(人教版+朗文)初二Unit 11 Dates, months and seasons

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1. Tag questions反意疑问句小结
2. The prepositons in on and at 介词 in , on , at
3. useful expressions
1. 如果陈述句用肯定形式,简短问句一般用否定形式;反之,陈述句用否定形式,简短问句则用肯定形式。试比较:
Mary likes reading,doesn’t she?玛丽喜欢读书,是吧?
Mary doesn’t like reading,does she?玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧?
You’re a new student,aren’t you?你是新来的学生,对吧?
You aren’t a new student,are you?你不是新来的,对吧?
2. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括can,must,need等情态动词),其简短问句用同一个助动词。例如:
You haven’t seen that film,have you?你没有看过那部电影,是吗?
He can swim,can’t he?他会游泳,对吗?
3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短问句部分也用there be。例如:
There are some people in the room,aren’t there?教室里有人,是吗?
4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句用aren’t I?(在口语中,am I not?不常用,而amn’t I则极少用。)例如:
I’m late,aren’t I?我迟到了,是吗?
5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如nothing,nobody等不定代词时,简短问句部分应用肯定结构。为避免重复,用代词it来代替nothing;用they或he来代替nobody。例如:
Everything goes well,doesn’t it?一切顺利,是吗?
Everyone is here,aren’t they?(注意:此句问句与前句动词的数不一致。)
6. 如果陈述部分包含有no,never,hardly,few,little,scarcely等否定词时,简短问句部分应用肯定形式。例如:
You have no time on Monday,have you?星期一你没有时间,是吗?
He has never been to Shanghai,has he?他从没去过上海,对吗?
They can hardly imagine how beautiful she is,can they?他们很难想象出她是多么漂亮,是吗?
7. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will you?won’t you?would you?can you?can’t you? would you? shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句(意为请),但常用升调。won't用于邀请;will,would,can,can’t及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事,表请求。例如:
Do sit down,won’t you?您请坐。
Give me a pen,will you?请给我一支笔。
Open the door,would you?请打开门好吗?
Let’s go together,shall we?咱们一起走吧。
8. 在 I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess等结构中,简短问句的主语往往与从句的主谓保持一致,例如:
I think she’s out,isn’t she?我想她出去了,是吗?
I don’t believe it’s true,is it?我认为那不是真的,对吗?
9. 一般说来,反意疑问句的陈述部分和疑问部分应有反意关系,即肯定——否定,或否定——肯定,但有时也可没有这种反意关系,上面提到的祈使句是其中一种,也经常会见到下列情况。
Your car outside,is it?你的车在外边,是吧?
You’ve told him about this , have you ? 这事你已经告诉他了,是吧?
This isn’t yours,is it ? 这不是你的,是吗?
Yes,it is .不,是我的。
No,it isn’t . 对,不是我的。
10. 时间介词 in , on , at
(1)表示在较长的时间里(如周/月份/季节/年份/世纪等)。如:in a week; in May; in spring/summer/autumn/winter; in 2008; in the 1990’s等。
(2)表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening。
(3)in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。
(4)“in + 一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。如:in half an hour; in ten minutes; in a few days等。
(1)表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。如:on May 4th , 1919; on Monday;on Teachers’ Day;on my birthday;on that day等。
(2)表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:on the morning of July 2; on Sunday afternoon; on a cold winter evening等。
(1)表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。如:at six o’clock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time等。
(2)表示在某一短暂的时间。如:at noon; at this moment; at the end of a year; at the start of the concert等。
(3)It lasts from June to August.
vi. 持续为延续性动词,可与一段时间及How long 连用
America Civil War lasted for four years.
Our holidays lasted for ten days.
vt. 足够
This pair of shoes will last you 2 years.
Two loaves of bread will last us for two days.
(4)What’s the weather like in spring in your hometown?
be like…..? …..是什么样子?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
It will be fine, I think.
What is he like?
He is handsome and honest.
(5)You asked me about the weather here in China.
ask sb about sth. 询问某人关于……的情况
He asked me about the time and place of the meeting.
ask sb to do sth
He asked me to help him mend the bike.
(6)The weather gets warmer, and the days gets longer.
You will be wiser as you get older .
I have to leave now. It’s getting dark.
I’m getting fatter and fatter.
(7)Trees turn green, and flowers start to come out.
His hair has turned grey.
With the autumn coming the leaves are beginning to turn yellow.
come out 出现,显现
The flowers are coming out.
