人教版 高三 复习教案第一册Unit 13-14

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(SB I—Units 13-14)
A as,at/in/on,like,president,news,death,consider
B tired,well,consider,suggest,need,worry,stop,interest,
A fight against,used to,no more than,become interested in,be against,set up,of one’s own,be free to do sth.,break away from,break out,join up,call for,for the second time
B get along/get along with,be kind to,make fun of,anything else,tell a lie,at all,形容词比较级表示最高级含义
4.spend time/money on sth.
5.spend time in doing sth.
1、break 小结
break 一词常用搭配有:
(1)break out(战争、火灾、争吵、瘟疫等)爆发
A big fire broke out in the city last week.
(2)break away from 脱离
A carriage(车厢)broke away from the train.
(3)break the law 违反法律
Who breaks the law will be punished by the law.
(4)break in 破门而入;打断
He broke in to say that he was not interested in what I was talking about.
(5)break down 损坏;中断
Her fridge has broken down for a long time.
(6)break off 打断;结束;暂停
They were arguing(争论)but broke off when someone came into the room.
(7)break into闯入;侵入
Thieves broke into my house when I was out.
Consider carefully before you decide.
They considered your suggestion.他们仔细考虑了你的建议。
He is considering studying abroad.他在考虑出国留学。
We are considering how to help them.我们在考虑如何帮助他们。
①可用consider+名词+(to be)名词(形容词)或consider+名词+as+名词(形容词)结构,但当不定式为行为动词时,不能省略,不可用于进行时。这样用时相当于that引导宾语从句。例如:
He considers himself(to be)clever(=as clever).=He considers that he is clever.他认为自己很聪明。
I consider him(to be)my closest friend(as my closest friend).=I consider(that)he is my closest friend.我把他视为我最亲密的朋友。
He is considered to have invented the first computer.他被认为是最早发明计算机的人。
I consider it wrong for students to smoke.我认为学生抽烟是不对的。
3.fight against;fight for
fight with,fight against意为“为反对……而战、与……作斗争”,against 后面接的是反对的对象,如:
They are fighting against their enemy.他们在与敌人作战。
Political leaders fought against slavery.政治领导们为了反对奴隶制度而斗争。
fight for 意为“为争取……而斗争、因为……而打架”。如:
Two dogs fight for a bone,and a third runs away with it.两只狗为抢一块骨头而打架,另一只狗把骨头叼走了。
fight with意为“同……(一起并肩)作战、与……作战”,它含有两重意思,试比较:
They fought with the Italian in the last war.他们在最后的这次战争中是与意大利人作战。
They fought with the Italian against France in that war.在那次战争中,他们和意大利联合作战反对法国。
4.no more than;not more than;no more...than;not more...than
no more than 意为“仅仅、只不过”,相当于only。它与数字连用时,意为“仅仅至多”,强调“少”,带有说话者的感情色彩。如:
I am no more than a teacher.我只是个教师而已。
There were no more than two hospitals in this city before liberation.解放前,这座城市里只有两家医院(表示很少)
not more than 后面接数词时,表示“不超过、最多”的意思。用来说明情况,并含有“少”之意,也不带有说话者的主观色彩。如:
There are not more than ten minutes left.最多只剩下10分钟了。(表示客观事实)
“no more+形容词(副词)原级+than”意为“两者同样不”,前面和后面同时否定,带有感情色彩。如:
This tool is no more useful than that one.
“not more+形容词(副词)原级+than”意为“A不比B更……”。这是比较级的正规用法,表示比较的事实,两者都肯定。如:
This tool is not more useful than one.这样工具不及那件工具有用。(两者都有用)
5.shoot sb./sth;shoot at sb./sth.
在shoot sb./sth.中,shoot为及物动词,除了shoot the arrow(射箭)外,其宾语多为射击的对象,即人或动物等。Shoot意为“打中、打死、枪决”。而在shoot at sb./sth.中,shoot为不及物动词,at表示动作的方向或目标,打中与否不得而知。试比较:
He shoot the bear.他打中了那只熊。
He shoot at the bear.他朝那只熊射击。
6. finally at last, in the end.
After putting it off three times,we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.经过三次延期之后,我们终于在希腊度了一次假。
They talked about it for hours.Finally,they decided not to go.他们谈论了几个小时,最后决定不去。
at last 有时可与finally互换,但往往用于一番拖延或曲折之后,语气更强烈。例如:
When at last they found him, he was almost dead.当人们最终找到他时,他已经奄奄一息了。
James has passed his exams at last.詹姆斯终于通过了考试。
in the end指经过许多变化、困难的捉摸不定的情况之后,某事才发生。例如:
We made five different plans for our holiday, but in the end we had a summer camp again.我们制订了五种不同的度假方案,但最后我们还是选定了再来一次夏令营活动。
7.used to ;would; be used to
(1)used to 表示“过去惯常”,但“现在不做了”,指过去的习惯或状态,to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。有两点须注意:
①否定式。used to do sth.的否定式有两种形式:
used not (usedn’t)to do sth.
didn’t use to do sth.例如:
He didn’t use to (usedn’t to)like country music,but now
he is getting interested.
