人教版 高三 Unit 10 American Literature |
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单元教学目标 语言知识和语言技能 掌握下列单词和词组 garbage, maid, prince, outcome, penny, grocery, bakery, weep, furnish, shabby, mailbox, bell, rag, rare, garment, worn, carpet, barbershop, haircut, anecdote, booklet, mutton, stove, baggage, pale, prayer, approve, anyhow, shave, comb, tortoise, flash, simplify,attend to, take pride in, do up, let down, fix sth on / upon sb, at length 复习动词时态,能较为准确地使用各种时态。 学会谈论美国文学和评价文学作品。 学习写故事摘要并加以简单评论。 (二)情感目标 体会真挚的爱情,学会多为别人考虑。 观察体会身边周围发生的各种关于爱的事情,并与他人分享。 (三)学习策略 听力策略。如:预测,归纳,抓关键词,听后讨论等。 阅读策略。如:跳读,寻读,预测,猜词,概括,与他人讨论等。 资源策略。充分利用、学习课本资源,适当利用课外及网络资源。 参考网站:http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/m_r/randall/life.htm http://iteslj.org/ http://www.xieying.net/orin/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=983 http://www.en8848.com/Article/Class9/Class10/2004-10-26/436.html http://www.4english.cn/ http://www.englishcat.com/ http://a4esl.org/q/h/vm/verbtense.html (四)文化意识 了解美国主要的文学家及他们的主要作品。 通过故事情节,了解了圣诞节在西方人的生活中的重要性。 II. 教材分析 本单元以美国文学(American literature)为中心话题,通过诗歌欣赏,讨论美国文学的主题和阅读文学名著等学习方式,使学生对美国文学的特点以及发展历史和现状有一定的认识和了解,并能学会判断和描述一部文学作品的主题、内容梗概和写作方法;能够运用所学的语言知识和技能听懂以对话形式对文学俱乐部举行的某些活动的评论,如成功和失败之处、优点和缺点所在等;并能用英语谈论美国文学作品,包括判断主题、分析写作特点、讨论作品主人公的个性、总结中心思想,描写故事情景等,并对作品加以评论。 WARMING UP部分用美国黑人诗人达德利·兰德尔(Dudley Randall)的一首小诗 “Ancestors”激发学生了解美国文学的兴趣,并使学生对美国黑人的诗歌有一个初步认识。它既呈现了本单元的中心话题—American literature,又以回答问题的形式帮助学生以这首小诗为线索去探究美国文学的特点,列举美国文学的主题和故事类型,为以后关于“American literature”的进一步听、说、读、写的学习打下基础。 LISTENING是一篇对话,Ben, Ann and Lily正在为俱乐部组织一次英语活动,活动的内容也有关美国文学,但听力的重点是了解阅读俱乐部的优越性。该部分设置的问题是:分析本次活动成功的原因和一些英语角活动不成功的原因,题目设计有一定难度。但是通过这项任务的完成,能够培养学生抓住听力材料中的要点信息、同时加以分析和总结的能力。 SPEAKING 是一项对话练习,要求学生就美国文学的主题进行讨论。文学是一面镜子,往往能反映一个国家重要历史时期和重要事件。这部分给出四幅图片,运用已有的关于美国的历史知识去判断每幅图片有可能表达的一部文学作品的主题是什么。这项设计的特点是:①让学生使用有关谈论文学作品的特点、人物以及故事发生的时间、地点等方面的语言交流自己对某些文学作品看法和观点;②丰富学生谈论文学作品的语言,包括词汇和句型等;③激发学生对美国文学的兴趣,并加深对美国文学的了解,为今后喜爱阅读更多的美国文学作品的原著打下初步的基础。 READING 是一部短篇小说,改编自美国著名短篇小说家欧·亨利的著名短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》。文章讲述了一对穷困的年轻夫妇为互赠圣诞礼物而忍痛卖掉引以自豪的长发和祖传金表,却换来了不再起作用的发梳和表链的故事,反映了美国下层人民生活的艰难和辛酸,赞美了主人公善良的心地和相濡以沫的爱情。文章情节生动,构思巧妙,文笔简短而精练,结局出人意料。 POST-READING 部分设计了三类任务,其中第一类是针对文章的理解,评价学生对文章理解的程度 (Exx.1—4) ;第二类是要求学生以根据课文做出的正误判断题为线索写一篇描述德拉的短文 (Ex.5) ;第三类任务要求学生根据已知的故事情节推断小说后半部分的故事情节将会怎样发展 (Ex.6) 。后两项任务具有很大的灵活性和挑战性,同时又能激发学生的兴趣和想象能力。 LANGUAGE STUDY 分为词汇和语法两项。词汇部分帮助学生学习用适合的形式和意义使用重点词汇和短语,旨在培养学生运用英语词汇和短语的能力。语法项目是复习动词的各种时态。在这部分练习中,学生同时能了解和学习有关作者O Henry 的生平。 INTEGRATING SKILLS 包括读和写两部分。该部分是READING的续篇。在这部分中,小说的故事情节有了戏剧性的发展和出乎意料、却又在情理之中的结局。该部分的教学重点是分析文章的写作特点和表现手法并启发学生细心体会作者是如何以文学作品为载体去表达一个深刻的思想内涵的。写作部分的任务有两项:一是根据所给出的四幅图片描写本篇小说的故事情节;二是写一篇这部小说的摘要并对此加以评论以提高学生的写作能力。 III. 教材内容处理 根据本单元的特点要求和我校学生的具体情况,我将本单元的教材做以下处理: 从话题内容上分析,warming up 和speaking 的内容关系密切; listening 部分虽然与单元话题有关,但如果它置于warming up 和 speaking之间,不利于话题的衔接。所以,我从英语学习引入,先上listening,讨论英语俱乐部活动的内容、优点,到warming up 的关于控诉奴隶制的小诗,再讨论其它的文学形式和主题,即speaking的内容,三者组成第一课时。打破了常规,但更有利于课堂上话题的衔接,课堂环节的衔接更加自然。 Reading部分和Integrating skills部分都是关于欧·亨利的短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》,为了故事的完整性,我将两课阅读整合,但还是用两个课时来处理。第一节课,主要是整体阅读,通过问题的回答了解故事的主要内容及部分细节,两部分之间让学生“预测”来连接。因为故事中对女主人公的内心世界,行为进行了详细地描写,而对男主人公给描写给读者留下了很大的空间,所以阅读完成之后,我让学生展开想象,想象男主人公打算买礼物,回家路上,见了妻子后,知道妻子为他所做的一切之后等一系列思想活动。第二课时,主要对故事进行细的处理,从小说的三要素引入,复习故事的主要内容,然后对人物的语言、情感进行分析,探讨作者的写作技巧。之后,让学生创造性地想象故事的继续发展:主人公Della如何筹钱赎回丈夫的金表。接着,呈现课后的四幅图片,看图说话,复习故事的主要情节,口头叙述故事,为写作做好准备。最后,用作者欧·亨利的原话来进一步归纳主题,并让学生讨论除了夫妻间的爱,人世间还有什么其它的爱,进一步深化主题。 Language Study 也用两个课时。第四课时,处理两阅读课中的难句和语言点,包括word study,并让学生任选五个或五个以上的短语编故事。(这个练习能促使学生积极主动使用学过的短语进行富有想象力的创作,从而提高学生的综合利用语言的能力,有利于培养学生的想象力和创造力。) Grammar单独一节课作为第五课时,内容是复习所有动词时态,内容多,并且重要。先让学生自己课前进行归纳,上课检查复习,然后用一个含有多种时态小故事复习各种时态名称、结构及用法。再用一个Flash巩固各种时态的用法。 语法训练是这节课的重点。根据教学大纲、高考考试说明和平时掌握情况,复习应该侧重动词时态在具体语言环境中的运用。因此,所有的练习材料都应该围绕动词时态的运用来设计。根据高考题型及学生认知特点,由易到难我设计安排了四个练习题:单项选择、完成句子,语篇填空和短文改错(选做)。 最后用近几年有关动词时态考察的高考题来作为家庭作业,进一步提升巩固时态的用法。 Workbook中的练习处理。删减了Listening部分和Talking 部分。vocabulary 中的练习1和练习2作为词汇复习的作业。练习3作为学生复述的例子,也可作为课堂练习巩固课文内容的检测。语法练习作为语法课作业的补充。Integrating Skills中的阅读作为泛读补充。 即: 1st Period Listening, warming up & speaking 2nd Period Reading (I) 3rd Period Reading (II) 4th Period Language points & Word Study 5th Period Grammar (注:经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用5课时完成,但我校通常再加2节练习课,或复习课以完成一些配套练习。) IV. 