人教版 高三Unit 13-14 单元要点归纳(含配套练习)

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SB3 Revision for Unit 13-14 单元要点归纳
1. be considerate of sb. 体谅某人
联想:take sth. into consideration 考虑某事
considering prep. 就… 而论; 考虑到
2. convince sb. of sth 使某人相信某事
convince sb. that… 使某人相信 convincing adj.有说服力的
be convinced of sth. 深信某事
be convinced that 深信….
3. commit a mistake / error 犯错误
commit sth to sb. 把某物托付给某人
commit sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱
commit sb to do /doing 责成某人做某事
commit sth. to memory 把某事记住
4. set about (doing) 开始做;着手处理
set out (to do) 开始做;着手处理
set down 放下;搁下;记下;写下
set aside 拨出/节省;对..不予考虑/把…置于一旁;驳回/撤消
set in (疾病、坏天气等)开始来临===
set off 1)出发 2)使爆炸 3)衬托;使更为突出
set up 建立(事业);成立(组织)
be set in 为(故事、戏剧等)构设背景。

5.be guilty of a crime 犯了罪 have a guilty conscience 问心无愧
6.accuse sb. of sth (= charge sb. with sth ) 指责/控告某人某事
be under accusation 被控告
7.be vital to 对…非常重要 be of vital importance 极其重要的
8. pass on 1)传下来;传给(后代) 2)离去;往前
pass away 去世;死
pass by 漠视;不理会
pass down 传递(=pass on )
9. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好干….
10. live/lead a sad / lonely life 过着悲惨/孤独的生活
11. go wrong 出毛病,走错路
12.keep off 勿踏;让开 keep out 勿入;(使)在外 反义词 keep in
13.even though /even if 即使( 引导让步状语从句)从句中可用虚拟语气
14. be mistaken about sth/sb. 弄错 mistake… for… 误认
15.first of all = as the first thing 表示其后的内容先于其他发生
above all = more important than anything else 表示“特别重要的是/尤其是”强调其后的内容不同寻常,比其他重要。
16. protect …. from… 保护…不受侵害
prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
keep sb. from doing sth. 让某人避开做某事
persuade sb. from doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事
17. make a beeline for :走近路,走直路
The hungry boy made a beeline for dinner. 那个饥饿的男孩直奔回家吃饭.
18. come to light 显露,暴露,被发现 bring …to light 将…曝光,揭露
throw/cast light on/ upon 使明白,解释
19. 1) (=be busy with) “忙于” What are the children up to now?
2)“由某人负责” It’s up to you to take care of the children.
up to 3) “胜任;适于” He is still not up to the age.
4) 后接表示时间的词语,表示“直到某个时间”。
I haven’t heard from him up to now.
20.compare … to ….把…比做…. compare …. with …. 把…与… 进行比较
compare with/ to 和… 比较…(常用于句首或句尾做插入语)
21.tell …apart… 把…区分开来 tell A from B 辨别A 和B(= distinguish..from..)
22.be anxious about 为… 担忧… be anxious for sth. 渴望(了解;得到)
be eager for sth. 盼望;想得到 be eager to do 渴望做某事
be worried about 为…发愁 be curious about sth. 对…好奇
23. over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地
24. 1)前进,进来 He came up to me and held my hands tightly.
2)上升 The sun came up at that time.
come up 3)长出,发芽 These seeds haven’t come up yet.
4)被提出讨论 The question came up at the meeting yesterday.
联想:come about发生; come across 碰见,受欢迎; come at袭击;
come down下降,流传;come out with 说出,透漏;come to oneself苏醒
25 a variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用复数。A variety of toys are on show in the shop.
The variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用单数.The variety of books he has is astonishing.
26.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物
联想:be supplied with be equipped with be furnished with
be fitted with
27.award sb. a prize( award a prize to sb) 授奖给某人
award sb. the title of 授予某人…的称号
28.cover…with…. 用… 盖… be covered with 被…覆盖… (表状态)
be covered by 被… 覆盖….(表动作)
29. be divided into 把….分成… divide sth. in half / into halves 把…分成两半
divide up 划分;分配 divided by 除以 separate A from B 使A和B分离
30.keep in touch with 与.. 保持联系 get in touch with 与…取得联系
lose touch with 与… 失去联系 be out of touch with 与…失去联系
31.make sense of (=understand) 弄懂;理解 make sense 讲的通;有意义
make no sense 讲不通;无意义 in a sense 就某种意义而言;在某种意义上
32.be adapted to 适应 The plants are adapted to various climates and soil.
33.at a time (=each time) 每次 at one time (过去)曾经;一度
at the time 那时 at any time 任何时候 at the same time 同时
in time 迟早;及时 in no time 立即;很快 at no time 决不
for a time 暂时;一度 all the time 一直 for the first time 第一次
after a time 过了一会 ahead of time 提前 for the time being 暂时
SB3 Revision Exercises for Unit 13-14
I. Multiple Choices
( )1.The Moonstone was _____ in a real story which ____ in England in the 1790s.
A. set; taking place B. setting; take place
C. set; had taken place D. set; took place
( )2.He passed everything that he owned to his niece ______ revenge.
A. in an act of B. in action of C. acting of D. action of
