人教版 高三 unit15 popular youth culture

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Unit15 Popular Youth Culture
Word study 1.voluntary 2.annual 3.acknowledge 4.elder 5.elderly 6.breathless 7.dizzy 8.eyesight 9.weekly 10.beneficial 11.communist 12.satisfaction 13.timetable 14.starve 15.donation 16.adjustment 17.mature 18.jeans 19.uniform 20.casual 21.shopkeeper 22.adolescent 23.approve 24.possess 1.志愿的 2.每年的 3.承认 4.年长的 5.上了年纪的6.气喘吁吁的7.头晕的 8.视力 9.每星期的 10.有益的 11.共产主义的12.满意 13.时间表 14.挨饿 15.捐赠 16.调节 17.成熟的 18.牛仔裤 19.制服 20.便服的 21.店主 22.青春期的 23.批准 24.拥有
Useful Expressions 1.apply for 2.straight away 3.fit in (with) 1.申请 2.立刻的 3.与 ……相适应
Sentence patterns& Communicative English 谈论爱好和兴趣
Young people like…best. Young people prefer…to…
They are interested in… They enjoy… They are fond of…
Their favorite…is…
They would rather…
Grammar Integrative language practice 综合语言练习 although even though so…that whenever的用法
Topics& writing 掌握调查报告的写作思路和步骤
The Power of Youth Culture
Today's teen consumer market is the most profitable it has ever been. Even though 65% of teens say that they rely on themselves for their fashion ideas, it is true that less than 20% of the teen population is driving fashion trends, according to a recent study by a marketing firm. Marketers recognize this fact and often use elements of youth culture to promote their products. Perhaps one of the best examples is their use of hip-hop culture. It is reported that hip-hop fashion alone brings in $750 million to $1 billion every year. Sales of rap music and videos each exceed(超越) that amount.
Rap's rise and its global popularity is a good example of how important youth culture is on youth attitudes and behavior. Remember when Madonna made her hit while singing about "virginity"? Soon after that, many girls around the world began wearing their underwear outside their clothes.
  Fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger knew the power of youth culture well. He marketed his brand by giving clothes to famous MTV stars and featuring teen stars in his print ads. Picking up on teens' interest in computer games, Hilfiger started a Nintendo competition and installed Nintendo terminals in his stores. The teenagers regarded Hilfiger jeans as their number one brand in a survey in 2000.
Warming up
What other activities and interests are typical of young people?
典型的 e.g. Our headmaster is a typical gentleman.我们的校长是一位典型的绅士.
2. sb/ sth is typical of…某人/某事在…中是典型.
e.g. The book is typical of its kind.
3. It’s typical of sb to do…做…是某人的特点.
e.g. It was typical of him to take hard jobs.抢挑重担是他的特点.
...children who have difficulty in learning and can’t keep up in school.
【点拨】在做某事上有困难用have difficulty (in) doing sth.
在某事上有困难用have difficulty with sth..
e.g. They had no difficulty (in) finding my house. 他们找到我家没有什么困难.
e.g. Do you have (或find) any difficulty with English study? 你学英语有困难吗?
【点拨】keep up with跟上;指在同一水平上不落后
catch up with 赶上,在落后的情况下赶上来。
e.g. The work that the class is doing is too difficult for me. I can’t keep up with them
e.g. You’ve missed a whole term; you have to work hard to catch up with your classmates.
What reasons does he give for not wanting to work on the other projects? 他不想做另外一些项目的原因是什么?
【点拨】work 工作,运转,有效,起作用
e.g. Your idea won’t work. in practice. 你的办法实际上行不通.
e.g. Will these methods work? 这些办法有效吗?
work as充当 work on继续,从事于...,努力影响或说服work out 算出,制定出
e.g. My father worked as a bus driver. 我爸爸是公交车司机.
e.g. After a short meeting, they worked on again. 短会后,他们继续工作.
e.g. They worked on the old car late into the night.他们修这辆旧汽车一直修到深夜.
e.g. We will work on those who have cheated in exam and help them do right.
e.g. Who can work out the physical problem? 谁能算出这道物理题?
e.g. They haven’t worked out a plan yet. 他们还没制定计划.
