(人教版+朗文)初二Unit8 I was not here yesterday.

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一. 本周教学内容:
Unit eight I was not here yesterday.
二. 重点、难点
1. The simple past tense 一般过去时态
Be 动词的一般过去时态
2. Useful Expressions:
I hope you’re better now.
I’m sorry to hear that.
keep healthy
at the same time
三. 具体内容
1. The simple past tense 一般过去时态
① 动词的一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。这一动作或存在可能只发生一次,也可能经常发生。
② 常见的一般过去时态的时间状语
yesterday last month last year an hour ago
just now the day before yesterday a moment ago in the past
③ 一般过去时的陈述句和疑问句
Statement forms(陈述句形式) Question forms(疑问句形式)
I was(not)at school yesterday.
You were(not)here last week.
She was late this morning.
They had seafood for dinner last night.
There was a film three days ago.
He always went to work by bus last year. Was I at school yesterday?
Were you here last week?
Was she late this morning?
Did they have seafood last night?
Was there a film three days ago?
Did he always go to work by bus last year?
④ 词尾-ed的读音
规则 读音 例词
在浊辅音和元音后面 / d / called, borrowed, moved enjoyed, welcomed,
在清辅音后面 / t / finished, helped, passed
在/t/, /d/ 音后面 /id / wanted, shouted, needed
⑤ 常见的不规则动词:
am/is—was are—were go—went have—had
do—did get—got come—came say—said
see—saw eat—ate take—took
2. Everyone is here, but Lily is not.
Everyone 或every one of 作主语时谓语动词用单数。
Everyone was ready.
Every one of the cups was full of tea.
Be here ------ be away “不在, 出门”
3. I think she’s ill.我想她生病了。
I think you are right.
I think it’s going to rain.
I don’t think he will come.
I don’t think he knows the answer.
think about think over think of think up
I am thinking about learning some knowledge.
Think it over and you will know how to do it.
What do you think of the movie?
He thinks up a story and tells it to his classmates.
I was ill yesterday, but I’m better today.
My mother falls ill, so I have to look after her at home.
4. I hope she’s better tomorrow. 我希望她明天好起来。
I hope to go to Beijing University.
I hope that our teacher knows nothing about it.
I hope she won’t come.
There is still some hope of finding the lost dog.
My great hope is a motorcycle on my birthday.
hope这种希望是较容易实现的,而wish 是不易实现的
I wish I knew what is happening.
I wish I were a bird.
I wish you a happy birthday.
5. Yes, I remember.
remember 通常用做及物动词
I remember your face, but cannot remember your name.
Remember to be here before dark.
Remember to do sth --------forget to do sth
Remember doing sth--------forget doing sth
Remember to lock the door when you leave.
I remember telling him the news, but forget when .
Remember sb to sb 代某人向某人问好
Remember me to your parents when you see them.
6. Yes, I was a bit ill.
A bit= a little 有点儿,用做程度副词
I’m a bit tired, I think I’ll have a rest.
You were a bit angry yesterday.
A bit of 后跟不可数名词“一点,一些”
There was a bit of bread this morning.
He knows a bit of French.
Not a bit = not at all 一点也不,根本不; not a little“相当”
I’m not a bit tired.
I’m not a little tired.
7. You must look after yourself and keep healthy.
You must be careful.
You mustn’t park your car here.
His new novel is a must for all lovers of science fiction.
—Must I come earlier tomorrow?
—No, you needn’t.
keep 相当于系动词, 意为“保持,继续”
Keep the door open.
Good food keeps you healthy.
Don’t keep your mother waiting.
You must keep your hands behind your backs.
keep off 不接近, 避开 keep up with 跟上
keep on 继续 keep ….out 使….不进入
8. He goes to visit people and people come to see him.
visit 访问,拜访(某人)
We are visiting an old friend.
visit 参观,游览(某地)
Do you want to visit the Great Wall?
I paid a visit to my friend yesterday.
We’ll go on a visit to the seaside.
[例1] You can ________ your son here.
A. take B. bring C. look for D. to find
[例2] I’ll be back_________.
A. quickly B. fast C. quick D. soon
[例3] Our teacher hopes ________.
A. us to work hard B. we to work hard
C. we can work hard D. us working hard
[例4] Do you enjoy________ here?
A. working B. work C. to work D. worked
[例5] We travel ________ in summer for holidays.
A. very B. a lot C lots of D. much
[例6] Would you please _________ the door?
A. opened B. to open C. open D. opening
[例7] There is _____orange in my glass. Will you please give me____?
A. little , some B. few, any C. few, some D. little, any
[例8] I called you, but you were_________.
A. in B. out of C. at home D. out
[例9]—Who ________ you about that?
A. told, told B. tells, did C. told, did D. tells, does
[例10] I hope that Tom _____ a good student.
A. to be B be C was D will be
一. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.
1. He was ________ duty yesterday.
2. Lucy was not very well these days. She’s ________.
3. Lucy was in hospital yesterday, but now she’s ________.
4. “May I use your car for a day?” ----__________.
5. What do you want to be when you grow___________.
6. The shop _______ all kinds of school things.
7. My father drives________ work every day.
8. The boy drinks too much ________eats too little.
9. It’s much colder today than it ________ last night.
10. Were you in ________ out yesterday?
二. Correct the mistake in each of the sentence.
1. Chocolate is good at your health. Do you agree?_______
2. I’m feeling much well now.__________
3. Can you draw a picture for your left hand?__________
4. The old coat still looks nice to you.___________
5. Miss Zhao always asks him doesn’t speak in class.____________
6. They arrived in Shanghai in a Wednesday morning._________
7. Lucy is happy today. She is singing happy now.___________
8. The baby was sleep. Don’t make any noise.____________
9. Can you tell me how old are you?_____________
10. My friends bought lots of presents to me on my birthday.______________
三. Finish off the sentences.
1. We are going to meet outside the school gate. (划线部分提问)
______ _____ you ______ to _______?
2. Let’s meet at about half past one.(同义句)
______ _____ meeting at about _____ _____?
3. We made dumplings yesterday.(否定句)
We _______ __________ dumplings yesterday.
4. He had to do a lot of housework.(否定句)
He ____ ______ _______ ________ much housework.
5. They had dumplings last night.(一般疑问句)
________ they _______ dumplings last night?

1.on 2.ill 3. better 4.Certainly 5. up
6.sells 7 .to 8.but 9 .was 10.or
1. Chocolate is good at your health. Do you agree? for
2. I’m feeling much well now . better
3. Can you draw a picture for your left hand? with
4. The old coat still looks nice to you. on
5. Miss Zhao always asks him doesn’t speak in class. not to
6. They arrived in Shanghai in a Wednesday morning on
7. Lucy is happy today. She is singing happy now. happily
8. The baby was sleep. Don’t make any noise. asleep
9. Can you tell me how old are you? you are
10. My friends bought lots of presents to me on my birthday. for
1. Where are going meet
2. How about one thirty
3. didn’t make
4. didn’t have to do
5. Did have




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