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Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.
一、语言目标(Language Goals)
谈论喜欢的事情(Talk about preferences);说出理由(Give reasons)
What’s your/his/her favorite subject?
My/His/Her favorite subject is science/P.E./art/biology/…?
Why do you like science/P.E./art/biology/…?
Why does he/she like…?
Because it’s/interesting/relaxing/fun/…
Who is your art/math/P. E. /... teacher?
Mr/Mrs/Miss Mendoza is my ... teacher.
Mendoza 先生/太太/小姐是我的……老师。
subject 学科,科目 science P. E. (physical education) biology gymnastics Mr Mrs Miss example 例子 partner city Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday finish结束,完成 strict 严格的,严厉的 any 一些 classmate 同学 assessment 评估,评价 sure 确信的,可靠的 why 为什么 teacher
favorite subject 喜欢的科目 favorite color 喜欢的颜色 science teacher 理科教员 be busy 忙碌 after class 课下 be strict要求严格 make sb. …adj. 使某人…… be sure 确信

1. what, why, who引导的特殊疑问句。
2. 表示品质的形容词
1. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?
用句型What’s your favorite…? 问最喜欢的东西是什么。favorite在这里是形容词“喜闻乐见的,最中意的,最喜爱的”,用来修饰名词。在英美口语中经常用。
例如:one’s favorite book 最喜爱的书
one’s favorite movie 最喜爱的电影
例如:What would you like to drink, tea or coffee? 您是喝茶还是喝咖啡?
Tea, please! It’s my favorite. 喝茶,茶是我最喜欢的。
2. 特殊疑问句
以疑问代词who, whom, whose, what, which等或疑问副词when, where, why, how等开头的疑问句是特殊疑问句。how有时与形容词或副词构成词组,how many多少(后紧跟可数名词),how much多少(后紧跟不可数名词),how old 多大年纪,how far多远(指距离),how long多长(指长度),多久(指时间长短),how often多长时间一次(指频率)。
What’s your/name/phone number/ favorite subject?
What’s this/that in English?
What kind of movies do you like?
What club do you want to join?
What can you do?
What time is it? What time do you usually get up?
What language does she speak?
Who’s this/that?
Who’s your maths teacher?
Where’s my backpack?
Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪儿人?
Where does she live?
When is your birthday?
When does Alicia take a shower?
How do you spell pencil?
How old are you?
How much is the blue T-shirt?
Why do you like PE?
Whose clock is it?
Whose shoes are these?
Which man is Jim’s father?
Which pen is yours?
How many:
How many oranges can you see?
Can you answer these questions above?
3. have 用法小结
have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭
have tea 喝茶 have fun 娱乐
have a drink 喝杯饮料(或酒)
have a walk 散步
have a talk 谈话,发言
have a swim 游泳
have classes 上课
4. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格
strict 严格、严厉的
strict rules 严格的规则
She is strict with her children. 她对孩子要求严格。
My teacher is strict in his work.
5. 忙着干某事
busy free a busy day 忙碌的一天。
如:I’m busy with my homework.
Mr Smith is busy with writing a book.
6. make sb. do sth. 迫使某人干某事
make sb. +adj. (形)使某人怎么样。
△make做 构成短语
make tea 泡茶
make faces 做鬼脸
make friends 交朋友
make bed 铺床
make a fire 生火
△make sb. do sth. 与Let sb. do sth. 用法相似。let的语气弱一些。
如:He often makes me do homework very long hours. 他经常迫使我长时间地做作业。
Don’t let me do homework very long hours. 不要让我长时间的做作业。
You make me too tired. 你使我太累了。
7. 如何询问钟点,星期,日期及date和day的区别
day and night 日夜
Children’s Day 儿童节
(2)date: 指“日期”即“几月几日”如:
The date of his birth is July 1, 1990. 他的生日是1990年7月1日。
8. 介词for的用法小结
(1)表示目的“为了”,如:I want to go back for my pen. 我要回去拿笔。
(2)表示对象,用途等,“为”“对于”“适于”。如:bags for sports or school 运动包或书包 socks in all colors for just¥2 售价两元的各种颜色的袜子。
(3)引导时间段,表示一般时间。如:After school, I have gymnastics for two hours.
(4)与动词搭配:look for 寻找,be late for 迟到。
9. start 与finish
School starts at nine o’clock. 学校九点钟开始上课。
All my classes finish at 2:00. 我的所有课程在两点钟结束。
10. 评论事物的表达法
(1)“Why do you like English?”
“Because it’s very useful.”
(2)“What do you think of the movie?”
“Very interesting/boring/exciting. /I find it very interesting/boring/exciting.”
(3)“How do you like the story?”
“It’s fun.”
(4)“What about your study of physics?”
“Not very good.”
11. 英语中星期的来历及使用
(1)第一个字母要大写,如:Sunday, Monday。
(2)星期前面用on,如:on Monday, on Monday morning。
(3)星期的缩写Sun. ,Mon.,Tues.,Wedn.,Thur.或Thurs.,Fri.,Sat.。
考题1 大声朗读下列含有favorite的词组并译成汉语。
my favorite city/food/color/TV show/sports/teacher
考题2 Use it! 看图完成句子。

