(教育科学版)初二Unit9 A Bad Habit

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Lesson 1
一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P 62 ~ P63)
1. bet 2. habit 3. mystery 4. matter 5. bored
二. 重点及难点:
1. habit
study habits 学习习惯
food habit 饮食习惯
2. mystery
◆ “ry” 为名词后缀
1. reach the top of the mountain 到达山顶
I want to sing a song when I reach the top of the mountain. 当我爬上了山顶,我想唱歌。
2. an action movie 动作片
“Who Am I” is an action movie. 《我是谁》是一部动作片。

3. Spiderman 蜘蛛人
Spiderman is one of my favorite movies. 蜘蛛人是我喜欢的电影之一。

•How about …?What about …?
•Why don’t we …?
•I bet I can … .
1. (1) A: How about going to a musical? 去听音乐喜剧怎么样?
B: That’s a good idea. 好主意。
(2) A: What about going to the movies? 去看电影怎么样?
B: That’s a good idea. 好主意。
2. Why don’t we have some ice cream? 我们为什么不吃点冰激凌?
Why don’t we order some hamburgers? 我们为什么不点一些汉堡吃?
3. I bet I can swim across the river. 我打赌我能游过这条河。
I bet I can reach the top of mountain. 我打赌我能到达山顶。
1. How about going to the movies this evening? 今天晚上去看电影怎么样?
That’s a good idea. 好主意。
2. Why don’t we finish our homework first? 我们为什么不先做作业呢?
3. I bet we can finish in an hour. 我打赌我们能在一小时内完成。
Now You Try
1. A: What’s the matter? 怎么了?
B: I have a cold. 我感冒了。
I’m bored with this film. 我觉得电影很无聊。
I lost my purse. 我丢了钱包。
Lesson 2
一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P64~P65)
1. under 2. scratch 3. yourself 4. still 5. sniff
6. left 7. throw 8. stone 9. hit 10. poor
二. 重点及难点:
1. throw- threw- thrown
2. hit-hit-hit
3. poor
①可怜的 The poor old man has no children. 这个可怜的老人没有孩子。
②adj. 贫穷的
a poor family 贫穷的家庭
1. sit still 静坐
I bet you can’t sit still for one minute. 我打赌你一分钟都坐不住。
2. a minute later: after one minute 一分钟后
I’ll come back a minute later. 我一分钟以后就回来。
3. tell stories 讲故事
Amy is good at telling stories. 艾米擅长讲故事。
4. run at sb. 追着某人跑
Look, the tiger is running at a rabbit. 看,一只老虎正在追着一只兔子跑。
5. scratch oneself 抓;挠,搔某人自己
Why does he keep scratching himself? 他为什么总是不停地抓痒?
6. break one’s habits 中止, 停止某人的坏习惯
I want to break my bad habits. 我想改掉我的坏习惯。
1. keep doing sth. 一直做某事
My legs always keep moving. 我的腿总是不停地晃动。
2. start doing sth. 开始做某事
It started raining. 开始下雨了。
It started to rain. 开始下雨了。
3. be hard to do sth. 难于做某事
It’s hard to swim across this river for me. 游过这条河对我来说很难。

A. Choose T(true) or F(false). 选择正确或错误。
1. The monkey scratches itself. 猴子自己抓痒。 T
2. Some boys threw stones at the rabbit. 一些男孩向兔子扔石头。 F
3. Two tigers ran at the monkey. 两个老虎向猴子跑去。 F
4. The rabbit and the monkey told stories. 兔子和猴子讲故事。 T
5. The two animals couldn’t break their bad habits. 两个动物不能改掉他们的坏习惯。 T
B. Match A with B to complete the sentences. 把A和B栏中的句子连在一起。
1. The monkey keeps (C) scratching itself. 猴子不停地抓痒。
2. The rabbit keeps (A) moving its ears. 兔子不停地摇耳朵。
3. The monkey and rabbit told (B) each other a story. 猴子和兔子互相讲故事。
4. The tigers roared (D) at the rabbit. 老虎朝兔子吼叫。
C. Number the sentences in order. 给句子标号排序。
(1) The poor rabbit wanted to sniff. 可怜的兔子想要用力吸。
(2) The poor monkey wanted to scratch. 可怜的猴子想抓痒。
(3) The rabbit told a story about tigers. 兔子说了一个关于老虎的故事。
(4) The monkey told a story about boys. 猴子说了一个关于男孩的故事。
(5) They laughed and knew the reason for their stories. 他们笑了,然后明白了他们讲故事的原因。
Lesson 3
一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P 66~P67)
1. nut 2. penny 3. night 4. river
5. nearby 6. noodle
二. 重点及难点:
n /n/ nut penny night
Nick needs to run to his home at night.
1. cook dinner 做晚饭
My mom often cooks dinner after work. 我妈妈经常下班以后做晚饭。
2.do sports 做运动
play sports 做运动
one … the other
one … another
Example :

