(教育科学版)初二Unit1 Epals

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Lesson 1
一. 单词
1. either [] adv. 也
2. own [] adj. 自己的
3. homepage n. 主页
二. 重点及难点:
(一)重点短语(Key Phrase) :
1. n Ext time 下一次
Example: See you n Ext time. 下次再见。
2. in these days 近来,今日,目前
Example:I study English these days.  我近来在学习英语。
3. this afternoon 今天下午
Example:She has a party this afternoon. 她今天下午有个聚会。
4. go to the dentist 去看牙医
Example:I have to go to the dentist. 我必须去看牙医。
(二)重点句型及使用 ( Key Sentence) :
1. interested adj. 感兴趣的
① be interested in sth./sb. 对某事/人感兴趣
Example:I am interested in English.
Liu Xiang is my favorite runner. I’m interested in him very much.
② be interested in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣
Example:I am interested in learning English.
2. hope v. / n. 希望
① hope to do sth. 希望做某事
Example:I hope to talk with you. 我希望能和你交谈。
I hope to be a teacher in the future. 我希望自己将来成为一名教师。
3. make v. 制作
① make one’s homepage 做某人的主页
Example:I’m making my homepage now. 我正在做我的主页。
② make the homepage with sb. 和某人一起做主页
Example:Jackson always makes the homepage with me.
(三)语法小提示 (Grammar Tips) :
1. “maybe”与 “may be”
Example:Maybe he can answer the question. 也许他能回答那个问题。
He maybe is from the USA, too. 他可能也来自美国。
(2)may be中的may为情态动词,译为“可能是......”。
Example:He may be from the USA, too. 他可能也来自美国。
She may be our English teacher. 她可能是我们的英语老师。
2. either与 too 的区别
You have one apple. I have one apple, too.
You don’t have one apple. I don’t have one apple, either.
I like pizza. Susan likes pizza, too.
I don’t like pizza. He doesn’t like pizza, either.
Lesson 2
一. 单词
1. pal [] n. 朋友,伙伴
2. Epal n. 网友
3. dear [] adj. 亲爱的
4. September [] n. 九月
5. American [] adj. 美国的,美国人的
6. Australian [] n. 澳大利亚人
7. over [] adv. 结束
8. but [] conj. 但是
9. take care 保重
10. cold [] adj. 寒冷的
11. reply [] n./ v. 回复,答复
12. nearly [] adv. 几乎, 密切地
13. himself [] pron. 他自己
14. culture [] n. 文化
15. later [] adv. 稍后,随后
* 16. California [] n. 加利福尼亚, 加州
* 17. Sydney [] n. 悉尼
18. introduce [] vt. 介绍
二. 重点及难点:
(一)重点短语(Key Phrase) :
1. school year 学年
2. in English 用英语
3. in September 在九月份
4. on weekend 在周末
5. go to the movies 去看电影
6. hear about 听说
(二)重点句型及使用 ( Key Sentence) :
1. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事
Example: I enjoy watching TV.我喜欢看电视。
2. ① introduce oneself 自我介绍,介绍某人自己
Example:I want to introduce myself. 我想作一个自我介绍。
Example:Do you want to introduce yourself? 你想做自我介绍吗?
Example:I want to introduce her to you. 我想把她介绍给你认识。
3. stay at home 呆在家 be at home   在家
Example:你现在在家 You’re stay at home now.
你现在在家You’re at home now.
4. help sb. /help sb with sth 帮助某人
Example:Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?
Example:I can help you with English. 我可以在英语方面帮助你。
5. ★be still + adj.  仍然,还…
Example:I am still hungry. 我还是饿。
I am still cold. 我还是冷。
6. thanks for doing sth. 感谢某事
Thanks for listening. 感谢收听。
Thanks for helping me. 感谢你的帮忙。
Thanks for introducing me to your class. 感谢你把我介绍给你的同学。
7. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人
Example:I want to introduce my parents to you .我想把我的父母介绍给你。
8. ★be from = come from 来自于…
I am from China. = I come from China.
Where are you from?
= Where do you come from?
(三)写作小提示 ( Writing Tips) :
信的开头是收信人,通常情况是 Dear +人名
Later. (Write you later. 以后再写信给你)
Take care. (保重)
Best wishes. (最美好的祝福)
Lesson 3
一. 单词
1. cube [] n. 立方体,立方
2. cute [] adj. 可爱的
3. perfume [] n. 香水
4. wake up 醒来
5. June [] n. 六月
6. April [] n. 四月
7. park [] n. 公园
* 8. piggy [] n. 小猪
二. 词组
1. speak English well 英语说的很棒
Example:She can speak English well. 她英语说的很棒。
2. go to sleep 去睡觉,入睡, 睡着
go to bed 上床睡觉
I usually go to sleep at 8 o’clock. 我通常八点去睡觉。
Do you go to sleep at 8? 你八点去睡觉吗?
