(人教版+汤姆森)初二Unit7 How do you make a banana smoothie?

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1. 学习询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。
2. 学习询问和描述做一件事情的过程。
3. 能够依据指示语做事情。
4. 区分可数名词和不可数名词。
turn on, cut up, peel, pour, put, mix up, how much, how many, amount, smoothie, yogurt, watermelon, ingredient, cinnamon, sauce, popcorn, blender, teaspoon, cup, tablespoon, oven, sandwich, mayonnaise, lettuce, relish, turkey, bread, first, then, next, finally, recipe
1. How do we make a banana smoothie?
First, peel the bananas and cut it up. Then put the milk into the blender…
2. How many bananas do we need?
We need three bananas.
3. How much yogurt do we need?
One cup.
1. 祈使句的使用。
2. 可数名词及不可数名词:询问数量及表达数量。
1. -How do you make a banana smoothie?
-First peel three bananas.
Then cup up the bananas.
Now put the bananas and yogurt in the blender.
Then pour the milk in the blender.
(1)“How”提问方式、方法。如Unit 4学习的提问交通方式。
“make a banana smoothie”做一份思栖。smoothie指将水果、酸奶等混合的健康饮料,此处a smoothie指“一份思栖”。
(3)peel v. “剥…的皮”,及物动词或不及物动词,作名词指“果皮、蔬菜皮”。
e.g. peel an orange,peeler n. (水果等)剥皮机,削皮器,a potat peeler土豆削皮器。
(4)cup up 切碎。与cut有关短语:cut down降低,减少,削减cut off打断,停止切掉,删去。
(5)put …in …, pour …in …
e.g. It was pouring all night.
*下倾盘大雨:rain cats and dogs.
(6)blender=liquidizer / liquidiser n. 果汁机
blend / liquidize v. (将蔬菜、水果等)榨汁
注:动词+“-er”,表职业,如:worker, teacher, reporter.
动词+“-er”表器具,如:cooker, peeler, pencil-sharpener.
(7)表顺序的副词:first, then, next, finally等。注意运用交待程序。
2. -Is this enough milk?
-I guess so.
I guess …(American English)
I think….(British English)
3. Turn on the blender.
turn on / off,打开(切断)灯、水源、无线电的开关或电源。
turn up / down 把…调大(关小)(音量等)
4. How many bananas / How much cinnamon do we need?
“How many / much + n. ”提问数量。how many后跟可数名词复数;
how much 后跟不可数名词,还可直接用于询问价格。
e.g. How many English story books do you have?
How much water is left in the bottle?
How much is this blender?
5. What else? 还需要什么?(省略句)。else后置定语,“其余(他)的”。
Who else (is going with you)?
Where else have you been?
I don’t have anything else to say.
6. Two should be enough.
should “应该,应当”,情态动词,后跟动词原形。
e.g. We have enough time / room / food / tickets / chairs.
It’s good enough.
He’s tall enough to pick get the apples from the trees.
7. This is going to taste great!
task / smell / look / sound / feel + adj.
The soup tastes delicious.
It smells awful.
That sounds interesting.
8. mix up 混合在一起
e.g. Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不能混合。
The teacher tells us it’s easy to mix up these two words.
Mix the flour with water.
9. a slice of bread / two slices of chicken
a teaspoon of relish / 3 teaspoons of mayonnaise
注:量词slice“片”,teaspoon “茶匙”有单复数变化。
10. -Is that all?
-Not quite.
e.g. That’s all. 我讲话完了。
11. add…to…“把…加到…上”
add v. 加
e.g. Add an onion and a tomato to the sandwich.
Will you old more sugar and milk into your coffee?
12. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.
e.g. I need another pair of chopsticks.
I saw another police officer coming up to me.
You should stay in bed for another two weeks.
一. 根据英文释义或汉语提示及句义,拼写下列单词,首字母已给出。
1. Mary finishes her homework f_______(at last).
2. She likes to eat a b_______(a kind of long yellow fruit)very much now.
3. Alice is very thirsty. She wants to d_______(take in water with mouth)something.
4. How m_______(a lot of, lots of)mushrooms do we need?
5. Please cut up these p_______(a kind of hot or spicy vegetables).
6. Can you m_______(混合)it all up?
7. Please put the pizza in the o_______(烤炉).
8. Would you like to p_______(倾倒)some milk into the glass?
9. Let’s make some fruit s________ (色拉)?
10. We need two t________ (茶匙).
二. 用How many或How much填空。(5分)
1. ________ bananas do you need?
