(湘教版)初二英语Unit3 My Hobby Topic 1

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一. 本周教学内容:
Unit 3 My Hobby Topic 1
二. 教学过程:
Section C
1. Did you use to go swimming during summer vacations?
(1) go swimming 去游泳 go shopping 去购物
go skiing 去滑雪 go skating 去滑冰
go + ving 常表示去做某事
(2)during 介词,在……期间
They sleep during the day.
I play basketball during summer holidays.
2. I used to do that in the pond in front of my house.
in front of ... in the front of ...
in front of ... 在……的前面(在某个范围外的前面)
in the front of ... 在……的前部(在某个范围内的前面)
如:There is a tree in front of our classroom.
There is a big desk in the front of the classroom.
3. Who taught you to swim?

如:He teaches us English.
He teaches us to study English.
4. Nobody, I taught myself.
(1)nobody相当于not anybody,作不定代词,意思是没有人,无人。
如:There is nobody in the room. = There isn’t anybody in the room.
Nobody knows this way.
(2)teach oneself ... = learn ... by oneself 自学
I teach myself English. = I learn English by myself.
5. People like to do interesting things in their spare time.
in one’s spare time 在某人的业余时间,one’s代表形容词性物主代词或名词的所有格。如:
in our spare time 在我们的业余时间
in Jenny’s spare time 在珍妮的业余时间
6. People usually do what they like.
what they like为此句的宾语,所以称它为宾语从句,宾语从句的语序要用陈述句的语序。另外:前面我们讲到的某人做过的事 what sb. did;某人所说过的事 what sb. said。
如:Do you know where Jim’s father works? (从句为陈述句语序)
My mother knows when I was born. (从句为陈述句语序)
7. They keep pets. They play sports. They sing and dance. They play computer games or chat on the Net.
在网上 on the Net 在电视上 on TV
喂养宠物 keep pets
打游戏 play computer games
但注意玩溜溜球 play with a yo-yo(一定要用介词with)
8. They also paint pictures or collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps.
(1)paint 动词,绘画(用颜料画)。draw则多指用铅笔、蜡笔、钢笔等画。
如:The artist paints in water colors.
The child was drawing a picture.
(2)such as 例如,像,后面跟一系列并列的人或物,常为词或短语,表示例如。而for example 也表示“例如”,后面常跟一个句子。如:
I like fruits, such as apples, oranges, pears and so on.
I know he often does good things, for example, he often helps the old men.
and so on 常放在列举多个事物句子的后面,表示“等等”。如:
I like English, Chinese, maths and so on.
9. When people are sick, hobbies can help them get well sooner.
get 为系动词,后面跟形容词,well既可作形容词又可作副词,只有表示身体健康时,well才作形容词,所以本句中get well中的well是形容词。
Section D
1. He doesn’t mind whether they are good or not.
(1)whether ... or ... 是……还是……,不管……还是……
如:Whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best.
I don’t know whether he will come or not.
I don’t know whether (if) he will come.
2. He likes water and I often help him take a bath in a pond near my house.
have a bath = take a bath 洗澡

语法聚焦 Grammar focus Used to
1. used to为一个表示过去常做而现在不复存在的习惯的情态动词,和其它情态动词的用法一样,后面直接加动词原形,而且没有人称和数的变化。
如:He used to do his homework on Sunday, but now he often does homework on Saturday.
I used to get up at seven in the morning, now I usually get up at six.
2. used to引导的句子,其否定形式和一般疑问句形式有两种形式。一种和其它情态动词一样,直接在used后加not即(usedn’t)构成否定句,或直接把used提前构成一般疑问句。另一种是把used变成use,然后再在use前加didn’t构成否定句,或在句首加did used 变成use构成一般疑问句。如:

I. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. I’m going to bring my stamp __________ (collect) to school.
2. It’s a very __________ (enjoy) hobby.
3. I have fun __________ (work) in my garden.
4. Roses smell so __________ (wonderfully).
5. It will be __________ (cloud) tomorrow.
6. What a __________ (heavily) rain.
7. It’s __________ (warm) today than yesterday.
8. One of his friend __________ (call) John will come to see him.
9. She has to stay at home and do some __________ (write) .
10. I feel much __________ (well) today.
11. Liu Xiang runs __________ (real) fast.
12. He never __________ (paint) on the wall.
13. They are __________ (interest) in football.
14. There __________ (be) nobody in the street.
15. They prefer __________ (read) .
II. 单项选择。
1. The book is __________. Most of the teachers are __________ in it.
A. interesting , interested B. interesting , interesting
C. interested , interested D. interested , interesting
2. Who taught your brother to study English?
___________, he taught himself.
A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Anybody D. Someone
3. Tomorrow is Sunday. What about __________ to the park?
A. went B. to go C. go D. going
4. What _________ he __________ last Sunday?
A. do , do B. does , do C. did , do D. did , did
5. Do you want to be a __________?
A. sing B. singer C. singers D. song
6. Would you like to paint the pictures?
Yes, __________.
A. I would B. I like C. I’d like D. I’d like to
7. This is a house __________ a small garden.
A. have B. has C. with D. for
8. Do you love __________ jazz music?
A. listen B. listening C. listens D. listening to
9. Used he to __________ early?
A. getting up B. get up C. gets up D. got up
10. Mr Smith can __________ a little Chinese.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
III. 完形填空。
We often like to _____1_____ this game in our classroom. We sit in a circle _____2_____ our chairs. The teacher gives _____3_____ of us a big red flower. The teacher says, “Begin! ” He beats a drum and the students pass the flower _____4_____ one student’s hand _____5_____ another student’s hand very quickly. The flower goes round and round the circle. Then the teacher says, “_____6_____ !” He stops beating the drum. And the student who has the flower _____7_____ his hand is going to the middle of the circle to _____8_____ a song or say something interesting to _____9_____ ! After that we are going to begin the _____10_____ again.
( )1. A. take B. do C. play D. make
( )2. A. down B. on C. around D. at
( )3. A. each B. ones C. every D. one
( )4. A. from B. of C. in D. to
( )5. A. for B. with C. to D. on
( )6. A. Begin B. Start C. End D. Stop
( )7. A. at B. on C. in D. with
( )8. A. sing B. make C. say D. hear
( )9. A. them B. her C. us D. him
( )10. A. class B. game C. song D. flower
1. collection 2. enjoyable 3. working
4. wonderful 5. cloudy 6. heavy
7. warmer 8. called 9. writing
10. better 11. better 12. paints
13. interested 14. is 15. reading
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B




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