Then present your idea to the class. 然后把你的想法向同学们介绍
e.g. Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you. 请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。
e.g. My father presented a dictionary to me as my birthday present.
e.g. The characters in the novel are vividly presented.
at present= at the present time在目前
e.g. I’m afraid I can’t help you at present. 恐怕我现在不能帮你。
be present出席,在场
e.g. There were more than 200 present at the meeting. 有200 多人出席了这次会议。
for the present暂时
e.g. I can’t remember your name for the present. 我一时记不起你的名字了。
e.g. Let’s stop talking about it for the present. 我们暂且不谈此事。
Tell your classmates why you chose to include this character of teenage life.告诉同学们为什么你选择提到青年生活的这一特点.
【点拨】choose 后接选出来的结果choose from 接选择的范围.
e.g. There are so many books for me to choose that I don’t know which one to choose.
这儿有那么多书可供选择, 我不知要选那一种.
Around 24,000 Yong Volunteers Community Service Stations in China are welcoming increasing numbers of Chinese youth who want to make a contribution to society, and the wok they are doing is important. 大约24000中国青年志愿者服务站欢迎更多的中国青年志愿为社会做出贡献。他们所做的工作很重要。
【点拨】welcome 在此处是动词:欢迎
e.g. The publication of the novel is warmly welcomed. 这本小说的出版很受欢迎。
e.g. We welcomed criticism. 我们欢迎批评。
形容词welcome 受欢迎的
e.g. Orders are welcome.欢迎订购。
e.g. You’re welcome to use any instrument here.这儿的仪器你用好了。
e.g. Welcome to Peking! 欢迎你们来北京!
e.g. We gave the delegation a warm welcome. 我们热烈欢迎代表团。
【点拨】make a contribution to/towards 对某事做出贡献.
e.g. We should make greater contribution to world peace.
动词词组 contribute...to...为某事做出贡献;把某物捐献给某人
e.g. Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford to help the poor.
“...each contribution---no matter how small---can help make a difference.” “每一点贡献---不管多少---都有作用.”
【点拨】no matter how/when/where/what/who等只引导状语从句;
e.g. No matter what(=Whatever) the papers print, some people always believe it.
不管报纸上说什么, 总有人相信它.
e.g. She leaves her bedroom door open, no matter how cold (=however cold) it is.
e.g. Whoever comes first will receive a present. 谁先到,谁就会收到礼物.
e.g. You can eat whatever you like. 喜欢什么就吃什么.
【点拨】make a/some/no/much difference(没)有关系, (没)有影响
e.g. That makes no difference to me what you say.你说什么对我都没关系.
e.g. It won’t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.
Every Tuesday and Friday he visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone.
【点拨】alone 形容词或副词, 不带感情色彩, 单独, 独自一个人
e.g. When the baby woke up, she found herself alone. 当婴儿醒来时,发现只有他一个人.
lonely形容词,孤独的, 寂寞的, 荒凉的;有浓厚的感情色彩
e.g. The old man lived all alone, but he didn’t feel lonely. 这位老人单独生活, 但不觉得孤独.
e.g. Living on a lonely island can be very lonely.生活在荒凉的岛屿上会很孤独.
leave(=let) sb alone 不去理会,不要去管 let alone 更不必说
e.g. Let the dog alone; it will bite you if you pull its tail. 别碰狗, 要是你弄他, 他会咬你.
e.g. He can’t speak English, let alone write it. 他不会讲英语,更不用说会写了.
“Mr Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself without getting breathless and dizzy, so I give him some assistance.”赵先生身体弱, 一干活就头晕, 气喘吁吁, 所以我来帮他.
