(上海牛津版)初二英语Chapter 3

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1) put down
2) put up
3) put on
4) put off
5) put out
get off / get on
refer to
in the past – at present – in the future
in time / on time
pass the exam
fail (in) the exam
1) I saw him enter the room.
2) Please do not enter without knocking at the door
a traffic jam
arrive / get to / reach
I can’t imagine he will attend the meeting.
every day / everyday
1) n / pron
2) to do
3) We must decide what to do with them.
remember to do / remember doing
forget to do / forget doing
look round / around
1) I hope you can visit China some day.
2) We hope to see you again.
3) In this we hope for your help.
1. He watches TV once a week.(就划线部分提问)
______ ______ ______ he ______ TV?
2. She goes shopping three times a week.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
______ she _____ shopping three times a week?
______, she _________.
3. I think this is a good way to keep healthy. (否定句)
I ________ think this _____ a good way to keep healthy.
4. I have a stomachache. (改成主语是he的句子)
________ ________ a stomachache.
5. It started three days ago. (就划线部分提问)
________ _______ it ________?
6. Mary lives in Newcastle. (就划线部分提问)
________ does Mary live?
7. My sister is seven years old. (就划线部分提问)
______________ is your sister?
8. The letter is from my new pen-friend. (就划线部分提问)
________ is the letter from?
9. We discuss our business at breakfast.(一般疑问句)
10. Jim goes to bed at eleven at night.(一般疑问句)
1. How often does watch
2. Does go No doesn’t
3. don’t is
4. He has
5. When did start
6. Where
7. Hoe old
8. Who
9. Do you discuss your business at breakfast.
10. Does Jim go to bed at eleven at night ?
There was a rich man. He was very hard on his farmhand(长工).One day he gave his farmhand a __1__ and said, “Buy me a bottle of wine(酒).”
The farmhand asked, “__2__ can I buy you wine with no money at all?”
The rich man said, “Anyone can __3__ wine with money. It __4__ real skill(技巧)to buy wine __5__ money.”
After a while the farmhand __6__ with the empty bottle. He handed the bottle to the rich man and said, “__7__ the wine, please.”
Looking at the__8__bottle, the rich man asked, “There is__9__wine, how can I enjoy this?”
The farmhand said, “Anyone can enjoy wine __10__ there is some. It takes real skill to enjoy wine when there is none.”
1. A.cup B. bag C. bottle D. basket
2. A. When B. Where C. How D. Why
3. A. give B. buy C. drink D. sell
4. A. takes B. spends C. learns D. makes
5. A. with B. without C. for D. to
6. A. went B. borrowed C. lent D. returned
7. A. Eat B. Choose(选择) C. Make D. Enjoy
8. A. full B. empty C. beautiful D. small
9. A. no B. some C. any D. different
10. A. because B. until C. if D. or
Key :
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C
1. —___________ do you read English? —I read English every morning.
A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often
2. She hopes you feel __________ soon.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
3. — Who taught him to fly a kite. — ________ ! He taught _________ !
A. Someone; him B. Nobody; himself C. Anybody; himself D. Someone; him
4. She __________ yesterday.
A. had a cold B. had cold
C. have a cold D. take cold
5. —Mary ______takes the bus in the morning.
—You are wrong. She always takes it in the morning.
A. seldom B. always C sometimes D. usually
6. —Does she watch TV every evening?
—No, she ________.
A. does B. is C. doesn’t D. isn’t
7. You can go this way because it’s______ one-way street.
A. a B. an C. the D. (不填)
8. —______does it take you to get to school?
—About twenty minutes.
A. How long B. When C. Where D. What
9. —______ is Mr Brown?
—He’s gone to England.
A. What B. How C. Where D. When
10. Jim is ______ honest man and he never tells a lie.
A. a B. an C. the D. (不填)
1. I'm ______. (thirsty, hungry)Please give me a glass of water.
2. A person who plans building is called an _________.(engineer, architect)
3. I’m about five _______ (foot; feet) tall.
4. He is very _____( friendly; lazy)and never tidies his room.
5. My new _____( shoes; socks) are too small. They hurt my feet.
6. The film is_______( boring; exciting). Few people like it.
7. I couldn’t do the last maths problem. It was very _______.( difficult; simple)
8. What grade do you usually_______(learn; achieve)?
9. Parents are ___________ (used; responsible) for looking after the children.
10. I ________( listened; attended) a lecture at the City Hall. It was very interesting.
1. Mr Black is the _________ of the shop.(经理)
2. I have________ lessons on Sunday.(小提琴)
3. I want to get a job in ________.(销售)
4. All the _________ in my company work very hard.(会计)
5. We have a family _________ which was started two years ago.(公司)
6. I enjoy playing ______.(棋)
7. I _______ a photo and a book mark in my letter.(附上)
8. Mr Smith works an _________ in Paris.(工程师)
9. Lee’s parents own a Korean _________ in Shenyang.(餐馆)
10. Bob was______ in England on May 10th.(出生)
四、字母组词 (10分)
1. I get up at six, wash and put on my school ________. (niuorfm)
2. Teachers always ask some top students to ________those who are poor at students. (tssias)
3. My job is to write computer _______. (amegs)
4. We are going to ________ many problems at the meeting. (isducss)
5. Sometimes I make phone calls to ________ on the way to school.(lcienst)
6. My school has many sports fields. I’m ______ on sports.(enek)
7. Is your best subject at school________? (shpiycs)
8. Susan’s ________ is to be a middle school teacher. (iontbiam)
9. He probably eats good ________because his father is a cook.(emals)
10. Playing sports makes Bob _______. (leathyh)
American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year, the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school. High school students study only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.
After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.
( ) 1. Most American children go to school at the age of _________.
A. eight B. seven C. six D. five
( ) 2. High school students ______ after class.
A. do a lot of homework B. do some housework for their parents
C. do many interesting things D. do some shopping
( )3. After high school, many students go to __.
A. work in a college B. college
C. make more money D. cities or towns
( ) 4. In order to _____, many college students work after school.
A. get the money for their studies B. help other people
C. help their parents D. learn some new things
( ) 5. From this passage we can know in American, a summer holiday begins in _______.
A. July B. January C. September D. February

二、thirsty architect feet lazy shoes boring
difficult achieve responsible attended
三、manager violin sales accounts business chess enclose
engineer restaurant born
四、uniform assist games discuss clients keen
physics ambition meals healthy




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