(人教版+汤姆森)初二Unit5 Can you come to my party?

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Unit 5 Can you come to my party?
二. 单元目标:
1. 学习礼貌地发出,接受,拒绝邀请;
2. 谈论自己或别人必须做的事情;
3. 学习根据日程表中的计划安排自己的活动。
三. 重点词汇:
1. lesson n. 课,课程
2. baseball game 棒球比赛
3. calendar n. 日历
4. tomorrow n. 明天
5. the day after tomorrow 后天
6. invitation n. 邀请
7. match n. 比赛
8. whole adj. 整个的;全部的;完整的
9. come over to 过来
10. till conj. 直到…之时;在…之前
四. 重点词组
1. study for a test 为考试学习
2. help my parents 帮助我的父母
3. go to the doctor 去看病
4. visit my aunt 看望我的姑姑
5. have a piano lesson 上一堂钢琴课
6. come to my party 来我的晚会
7. go to my guitar lesson 去上我的吉他课
8. too much homework 太多家庭作业
9. another time 下一次
10. go to the concert 去音乐会
11. come and join us 来加入我们
12. go to the mall 去大型购物市场
13. really busy 太忙
14. on Thursday night 在星期四的晚上
15. a football match 一场足球赛
16. a culture club 一个文化俱乐部
17. finish the geography project 完成地理项目
18. discuss the science report 讨论科学报告
19. till 22:00 直到22:00
五. 重点句子
1. Can you come to my party?
I'm sorry. I can't. I have to help my mom. /Sure, I'd love to.
2. Can she go to the movies? No, she can't.
She's playing soccer.
3. Can he go to the baseball game?
No, he can't. He has to study.
4. Can they go to the concert? No, they can't.
They're going to a party.
5. What are you doing on Tuesday evening?
I'm baby sitting my younger sister.
六. 重,难点解析
1. 情态动词can的用法
eg Can you sing?
Yes, I can.
He can speak English, Japanese and French.
eg What can I do for you?
She can't be serious.
eg You can go now.
Can I borrow your bike?
2. have to的用法
have to有第三人称单数的变化has to,有时态变化 had to(一般过去时),will have to(一般将来时)等。
eg: The poor boy had to work hard for a boss at eleven.
The girl has to practice playing the piano every day.
Shall I have to obey the teachers when I go to school?
3. join与take part in的用法:都可以表示“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同:
eg My wish is join the army.
When did he join the League?
(2)join in指参加某项比赛或活动,常用于口语中。
eg Can you join the game?
All of us join the discussion.
Come and join us, Xiao Wang.
(3)take part in指参加“活动”。
如:take part in the sports meeting/an activity/a picnic“参加运动会/参加游戏/参加活动”
4. have a piano lesson“上一堂钢琴课”
eg: have an English lesson 上一堂英语课
We have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon.
class也有课的意思。“在上课”英语是“in class”而不是“in lesson”。
例1. The students are having a class. Ask them to keep ________.
A. quiet B. quietly
C. quick D. quickly
解析:keep quiet “保持安静”。quiet是形容词与keep一起构成词组。keep后面加上形容词表示“保持某种状态”。如:keep clean;keep warm等。
例2. 用join或take part in填空
(1)May I __________ the sports meeting?
(2)When did your father ________ the Party?
解析:根据“重,难点解析”第6点可知(1)填take part in,(2)填join
例3. He eats ________ food, so he is ________ fat.
A. much too;too much
B. much too;too many
C. too much;much too
D. too much;too many
解析:Too much,too many都是表示“太多的”意思,too much后接不可数名词,too many后接可数名词。Much too是“太…”的意思,后接形容词。句子的意思是“他吃了太多食物,所以太胖了。”。
例4. ----Do you have a PE _______ every day?
----No, we have only two PE _______ every week.
解析:上一堂体育课,译为“have a PE lesson”。两节体育课,译为“have two PE classes”
例5. Tomorrow is Chinese Communist ________ birthday. We will have a tea ________.
A. party, Party B. Party, party
C. party's, party D. party's, party
解析:党的生日晚会译为“Party's birthday party”其中P大写是“党”的意思,p小写是“晚会”的意思。
一. 英汉短语互译。
1. 在星期二 ________________
2. 参加Ann的聚会 ________________
3. 上吉它课 ________________
4. 太多的作业 ________________
5. 为……学习 ________________
6. 照顾她妹妹 ________________
7. play tennis with… ________________
8. go to the concert ________________
9. the day after tomorrow ________________
10. come over to ________________
11. discuss the science report ________________
12. the whole day ________________
二. 单项选择
1. It is small and there are ___________ people.
A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too
2. When I am playing a game web club, there are always lots of people ___________ me to finish.
A. to wait to B. waiting for
C. to waiting for D. waiting
3. It is a good place ___________ friends.
A. meeting B. meets
C. to meet D. meet
4. That is too expensive. Do you have a ___________ pair of tennis rackets?
A. cheap B. dear C. dearer D. cheaper
5. These football boots fit very ___________. How much are they?
A. well B. good C. better D. best
6. Please call me ___________ 6619088 before you come to my home.
A. of B. on C. about D. to
7. Shirley would like to buy a ___________ of new glasses.
A. piece B. lot C. pair D. kilo
8. I like this pair of shoes. Could I try ___________ on, please?
A. it B. ones C. that D. them
9. —I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD.
— ___________! You can buy the clips for her. Sandy will love them.
A. Never mind B. That’s right
C. You’re welcome D. I don’t know
10. Millie visited many electrical shops and wants to ___________ her friends about them.
A. talk B. tell C. speak D. say
三. 连词成句
1. sorry, I’m, have, I, to guitar, my, have, lessons
2. help, to, my, mom, have, I
3. tomorrow, I, the, beach, with, vacation, am, on, to, my, after, day, going, brother, the
4. Can, you, party, to, come, my
5. He study, a maths test, has, to, for
四. 把下列各句重新排序
( )A. Oh, no. I forgot. I have to work late tonight.
( )B. Do you want to go to a concert tonight?
( )C. The Banjo Boys. Can you go with me?
( )D. Hi, Peter.
( )E. Who’s playing?
( )F. Hello, Carol.
五. 根据课文内容填空。
Hi Henry,
Thank you for your ____1____ to visit next week. I’m sorry, ____2____ I can’t come. I have a _____3____ busy week. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s _____4____ party. And tomorrow, I _____5_____ go to the dentist. (Yuck!) _____6____ Wednesday, I’m playing tennis _____7______ the school team. And I have to study _____8_____ my science test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the ______9______ with some friends. _____10____ you come to the movies with us on Friday?
Write soon.
六. 阅读下面Eliza的一周日程表,补全表格后的句子,每空一词。

