(人教版+朗文)初二Unit6 Find the right place ?

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Unit Six Find the right place ?
二. 重点、难点
1. 表示方位的短语
in, next to, behind , in front of , on the right , between, beside
2. Ask for directions.询问方向
Excuse me, where is the ……?
Excuse me, Which is the way to….?
3. Giving directions.指点方向
Sorry, I am a stranger here.
You’d better take a bus.
Go down this street.
三. 具体内容
1. 表示方位的短语
It’s next to the ……..
It’s in front of the ………
It’s behind the …….
It’s outside the ……
It’s on the left(right)of the …….
In the middle of ….
Between….. and
In the front(back)row
At the back of….
On the left(right)side
2. Ask for directions. 询问方向
Excuse me. Where is the nearest …..?
Excuse me. Is there a ….. near here?
Excuse me. Which is the way to….?
Excuse me. How can I get to…..?
Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to…..?
Excuse me. Do you know the way to…..?
3. Giving directions. 指点方向
Walk along this road.
Take the second turning on the right.
Turn right at the second turning.
It’s about 100 metres away.
It’s quite far from here.
It’s over there on the left.
It’s about five minutes’ walk from there.
It’s about a hundred metres along on the right.
I think you need a No 1 bus.
I’m sorry I don’t know. You can ask the police over there.
4. Thank you all the same.
All the same “尽管如此,仍然”
He gives me a lot of trouble----- but I like him all the same.
也可以说 Thank you anyway. Thank you anyhow
5. He needs some help.
Children need milk.
This soup needs more salt.
—Need we go so soon?
—No, we needn’t.
—Yes, we must.
He needs to study hard.
The clothes needs washing.
6. It’s about a hundred metres along on the right.
确数表达方式:two hundred / three thousand / five million
概数表达方式:hundreds of / millions of / thousands of
“along” 意为“向前”adv.
Go along the road. Along意为“沿着”
7. The six students must keep their hands behind their backs.
句子的结构是 S+ V+ O+ P
You must keep the classroom clean.
The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.
Don’t keep your parents waiting for you at the school gate.
与keep 有关的短语还有:
keep well
How long can I keep it?
8. All the six students do as the teacher says.
All here is yours.
All the food is on the table.
All the boys want to see the film.
The boys all want to see the film.
All of the boys want to see the film.
As 是连词 “ 如…..一样”
You’d better do as your mother says.
As I was walking in the park, an accident happened.
I’d like to go abroad as you do.
9. At this moment, the teacher tells the other students to open their eyes, and guess who has the coin. 这时,老师告诉其他的学生睁开眼睛, 猜一猜硬币在谁的手里。
At this moment= at the moment= now 此刻
与moment 有关的短语还有:
at any moment 任何时刻 for the moment 暂时 in a moment 立刻
She is short of money for the moment.
You can come at any moment.
I’ll ring him in a moment.
Guess 既可用于动词,也可用于名词
They can have only three guesses.
They can guess three times.
Can you guess who broke the window?
10. Are you good at reading maps?
Be good at = do well in
Are you good at English?
Are you doing well in English?
Reading maps 看地图
11. He finds it very hard to travel round big city because he doesn’t know the way.
find +it+ adj. to do
We all think it important to study English well.
She finds it interesting to talk with him.
[例1] — _____ is your school?
— Only five minutes’ walk.
A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How many
[例2] Lily is drawing on the blackboard, but where are _____ students?
A. the other B. other C. another D. the others
[例3 ] That shop is about _____ along on the left.
A. two hundred metres B. two hundreds metres
C. a hundred metre D. a hundreds metres
[例4] You’d ____ go there.
A. better don’t B. better not C. not better D. better not to
[例5] There are some trees _____ the house.
A. in front of B. in the front of
C. on front of D. on the front of
[例6] His watch is broken. He needs _____ a watch shop.
A. to look for B. to find C. looking for D. finding
[例7] The factory is about 5,000 metres _____.
A. far B. far away C. away D. long away
[例8] You _____ look out of the window in class.
A. aren’t B. don’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t
[例9] _____ bus do I take? The No 22 bus.
A. Which number B. What C. How D. Whose
[例10] The police station is ______ the street.
A. before B. at C. in front of D. along
一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words
1. Walk along the road and take the _____(four)turning on the left.
2. The other students in the class keep their eyes ______(close)
3. I find it very hard______(travel)in a big city.
4. It’s easy_____(find)it.
5. _____(Canada)speak English and French.
6. You’d better _____(catch)a bus. It’s too far.
7. March 8th is ______(woman)Day.
8. My pen is at home. May I use______(you)?
9. It’s eight o’clock. Jim _______(write).
10. Keep ______(try)and you’ll make it.
二. Finish off the sentences
1. She needs some water. (否定句)
She _____ ______ ______ water.
2. My sister stands next to Jim.
______ _____ your sister ______?
3. He can only guess six times. (同义句)
He can only _______ _______ _____ .
4. We are all warm- hearted. (同义句)
______ ______ ______ are warm-hearted.
5. Please take the second turning on the left.
Please ______ left ______ the second turning.
6. The hospital is near the school.
The hospital isn’t ______ ______ the school.
7. You must do your homework now. (一般疑问句及否定句)
______I ______ ______ homework now?
______, you ______.
8. The student must keep their eyes closed.
______ ______ the students ______?
三. Complete the dialogue
A:____1____ _____2_____. Is there a post office near here?
B:I’m ____ 3 ____here. I don’t ____4____. You’d better ____5 ____that man over there.
A:Thank you ____6___ ___7_____ ____ 8 .
Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?
B:No. the ____9_____ is 6 kilometers ____10____. You need ___11 ____12____ a bus.
A: 13_____ number do I need?
B:I think you ___14______ a number 42 .
A:Thank you very much.
B:You’re _____15_____.

一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words
1. fourth 2. closed 3. to travel 4. to find 5. Canadians
6. catch 7. women’s 8. yours 9. is writing 10. trying
二. Finish off the sentences
1. doesn’t ; need ; any 2. Where ; does ; stand
3. have / make ; three ; guesses 4. All ; of ; us
5. turn ; at 6. far ; from
7. Must ; I ; do ; my ; No ; needn’t 8. What ; must ; do
三. Complete the dialogue
1. Excuse 2. me 3. new 4 know 5 ask
6. all 7. the 8 same 9. nearest 10. away
11. to 12. catch 13. Which 14. need 15. welcome




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