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本学期将进行12个单元的学习。涉及的语法内容有频率副词的用法、特殊疑问句、情态动词、现在进行时表示将来及be going to 结构表示将来的用法,形容词比较级和最高级的用法,how much与how many的区别、复习和巩固一般过去时的用法等。
Unit 1 How often do you exercise? (你多久锻炼一次?)
1. 特殊疑问句的构成
2. 用第一人称以及第三人称来提问某人做了某事和做某事的频率。
3. 用how often,how many, why句型询问别人的饮食习惯和身体健康情况。
4. 掌握表示频率的时间副词。用频率副词来描述自己的生活习惯及日程安排。
那么,什么是频率副词呢?(表示事情或活动发生的频率的副词,可分为确切频率的副词。如:every day, once a week,不确切频率的副词。如:often, sometimes)
always(总是) usually(通常)
often(经常) sometimes(有时)
hardly ever(几乎不)
never(从来不) every year(每年)
once a day(一天一次) three times a week(一周三次)等等。
1. What do you usually do on weekends?
I usually play soccer.
2. What do they do on weekends?
They often go to the movies.
3. What does he do on weekends?
He sometimes goes to the movies.
4. How often do you shop?
I shop once a month.
5. How often does she watch TV?
She watches TV twice a week.
通过体会以上的例句,我们会发现:(1)不确切的频率副词,如:often, usually等是放在句中的;而确切的频率副词,像once a month等是放在句末的(2)用特殊疑问句的结构来提问。
本单元主要学习用what, how often等特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句;用how often表示经常会发生的动作及发生的频率。
1. 特殊疑问句的构成:
How / How often / How far / How long / How much / How soon / How many /Who / Whose / When / What / Where / Why / Which /…+ do / does / is / are / will /…+…?
例如:How is it going with you?
How often do you swim?
How far is your school...
How long did you stay here?
How much are these potatoes?
How soon…
How many story-books does he have?
Who did you wait for just now?
Who looks after the baby?
Whose jacket is that?
When shall we start?
What are you doing now?
Why were you late for school?
Which subject does she prefer?
2. 注意:
A. 第三人称单数时,助动词用does.
B. 一般情况:疑问词+一般疑问句
C. 疑问词在句中充当成分。
D. 不用Yes, No回答,直接用一个句子回答。
E. 读降调。
3. 练习
(1)What(does / do)your friend do in the evening?
(2)How often does Chung (watch / watches)TV?
(3)I read (twice / two times)a week.
(4)I (hardly ever / ever hardly)eat fruits.
I love junk food.
答案:(1)does(2)watch(3)twice(4)hardly ever
(1)-What do your parents ______(do)on weekends.
-My father usually _______(exercise)in the park and my mother always________(shop)in the mall. Sometimes they ________(go to the movies)together.
分析:第一空是助动词后面用动词原形do;第二和第三空是第三人称单数形式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。exercises,shops;第四空是复数作主语,动词用一般现在时态的原形go to the movies.)
(2)-Why ______ (do)she only ________ (drink)milk every day?
-Because her mother ________(want)_______(she)to drink it.
分析:一般现在时态的特殊疑问句结构,第三人称单数作主语助动词用does,后面用动词原形drink;最后一空用代词的宾格形式。want sb. to do sth.
(3)-Who is the _______(health)?
-I think I _______(am).
分析:表示“最…”要用到形容词的最高级形式,healthiest 答句为省略句,完整的回答是I think I am the healthiest.
好的,有关Unit 1的详细讲解,我们将在下一期见面。
Unit 2 What’s the matter? (怎么了?)
1. I have a sore throat.
You should drink some hot tea with hone.
2. I have a toothache.
You should go to see the dentist.
3. She has a stomachache.
She should lie in bed.
should 在句中是情态动词,情态动词有can, may, must等,它们的特点是:(1)有词义;(2)没有人称和数的变化,也就是说,它在任何主语后形式都是一样的;(3)后面必须跟动词原形。
1. Listen. There (must / maybe)be some children in the room.
2. One (may / shouldn’t)be selfish.
3. She is coming to us. She (may / maybe)be our new teacher.
4. (May / Should)I have a talk with you?
答案:1. must (must+动词原形表示对现在的推测。)
2. shouldn’t(表示“不应该”。)
3. may(may+动词原形)
4. May(表示请求,口气比较婉转。)
1. -What’s the matter with Sonia?
-She _______(do)feel very well. She ______(think)she _____(have)a toothache.
2. -My daughter _______(be)ill.
1. 第三人称单数作主语,用在一般现在时的否定及肯定形式中,doesn’t, thinks, has.
2. 第三人称单数作主语,be动词用is;第二空因为前面有should,所以后面用动词原形。
3. 第一人称作主语,be动词用am;can’t为情态动词,后面接动词原形;第三空根据句子意思填助词的否定形式。
一. 用do, does填空。
1. What program ______ your cousin like watching?
2. How many hours ______ they stay in the classroom?
3. ______ you think she has a healthy diet?
4. How often ______it rain here?
5. ______ she know what are junk food?
6. So maybe he is very healthy, although he ______ eat a little.
7. What ______Mr and Mrs Black do each Friday?
8. ______ most students finish the homework on time?
9. ______it make a big difference to your grades?
10. Why ______ your dog like eating vegetables?
二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. Tell the students _________(exercise)after class.
2. This is our_________(three)week this term.
3. I’ll try my best_________(work)hard.
4. Who is the _________(health)?
5. Bob usually _________(start)the day with breakfast.
6. I really dislike drinking milk every day, but my mother wants me _________(drink)it.
7. Let _________(she)shop in the mall.
8. He can’t help_________(cry)if he doesn’t pass the exam.
9. Animal world is _________(Jim)favorite program.
10. Thank you for _________(look after)my pet dog these days.
三. 阅读下列对话并回答问题。
Woman: Which is your favorite sport?
Man: I like basketball best. I think Yao Ming is a great player.
Woman: Really? I love him too. Do you often watch the basketball match? That’s really exciting.
Man: Yes, of course. And I always play it with my friends. I hope one day I can play as well as him.
Woman: You will.
Man: Thank you.
1. The man and the woman know each other (互相),right?
2. Do they like basketball?
3. Who is the man’s favorite basketball player?
四. 用should / shouldn’t, may, can / can’t填空。
1. That ________ sound strange, but it is true.
2. You ________park(停车)in front of the mall, because the notice says“No Parking”.
3. ________such a man be good?
4. She ________be mad(疯了)to say she wants to kill herself.
5. You ________break your promise. (违背誓言)
6. In Britain, you ________ not ask a lady’s age.
7. Put on more clothes, you ________be feeling cold with only a shirt on.
8. A computer ________ think for itself; it must be told what to do.
9. Carol ________ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure.
10. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Peter ________ be here at any moment.

1. does 2. do 3. Do 4. does 5. Does 6. does 7. do
8. Do 9. Does 10. does
1. to exercise 2. third 3. to work 4. healthiest
5. starts 6. to drink 7. her 8. crying
9. Jim’s 10. looking after
1. Yes.
2. Yes, they do.
3. Yao Ming.
1. may 2. shouldn’t 3. Can 4. may
5. shouldn’t 6. should 7. may 8. can’t
9. may 10. should




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