The sun came out.
come out (消息)传出
When the news came out, everybody was surprised.
come out 出版
When will his new book come out?
(8)I like to make snowman.
make 是英语中一个常用的动词, 当及物动词用时,是“制造”
make tea/coffee make money
make the bed make trouble
make laws make friends
make war make no sense
(9)In much of China, spring is usually very short.
much n. 大量,许多。 much = most places
He wasted much of the time.
Don’t eat much for supper.
too much 与 much too
too much
I have too much housework to do .
There is too much ice.
[例1] This is ________ easy question.
A. a quite B. very an
C. quite an D. quite a
解析:quite 相当,十分 quite a/ an +adj. + n.
[例2] The weather in Shandong is quite different from _________ in Haikou.
A. one B. those C. that D. this
解析:山东的天气与海口的天气迥然不同。weather 不可数名词,用that 来代替重复部分。
[例3] The flowers need__________.
A. to water B. water C. watered D. watering
解析:need doing = need to be done 这些花需要浇水。用主动表示被动。
[例4] In Harbin it sometimes snows very ________.
A. heavy B. heavier C. more heavily D. heavily
解析: very修饰形容词及副词的原级, 不用比较级。snow heavily 雪下得大,a heavy snow 一场大雪
[例5] There were no vegetables at home, ________?
A. weren’t there B. were there C. weren’t they D. were they
解析:反意疑问句的前部分是否定的,所以后一部分应该是肯定的。there be 句型不能被改变。
一. 用介词at、on、in填空
1. He came to my family May , 1999 .
2. He got home midnight.
3. Tree leaves begin to fall September .
4. He went to Beijing the morning of October 8th .
5. This matter happened the 1970’s his eighties.
6. He usually goes to see a film Sunday .
7. Can you finish the task a month ?
8. He left his homeland the age of thirty .
9. My family will move there two months .
10. He is kind to her times .
二. Choose the best answers.
1. They have to study a lot, ______?
A. don’t they B. haven’t they C. did they D. hadn’t they
2. Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. need he D. needn’t he
3. Everyone’s having a good time, ______?
A. is he B. isn’t everyone C. does he D. aren’t they
4. Let’s listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?
A. do we B. don’t we C. shall we D. shalln’t we
5. Jack has coffee with breakfast, ______?
A. hasn’t Jack B. hasn’t he C. doesn’t Jack D. doesn’t he
6. There isn’t anything wrong with the radio, ______?
A. is there B. is it C. does it D. does there
7. The teacher had a talk with you, ______?
A. has you B. hadn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she
8. All these dictionaries are a great help to you, ______?
A. are they B. aren’t they
C. are all these dictionaries D. aren’t all these dictionaries
9. Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day, ______?
A. doesn’t she B. does she C. do you D. don’t you
10. What beautiful weather, ______?
A. is it B. isn’t it C. won’t it D. doesn’t it
三. Reading
Long, long ago, as the birds flew over the world, they saw that men had a beautiful thing. It was a bright, burning thing. Men cooked their food and kept themselves warm with it. The birds thought life would be better if they could have this thing, too. So they decided to send a messenger to humans to ask for a little piece of it. They thought that Chicken was a good one to send because he was a good talker. So Chicken went.
He flew far over the forest until he came to a small town. He saw the burning thing. He learned that it was called “Fire”. But he did not ask for a piece of it. There was so much food lying around men’s houses that he started eating and forgot what he had come for.
Men liked Chicken because he crowed very early in the morning and woke them up. They let him run in and out of their houses. They threw him food. So Chicken stayed with humans. He never went back to the birds. He even forgot how to fly.
Choose the correct answer.
1. When the birds flew over the world, they saw _____.
A. a beautiful coat
B. Chicken
C. a messenger
D. a burning thing
2. The birds thought life would be _____ if they could have this thing, too.
A. best B. warmer C. better D. brighter
3. The birds decided to send a messenger to ask men _____.
A. to come to the birds
B. what the burning thing was
C. for food
D. to give them a little piece of fire
4. The birds thought that Chicken _____, so they decided to send him to humans.
A. was good at eating
B. knew men in the town very well
C. was good at talking
D. could fly far over the forest
5. Chicken never went back to the birds, because _____.
A. he was clever
B. he couldn't go back to the birds
C. he was very busy
D. he woke men up early in the morning
一. in , at , in , on , in , in , on , in , at , in , at
1—5 ABDCD 6—10 ADBBB
三. Reading




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