单元教学设计的亮点: Listening内容的改编,降低难度。Warming up 和Speaking相连,浑然一体。 Reading 的第二课时处理灵活巧妙,并有意识地培养学生对外国文学的鉴赏能力。通过形式多样的课堂活动,训练了学生的口头表达能力、想象力和创造力。 语法复习时,让学生自己归纳,主动学习。课上将语法用在情景语境中学习,并用了Flash, 激发了兴趣,活跃了气氛。语法练习的设计安排由浅入深。 4.Speaking部分由于学生程度的关系,处理较为简单,但在后面的设计中学生的口头练习机会多,而且有话可说,弥补了不足。 V. 分课时教案 Period 1 Teaching Objectives: 1. Learn and master the following: leave…behind, be proud of, garbage, maid, prince, 2. Do some listening and practise some listening strategies, like summarizing, predicting etc. 3. Learn a poem and understand the meaning of it and learn something about American literature. Teaching Important Points: 1. Train the students’ listening strategy——predicting. 2. Understand the listening material and the poem. Teaching Difficult Point: How to improve the students’ listening ability Teaching Methods: 1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening materials. 2.Individual,pair of group work to make every student work in class. 3. Reading aloud. Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.the multimedia 3.the blackboard Teaching procedure: Step 1 Lead in T: We’ve learned English for a few years. Which do you find most difficult, listening ,speaking, reading, or writing? In your opinion, what can we do to improve our spoken English? Or what kind of activities can you think of to practise English in a way that makes it fun? Collect the students’ answers. T: Have you ever taken part in an English Corner? What do you think of it? Have you heard of reading club? Can you guess what people can do in a reading club? Collect the students’ answers. Step 2 Pre-listening Go through the questions in Listening on P83,and try to guess what the listening material is about, and get the students to guess the answers. Step 3 While-listening Play the tape and try to get the answer to the question: What activity are Ben, Ann and Lily organising? Listen to the tape and try to fill in the gaps. Besides, it is more and more difficult to find _________________ to come and talk to us. In an ________ ____________ , the topics are always ______ _______. You often don’t know what else to talk about. So we got together and decided to _______ another kind of ________. (Who?____________) The last story we read together was the ______ of _____ ______, by Jack London and before that we read a few _________ stories by Mark Twain. I am just reading for _________. I think the Club ______ me to read more and ______ more. (Who?____________) I would recommend everyone to join a ______ ______. It’s an _________ and ____________ way of speaking English. You also _______ more about life and literature in ______________ countries.(goal: get the students to catch the key words, making the question answering easy.) (Who?____________) Step 4 Post-listening Why is this activity successful, while the English Corner is not ? At least two reasons. T: Now there is a chance for us to experience it . Step 5 A poem Skimming Skim the poem with the question: What kind of text is the one you have just read? Reading Read the poem and try to answer the following questions: 1) What is it about and what does it mean? Can you guess who wrote the poem, a white poet or a black one? Is this American literature or English literature? Could it be written by a poet from another country? What makes you think so? Introduce some information about the writer. Get the information on the Internet. http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/m_r/randall/life.htm Or give the Ss a reading material about Dudley Randall, do a fast reading with several sentences to decide True or False. Poet, publisher, editor, and founder of Broadside Press. Dudley Randall was born 14 January 1914 in Washington, D.C. His first published poem appeared in the Detroit Free Press when he was thirteen. Randall worked in the post office while earning degrees in English and library science (1949 and 1951).for the next five years he was librarian at Morgan State and Lincoln(Mo.) universities, returning to Detroit in 1956 to a position in the Wayne County Federated Librarian and poet in residence at the University of Detroit, retiring in 1974. When “Ballad of Birmingham,” written