(1)____________ under the tree? That’s Sam.
(2)____________ he doing there? He’s jumping.
(3)____________ is wearing a green dress? May is wearing a green dress.
(4)____________ are talking? Ann and Pat are talking.
(5)____________ shoes do you like? Sam’s shoes.
(6)____________ boy is playing with a basketball? That’s Bill.
(7)____________ boys are there? There’re three.
(8)____________ are they? They’re in front of a classroom.
(2)What’s (他在干什么?)
(5)Whose (你喜欢谁的鞋?)
(7)How many(有几个男孩?)
考题3 Build it! 看图写出问句的答案。

(1)Who is standing in front of the door?
(2)What is the teacher doing?
(3)Whose hair is long?
(4)Where is the clock?
(5)How many children are there in the classroom?
答案:(1)The teacher.
(2)She is standing. (她站着)
(3)Ann’s. 或Ann’s hair is long.
(4)On the wall或It’s on the wall.
(5)There are six.
考题4 用have+名词来代替划线部分的词。(have的本领可真大)
(1)I often walk in the garden.
I often ___________ in the garden.
(2)I want to drink a glass of milk.
I want to ___________ a glass of milk.
(3)Tom usually eats dinner at six.
Tom usually ___________ dinner at six.
答案:(1)have a walk (2)have a drink of (3)has
考题5 下面是一位中学生写给市长要求减负的信。(你也需要减负吗?)
Dear Major(市长),
It isn’t fair(公平). Our teachers ___1___ too ___2___ ___3___ us (对我们要求太严了). We have to(不得不)get up early and come to school on time(准时). We can’t be late for school. We can’t do other things in class. We have to ___4___ ___5___ (听)the teacher carefully(认真地)and answer surprising questions.
Our teachers ___6___ ___7___ (让我们)do homework even on weekends. We have to hand in (上交)the exercise-books on school day. They often ___8___ ___9___ ___10___ (使我们很疲惫).
We can’t play ball games after class, even after school, because our parents and teachers think it’s bad ___11___ (对我们的学习有害)our study. We can’t play computer games while they can. We can’t watch TV because they think it’s dangerous. We can’t do the things we want to do because they don’t want us to do. They only like us to do something they want us to do.
We never (从未) ___12___ any ___13___. What should we do? What do you think we will be if things go on like that?(如果情况像这样继续下去的话)
Sad kids
(二)根据上文书信内容完成下面的Kids’ rules 条目:孩子们必须遵守的规章制度。
1. _______________ 2. _______________
3. _______________ 4. _______________
5. _______________ 6. _______________
7. _______________ 8. _______________
9. _______________ 10. _______________