【点拨】cannot do sth without....一做某事就....; 没有...就不能..
e.g. The poor girl found she couldn’t walk without falling down.
e.g. We can’t make any decision without the manager. 经理不在, 我们不能做任何决定.
Previously history was his weakest subject, but it is a subject which interests Mr Zhao and they often discuss it.以前, 历史是他最弱的一科,但是赵大爷却对它很感兴趣,他们常常谈论.
【点拨】interest 使发生兴趣,引起...的兴趣
e.g. The new method will certainly interest you. 这种新方法一定会引起你的兴趣.
interest sb/oneself in sth 使某人对某事感兴趣.
e.g. Having lost his job, he’d begun to interest himself in local voluntary work.
失业后, 他开始对地方志愿工作感兴趣.
Mr Zhao’s enthusiasm has inspired Lu Hao to concentrate more on history lessons and his grades have improved a great deal.
赵大爷的热情鼓舞了陆浩在历史课上集中精力, 他的水平提高了很多.
【点拨】concentrate....on sth/doing sth 集中(精力)做某事
e.g. I can’t concentrate on my studies with all the noise going on. 我无法噪音干扰下继续学习.
e.g. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.我们必须集中精力提高教育水平.
When Lin Ying graduated from Zhengzhou Normal University she decided not to apply for a job straight away. 当林英从郑州师范大学毕业时,她决定不去立即找工作.
【点拨】apply to sb for sth 向某人提出申请或请求
e.g. You should apply immediately to the manager in person for permission.
It’s hard work, but I get a lot of satisfaction because the kids are eager to learn and it’s amazing to see how quickly they improve.
虽然工作艰苦, 但是我很满足. 因为孩子们渴求知识,进步很快.
【点拨】be eager for/after/about/to do 渴望得到/去做...
e.g. The young man was eager for success. 这个年轻人渴望成功.
【点拨】amaze使惊奇;amazing 令人惊异的;amazed感到惊奇;
e.g. He amazed everyone by passing the driving test.他通过了驾驶测试,这令每个人惊奇.
e.g. She was amazed /It amazed her that he was still alive.她很惊奇他竟然还活者.
e.g. I find it amazing that you can’t swim.我很惊奇你竟然不会游泳.
I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it.
【点拨】have a great time doing sth很高兴去做某事;
spend time doing sth 花时间做某事;
lose/waste time doing sth浪费时间做某事;
e.g. Don’t waste time arguing.别浪费时间争辩了.
We wanted to promote awareness of hunger because every day children are dying of starvation.我们想进一步了解饥饿, 因为每天都有儿童挣扎在饥饿的死亡线上.
e.g. The tigers are hunted everywhere and are dying out soon.老虎到处被猎杀,快要灭绝了.
e.g. The little boy was jumping with joy at his present. 小男孩看到礼物高兴得跳了又跳.
e.g. It was becoming dark. 天渐渐暗了下来.
be dying for/ to do... 很想要/去做...
e.g. I’m dying for something to eat.我很想要东西吃.
e.g. She is dying to know where you’ve been. 她很想知道你到哪儿去了.
【点拨】awareness的形容词是aware 常用be aware of /that 了解、知道某事
e.g. I’m well aware of the job. 我了解这个工作。
e.g. She became aware that something is burning. 她意识到起火了。
Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.
在国外学习需要很好的适应能力, 这要花一段时间.