Lesson 4
一. 大声读单词:(词汇表P68~P69)
1. quit 2. respect 3. elderly
二. 重点及难点:
1. think about考虑
think out 思考,想出
2. go on a picnic 去野餐
3. go outside 去外面
go inside 去里面
4. the top of the mountain 山顶
5. respect the elderly 尊敬老人
the + adj. 表示一类人
the rich:富人
the poor:穷人
the elderly:老人
1. 表达同意的说法:
That’s what I was thinking. 那也是我想的。
That’s a good idea. 好主意。
Sounds good to me. 听起来不错。
2. 表达建议的说法:
Let’s … . Let’s go on a picnic. 让我们去野餐吧。
How about doing…? How about going on a picnic? 去野餐怎么样?
Why don’t we …? Why don’t we go on a picnic? 我们为什么不去野餐呢?
3. 做预测:
I bet …. I bet you will do it. 我打赌你会做的。
I think…. I think you will do it. 我想你会做的。
I believe…. I believe you will do it. 我相信你会做的。
1. Why don’t we think about ways to quit? 为什么我们不想想停止(坏习惯)的方法呢?
2. This TV program is too boring. 这个电视节目太无聊了。
3. He doesn’t always wash his hands before eating. 他总不在吃东西之前洗手。
一. 单项选择
1. We ought to have a good ________ habit.
A. eat B. eating C. eats
2. We shouldn’t ________ the animals when we are in the zoo.
A. throw stones to B. throw stones at C. threw stones at
3. Our P.E. teacher told us ________ the ball and play together as a team.
A. keep passing B. to keep on passing C. to keep passing
4. —Excuse me, where’s the Children Cinema?
—On _______ side of the street.
A. the other B. another C. other
5. When I was young, my mother often ________ me a story before I went to bed.
A. talked B. spoke C. told
6. I bet I can swim across the river, _______ you can’t.
A. and B. but C. or
7. —I don’t know ________ Jim is angry today.
—Oh, he didn’t pass the exam.
A. why B. how C. what
8. Kate can’t come with us. She has something ________.
A. to do B. doing C. for doing
9. Mike is really funny. He is always _______ some strange questions in class.
A. ask B. asks C. asking
10. Xiaoming doesn’t wash his hands before _______.
A. eatting B. eating C. he eat
二. 句型转换
1. Li Lei has to finish his homework before supper. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ Li Lei _______ to finish his homework before supper?
2. Mary liked swimming in the river. (改为否定句)
Mary _______ ________ swimming in the river.
3. The students must hand in the papers before class.(改为被动语态)
The papers must _______ _______ in before class.
4. It is sunny today. (对画线部分提问)
________ is the ________ like today?
5. The street is dark and long. (改为感叹句)
_______ dark and long the street ________.
一. 单项选择
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B
二. 句型转换
1. Did, have 2. didn’t, like 3. be, handed 4. What, weather 5. How, is
一. 单项选择
( )1. —How does Dandan feel about Sichuan food?
A. Very much B. Very well C. Very beautiful
( )2. _______ is a bad habit.
A. Read in bed B. To read on bed C. Reading in bed
( )3. Monkeys are very funny. They like _______ themselves all the time.
A. keep scratching B. keeping scratching C. to keep scratch
( )4. They laughed and knew the reason ________ their stories.
A. to B. for C. of
( )5. They have two hobbies, ________ is playing sports and ________ is listening to music.
A. one, another B. one, other C. one, the other
( )6. —How about ________ a musical?
—That’s a good idea.
A. going to B. go to C. going
( )7. Uncle Wang ________ in this factory in 2000.
A. begin to work B. begins to work C. began to work
( )8. Suddenly I saw two tigers ________ me. I was too frightened.
A. roared at B. roaring at C. roar at
( )9. The monkey and the rabbit told _______ a story.
A. each other B. each other’s C. one another’s
( )10. “You can’t ________ for one minute.” Mother said angrily.
A. sit still B. still sit C. sitting still
二. 完形填空
Do you know Eskimos? Let __1__ tell you something about their life. The Eskimos live near the North Pole. There are only __2__ seasons there: winter and summer. There are no spring __3__ autumn. In winter, nights are long. You can’t see the __4__ for more than two months, even at noon. In summer, days are long. For more than two months, the sun __5__ goes down and there is no night.
Eskimos have __6__ cloths. They make coats, hats and shoes of animal skins. Near the North Pole, trees can’t grow, for it is too __7__ there. The Eskimos have to make their __8__ from skins, stones or snow. When they go out in a storm and can’t get back __9__, they make houses of snow. They leave these __10__ house when the storm is over.
Life is hard for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.
( )1.A. I B. me C. my
( )2.A. one B. two C. three
( )3.A. or B. and C. then
( )4.A. star B. moon C. sun