2. ________yogurt do you need for the smoothie?
3. ________oranges did you put in the salad?
4. ________cinnamon does he need for the recipe?
5. ________mayonnaise is on the sandwich?
6. ________onions did your mother cup up for the pizza?
7. ________milk does your brother need?
8. ________honey is in the bowl?
9. ________blenders does he have?
10. ________tomato sauce did you need?
三. 英汉短语互译。(5分)
1. 水果沙拉_____________________
2. let me think_____________________
3. 削香蕉_____________________
4. 多少酸奶_____________________
5. 混合在一起_____________________
6. 切碎_____________________
7. how many_____________________
8. put the pizza in the oven _____________________
9. two teaspoon of cinnamon _____________________
10. one cup of yogurt _____________________
11. 把……加到……上________________
12. two slices of bread ________________
13. 三茶匙佐料________________
14. 把每一样东西都放进果汁机中________________
15. 一杯蜂蜜________________
16. Beijing Duck________________
17. turn on ________________
18. cut up the tomatoes ________________
19. chicken sandwich________________
20. 轮流________________
四. 句子翻译:根据中文提示,完成句子。(10分)
1. Don’t ___________(打开)the radio, the baby is sleeping.
2. Please ___________(把牛奶倒进果汁机中)。
3. If you want to make a fruit salad, please ___________(切碎)the fruit first.
4. ___________(多少酸奶)do they need?
5. They lived there ___________(大约5年).
6. Add some mayonnaise and ___________(把所有的原料混合在一起)
7. What is ___________(学英语的正确方法)
8. Do you know how to make chicken sandwiches, and turkey sandwiches, please write down the ___________(说明)
9. First, put ___________(一些调味品)on a slice of bread.
10. They needed ___________(两茶匙糖)just now.
1. -Would you like ________?
-Thank you, but I’m not thirsty.
A. some sandwiches B. some mooncakes
C. some bread D. some oranges
2. -What can I do for you?
-I’m looking for _______.
A. a pair of shoes B. a pair of T-shirt
C. two pairs of hat D. two pair of trousers
3. There are ________ on the table.
A. a glass of water B. a glass of milk
C. two glasses of milk D. a glass of orange
4. How many _________ can you see in the picture?
A. box B. books
C. man D. woman
5. Lucy put a lot of ________ in ________ of tea.
A. sugar, the two cup B. sugars, the two cups
C. sugar, the two cups D. sugars, the cups
6. I’m hungry. Please give me ________.
A. two turkey sandwich
B. three turkey sandwiches
C. two turkeys sandwich
D. three turkeys sandwiches
7. Here’s a recipe ________ super chicken sandwich.
A. about B. at
C. for D. of
8. I don’t like the color of the T-shirt. Would you show me _______ one?
A. other B. the other C. another D. others
9. He added three slices _________ chicken to it.
A. from B. of C. for D. about
10. I want to see a TV play. Can you _______ the TV set?
A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down
11. If you want to make a banana smoothie, you should _______ the blender.
A. open B. close C. turn on D. turn off
12. Can we _________ our books here?
A. put B. puts C. putting D. is putting
13. We must cut _________ the tomatoes and put them _______ the blender.
A. off…in B. up…into
C. down…into D. over…in
14. How to eat an apple? First _________ it, then eat it.
A. cut B. peel
C. turn D. drink
15. He is very tired and he ________ to have a good rest.
A. need B. needs
C. needed D. needn’t
16. All the ingredients are in the bowl. What do we do then?
It’s easy. Mix it all _______.
A. on B. down C. up D. with
17. Give me two _______ of bread and a glass of milk.
A. slice B. slices C. a slice D. some slice
18. Do you know ________ women teachers are there in your school?
A. how many B. how much
C. how D. how often
19. Don’t ________ water everywhere.
A. pour B. put C. pours D. puts
六. 阅读理解。
The younger members of most American families don’t like foreign food. They like hamburgers. Their idea of a good meal is a hamburger, served with ketchup and French fried potatoes, which are called French fries. French fries are not considered foreign; most American children and teenagers love to eat them any time of the day or night.
Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year. Thousands of roadside restaurants prepare and sell them. These are not really restaurants in the usual sense; they often have little space for tables and chairs. Many people buy their hamburgers and take them home to eat, or eat them in their cars.
Sometimes it is not necessary to go inside in order to buy the hamburgers. They are ordered through a window in the restaurant and then are handed out through the window to the waiting customer. Sometimes the customer does not even have to get out of his car.