②疑问式。used to do sth.的疑问式也有两种形式。其简短回答中的to通常不予省略,但动词原形常被省略。
Did + sb.(主语)+ use to do sth.?
Used + sb.(主语)+ to do sth.?
Did he use to play basketball?
Used he to play basketball?
I thought I would make lots of new friends.我曾认为我会交上许多新朋友。
“would + 动词原形”表示过去的习惯动作,与used to 同义,但与used to 有别。Used to do表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,同时隐含有“现在已经有所改变”的意思,而“would+do sth.” 可以用来表示“过去经常发生”,但不表示“过去存在的状态”。
She used to say“No pains,no gains”。
她过去常说:“不劳而获”。(used to可以换为would)
I used to live in the countryside.我过去住在农村。(此句的used to不可用would换用)
(3)be used to具有双重含义:
①be used to是use sth.to do sth的被动形式,意为“被用来干某事”,to为不定式符号。例如:Rice may be used to make wine.
②be used to表示“习惯于……,”be可以换为get或become,表示“开始、变得习惯于……”,to 为介词,其后接名词、代词或动词作宾语。例如:
I’m used to English food.
Can you use the sentence pattern?他会用这个句型吗?
She is a pattern for us.她是我们学习的典范。
Have you seen his model ship?你看见过他的船模吗?
example “例子、榜样”,主要指人及其行为和活动被他人信效。如:
Example is better than precept.身教重于言教。
recently 是书面语,常被quite,just,but, very,only等词所修饰,以加强语气。主要用于肯定句中。如:
He’s only recently begun billogy. 他只是最近才开始学生物。
I didn’t know it until quite recently.我一直到最近才知道。
I haven’t seen him lately.我近来没有看到他。
reply和answer均可解作“回答、答道”,但用法有别。reply用做不及物动词时,可用reply to sb./sth.;作及物动词后跟直接引语或宾语从句,但不能直接跟人或物作宾语。如:
Please reply to my question.请回答我的问题。
He replied that he knew the news.他回答说他知道这消息。
answer 用作及物动词,可直接跟名词或代词作宾语,而reply应加to才可接名词或代词。如:
He answered the examination paper quite well.他考卷答得很好。
fail to reply to a question/letter未能回答问题/回信
11.because;because of
because是从属连词引导原因状语从句;而because of是一个合成介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句组成介词短语。如:
I went back not because of the rain,but because I was tired.我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。
Her face turned red because of what he said.他的话使她脸红了。
suggest 在此意为“建议”,后面的宾语从句的谓语用了虚拟语气,其结构是:should do或do,否定形式为:should not do或not do.如:
I suggested that LiMing (should)be sent to the south.
I suggested that he (should)not do it today.我建议他今天先不要做。
His smile suggested that he was quite satisfied with our work.他的微笑表示他对我们的工作很满意。
I suggest that you don’t ask him home for the vacation.我建议你假期不要邀他回家去。(句中用don’t ask,而没有用should not ask或not ask)
I suggest that Robert might go to Beijing and have a talk with Mr Wu.我建议罗伯特去北京同吴先生谈一谈。(句中用might go而没有用should go 或go)
13.like 用法小结
(1)like 用做动词(及物)通常表示一般的“喜欢”,为口语用词,词意没有love感情强烈,反义词为hate。
①like + n.(pron.)
Does Li Ming like bananas?李明喜欢吃香蕉吗?
Do you like it?你喜欢它吗?
②like + v.-ing(动名词)
Do you like working in China?你喜欢在中国工作吗?
③like + to + v.(不定式)
I like to keep busy.我喜欢生活得紧张。
④would like(=would love)后接名词、代词或不定式,多用于有礼貌地提出要求,意为“想要、愿意”。
Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么吗?
I’d like two sweaters for my daughter.我要给我女儿买两件运动衫。
Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?
⑤How do you like...?(=What do you think of...?)此句型用于询问对方对某人(物)的看法,意为“你觉得 ……怎么样?”
How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样?
(2)like 用做介词,意为“像……一样”,反义词为unlike。
 ①like 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。
Don’t throw it like that .别那样扔它。
They’re round,like the moon.它们是圆的,像月亮一样。
Walking on the moon is just like flying .在月球上行走就像飞一样。
②look like意为“看起来像……一样”。
It looks like a chicken.它看起来像一只鸡。
③feel like+v-ing意为“想……”。
I had a little,but I don’t feel like eating.我吃了一点,可我不想吃。
④What’s the weather like...?(=How’s the weather like...?)此句型用来询问天气情况,意为“……天气怎么样?”。
What’s the weather like in Australia now?现在澳大利亚天气情况怎么样?