( )5.A. sometimes B. never C. often
( )6.A. beautiful B. pretty C. warm
( )7.A. cold B. hot C. wet
( )8.A. houses B. homes C. building
( )9.A. home B. house C. family
( )10.A. stone B. skin C. snow
三. 阅读理解
The word “Hello” is perhaps used more often than any other word in the English language. Everybody in the United States uses this word again and again every day and everywhere.
Where did the word come from? The American inventor, Thomas Edison, was the first person to use “Hello” in the late 18th century after the invention of the “telephone”.
At first people greeted each other on the phone with “Are you there?” They were not sure this new thing could really carry voices. But Thomas Edison never wasted time. The first time he picked up the phone, he did not ask if anyone was in. He was sure someone was there, and he simply said “Hello”. From then on, the word “Hello” became widely used in America.
( )1.This passage mainly tells _______.
A. how “Hello” became widely used
B. the history of telephone
C. it is polite to say “Hello”
( )2. Most people asked “Are you there?” because _______.
A. it was a custom in the 18th century
B. they were not sure if someone was listening
C. they didn’t know the word “Hello”
( )3.The word “simply” means ________.
A. only B. easily C. usually
( )4.Edison said “Hello” because ________.
A. he was sure he was speaking to the right person
B. he wanted to save time, not to ask question
C. he believed someone was listening
( )5.Which word is used again and again every day and everywhere in the United States?
A. Sorry. B. Good. C. Hello.
The most important match was held yesterday afternoon. That was the last match in the league. Our team had played very well and almost won every game this year. The match was between the teams from No. 64 Middle School and ours. We felt a little afraid of them because their team was almost as strong as our team. But we would do our best and we were sure that we would win.
Before the match, our teacher told us not to worry and we should pass the ball often enough and play together. The match began. Some of their players were hard to stop when they got the ball. Soon one of their players kicked a goal. Though we were a little behind, we played harder and harder. Liu Dong, one of our best players got the ball. We kept passing it to each other and we played so well together that they couldn’t get the ball. Soon we kicked a goal. We went on passing the ball to each other so that they couldn’t get it easily. Quickly we kicked another goal.
At the end of the match we beat them 4:2. We became top of the league!
( )1.The match was the most important because _______.
A. it was the last match B. we had won every game this year
C. we were going to play against a strong team
( )2.The team from No.64 Middle School _______.
A. was stronger than ours B. was also a strong team C. was sure to win
( )3._______ they were a little ahead.
A. At first B. At last C. At the end of the first half
( )4.Some of their players played ________ that they were hard to stop when they got the ball.
A. so hard B. so good C. so quickly
( )5.By the end of the match, we had kicked ________.
A. one goal B. two goals C. four goals
四. 任务性阅读
scratch habit sit be bad
One day, a rabbit and a monkey were __1__ under a big tree. They were talking about
__2__.The monkey kept __3__ himself. The rabbit’s habit was no __4__ than the monkey’s.
They __5__ thinking about ways to quit.
1._________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.___________ 5.___________
(B) 阅读短文,按要求完成下列各项
Good habits are good for people. Li Hao has a good habit. He always respects the elderly. I think everyone should respect the elderly. However, he also has a bad habit. He doesn’t always wash his hands before eating. I think this is not good for his health.
1. 单词释义:
a _ _ _ _ _ all the time, at all times.
2. 同义句转换
He doesn’t wash his hands before eating.
He ________ wash his hands before ______ _______.
3. 简略回答问题
What do you think Li Hao should do before eating?

一. 单项选择
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A
二. 完形填空
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. C
三. 阅读理解
A. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
B. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
四. 任务性阅读
A. 1. sitting 2. habits 3. scratching 4. worse 5. were
B. 1. always 2. doesn't he eats 3. He should wash his hands.




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