1. Eliza can _______ soccer on Monday ________.
2. She usually _______ her parents on Thursday ________.
3. She ________ no time on Wednesday evening, ________ she wants to do her homework.
3. Eliza ________ go to school on ________ and Sunday.
5. On Friday Eliza will ________ to Susan’s ________.
七. 完型填空
Children in the USA _____1____ K Day very much. K is short ____2____ kites. March the 7th is the day. ____3____ that day many children go out ____4____ the open air. They ___5___ their kites with them. Some kites are very big. ___6____ are small. They are _____7____ different colours. Every kite has a long string. Children begin to run to ____8_____ the kites up. They let out the string from the ball ____9____ their hands. Now the kites ____10____ in the air. How nice they look!
1. A. like B. is like C. are like D. likes
2. A. on B. in C. for D. with
3. A. In B. On C. For D. At
4. A. in B. on C. near D. outside
5. A. bring B. take C. carry D. get
6. A. Other B. Others C. The other D. Another
7. A. in B. on C. at D. with
8. A. let B. letting C. lets D. leted
9. A. at B. in C. on D. with
10 A. is flying B. flies C. are flying D. fly
八. 阅读理解。
Mr. Smith rode (骑马) a lot. He came to a village. It was twelve thirty, and he was cold, thirsty and hungry. He tied his horse to a tree and went into an inn. The inn(小酒馆)was very full. There was good fire in the fire-place, but all of the chairs were full(满的).
Mr. Smith looked at one of the servants near the bar and he shouted, “My horse is in the street. Take it some meat(肉)”
All of the people in the bar looked at Mr. Smith, and the servant said, “Did you say ‘meat’?”
Mr. Smith said, “Yes, the horse is hungry. Give it some meat.”
The servant went into the street with some meat. All of the people in the room went out, too, and they said, “A horse is going to eat meat. Come and look at it.” Soon there were not any people in the room. Then Mr. Smith went into the inn and he took a very good seat near the fire and sat down.
Then the servant came in again, and all of the people came in, too. The servant said to Mr. Smith, “Your horse did not eat the meat.” Mr. Smith answered, “Please bring the meat to me and take my horse some oats(燕麦).”
1. The story took place(发生) in summer. ( )
2. The horse ate much meat. ( )
3. Mr. Smith asked the servant to take some meat to his horse because his horse was very hungry. ( )
4. Mr. Smith was a foolish (愚蠢的)man. ( )
5. All of the people in the inn were fooled (被愚弄).( )
It’s feeding time at the zoo, and Mr King, the keeper, has ten animals to feed. Mr King likes feeding the animals and he likes to take a long time.
First he goes to the elephants and feeds them and talks to them a bit. Then he goes to the penguins. Everyone watches while he feeds the penguins so that it takes him a long time. Then he goes up to the wolf house, where he has two wolves, and then he goes next door to the tigers. After he feeds the wolves and tigers, he goes to the snake house. Not very many people like snakes, so there aren’t many people there. Then he goes on to feed the zebra, and after that to the squirrels. He has a baby squirrel at the moment, so he spends some time looking after him. Then he goes to the swans, and then to the birds. Last of all, he feeds the pandas. People like pandas very much. They live only in China. They came to our country from far away.
根据短文内容,在图中用箭头标出Mr King喂养动物的路线。

九. 下面是Lu Qing本周的日程表,请根据表格所显示的内容,写一篇小短文。词数:80词左右。

1. on Tuesday 2. take part in Ann’s party
3. have a guitar lesson 4. too much homework
5. study for… 6. take care of her sister
7. 和…打网球 8. 去音乐会
9. 后天 10. 过来
11. 讨论一个科学报告 12. 一整天
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. I’m sorry. I have to have my guitar lessons.
2. I have to help my mom.
3. I am going to the beach with my brother the day after tomorrow.
4. Can you come to my party?
5. He has to study for a maths test.
1. invitation 2. but 3. really
4. birthday 5. have to 6. On
7. with 8. for 9. movies
10. Can
1. practice, afternoon 2. helps, evening
3. has, because 4. doesn’t, Saturday
5. come, party
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T




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