(教育科学版)初二Unit 7 Weather Forecasts

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第七单元 天气预报
问候语:Hello one more time! How are you today? How time flies! It’s time to talk about Unit 7. Are you ready?
模式语:今天我们的学习内容是EEC英语 第一册
Lesson 1 Let’s get started
第一课 让我们开始吧
词汇表P48~ P49
1. forecast 预测,预报
2. clear up 放晴
3. hold on 不挂断电话
(一)重点短语(Key Phrase) :
1. speak to sb. 和某人讲
I spoke to Linda yesterday. 我昨天和琳达讲话了。
May I speak to Cherry? 我能和Cherry 讲话吗?
2. come with me 跟我来
A: Where are you going?
B: Why don’t you come with me?
3. go to the zoo 去动物园
We will go to the zoo this Sunday. 我们这个周日去动物园。
(二)重点句型及使用 ( Key Sentence) :
1. May I … ? 与 Can I …? 都是向他人提出请求的交际用语。
但是May I … ? 的语气会更加委婉。
May I come in?
May I borrow your pen?
2. Hold on a second.
second 有多个含义:(1)第二 (2)秒 (3)片刻
second 在本句的意思就是“片刻”。
3. would like to do sth. = would love to do sth. 意思是想要去做某事。
I would like to be a teacher. 我想成为一名老师。
I would love to see this film. 我想看这部电影。
(三)语法小提示 (Grammar Tips) :
Is Susan coming too? 苏珊也会来吗?
Are you going to school tomorrow? 你明天准备去学校吗?
I’m going to Beijing . 我要去北京。
Lesson 2
词汇表P50 ~P51
1. information 2. news
3. report 4. predict
5. future 6. station
7. map 8. airport
9. manager 10. go out
11. safety 12. farmer
13. fisherman 14. protect
15. crop 16. while
1. news n. 新闻
词汇拓展:newspaper 报纸
No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。
My dad often reads newspapers in the morning. 我爸爸经常早上读报纸。
2. manager n. 管理人员,经理
词汇拓展:manage v. 管理
He is a manager. He managed the supermarket. 他是一名经理。他管理这个超市。
3. air空气, 天空, 空中
airplane 飞机 I go to Shanghai by airplane. 我坐飞机去上海。
airport 机场 I’ll wait for you at the airport. 我在机场等你。
4. show
① n.表演
I’m going to watch a show tonight. 我今天晚上去看表演。
词汇拓展:* talk show 脱口秀节目
I like watching talk show. 我喜欢看脱口秀节目
* fashion show 时装表演
There’s a fashion show tonight. 今天晚上有一个时装表演。
② v.展示, 出示
Show me your hand. 给我看看你的手。
词汇拓展:* show sb. sth. 给某人展示某物
I want to show you my photo.
1. weather forecast 天气预报
2. TV news programs 电视新闻节目
3. protect their crops 保护庄稼
4. go out to fish 去钓鱼
5. in the future 在将来
6. make plans 制订计划
1. tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事
Can you tell me where the bus station is? 你能告诉我车站在哪里吗?
I tell her a story. 我给她讲了一个故事。
2. know about sth. 知道关于某方面的事情
I want to know more about science. 我想知道关于更多科学方面的知识。
The boy knows a lot about basketball. 这个男孩知道许多关于篮球方面的知识。
3. have a good time with sb. 和某人度过愉快的时光
I had a good time with friends on Sunday. 我和朋友在周日度过一段美好的时光。
Lucy usually has a good time with her parents during the summer vacation.
4. need v.需要做某事
need sth. 需要某物
I need some pens. 我需要一些钢笔。
need to do sth. 需要做某事
You look sick. You need to go to see a doctor. 你看起来生病了。你需要去看医生。
5. help v. 帮助
help sb. 帮助某人
Let me help you. 让我帮助你。
help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事
I often help my mom clean the room. 我经常帮妈妈打扫房间。
6. make plans for sth. 做……的计划
I will make plans for my winter vacation. 我要做寒假计划。

Lesson 3
词汇表P52 ~P53
1. wet 2. post office
3. send 4. necklace
5. understand 6. lesson
1. wet adj. 湿的, 潮湿的
词汇拓展:dry adj. 干的, 干燥的
2. letter
①n. 字母
There’re six letters in this word. 这个单词里有六个字母。
②n. 信件
I sent a letter to Mary. 我给玛丽寄了一封信。
3. save
①v. 保存,储存
I want to save some money. 我想存些钱。
②v. 拯救,挽救
We should save our lovely pandas. 我们应该拯救我们可爱的大熊猫。
4. prepare v. 准备
1. turn on 打开
对应词组: turn off 关上
Turn on the TV. 打开电视。 = Turn the TV on.
Turn off the TV. 关上电视。 = Turn the TV off
把它关上/ 打开 turn it off / on
2. take notes 做笔记
3. go to the library 去图书馆
4. get some sleep 睡觉
5. understand the lesson 理解课文 / 明白课程
6. come to my house 来我家
1. prepare for sth. 为某事做好准备
You should prepare well for your speech. 你应该好好准备好你的演讲。
2. listen to sb. 听某人讲话
Jenny is listening to the teacher carefully. 詹妮正在认真听老师讲话。
Lesson 4 Let’s Practice
词汇表P54 ~P55
1. share
2. thunder
3. cloudy
二. 重点及难点:
1. share
v. 分享
过去式,过去分词:shared, shared
A: I didn’t bring my book.
B: Why don’t you share my book?
2. begin v.开始
过去式、过去分词:began, begun
3. rain n./v. 雨,下雨
rain a lot 多雨
heavy rain 大雨
It rains cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨。
4. outside adj.外面的
对应词汇:inside adj.里面的