解析:本题题材新颖,贴近学生生活,一方面考查了几个习惯用语的用法,一方面又巩固了祈使句的用法(见Unit 5 要点3),解这类阅读题时一定要联系上文,注意文章内在的信息。
答案:(一)1. are 2. strict 3. with 4. listen 5. to 6. make 7. us 8. make 9. us 10. tired 10. for 12. have 13. fun(见要点6)
(二)1. Get up early and come to school on time.
2. Don’t be late for class.
3. Don’t do other things in class.
4. Listen to the teacher carefully.
5. Be ready for any (surprising) questions.
6. Do your homework even at weekend.
7. Hand in the exercise books on school days.
8. Don’t play ball games after class, even after school.
9. Don’t play computer games.
10. Don’t watch TV.
考题6 根据答句写出问句。(你会就各种不同的时间提问吗?)
(1)___________ ___________ ___________ it today? It’s Tuesday.
(2)___________ the ___________ today? It’s May 2.
答案:(1)What day is (今天星期几?)
(2)What’s, date (今天几月几号)
(1)Can you believe it? Come down to Huaxing and see ___________ yourself.
A. to B. for C. on D. in
(2)We have coats in red, yellow, green ___________ only 35 yuan.
A. for B. on C. in D. by
(3)After breakfast, he practices his guitar ___________ two hours.
A. for B. in C. at D. on
答案:(1)B (2)A (3)A(表示一段时间)
考题8 用start与finish填空完成一段独白。
I don’t like Thursday, because Thursday is a busy day for me. School ___________ at 8:00. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. At 4:30, all my classes ___________. I usually get home at five.
解析:starts (school为第三人称单数)
考题9 从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语。
(1)What’s his favorite subject? A: Yes, he can.
(2)What’s your favorite food? B: Yes, he does.
(3)Is your favorite color blue? C: No, I don’t like it.
(4)Why do you like science? D: On Thursday.
(5)Do you like art? E: No, it isn’t. It’s green.
(6)What’s your favorite day? F: Miss Gao.
(7)When do you have history? G: Hamburgers.
(8)Can Zhao Jie be a good student? H: Because it’s very interesting.
(9)Who’s your favorite teacher? I: Sunday.
(10)Does Peter like Chinese history? J: His favorite subject is P. E..
答案:(1)J (2)G (3)E (4)H (5)C (6)I(注意不是回答when) (7)D (8)A (9)F (10)B
考题10 Jim一周的课外生活丰富多彩,阅读这篇描写Jim课外生活的短文,然后根据文章内容完成下表。
Jim usually has a busy week.
Monday is a happy day for Jim because he wants to be a famous(著名的)hockey player.
Tuesday is a happy day for Jim because he likes to play the piano.
Wednesday is a happy day for Jim because he enjoys swimming.
Thursday is a happy day for Jim because he likes her English teacher.
Friday and Saturday are happy days for Jim because he likes to watch TV.
Saturday is a happy day for Jim because he likes to help his mother.
Sunday is a happy day for Jim because he can buy his favorite things. Every day is a happy day for Jim.

