognized.他不敢出门,生怕被认出来。
②in that case意为“既然那样、假若是那样的话”,用来承接上文。
In that case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire. You’d have a house on fire!
You don’t like the job? In that case why don’t you leave?你不喜欢这份工作?那你怎么不辞掉呢?
He may be late. In that case we ought to wait for him.他可能迟到,因此我们应该等他。
③in any case意为“无论如何、总之”。
We have to help him to pay the debt in case.我们无论如何要帮他还债。
④in no case意为“在任何情形下决不、无论如何都不”,用于句首时句子要进行部分倒装。
In no case shall I forget the expression on her face.我决不会忘记她脸上的表情。
⑤in case of sth.意为“若发生某事、如果、假如”,是短语介词,后接名词、代词、-ing形式作宾语。
In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.遇火警时立即按警铃。
In case of rain(=In case it rains),they can’t go.要是下雨,他们就走不了了。
In case of his being absent, we’ll put off the meeting till next week.如果他缺席,我们就会把会议推迟到下周。
⑥in the case of意为“至于、就……来说”,是短语介词。
In the case of your debt, I’ll pay it off for you.至于你的欠款,我会替你还清的。
1. She pretended me when I passed by.
A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not see
分析 A。pretend后可接不定式,不定式的否定形式是在不定式符号to前加not。
2.(NMET 1998)
—Nancy is not coming again.
—But she .
A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised
分析 B。对话的时间是现在,答应的时间在对话之前,所以用过去时态。
3.—Do you know our town at all?
— No, this is the first time I here.
A. was B. am coming C. came D. have been
分析 D。表示第几次到某地要用现在完成时。
4.(NMET 1998)
—Hi, Tracy, you look tired.
—I am tired. I the living-room all day.
A. painted B. had painted
C. have b从题干中I am tired 和all day这时间状语来看,该空的时态应用现在完成进行时。
5.(NMET 2000春)
—You’re drinking too much.
—Only at home. No one me but you.
A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw
分析 C。从句子意思可以判断,这里表示经常性的动作。所以用一般现在时。
6.These kinds of shoes well. een painting D. have painted
分析 C。
A. were not sold B. won’t sold
C. are not sold D. don’t sell
分析 D。当sell表示“销路、行情好坏”时,不用被动语态。有类似用法的词还有cut, write, wash 等词,当它们表达特定含义时,只能用主动语态。




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