1.begin to do sth.
I began to study English five years ago. 我五年以前开始学习英语。
He began to smoke when he was 18 years old. 他18岁就开始吸烟了。
2.Here is the world’s weather for tomorrow. 这是明天的世界天气情况。
1. need表示“需要”或“必须”,通常用于否定句和疑问句。例如:
(1)You needn't do it again.你不需要再做了。
(2)He needn't worry about it.这件事他无需担心。
(3)Need he do this homework first?他需要先做这些作业吗?
2. “need”作为实义动词时,通常用法是:
人+need +to do
物+need +doing
(1)We need to have lunch.我们需要吃午饭了。
(2)We need to tell him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。
(3)The flowers need watering.这些花需要浇水。
(4)Her room needs cleaning.她的房间需要打扫。
(5)I need a watch.我需要一块手表。
一. 单项选择
( ) 1.---May I _______ to Tom? ---Speaking.
A. talk B. say C. speak
( ) 2. I’ll go to the park. Would you like to come _______ me?
A. and B. with C to
( ) 3. Don’t be ________ about Bill. He can do it himself.
A. worry B. worries C. worried
( ) 4. It ________ clear up tomorrow.
A. will B. would C. doesn’t
( ) 5. He _________ to go hiking with us yesterday.
A. decides B. decided C. deciding
( ) 6. Why is it important ________ what the weather will be?
A. to know B. knew C. knows
( ) 7. There was _________ talk about the games.
A. so many B. so much C. much too
( ) 8. People want him ________ some flowers to Dandan.
A. to give B. give C. gives
( ) 9. Some are playing cards. Some are playing games. ______ are dancing.
A. Other B. The other C. Others
( ) 10. He doesn’t _______ learn English harder,because he is English.
A. need B. needs to C. need to
二. 阅读理解
My uncle lives with his wife. He has no parents and no children. He likes sports very much and often goes shooting(打猎)at weekends . He often comes home with a bag of birds. Last Sunday he came home at seven o’clock in the evening and felt very sad.
“Look at this bag , ” he said to his wife .“There’s only one bird and I paid (付款) a lot of money for it .”
“Why ?” his wife asked . “You don’t have to pay a lot of money for only one bird .”
“I shot my first bird at five o’clock this morning . Soon after that I tried to shoot at another bird . But I don’t know why , I hit (击中) a cow and killed (杀死) it . It was the cow of a farmer’s . He was angry and I quarreled with him for a long time and at last I had to pay him $50!”
( )1. There are _____ people in my uncle’s home.
A. one B. two C. three
( )2. My uncle likes ______ very much.
A. music B. watching TV C. sports
( )3. My uncle came home ________ last Sunday.
A. at five o’clock in the evening
B. before five o’clock in the evening
C. at seven o’ clock in the evening
( )4. Last Sunday my uncle had to pay the farmer _______ .
A. a cow B. a bird C. some money
( )5. My uncle took _______ home last Sunday.
A. a bird B. a cow C. a bag of birds
Last Sunday Tom went to the cinema. On his way he saw an old man. The old man wanted to see his wife. She was ill and stayed in Beijing Hospital. But the old man did not know the way to the hospital. Tom asked a policeman. The policeman told him to catch a No. 33 bus. Then Tom brought the old man to the hospital. When the old man talked with his wife, Tom left the hospital. He did not wait for their thanks.
( ) 1. Tom wanted to go to __________.
A. hospital B. school C. cinema
( ) 2. The old man wanted to see his _________.
A. father B. mother C. wife
( ) 3. ________ told them the way to Beijing Hospital.
A. A policeman B. A worker C. A woman
( ) 4. They took ________ there.
A. a taxi B. a train C. a bus
( ) 5. Tom left and didn’t wait for ________.
A. their thanks B. their plan C. their money
Tom: Hello. May I 1 to Molly?
Molly’s mother: 2 on a second.
Tom: I’m going to see the elephant 3 in the zoo. Will you come with me?
Molly: I’d 4 to, but I have to 5 for the coming exam.
Tom: That’s too bad.
1________ 2________ 3_________ 4__________ 5__________

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C
(A) 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A
(B) 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
1. speak 2. Hold 3. show 4. love 5. prepare




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