When an American family travels abroad, this is almost always the custom that the younger members of the family miss most.
1. however a. thick tomato sauce
2. natural b. French fried potatoes
3. ketchup c. the edge of a road
4. teenager d. not made by people
5. roadside e. not cooked
6. French fries f. 100 years
7. raw g. in a short time
8. soon h. but
9. century i. a young person between 13 and 19 years old
The food in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For instance (例如),they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread with butter (黄油), maybe cheese(乳酪)or jam(果酱), things we don’t eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, as well. They are the world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡). They don’t eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They call this dessert(甜点心). They don’t have Jiaozi in Britain.
1. People eat many _________ in Britain.
A. potatoes B. beef C. butter D. milk
2. They eat ________ butter.
A. breakfast with B. Cheese for C. bread with D. jam for
3. They drink strong black tea ________.
A. to India B. from India C. for China D. in China
4. After the main meal they always ________.
A. eat sweet something B. eat sweet bread
C. have sweet something D. have something sweet
5. People don’t eat Jiaozi _______.
A. in China B. in England
C. from India D. from Sri Lanka
Our eating habits (习惯)are very important for good health and strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). So the doctors suggest us we should have our meal regularly.
In old England, the judges usually asked the prisoners to eat bread without water. If they couldn’t swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that they weren’t telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish, they thought it was an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulties in swallowing dry bread, because he loses his appetite.
1. Good eating habits make us ________.
A. strong B. happier C. more beautiful
2. It is good for us to have sweets and ice cream every day _______.
A. after a meal
B. before a meal
C. when we are hungry
3. It is good for us to have our meal every day ________.
A. earlier
B. at the same time
C. at any time
4. The judges in old England thought if a man didn’t tell the truth, he could ________.
A. drink milk or tea
B. eat a lot of dry bread
C. hardly(几乎不)eat dry bread
5. A person who feels _________ may not want to eat.
A. happy B. shy C. unhappy
Is anyone hungry?
Ann likes fish and chips. What is your favourite meal at home? Have you eaten food from another country? Here is some information about some kinds of foods you might eat.
Dumplings are eaten in different ways around the world. Chinese jaozi, Italian ravioli, Jewish kreplach, and Polish pierogi are kinds of dumplings filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables.
Pizza an international favourite came from the city of Naples, Italy about 700 years ago. Pizza is the Italian word for pie, so you don’t need to say pizza pie.
Hamburger was first called Hamburge steak. Later, people just called them hamburgers. The hamburger was named after the city of Hamburg, Germany.
Frankfurters were named after the city of Frankfurt, Germany. About 1900, an American selling cooked frankfurters called them hot dogs because they looked like a kind of small dog.
Ice-Cream Cones were first sold at the World’s Fair in St. Louis Missouri, in the USA, in 1904. A scoop of ice cream was put into a cone. You eat the ice cream; then you eat the cone-nothing left to throw away.
Sandwiches were named after the Earl of Sandwich, a rich man in England in the 1700s. While he was playing cards, he asked a servant to bring him two pieces of bread with a piece of meat between them.
This was the first sandwich.
(a)Circle T(true)or F(false).
1. Chinese jiaozi, Italian ravioli, Jewish kreplach, and Polish pierogi are kinds of dumplings.
2. Pizza is the Italian word for noodles. T F
3. In 1904, the first ice-cream cones were sold at the St. Louis World’s Fair. T F
4. A sandwich has sand in it. T F
5. Another name for a frankfurter is hot dog T F
6. The Earl of Sandwich lived in England in the 1700s. T F

一. finally, banana, drink, many, pepper, mix, oven, pour, salad, teaspoon
二. How many, How much, How many, How much, How much, How many, How much, How much, How many, How much
三. 1-10 1. fruit salad 2. 让我想想
3. peel a banana 4. how much yogurt,
mix up, cut up, 多少,把比萨放进烤箱,两茶匙肉桂,一杯酸奶。
11-20 put …to…; 两片面包,three teaspoons of relish, put everything into a blender, a cup of honey, 北京烤鸭,把…打开,切碎西红柿,鸡肉三明治,take turns.
四. 1. turn on, 2. pour the milk to the blender
3. cup up 4. How much yogurt
5. for about five years
6. mix up all the ingredients
7. the correct way to study English
8. instructions 9. some relish 10. two teaspoons of sugar
六. (A)h d a i c b e g f(B)BACDD(C)AABCC(D)TFTFTT




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