What does Jim do after school on Mondays?
What does Jim do after school on Tuesdays?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
plays hockey has a piano lesson
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
plays hockey has a piano lesson goes
swimming has English
classes watches
TV washes
clothes goes
I. 根据句意填单词。(36分)
1. We usually have no classes on S________ and S________.
2. —What’s your favorite s________?
—English, s________ and b________.
—Why do you like them?
—B________ they’re i________.
3. I don’t like math. It’s very b________ and d________.
4. After class I have g________ for two hours.
5. Music is r________ and physical e________ is e________. We all like them.
6. Jesy often c________ his friends by telephone.
7. We want two good m________ for our music club.
8. The fourth day of the week is W________.
9. Our PE teacher is very s________ and he makes me very t________.
II. 选择填空。(14分)
1. —What’s your favorite sport?
A. Swimming and run
B. Swim and run
C. Swim and running
D. Swimming and running
2. —What’s your mother’s favorite ___________?
A. subject B. city C. food D. country
3. ___________ your art teacher?
A. What’s B. Who C. Whose D. Who’s
4. Her favorite ___________ is brown.
A. sport B. food C. city D. color
5. —___________ do you have history?
—On Thursday.
A. Who B. What C. When D. What time
6. ___________ comes after Saturday.
A. Sunday B. Friday C. Thursday D. Tuesday
7. I’m really ___________ today. So I’m very ___________. I want to go to bed.
A. boring, exciting B. happy, interesting
C. busy, tired D. old, young
8. Gymnastics ___________ Jeff’s favorite subject.
A. are B. am C. is D. be
9. Science is very difficult ___________ interesting.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
10. My brother doesn’t like English ___________ Chinese.
A. and B. or C. but D. both
11. Maria plays sports ___________ one hour every morning.
A. for B. in C. at D. on
12. We usually go to school ___________ Monday ___________ Friday.
A. both, and B. from, to
C. next, go D. on, on
13. What’s ___________ favorite day?
A. he B. he’s C. his D. him
14. My dog’s “subject” is running ___________ me.
A. around with B. for C. to D. of
III. 完形填空。(10分)
It’s ___1___ Monday. Dennis comes to school at 8:15 in the morning. He has science ___2___ eight-thirty. He likes science ___3___ it’s interesting. Dennis doesn’t like math because it’s ___4___. At eleven he has math. The math teacher speaks very well, but Dennis doesn’t like. ___5___ favorite teacher is PE teacher, Mr Smith. He is fun. His class sounds funny. He has PE ___6___ Monday afternoon. So, Dennis ___7___ Monday. On weekdays, from Monday to ___8___, Dennis has ___9___ at school at 11:45. After school Dennis plays ___10___ on the school playground, then he goes home.
1. ( )
A. on B. at C. /
2. ( )
A. on B. at C. /
3. ( )
A. and B. but C. because
4. ( )
A. interesting B. scary C. difficult
5. ( )
A. Dennis’s B. he’s C. Dennis’
6. ( )
A. in B. on C. at
7. ( )
A. like B. want C. likes
8. ( )
A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday
9. ( )
A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
10. ( )
A. a soccer B. soccer C. the soccer
IV. 阅读理解。(20分)
David and his brother Greg don’t go to school in the morning. They go to school after lunch, at one o’clock. They have math at one fifteen. David likes math because it’s interesting. Greg doesn’t like math. David and Greg have P. E. after math. They like the teacher, Mr Wright, and they like P. E. because it’s fun. But Greg’s favorite subject is Spanish and David’s favorite is music. He plays the piano and the violin.
1. David and Greg go to school __________.
A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening
2. __________ like (or likes) math.
A. David B. Greg C. David and Greg
3. What time do they have math?
A. After science B. At 1:15 C. At 1:50
4. Which of the following is not right?
A. David and Greg have PE after math.
B. David and Greg like P. E..
C. Greg doesn’t like Spanish.
5. __________ plays the piano.
A. David B. Greg C. Their math teacher
V. 完成下列对话。(10分)
A: ______________________________
B: My favorite subject is music.
A: ______________________________
B: Because it’s very relaxing.
A: ______________________________
B: Mrs Baldwin. She can sing many English songs.
A: Really? ____________________
B: Yes, I do. I think English is very interesting.
A: Yes, you are right. ____________________
B: We have it on Monday and on Thursday.
VI. 写作园地。(10分)

I. 1. Saturday Sunday
2. subject science biology Because interesting
3. boring difficult
4. gymnastics
5. relaxing education exciting
6. contacts
7. musicians
8. Wednesday
9. strict tired
1. D 回答喜欢的运动应用动名词短语。
2. B 根据回答可知。
3. D 对人提问表示“谁是……”用who is…(缩写为who’s)。
4. D 因为brown(棕色的)为一种颜色,故选color。
5. C 根据答语为时间,故用when提问。
6. A 星期天(Sunday)在星期六Saturday 之后。
7. C 由I want to go to bed. 可确定答案为C。
8. C 主语Gymnastics为单数名词。
9. A 难的(difficult)和有趣的(interesting)为相对的,故用but 连接。
10. B 在一个否定句中,并列成分用or连接,不用and。
11. A 在表示一段的时间短语之前应用介词for。
12. B “从星期一到星期五”用from …to。
13. C 修饰day应用物主代词his。
14. A 根据题意可知选A。
1. C 表“今天是星期一”,所以前面不用介词。
2. B 在钟点时间前面应用介词at。
3. C 因为后句是前句的原因,所以用because。
4. C 因前句他不喜欢数学,其原因应为它很难。
5. C 表示“Dennis的老师”,应用名词所有格形式。
6. B 在星期名词前用介词on。
7. C 由上文他喜欢体育老师可知他喜欢星期一。主语he为第三人称单数,所以用likes。
8. A 因为工作日(Weekdays)为星期一到星期五(Friday)。
9. B 要据下文吃饭时间为11:40可判断为lunch。
10. B 球类名词前不用冠词。
1. B 由They go to school after lunch可知。
2. A David likes math, Greg doesn’t like math 可知。
3. B 由文中They have math at one-fifteen 可知。
4. C 由文中Greg’s favorite subject is Spanish可知C是错误的。
5. A 由David’s favorite is music可知。
V. What’s your favorite subject?
Why do you like it?
Who is your music teacher?
Do you like English?
When do you have English?
VI. 略




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