(人教版+朗文)初二检测Unit 8—9

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一. Put the following words in the correct columns.
cried, answered, looked, started, thanked, carried, studied stopped, picked, needed, returned, knocked, asked, hurried, listened, watched, used, played, kicked, washed, cleaned, called, skated, liked, wanted
二. Choose the best answer.
1. You must keep your hands ______, Bob
A. cleaned B. clean C. cleaning D. to clean
2. He’s not a bit afraid when he sees a dog. The underlined part means _____.
A. not a little B. not very C. not at all D. very
3. My uncle isn’t a farmer now and he’s quite different from what he .
A. is B. was C. does D. did
4. My mother told me to be back ______.
A. soon B. fast C. quickly D. quick
5. The two students kept _____ the whole class.
A. to talk B. talked C. talking D. talks
6. She fell ill the day before and now she’s getting a little _____.
A. more ill B. iller C. bad D. worse
7. Linda, my sister, _______.
A. are both college students B. both are college students
C. is a college student D. is the college student
8. Would you like ______ to drink?
A. other something B. something other
C. something else D. else something
9. Can you tell me the answer _____ the question?
A. with B. for C. to D. at
10. Do you remember _____ he said at the meeting last week?
A. that B. which C. when D. what
11. Stop talking now! Please ______ me.
A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hear from
12. That glass looks nice. Please show_______.
A. me it B. it me C. me to it D. it to me
13. Look _____ the right and see if the cat’s there.
A. on B. to C. at D. for
14. You _____ look out of the window in class.
A. aren’t B. don’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t
15. There are two doors _____ this wall.
A. on B. in C. under D. of
16. “ Why is your sister _____? ” “ she’s ill ”.
A. on the bed B. in the bed C. on bed D. in bed
17. These oranges are delicious. Would you like _____?
A. the other B. the other one C. another one D. one another
18. Peter the work in a week.
A. have finished B. finishes C. is finishing D. will finish
19. ______open the window.
A. Will you please B. Please will you
C. You please D. Please
20. You’d better to see the doctor.
A. to go B. go C. went D. going
三. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs.
1. She on her coat and went out. (put)
2. “ What are they doing ? ”
“They ready for the sports meeting.” (get)
3. The boy asked his mother him go and play basketball.(let)
4. I’m sorry to keep you for a long time. (wait)
5. It (take)him half an hour (finish)his homework yesterday.
6. If it an interesting film, we’ll see it tomorrow. (be)
7. They usually (do)their homework after supper.
8. Listen! Who (sing)in the next room now?
9. (be)your parents in Shanghai last year?
10. Li Ming often (listen)to the radio in the morning.
11. All the people in the town are glad (hear)that a famous musician(音乐家)
(give)a concert(音乐会)this Saturday evening.
12. Would you like (visit)the Summer Palace with me?
13. Yesterday she (want) very much to see the film, but she couldn’t (get) a ticket.
14. Don’t make any noise, Grandma (sleep).
15. Stop (play). It’s time for class.
16. I’m very glad (hear)that.
17. Did you see him (wash)when you got to his home?
18. The story (happen)long ago.
19. They (visit)the History Museum last week.
20. They are busy (clean)their classroom.
21. Stay here, Tom. Don’t go out. It (rain)now.
22. The scientist (give)us a talk yesterday.
23. Will you please (come)here on time next time.
24. They (build)a new bridge over the river next year.
25. My father is very busy. He often (come)home late.
四. Complete the sentences.
1. He always enjoys ______(发明)new things.
2. Did you read today’s (报纸)?
3. He will tell me (一切)he knows.
4. (大多数)of them don’t agree to his plan.
5. I don’t (懂得)what you mean.
6. His family (搬)to London two months ago.
7. It’ll rain today. You’d better take an (雨伞)with you.
8. His English is (马马虎虎).
9. May comes after (四月).
10. Good (运气)to you, Ann!
11. Mr Mott at the meeting(谈论英语教学).
12. They had to on the next plane(飞往巴黎).
13. He got to the hotel very late, he (无法入睡).
14. He couldn’t remember if I him(和他在一起).
15. They talked (谈了半小时).
五. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.
I (go)to bed at 10 and (sleep) soundly. I ______ (wake)up at 2a.m. and (smell)something burning. I ______ (leap)out of bed and (run) to the kitchen. I _____ (see)nothing there: it was dark and quiet. I (run)to the living room. The television (be)still on I (forget)to turn it off before I (go) to bed last night.
Smoke was rising out of the back of the set! I turned off the electricity just in time, but the experience (keep)me awake all night! I ______ (feel)very worried and really
(learn)my lesson!
[t]:looked thanked stopped picked knocked asked watched kicked washed liked
[d]:cried answered carried studied returned hurried listened used played cleaned called
[id]:started needed skated wanted
1—5 BCBAC 6—10 DCCCD 11—15 BDBCB 16—20 DCDAB
1. put 2. are getting 3. to let 4. waiting 5. took , to finish
6. is 7. do 8. is listening 9. Were 10. listens
11. to hear, will listen 12. to visit 13. wanted , get 14. is sleeping
15. playing 16. to hear 17. washing 18. happened 19. visited
20. cleaning 21. is raining 22. gave 23. come 24. will build
25. comes
1. inventing 2. newspaper 3. all 4. Most 5. understand
6. moved 7. umbrella 8. so-so 9. April 10. luck
11. talks about English teaching 12. fly to Paris 13. couldn’t sleep
14. was with 15. for half an hour
went ; slept ; woke ; smelt ; leapt ; ran ; saw ; ran ; was ; forgot ; went ; kept ; felt ; learned




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