in response to the 1963 bombing of a church in which four girls were killed, was set to music and recorded, Randall established Broadside Press in 1965, printing the poem on a single sheet to protect his rights. Following the 1967 riot in Detroit, Randall published Cities Burning(1968),a group of thirteen poems. In all his life, he was regarded as a pioneer in independent African American book publishing and he is sure to be remembered for his poems as well. ( )1.Dudley Randall was a British poet and he liked to write for blacks. ( )2.When he was fifteen, his first poem appeared in the Detroit Free Press. ( )3.His family was rich enough so that he didn’t have to work as a librarian while he was studying English degree in college. ( )4. “Ballad of Birmingham” was written in response to the 1963 bombing of a church in which four girls were killed. ( )5.Dudley Randall was thought to be both a great publisher and an outstanding poet. Deal with some key words: kings and queens, the common people, pigs, the Old Country . What’s the theme of the poem? T: After class,try to read some other poems of Dudley Randall. E.g: Ballad of Birmingham Step 6 Discussion T: Slavery is one of the major themes in literature of America. Think about the history and life in the United States. What special themes and sort of stories would you expect to find in American literature? Look at the pictures and guess what theme each of them would be about. Can you name some famous writers and their works? Get the students to have a short discussion and try to report their answers. Step 7 Summary and Homework T: In this class, we’ve done some listening and read a poem. We’ve also talked about the magor themes in literature of America. Try to find some good English poems or some short stories and share with your classmates next period. Try to find as much information as you can about O Henry. So much for today .Goodbye, everyone! Period 2 Teaching objectives: 1. To enjoy O.Henry’s classical works. 2. To learn how to read short stories To retell the story in their own words. To learn some new words and phrases To train the students’ reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, summarizing. Teaching Important Points: 1. To train the students’ reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, summarizing. 2. Enable the students to understand the story and try to retell it. 3. How to get the students to master the useful expressions. Teaching Difficult Points: Retell the story in the very period. Teaching Methods: 1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. 2. Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage. 4. Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. A tape recorder 2. A multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Revision 1.Get the students to share their findings, such as short poems, stroies. 2. Guide the students to get to know some famous American writers and their works by matching the books with the writers. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer ---- Mark Twain The Beast in the Jungle ----Henry James A Farewell to Arms ----- Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea ----- Ernest Hemingway Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ----Mark Twain The Gift of the Magi ---- O Henry The Call of the Wild ----Jack London The Scarlet Letter ---- Nathaniel Hawthorne 3. What do you know about O Henry?(consult Appendix III) Step 2. Scanning T: The gift of the Magi is retitled by the editor as A Sacrifice for Love. After reading the story, you will know the reason. Read the passage and try to answer the questions: Who are the main characters in the story? What’s the relationship between them? What are Jim’s wages? What kind of flat do they live? Were they rich? Find the sentences to support your ideas. What are the couple’s two most precious possessions? What price does Della pay to buy her present? How does she get the money? Does Della think having a haircut will make Jim happy? How do you know? Step 3. Predicting What do you think will happen? Get the students to use their imagination and guess the ending of the story. Step 4 Reading Read the second part of the story with the question: What was Jim’s reaction when he saw Della? Then try to finish the following questions. 