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Unit 4
anything check collar
neck medium jeans
spot stripe sweater
1. 作情态动词,后跟不带to的动词不定式,只用于否定句和疑问句。
2. 作实义动词,后跟带to的不定式时,可用于一切句式。
You needn’t do the exercise if you find it too easy.
=You don’t need to do the exercise if you find it too easy.
Need they come again tomorrow?
=Do they need to come again tomorrow?
3. needn’t have done 表示“本无必要”
We needn’t have bought it.
You needn’t have taken the taxi.
You ______push. There is plenty of time.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not
I got up early, but I ______so because I had no work to do that morning.
A. must have done B didn’t need to do
C. needn’t have done D can’t have done
答案:A C
1. different 不同的,差异的,分离的。作形容词,后面的名词常用复数形式。
I have learned four different books this year.
2. different 的反义词为same, same做形容词时,前面一般有定冠词the,被形容的名词用单数。
Are you in the same age?
3. different的名词为difference,既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。
There is not much difference in price between the two computers.
There are many differences between the two languages.
(四)agree 的用法
1. agree with 指出于主观愿望的“赞成”,“同意”.
I agree with you.
I agree with what you said.
I agree with what they are doing.
2. agree on 指两方或多方就某事取得一致意见或达成协议。
We agree on this idea.
3. agree to 指“接受”,“认可”,常常指并非出于主观愿望的“同意”,尤指不乐意或争论之后的同意。
He doesn’t agree to give up his job.
I think people here are friendly. Do you _________me?
A. get on with B. agree with
C. laugh at D. play with
1. one可用作代词,代替前面已经出现过的单数可数名词,以避免重复。若无定语修饰,one不带定冠词,若有定语修饰,one须带定冠词。
“Which is your mother?” “The taller one.”
I will take that one, the one with all the chocolate on top.
2. ones 一般用来代替复数可数名词。
I like the red flowers in the garden, but I don’t like the white ones.
------ Why don’t we have a rest?
------ Didn’t we just have_______?
A. it B. that C. one D. this
---- Would you like some coffee ?
---- Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee _____ milk?
A. to B. with C. than D. of
I prefer the trousers _____the blue belt.
A. to B. with C. than D. of
答案:C B A
人称 肯定式 否定式 疑问式
第一人称 I(We)will (shall) work.. I(We)will (shall) not work.. Shall I(we)work?
第二人称 You will work. You will not work. Will you work?
第三人称 He (She, It, They) will work. He (She, It, They) will not work. Will he (she, it, they) work.?
1. 表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常于表示将来的时间状语连用。
Next month my sister will be twenty-one.
2. 表示将来经常发生或反复发生的动作。
I will come and see you every Sunday next year.
3. 询问对方是否愿意或表示客气的邀请。
Will you please sign your name here?
(六)buy sb. sth.
I will buy my brother a new watch.
buy sth. for sb.
I will buy a new watch for my brother.
1. There ___________(be) a meeting tomorrow.
2. A:When ________ the meeting __________(begin)?
B:In about five minutes.
3. I need to buy a new pair of jeans _______Alice.
4. I prefer the T-shirt ________the V-neck.
5. I want to get a new _______of shoes today.
6. What _______you ______this time tomorrow?
A. are, going to do B. will, do
C. will, be D. are, doing
7. ----Whose painting is this ?
----It’s ______.
A. hers B. my C. them D. it
8. This pair of jeans _______too big for me.
A. are B. is C. wear D. wears
9. Is there _________interesting?
A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
10. I will buy some pairs of jeans for you.(变单数形式)
I will buy _______ _______ _____ _______ for you.
11. We will go to the park.(变否定句)
We _______ ______go to the park.
12. I prefer the one with the blue collar.(就画线部分提问)
___________ do you prefer?
1. will be 2. will begin 3. for 4. with 5 pair 6. B
7. A 8. B 9. B 10. a pair of jeans
11. will not 12. Which one
1. I need to buy a new watch______ your brother.
A. on B for C to D at
2. ---- Will we go to Super Shoes?
----- Yes, we _______. I need to buy a pair of shoes.
A. will B. am C. do D. can
3. I like the jeans______ the blue belt.
A. on B. in C. for D. with
4. I don’t have them______ your size.
A. on B. in C. for D. with
5. Would you like to________ on the jeans first?
A. take B. buy C. try D. get
1. Which shops are you______ to?(going, go)
2. I need to buy a pair of________. (shoe, shoes)
3. I don’t agree________ you.(with, on)
4. Here’s the_______ centre’s information board.(shop, shopping)
5. Do you have them _______ my size?(in, on)
1. Would you like to try on the ________first?(aejns)
2. The ________rooms are over there.(higcnang)
3. I prefer the ones with the white________.(alclor)
4. I need to buy a new______ for my brother.(hatwc)
5. I am going to_______ different shops.(ynam)
1. anything, do, need, you, the, from, shops
2. also, I, for, need, Dad’s, birthday, a, buy, present, to
3. buy, jeans, where, we, go, will, to, the
4. I, collar, the, with, prefer, the, white, one
5. TV, you, watching, do, like
一、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
二、1. going 2. shoes 3. with 4. shopping 5. in
三、1. jeans 2. changing 3. collar 4. watch 5. many
四、1. Do you need anything from the shops?
2. I also need to buy a present for Dad’s birthday.
3. Where will we go to buy the jeans?
4. I prefer the one with the white collar.
5. Do you like watching TV?




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