【点拨】fit in with...适应,符合,适合...
e.g. We must study hard to fit in with the modern society.我们必须努力学习, 适应现代社会。
I used to feel lonely and homesick at times, but doing this with the other students brought us really close and I made new friends from different backgrounds.我过去经常感到孤独,经常想家。但在与同学们一起做这件事的过程中拉进了彼此距离,结交了不同背景的新朋友。
【点拨】at times有时,时常;a time 时期,一段时间
e.g. The film is about a time when there were blacks in North America.
e.g. We went out again to look for food after a time.过了一段时间我们又去找食物了。
e.g. I stayed in Peking for a time during my holidays.假期里,我在北京呆了一段时间。
all the time 一直,始终
e.g. The letter I was searching for all the time was just in my pocket.
at all times 一直,无论何时
e.g. We’re ready at all times to serve the people 我们随时准备为人民服务。
at a time 一次,每次
e.g. Pass me the bricks two at a time. 把砖头递给我,一次两块。
at no time 决不,在任何时候都不
e.g. At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapon.
at one time 曾经,同时
e.g. At one time we met frequently. 我们曾经有个时期经常见面。
ahead of time 提前
e.g. We must start off ahead of time in order to arrive in time.
e.g. What wonderful times we live in! 我们生活在多么了不起的时代!
Integrating skills
The shop was successful, but it was sixty years before people started to buy jeans for fashion as well as for work.
【点拨】小结It is time before/since
It is time before... 过多久就/才...(否定句为不久, 就...)
e.g. It is/will be hours before he arrives here. 再过好几个小时他才能来。
e.g. It was hours before he arrived here. 过了好几个小时他才来。
It’s time since...
1. since后接瞬间动词时,自从...(时间点)以来,已经多长时间了。
e.g. It’s years since I came to this school.我来这学校已经好几年了。
2. since后接延续动词的完成时态,做某事已有多长时间了。
e.g. It’s four years sine I have had this car. 这辆车我买了4年了。
e.g. It’s years since I have enjoyed myself so much. 痛快日子我已经过了好几年了。
3. since后接延续动词的过去时态,没有做某事已有多长时间了。
e.g. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much. 我好几年没玩得这么尽兴了。
e.g. It’s years since I was a teacher. 我不当老师以经好几年了。

1. (01北京春季7) Would you slow down a bit , please? I can’t _____ you.
A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up with D. hold on to
2. (NMET 95, 7) You’re ____ your time trying to persuade him; he will never join us.
A. spending B. wasting C. losing D. missing
3. (NMET 2003, 32) The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to _____.
A. make it out B. make it off C. make it up D. make it over
4. (03上海30) It is believed that if a book is ____ , it will surely ___ the reader.
interested; interest B. interesting; be interested
C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest
5. (2004 湖北35) –Will $200_____?
--I’m afraid not . We need at least 50 more dollars.
A. count B. satisfy C. fit D. do
6. (2004浙江34) Because the shop _____ , all T-shirts are sold at half price.
A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down
7. (NMET 2001,24) Selecting a mobile phones for personal use is no easy task because technology _____ so rapidly.
A. is changing B. has changed C will have changed D. will change
8. (NMET 96, 20)---Can I help you, Sir?
---Yes I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _____ .
A. didn’t work B. won’t work C. can’t work D. doesn’t work
9. (99上海17) There are five pairs to ______ , but I’m at a loss which to buy.
A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choose
10. (2000北京春季25) These wild flowers are so special I would do _____ I can to save them
A. whatever B that C. which D. whichever
11. (98上海5) It was a matter of ______would take the position
A who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever
12. (NMET 97,6) It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever
13.Roses need special care_____ they can live through winter (NMET 04,25)
A. because B. so that C. even if D. as
14. (04福建31) Scientists say it may be five or six years _____ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
since B. after C. before D. when
15. (04 湖北 27) You should get a good night’s sleep_____ much work you have to do.
A. however B. no matter how C. although D. whenever
9. B choose from 意思是从某范围(五双鞋)中选择
10. A这里whatever引导宾语从句, 语气强烈, 相当于anything that; can后省略了do
11.A whoever 在这里作主语, 指人. 14.C 在过多长时间就...It will/may be ...before...