1.How did Della expect Jim to react when he saw her? A. happy B. angry C. disappointed D. both B and C 2. What did Jim buy for Della ? A. a shampoo B. a hat C. A comb D. A new overcoat 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the story? A. The day before Christmas Della was worried because she had only saved one dollar and eighty-seven cents for Jim’s Christmas present. B. The young couple lived a hard life but they loved each other deeply. C. Della was very nervous and worried before she heard Jim’s step when he came back home from work. D. When Della saw her present, she was so happy to get the expensive combs that she burst into tears. 4.Which of the following is true according to the story? A. The Christmas day was coming. Della was very happy and she was looking forward to it. B. Jim and Della were both cried when they saw each other’s present. C. Jim didn’t love Della any more when he saw that she had her hair cut off. D. Jim sold his gold watch out of his love for Della. 5. What does the story mainly tell us? A. How to celebrate a happy Christmas for a young and rich couple. B. How to choose Christmas presents for couples. C.A love story between a young and poor couple. D. Money is love. Step 5 Paraphrase some difficult sentences Find the sentences in the passages and try to explain in English.(tell the students how to “Paraphrase” sentences.) 1.Pennies saved…until one’s cheeks burnt. 2. In the hall below was a mailbox into which no letter would go. 3. Twenty dollars doesn’t go far. 4. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. 5. Many happy hours had she spent planning for something nice for him. 6. Down flowed the brown cascade. 7. There was no other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. 8. Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company. 9. Della doubled the chain in her hand 10. The dull precious metal seemed to flash, as if reflecting her bright spirit. Step 5 Summary What’s the clue of the story? What do the main characters do to show their true love? What’s the main idea of the story? What’s the meaning of the title? Retell the story briefly in your own words.(Pair work ) Then get several students to retell the story. Step 6.Imagination Imagine what Jim was thinking about in the following four periods. One group one topic,and discuss in small groups of four. How he decided to buy his wife a gift On his way home The moment he saw Della with short hair After he knew what Della had done for him ( Goal: 1.To develop the students’ imagination 2. To understand their love more deeply and sublime the students’ feelings.) Step 7 Homework Try to finish the exercises in the Post-reading on Page85 and Page 89. Finish the exercises in Word Study on Page 86. Which character speaks the following lines and what do these lines tell us about their character? • And now I think we should have our dinner. • Will you buy my hair? • I sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs. • You've cut off your hair? • Isn't it perfect, Jim? • What could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents? • Don't you like me now? • You won't care, will you? Re-tell the story by putting the lines in order. Period 3 Teaching objectives: 1. To understand the story better. 2. To learn how to read short stories 3. To learn to respect other’s love and think of others more than themselves 4.To develop imagination and creativity Teaching Important Points: To analyze the feelings of the main characters. To learn the writing style of O Henry. Teaching Difficult Points: To analyze the feelings of the main characters. Teaching Methods: 1.