(人教版+朗文)初二复习与巩固 Unit 4—6

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一. 本周教学内容:
复习与巩固 Unit 4—6
二. 重点、难点:
1. Making suggestion 提建议的表达方式
2. 表示方位的短语
3. 询问方向与指点方向
4. 词语辨析
三. 具体内容
1. Making suggestion 提建议的表达方式
Shall we go swimming this afternoon?
Shall he come tomorrow?
(2)Let’s ….表示 提建议征求意见
Let’s go for a walk after supper?
Let’s go and say hello to Mr Smith, shall we?
(3)What about/How about….? About后接名词或动名词
What about a drink?
What about writing back to him about it?
(4)Why not + do 或者Why don’t you….? 表示 “何不…?”
Why don’t we stay here another day?
Why not wear your new coat?
(5)Would you like…..?
Would you like a cup of tea?
Would you like me to help you with it?
(6)had better do “最好….”
You’d better do it at once.
(7)would /do you mind doing 表示“你介意…吗?”
Would you mind opening the door?
Would you mind going by car?
2. 表示方位的短语
It’s next to the ……..
It’s in front of the ………
It’s behind the …….
It’s outside the ……
It’s on the left(right)of the …….
In the middle of ….
Between….. and
In the front(back)row
At the back of….
On the left(right)side
3. ask for directions.询问方向
Excuse me. Where is the nearest …..?
Excuse me. Is there a ….. near here?
Excuse me. Which is the way to….?
Excuse me. How can I get to…..?
Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to…..?
Excuse me. Do you know the way to…..?
4. Giving directions.指点方向
Walk along this road.
Take the second turning on the right.
Turn right at the second turning.
It’s about 100 metres away.
It’s quite far from here.
It’s over there on the left.
It’s about five minutes’ walk from there.
It’s about a hundred metres along on the right.
I think you need a No 1 bus.
I’m sorry I don’t know. You can ask the police over there.
5. have to 与must的区别:
have to must
说话人的主观意图和要求 由于外部环境、情况、习惯等客观需要
不得不 必须
有时态、人称、数量的变化 没有时态、人称、数量的变化
I must take him to hospital to see the doctor. (主观意愿)
You must treat him as your brother. (要求)
My mother is ill, so I have to stay at home and take care of her.
He has to stay up late because he will take an exam next week.
If you want to be thinner, you will have to take more exercise.
Does he have to finish it in two hours?
He doesn’t have to pay back all the money.
6. Until 与not … until的用法
Until 可作介词也可作连词,until 用在肯定句中,与持续性动词连用,表示某动作持续到某时
He waits until I finish school.
We’d better wait until the rain stops.
Not …until与非延续性动词连用,指直到….才
The shop doesn’t open until eight o’clock.
I don’t go to bed until the sun rises.
7. 短语与句型
wait to do sth wait for sb wait a moment
wait and see use sth to do be used for doing
It’s no use doing sth It’s very useful to do look at
listen to hear of hear sb doing
play with the dog be friendly to sb help sb with sth
leave school finish school be away from school
go to college go to university get sth from sb
nothing much be free What’s up?
on land by land That’s why …….
have nothing to do fall into the water Work must come first.
I don’t know what to do far away the tickets for boating
keep one’s eyes closed pass sth to sb at this moment
most of them need to do be broken
1. What _______ on Sundays?
A. do your parents do usually B. does usually your father do
C. usually does your father do D. do your parents usually do
2. Here _____ a letter and two books for you.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
3. A horse runs______ than a donkey.
A. more faster B. much fast
C. much more fast D. much faster
4. This picture of mine is _______than that of yours.
A. more better B. much better C. very better D. a lot of better
5. It takes us an hour _____ this work.
A. do B. to do C. does D. doing
6. It is very hard _____ me _____ answer the question.
A. to, to B. for, to C. of, to D. to, for
7. _______ are going to Shanghai by air.
A. The Reads B. The Read C. Mr Reads D. Reads
8. He must finish ______ the classroom after class.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleans D. cleaning
9. Who is washing the clothes?
A. Lucy does B. Lucy is C. Lucy do D. Lucy was
10. Please keep the window ________ when you leave.
A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed
一. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words.
1. I don’t know what_________(do).
2. I like ______(watch)them_____(swim) and _____ (jump).
3. I am going to finish_____(read)the book this week.
4. He’d like_____(have)dumplings for supper.
5. I don’t think it is good for your eyes _____(read)in bed.
6. You’d better _____(play)with her.
7. Would you like ______(have)eggs for breakfast?
8. I think_____(play)games is much better than it.
9. It’s cold. Please keep the window_____(close).
10. My mother gets up _____ in my family.(early)
二. Choose the best answers.
1.What time are you going to ____ for Nanjing?
A. begin B. go C. come D. start
2. Lucy’s aunt is a worker. She makes ____ in a _____factory.
A. shoes, shoes B. the shoes, shoe
C. shoes, shoe D. shoe, shoes
3. These oranges are delicious. Would you like____?
A. the other B. other one C. another one D. one other
4. He is _____ than his brother.
A. more strong B. very strong
C. much stronger D. strong
5. You _____ look out of the window in class.
A. aren’t B. don’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t
6. It’s about five hundred meters ____ his home.
A. far B. away C. from D. far from
7. ______ delicious mooncakes they are!
A. what B. How C. So D. Very
8. What shall we do? What about____?
A. go shopping B. to go some shopping
C. going some shopping D. going shopping
9. He eats ____ food, and that’s why he is ____fat.
A. much too, too much B. much too, too many
C. too much , much too D. too much , many too
10. They went to the hospital _____ the morning of September 2.
A. in B. at C. of D. on
三. Finish off sentences.
1. 如果你掉到湖里, 我会来救你的。
If you ____ ____ the lake, I may ___ ____ ____ help you.
2. 我是来向你辞行的。
I come to ____ ____ _____ you.
3. 笼子里的动物不可能快乐。
The animals in cages _____ _____ _____.
4. 我们都按老师说的话做。
We all do ____ the teacher_____.
5. 请问, 这辆公共车去飞机场吗?
_____ _____, _____ this bus go to ____ _____?
6. 他每天要用一个小时的时间读书。
_____ _____ ____ an hour ____ _____ every day.
7. 并不是所有的人都很善良。
_____ _____ the people ______ _________.

1. to do 2. watching; swim; jump 3. reading 4. to have
5. to read 6. play 7. to have 8. playing 9. closed
10. earliest
1—5 DCCCC 6—10 CADCD
1.fall into; come up to 2. say goodbye to 3. can’t be happy
4. as; told 5. Excuse me; does; the airport
6. It takes him; to read 7. Not all; are kind




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