____as she is, she is kept so busy with her work for women’s rights that she fees anything but____.
A. Alone, alone B. Lonely, lonely C. Lonely, alone D. Alone, lonely
Sunglasses are important for children in summer_____ eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.
A. because B. though C. unless D. if
3. ____I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.
A. As long as B. As far as C. Just as D. Even if
____ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.
A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While
–Dad, I’ve finished my assignment.
--Good, and ___ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me.
A. whenever B. whether C. whatever D. no matter
Don’t hesitate any more. You have to ____a choice.
A. take B. receive C. give D. make
---Don’t you believe me?
---_____, I believe _____ you say.
A. No; whatever B. Yes; no matter what C. No; no mater what D. Yes; whatever
7. John was ____ to spend his summer holidays in that mountain village.
A. take B. advised C. demanded D. hoped
Mr. Hall understands that ____ math has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students.
A. unless B. since C. although D. when
You can eat food free in my restaurant ____ you like.
A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever  D. however
---Could you tell me where Jim lives?
A. At a time B. For once C. At times D. At one time
This painting ______ fairly ______ ______ his early work.
We must spare no effort ______ ______ ______ ______ the developed countries.
The clock ______ ______ ______ since I dropped it on the floor.
When Mr. Brown left the firm, the director ______ a gold watch ______ him.
He has ______ an important ______ _______ the company’s success.
It doesn’t ______ ______ ______ to me ______ you go or stay.
I can’t ______ ______ my wok when I’m hungry.
We ______ ______ ______ the government ______ home improvements.
Mary joined the local drama club but didn’t ______ ______ ______ ______ .
It will not _______ ______ ______ we know the full results.
The girl ____ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.
A. expects B. allows C. wishes D. promises
2.I have never heard a worse voice than hers. She is____ but a good singer.
A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything
3. The girl behaved in a strange way. You couldn’t ____ her mind.
A. read B. realize C. recognize D. see
4. My money _____. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.
has run out B. is running out C. had been run out D. had run out
5.--- He ought to have been warned of the danger
---_____, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
A. So ought he B. So he was C. So was he D. So he had
6.I’m not sure what will happen during the trip. _____ , I will try all possible means to get there.
A. Even though B. If so C. Anyhow D. Instead
Everyone here will thank the firefighters for the things they have done to prevent fires ____ the environment safer.
A.make B. to making C. to make D. from making
8.I haven’t seen Martha these past few days. I’m afraid she ____ herself for some time.
A. hasn’t been feeling B. isn’t feeling C. doesn’t feel D. wasn’t feeling
9. He never thought that his success came ____ he least wanted it.
A. while B. when C. until D. since
10. ---How can you borrow my computer without my permission?
--- Oh, I’m sorry I_____ to tell you. I hope you don’t mind.
A. forget B. forgot C. have forgotten D. am forgetting
11.I got caught in the traffic; _____ I would have been there sooner.
A. however B. although C. anyway D. otherwise
12.Only____ according to the directions can the medicine been here sooner.
A. taking B. taken C. being taken D. having been taken
13.John waited at the bus stop for nearly half an hour _____ the bus finally came.
A. when B. as C. before D. while
14. ---when shall we start?
---Let’s____ it 7:00. Is it all right?