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students understand the story better 2. Group work to make sure every student can take part in the activities Teaching Aids: 1. A tape recorder 2. A multimedia Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Talk about the elements of a story. Setting What is the setting of the story? Think about time and place. Character How many characters are in the story? Can you name them? Which character speaks the following lines and what do these lines tell us about their character? • And now I think we should have our dinner. • Will you buy my hair? • I sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs. • You've cut off your hair? • Isn't it perfect, Jim? • What could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents? • Don't you like me now? • You won't care, will you? Re-tell the story by putting the lines in order. Answers And now I think we should have our dinner. Jim: He doesn't want either of them to worry or think too much about their new gifts and lost possessions. He just wants them to enjoy Christmas together. Will you buy my hair? Della: She is willing to sacrifice her beautiful hair to be able to buy a nice gift for her husband. I sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs. Jim: He is willing to sell his most prized possession, his watch, to buy Della a nice gift. You've cut off your hair? Jim: He realizes that Della will not need the combs he bought her for a while. Isn't it grand, Jim? Della:She really wants to make Jim happy. What could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents? Della: She doesn't have very much money and she is worried that she can't buy a nice present for Jim. Don't you like me now? Della: She is worried that Jim will not like her with short hair. You won't care, will you? Della: She is worried that Jim will not like her with short hair. In what order are the lines spoken in the story? (2, 6, 8, 4, 7, 5, 3, 1) Plot What is the climax of the story? What is the end of the story? What are the characteristics of the story? The ending of the story is surprising. Step 2. Analyzing the feelings T: What’s the clue/chain of the story?(Repeat the structure of the story) --------- LOVE T: How does the writer describe the deep love of the main characters? Eg: Jim loved Della deeply . Find out sentences showing his love to Della. Conclusion: By way of words and actions. T: Another example. Della didn’t have enough to buy Jim a gift. She was sad. Get the feelings of Della from what she said and did.(find the sentences in the passages) Collect the students’ sentences and explain something difficult. T: Find another example and try to analyze it in the same way.(homework) (goal: To learn to analyze the feelings of the characters by his or her actions and words.) Step 3 Creativity Jim gave up his watch to buy a gift for Della, and Della thought of him more than herself. So she really wanted to buy back Jim’s watch. How could she raise the money? ( Goal: to develop the students’ creativity) Step 4 Discussion(group work) At the end of the story, O.Henry seems to be saying two different things. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions “And here I have told you the story of two children who were not wise. Each sold the most valuable thing he owned in order to buy a gift for the other. But let me speak a last word to the wise of these days: Of all who give gifts, these two were the most wise.” Who are the two children? Jim and Della Why does O' Henry refer to them as "children"? Although they are both young adults, they are simple like children in many ways. How were they unwise? They sold valuable things to buy gifts that they didn't really need to buy in the first place, because they were truly in love. How were they wise? They thought only of the other person and not of themselves when they gave their gifts.The main theme of the short story: Love is the greatest gift of all. (Goal: to understand the story better.) Step 5 Reading aloud Play the tape for the students to follow. Step 6.Writing T: Well, now you’ve learned the story,and I hope you can recommend it to your friends. You can describe the plot to make them interested in it; or you can write a summary of the story and give your own opinion about the story. 