( )3.He sat in the classroom with his eyes ______on the blackboard.
A. fixed B. fixing C. were fixed D. were fixing
( )4.Tom likes to sleep with windows ______.
A. open B. opening C. being opened D. opened
( )5.That was not a good place for skating. You ______ your leg.
A. can break B. could break
C. could have broken D. could have been broken
( )6.It was in the year of 1999 ______ my brother entered college.
A. until B. when C. that D. before
( )7.______breaks the laws will be punished.
A. No matter who B. Whoever C. Who D. Those who
( )8.The theory he stuck ______ to be right.
A. to prove B. to proved C. prove D. proved
( )9.______ others say, the professor is sure that his theory is correct.
A. No matter how B. It doesn’t matter C. Whatever D. What ever
( )10.______ some officials, the general inspected the army.
A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D. Having been followed
( )11.There was nothing to do but ______ till mother came back.
A. waited B. waiting C. to wait D. wait
( )12.I must do everything I ______ those who are poor.
A. can to help B. can help C. help D. am to help
( )13.He decided to ______ a new life if he could be set free from prison.
A. lead B. leading C. had D. having
( )14.As it ______,the weather is getting better and better.
A. turned down B. turned out C. turned off D. turned on
( )15.How can you ______ these two books apart?
A. say B. speak C. tell D. divide
( )16.He has worked on the research for many years,but something that he hopes for doesn’t ______.
A. come to lights B. come to a light C. come to lighting D. come to light
( )17.The suggestion that everyone should be equipped with a computer ______ at the conference.
A. mentioned B. came up C. was come up D. spoke of
( )18.Last Sunday morning I set out early to call on Tom,only ______ him seriously ill in bed.
A. finding B. found C. to find D. find
( )19.The notes to the text help to make the difficult points ______.
A. easily B. easier C. more easily D. more easier
( )20.—How did you find the lecture tonight?
—Very ______.I doubt if I will come for this lecture next time.
A. encouraging B. encouraged C. disappointing D. disappointed
( )21.Don’t take the magazine away. It ______ me.
A. is belonged to B. belongs to C. was belonged to D. is belonging to
( )22.My uncle said that he would write to me,but I ______from him so far.
A. didn’t hear B. hadn’t heard C. haven’t heard D. won’t heard
( )23.He was so touchy(易怒的) that a word would ______ him ______.
A. set; out B. set; off C. set; up D. set; back
( )24.I have no idea how it ______ that the man met with trouble again.
A. came about B. came out C. came up D. came across
( )25.There is a popular belief among parents ______ schools don’t pay any attention to handing.
A. whose B. that C. which D. in which
( )26.He ______ full marks,but he was so careless to make a spelling mistake.
A. must have gained B. can have gained
C. could have gained D. must gain
( )27.She was two hours late. What ______ to her?
A. may happen B. is happening
C. can have happened D. must have happened
( )28.All his friends _____ his happiness when he won the match.
A. shared B. shared from C. shared with D. shared like
( )29.That Tom came back last night gave us _________.
A. the great surprise B. a great surprise C. great surprise D. great surprised
( )30.When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He _______ her before.
A. never saw B. had never seen C. never sees D. has never seen
( )31.-I hear they aren’t pleased with your house.
-Well, _______ could they live in such comfort?
A. where else B. what else C. how D. why
II. Translate the following sentences into English with the language points learned in the two units.
他假定自己会赢, 结果错了。(assumption)
2.我们有各种各样的颜色和图案可供选择。(a variety of )
5.他对那位美国女演员一见钟情。(fall in love with)
II. 1. His assumption that he would win proved wrong.
2. We have a variety of colors and patterns to choose from.
3. A boy leading us, we found his home easily.
4. A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much.
5. The moment he saw the American actress, he fell in love with he




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