II 句型
1.As a child….:As/When he was a child…,小的时候,该句型中的as为连词,意为“在……的时候”,引导时间状语从句。当从句与主句主语一致,且从句谓语为be时,可将从句主语及be省略。
①Even as(he was)a student,Professor Smith showed great interest in maths.甚至上学的时候,史密斯教授对数学就很感兴趣。
②As(he was)a boy,he liked playing table tennis with the grown-ups.小时候,他就喜欢和大人们打乒乓球。
2.do all sb.can to do sth.:do what sb.can to do sth.尽某人的所能做某事
all 后面为that 所引导的定语从句,that在从句中作宾语已被省略;can后面为避免重复省略了do;后面的to do sth.为不定式(短语)作目的状语。all(that)sb.can(do)相当于宾语从句what sb.can(do)。
①I’ll do all I can to help you.我将尽力帮助你。
②He did all he could to improve his spoken English. 他尽了最大努力来提高英语口语水平。
3.no more than:only仅仅;只有。具有感情色彩,强调“少”。与no less than 相对。
Not more than:less than;at most不到;至多。说明客观事实。与not less than相对。
①He has no more than 20 yuan.他只有20元钱。(强调钱“少”)
He has not more than 20 yuan.他有不到20元钱。(说明客观事实)
②No less than 50 people attended the meeting.参加会议的人不少于50多个。(强调“多”)
Not less than 50 people attended the meeting.参加会议的有50多人。(说明客观事实)
①you are no taller than I.你并不比我高。(我们两人都矮)
you are not taller than I.你不如我高。
②This question is no more diffcult than that one.这个问题并水比那个(容易的)问题难。
This question is not more diffcult than that one.这个问题不如那个问题难。
4.In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected president….1860年林肯被选为总统。
5.suggest vt.建议;提议。有三种常用句式(但不能说suggest sb.to do sth.)。
(1)suggest sth.
①Who suggested the plan?谁提出的这项计划?
②She suggested Shanghai for their meeting.他提议在上海会面。
(2)suggest doing sth.(不能接不定式)
①He suggested going for a swim in the river after lunch.他提议午饭后去河里游泳。
②I suggest talking with him as soon as possible.我建议尽快和他谈。
(3)suggest than……此时的宾语从句通常用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+原形”,should可以省略。
①I suggested (that)Jane(should)start at once.我建议简马上出发。
②I suggested Jack not wear the sweater.我建议杰克不要穿背心。
③We suggested he be punished.我们提议惩罚他。
①The smile on her face suggested she was very happy.脸上的微笑说明她很高兴。
②His silence suggested that he didn’t agree with us.沉默不语表明他不同意我们的意见。
①Why don’t you do sth.……?你怎不……?
②Why not do sth.?(上句的省略)为什么不……?
③You’d better do sth.你最好是……。
①Why don’t you ask them to help you?你怎么不叫他们帮助你呢?
②Why not/don’t you go for a walk with them?为什么不和他们一块去散步呢?
③You’d better go to see a doctor this afternoon.你最好下午去看医生。
7.What do you think I should do?你认为我该怎么办?
其中的do you think看作插入语,相当于what should I do,do you think?
①I think Tom is the best student in our class.我认为汤姆是我们班最好的学生。划线Tom 提问则得:Who do you think is the best student in our class?你认为谁是我们最好的学生?
(不能说:Do you think who is the best student in our class?)
②What do you think is going to happen next?你认为下一步要发生什么事。
③Which way do you think is better?你认为哪个方法较好呢?
题1(上海 2000)
—Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?
—Sorry.I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to______.
A.spend B.spare C.share D.stop
题2(NMET 1993)
Charles Babbage is generally considered_______ the first computer.
A.to invent B.inventing
C.to have invented D.having invented
分析:C。is considered to(=is thought to...)被认为……,句中的consider不作“考虑”讲,所以排除B,D两选项。Invent的动作发生在过去,即is considered之前,所以应用完成时。
题3(NMET 2000)
It was an exciting moment for these tooball fans this year,______for the first time in years their team won the world cup.
A.that B.while C.which D.when
分析:D。分析该题句子结构可以看到前后句意完整,而后句意为“数年里是今年头次赢得世界杯”。this year在后句中作状语,所有应选择表时间的关系副词when。
题4(上海 2000)
Our English teacher______our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.
A.asked B.ordered C.suggested D.required
题5 (NMET 2002)
It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ________.
A.it what to do with B.what to do it with
C.what to do with it D.to do what with it
分析:C。该题考查“疑问句+不定式”短语用法,动词短语do with,多与what连用构成特殊疑问,What do you do with it?其中it作介词with的宾语,do也是一个及物动词,它的宾语就是疑问词what引导的从句。在本题是what to do with it 作knows的宾语。
题6 (NMET 1997)
—Alice ,why didn’t you come yesterday?
—I_______, but I had an unexpected visitor.
A.had B.would C.was going to D.did




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