1.Get the students to describe the pictures on Page 89 Picture1:Della, poor, bargained when buying necessities in daily life to save money for the present for Jim. Picture2: Proud of her beautiful hair, fought with her own mind before finally decided to sell it to get some money. Picture3: Jim, sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs for Della. Picture4: Both of the presents couldn’t be used, but they got real love. Then describe the plot of the story and give your opinions on it to each other orally. Write it down as your homework. Step 7.Summary •T:The proverb “Love is the greatest gift of all” best describes the main theme of A Sacrifice For Love (The Gift of the Magi) .this is the love beween husband and wife.Besides Love between husband and wife. Can you name some other kinds of love? There are other kinds of love. Love between parents and children, friends, classmates, teachers and students. There’s even love to a stranger , animals and to the whole world. Think of your own story about love or the story you have heard or read about love and share them tomorrow. ( Goal: To further understand the theme----love) Step 8 Homework Write the plot down as homework. Try to share with classmates your own story about love or the story you have heard or read about love. Try to read another short novel of O Henry, “The Last Leaf”, for example. Period 4 Teaching objectives: Review the story . Learn the use of some words and useful expressions. Teaching Important Points: 1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence or passage. 2. Learn the use of some key words and useful expressions Teaching Difficult Point: Master the use of the key words and useful expressions. Teaching Methods: 1. Grammar method. 2. Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct and indirect objects. 3. Individual, pair work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. The blackboard 2. The multimedia Step 1 Revision Check some students’ writing orally. Step 2 Phrases Have a competition to find all the phrases. Live in a furnished flat attend to her cheeks be worthy of take pride in search for do up be covered with take a second look at double the watch chain Step 3. Language points Deal with some of the phrase above in detail and make sure the students can use them. 1. Pennies saved one or two at a time by bargaining at the grocery, at the bakery and the butcher’s until one’s cheeks burnt.... 句中的at a time 是“一次”的意思。 其同义词是once. 但once还有“曾经”的意思. e.g. We can’t do two things at a time. 注意 at a time和以下这些短语的区别: at one time: (过去)有个时期, 一度 at any time: 无论何时, 随时 2…Della finished crying and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. (Para3) Translate the following sentences. Doctor Manette attended to a young peasant boy and girl, who had been wounded … P197 The nurse attended to the wounded day and night. Are you being attended to, sir? Could you attend to this matter immediately? Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. (Para3) Learn some phrases about “ expense” at great/considerable/vast expenses at the expense of sb / sth. at one’s / one’s own expense. Travel/medical/living expenses 4. Something fine and rare --- something worthy of the honor of owned by Jim. (Para3) It was a gold watch chain. It was worthy of the Watch. (Para8) 5.. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her. And then she quickly did it up again. (Para5) 6.. Della doubled the watch chain in her hand …. What does double mean in the following sentences: A. She got double scholarships B. Double the carpet, and cover it on the baby. 7.. Poor fellow, he was only twenty-two ---- and to be burdened with a family! and to be burdened with a family → He was to be burdened with a family 8.. His eyes were fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read. be fixed upon →__stare at__ in them → in his eyes__ eg: She was _____ frightened that she could not _____ her thoughts on anything. A. so; fix B. so; spend C. such; fix D. such; spend 9. I have my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. have one’s hair cut have sth done couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present → If I __________ you a present , I couldn’t have lived through Christmas. Eg: 今天下午我要去修理我的自行车。 