A. set B. meet C. make D. take
15. Though ___ money, his parents managed to send him to university.
lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in
About a year ago, I went to stay at a Detroit hotel, I didn't want to 1 too much money with me, so 2 the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the safe for me . The next morning, 3 the clerk said that he knew nothing about my 4 , I didn't have any proof (证明) 5 had given the man the money . There was clearly nothing left to do but go to the 6 lawyer at once. The lawyer 7 me to return to the hotel with him and give 8 hundred dollar bill to the clerk. So we 9 . An hour later, I went 10 to the desk and asked for my money. 11 I had the lawyer as an eyewitness (证明人) to the 12 hundred-dollar bill, the clerk could not say he 13 nothing about it. Another hour later, I put the second part of the lawyer's 14 into action. This time both the lawyer and I went to the hotel to 15 for the hundred-dollar bill once again, and 16 the clerk insisted he had given 17 to me, I said it was not 18 . The lawyer said to him, “I 19 this gentleman give a hundred-dollar bill. If you don' t hand it in immediately, I will be forced to call the 20 . ”The clerk realized he had been 21 , so he gave me back the first hundred-dollar bill. “I don' t know 22 to thank you enough for 22 my money back” I said to the lawyer, “and what do you 23 answered?” He said, “Oh, don't 25 me, That will be one hundred dollars, please. ”
1.A.carry B.lend C.spend D.hold
2.A.allowed B.asked C.made D.had
3.A.but B.yet C.however D.instead
4.A.lawyer B.hotel C.eyewitness D.money
5.A.where B.which C.why D. that
6.A.nearest B.farthest C.cheapest D.slowest
7.A.advised B.promised C.agreed D.followed
8.A.the other B.another C.other D.others
9.A.returned B.did C.gave D.acted
10.A.up B.over C.back D.along
11.A.Though B.When C.Unless D.Since
12.A.one B.last C.first D.second
13.A.believed B.had C.knew D.heard
14.A.law B.way C.plan D.words
15.A.search B.ask C.look D.beg
16.A.when B.though C.because D.as
17.A.these B.this C.them D.it
18.A.real B.good C.true D.exact
19.A.agreed B.saw C.let D.permitted
20.A.police B.officer C.official D.clerk
21.A.punished B.helped C.cheated D.understand
22.A.what B.how C.when D.where
23.A.returning B.giving C.getting D.asking
24.A.suppose B.find C.mean D.suggest
25.A.believe B.thank C.leave D.fool
Corporations(集团公司) as a group offer all kinds of jobs. Most large companies send people to colleges to meet graduating students with the required academic(学科 专业) training .A large university may have more than 500 companies a year knocking on its doors. Big firms are your best place for a job because their normal growth, employee retirements(雇员退休) , and turnover(缺额补充) offer thousands of jobs nationwide each year.
Corporations, however, explain the rule that the biggest isn't always the best. Many small firms with just a few hundred employees have positions that many agree with your profession(职业) need, too. Such firms may not have the time, money, or need to send people around to your college; you'll probably have to get in touch with them yourself either directly or through an employment agency(职业介绍所) . Don' t look down upon these little companies. Their salaries are usually competitive (竞争的) and the chances for advancement ( 提升 ) and recognition ( 认可 ) are even stronger than those of a big firm. You could become a big fish in a small pond, reaching a high-level position more quickly than you would if you had climbed the more competitive ladder of a group giant(巨人) .
1.The purpose of the passage is ______ .
A.to define(给……下定义) corporations and firms
B.to show the relation between firms and colleges
C.to tell the job-seeker(求职者) of the employment requirements
D.to give a description of corporations and firms for college students
2.Which of the following is true for large corporations?
A.They only employ college students.
B.They can offer many job opportunities(机会) .
C.They have more than 500 companies nationwide.
D.They send people to go to college each year.
3.The word “Their” ( line6, para.2) refers to ______.
A.corporations B.graduating students
C.small firms D.employees
4.Which of the following is not true for small firms?
A.It may be necessary for them to send people to colleges.
B.They cannot afford to send people to colleges.
C.Their employees may get a rise more quickly .
D.They may offer positions which you demand.
5.With whom is the passage most probably connected?
A.Students B.Employees
C.Graduating students D.Job-seekers
Tired of Working in Your Country?
With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for instructors of English, German, Spanish and French.
★Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to three students.
★Accommodation, and other necessary documents will be ready before you leave.
★Applicants will teach their first language only
★Excellent teacher training programs.
If you are young with a university degree and willing to experience different cultures, apply now. experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.