3. wake up 醒来 get up 起床
She usually wakes up early in the morning. 她通常一大早就起来了。
I get up early in the morning. 我起来的非常早。
4. go to the park 去公园
Example: My grandma always goes to the park every morning.
5. a lot of homework 很多作业
Example: I have a lot of homework. 我有很多家庭作业。
6. New Year’s Day 新年
Christmas Day 圣诞节
三. 句型
1. be sure that 确定,确信
Example: I am sure that you like English. 我确信你喜欢英语。
I am sure that you are student.
2. have sth. to do要做某事
Example:I have a lot of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。
You have a lot of books to read. 你有很多书要读。
3. was/ were born 出生
Example:I was born in Harbin. 我出生在哈尔滨。
I was born in 1990. 我是1990年出生的。
四. 语法小提示 (Grammar Tips)
年、月、周前要用in (in 1990 , in May , in this week)
遇到几号要用on (on May 9, 2005)
用on 换in 才能行。
上午、下午又是in (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)
午夜、黄昏须用at, (at night, at dark)
at也用在时、分前。 (at 9 o’clock )
Lesson 4
一. 单词
1. scuba diving [] n. 潜水
2. someday [] adv. 有一天
3. borrow [] v. 借
4. still [] adv. 还是,还,仍然
5. could [] modal v. 能,能够(can 的过去式)
6. completely [] adv. 完全地
7. do well in … 做得好;擅长做某事
8. while [] conj. 当……时候
二. 词组
1. the novel of sb.
Example:I like the novel of San Mao. 我喜欢三毛的书。
三. 句型
★be finished doing sth. 做完某事  
finish reading this book 读完这本书
Xiaoming is not finished reading it.
Xiaoming is not finished reading with it.
★be written by sb.   由某人写…
This book is written by Linda. 这本书是Linda 写的。
These Exercise books are written by Cherry.
这些练习册是Cherry 写的。
一. 将下列词组翻译成英文
1. 下一次 2. 近来,今日,目前
3. 今天下午 4. 做某人的主页
5. 和某人一起做主页 6. 去看牙医
7. 你自己 8. 用英语
9. 在九月份 10. 在周末
二. 翻译下列句子
1. 下课了。
2. 游戏结束。
3. 我想作一个自我介绍。
4. 我想把她介绍给你认识。
5. 我来自中国。(2种表达)。
6. 我从利萨那里听说你的。
7. 这本书是Linda 写的。
8. 我能借用你的笔吗?
9. 我在英语方面很擅长。
10. 我对三毛的小说很感兴趣。
三. 用at , in , on 填空,并翻译成汉语。
1. ______ the evening
2. ______ six o'clock
3. ______ December 25th
4. ______ December 1986
5. ______ the morning
6. ______ half past eleven
7. ______ April
8. ______ spring
9. ______ Christmas
10. ______ the third week
四. 填空完成对话
A: What are you _______?
B: I’m reading a book _______ scuba diving.
A: Are you interested _______ scuba diving?
B: Yes, I hope _______ _______ a scuba _______.
A: I’m sure you _______. Why don’t we go to the _______ pool today?
B: Maybe n Ext _______. I want to _______ this book.
1. n Ext time 2. these days
3. this afternoon 4. make one’s homepage
5. make homepage with sb.
6. go to the dentist 7. yourself
8. in English 9. in September
10. on weekends
1. The class is over.
2. The game is over.
3. I want to introduce myself.
4. I want to introduce her to you.
5. I come from China. I’m from China.
6. I heard about you from Lisa.
7. This book is written by Linda.
8. May I borrow your pen ?
9. I’m good at English.
10. I’m interested in the novel of San Mao.
三. 用at , in , on 填空
1. in the evening 在晚上
2. at six o'clock 在6点钟
3. on December 25th 在12月25日
4. in December 1986 1986年12月
5. in the morning 在早上
6. at half past eleven 在11点半
7. in April 在四月
8. in spring 在春季
9. at Christmas 在圣诞节
10. in the third week 在第三周
四. 填空完成对话
1. doing 2. about 3. in 4. to 5. be
6. diver 7. will 8. swimming 9. time 10. finish




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