10. However, she hugged them to her breast, and at length she was able to look up and smile and say: “My hair grows so fast, Jim!” Step 4 Word study Correct the answers to the exercises in Word Study and make sure the students can understand them. Step 5 Homework Revise the words and phrases learned in this period and choose at least five of them to make up a story . Share your stories tomorrow. Write out the forms of different verb tenses. Period 5. Grammar Teaching objectives: To revise all the verb tenses and learn how to use them correctly. Teaching important points: The usage of all the verb tenses. Teaching difficult points How to teach the students to master the usage of all the verb tenses. Teaching methods Concluding, summarizing and practice Teaching aids A projector and a computer Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Get some students to read their stories aloud and give a short comment. Show one student’s homework about the tenses. Step 2 Presentation Show a short passage on the screen: Get the students to read through the passage and line out the different tenses in the short passage. Tom is my good friend. Last Sunday, I asked him, “Dare you break the school rules?” “Certainly. I’ll make you a great surprise.” The next day at 8 o’clock., I found Tom was riding a bike in the schoolyard, which broke school rules badly. Now, Tom has been punished. He has been sweeping all of the six floors in the Teaching Building for three days. Now I’m helping him because I had promised him before that whenever he was in trouble, I would share with him together. Lead the Ss to review the tenses and the Ss answer with the teacher’s adding and correcting.(Write the verb/ verb phrases on the blackboard, then the name of the tense, at last , the form of the verb, for example: asked, 一般过去时,did) Play a flash about the usage of the tenses and get the students to consolidate it. Step 3 Exercises 1.Multiple choice :An extra exercise on Internet.(in a way of competition) http://a4esl.org/q/h/vm/verbtense.html (This exercise is easy and covers the main verb tenses and can be done on the Internet, which interest the Ss.) By the end of the year, she ___ with a degree in business. already graduates will have already graduated has already graduated Answer b As soon as I ___ home, it started to rain heavily. get got will have gotten Answer b We ___ the chance to visit many museums in Paris last vacation. had had had have had Answer a I ___ on this project for days without success. have been worked have been working had being worked Answer b Don't worry. She ___ by herself. is used to living is used to live used to living Answer a I ___ hard until I pass the TOEFL. will study study have studied Answer a Next month we ___ our 5th wedding anniversary. will be celebrated will have been celebrating will be celebrating Answer c If you ___ it, give it a go. didn't try haven't tried hadn't tried Answer b I wish I ___ a millionaire so I could travel all over the world. was had been were Answer c He ___ to class this morning because he was sick. didn't come hadn't come hasn't come Answer a He ___ it on purpose. denied having done denied have done denied done Answer a Children ___ to free education. should entitle should be entitled should to be entitled Answer b ___ a UFO? Did you ever see Do you ever see Have you ever seen Answer c Whenever I ___ talk to my boss, I get butterflies in my stomach. had to will have to have to Answer c They ___ together for five years when they decided to get married. had been have been were Answer a While the reporter ___ the policeman, the robber escaped. interviewing was interviewing had been interviewing Answer b She ___ extremely quiet since her husband died. is has been was Answer b If he ___ with his girlfriend, he ___ now. hadn't broken up / wouldn't be suffering hadn't broken up / wouldn't suffer didn't break up / wouldn't be suffering Answer a 2.Complete sentences and a passage. Get the students to do some exercises for consolidation. P87-88 Try to correct each other’s answers in pairs first and then give them the correct answers. Step 4 Summary and homework Today we have reviewed eight kinds of verb tenses.(Write them on the blackboard.) And we have also done some exercises to consolidate them. After class, you need to do more exercises and try to read a grammar book about verb tenses to master them better. Homework: P220-221 Ex1-2 An exercise about verb tenses(近几年高考题) Make up a story and try to use as many tenses as possible. |
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