Apply with C.V and send letters to:
NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2)
34,Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France
Or visit our website: www.teachjp.cm
The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July
6. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To introduce a language school in Japan.
B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.
C. To describe working conditions in Japan.
D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers
7. We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will_____ .
A. teach English only in Osaka. B. receive a degree on a university
C. have free accommodation D. get trained for the job
Before going to Japan, you need ______ .
A. to see the manager of NOVA France B. to take some computer courses C. to write a letter to Japan D. to find a place to live
9. If you want to work in Japan you should ______ .
A. have some working experience B. know how to use computers
C. present good teaching plans D. speak several languages
In America, that labor costs are so high, 1.______
“do it yourself”is a way of its life. Many people 2.______
repair their own cars, their own house and so on. 3.______
Soon they may also be writing for their own 4.______
books. In Hollywood there is a company 5.______
that publishes children's books at the help of 6.______
computers. However other book companies all 7._____
publish that way, this particular company is very usual. 8.______
It“personalizes”the book by having the computers made 9.______
the readers the main characters in its story. 10.______
1. is; typical of 2. to catch up with 3. hasn’t been working 4.presented; to
5. made; contribution to 6. make any difference; whether
7.concentrate on 8.have applied to; for 9. seem to fit in 10. be long before
1-5ABCDD 6-10AABBC 11-15DDCCB 16-20 BDCBA 21-25CBCAB
1.that→where 2.去掉its 3.house→houses 4.去掉for5.√ 6.at→with 7.However→Although(Though) 8.usual→unusual 9.made→make10.its→the
There are more than 11,900 surnames in China, including many no longer in use. The majority of surnames are single and two-character, though there are long ones consisting of eight and even nine characters. Geographically, people named Wang are the biggest group in the north, while Chen is the most common surname in the south. About 3600 surnames are found among Han people today. The top five surnames---Li, Wang, Zhang, Liu and Chen are used by 30% of the population, Nearly 1000milion people share the most common 120 names.
Given names are also highly concentrated on a group of limited characters. A study of the given names of 175,000 people find some 3000characers, 1141 of which made up 99% of the names. It’s common for many people to share the same names
Language practice
1.volunteer 2.timetable 3.eyesight 4.straight away 5.unusal 6.weekly 7.benificial 8.dizzy 9.donation 10. breathless
Although, so ,that, so, that, although, although, whenever
1. After Ma Hua graduated, he felt there was something missing in his life.
2.Because he wanted to help others improve their lives, Ma Hua gave up his job and moved to Southeast China to do voluntary work.
3. He love the local children as if they were his own little brothers and sisters.
4.In order to help the children learn English, Ma Hua painted pictures on the classroom walls.
5.If he hadn’t built a playground, the children wouldn’t have proper place to have sports now.
6. When he got to the village, he had no problem fitting in.
7. Although life in the village was very different from that of Shanghai, he was able to make the adjustment of his life.
8.Unless he melted ice, he would have no water to drink.
9.No matter how much hard the life is, Ma Hua tried his best to help others improve their lives.
Nowadays millions of people of teenagers take pleasure in a hobby which is interesting and fun. And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of their own and discover an interest that can even last a lifetime. Starting their collection of stamps is easy because they are everywhere. Holiday and birthday cards from relatives and letters from friends can all provide them stamps from all over the world. Researchers estimate that about 3% collectors has join the Stamp Collectors’ Club and the number is still rising.
在一年一度的青年志愿者日,世界人民感激几千万帮扶别人的人们。许多做志愿工作的人们是青年人,而且这个数字正在增长。 大约24000中国青年志愿者服务站欢迎更多的中国青年志愿为社会做出贡献。他们所做的工作很重要。正如联合国秘书长科菲·安南所说:“```每一点贡献——不管多小——都能做出很大的改变。”陆浩,林英和孟玉 就是正在做贡献的135,000中国青年中的三位。他们还发现做志愿者也给自己带来一些益处。




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