(人教版+汤姆森)初二Unit 9 When was he born?

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一. 教学目标:
1. 谈论自己崇拜的名人;
2. 学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式;
3. 谈论自己过去的生活经历;
4. 谈论自己和别人的成就;
5. 能够写一篇短文,介绍自己和周围同学的生活经历;
6. 学习写一篇简短的人物传记。
二. 语言结构:
1. 被动语态
2. When引导的状语从句
3. When / How long 引导的特殊疑问句
三. 重点词汇
1. achievement n. 成就、功绩
2. skater n. 溜冰者
3. champion n. 冠军
4. great adj. 伟大的
5. born(动词bear的过去分词)出生
6. star n. 星星、明星
7. violinist n. 小提琴手
8. movie star 电影明星
9. golf v/n. (打)高尔夫球
10. sneeze v/n打喷嚏
11. hiccup v/n打嗝
12. start v. 开始
13. stop v. 停止
14. talented adj. 有天赋的、天才的
15. loving adj. 慈爱的
16. creative adj. 有创造力的
17. outstanding adj. 杰出的、出色的
18. unusual adj. 不寻常的、独特的
19. famous adj. 著名的
四. 重点短语
1. ping-pong player 乒乓球运动员
2. basketball player 篮球运动员
3. tennis player 网球手
4. take part in 参加
5. start doing / start to do 开始做…
6. at the age of 在…岁时
7. receive an honor 获得荣誉
8. win the first prize 获得一等奖
9. a piece of music 一段音乐
10. a professional basketball player 一名职业篮球运动员
五. 重点句子
1. Who is that?
2. That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player.
3. When was she born?
4. She was born in 1973.
5. Who is shirley Temple?
6. She is a movie star.
7. When did she become a movie star?
8. When she was three years old, she began to learn dancing.
六. 语法重点:被动语态
1. 主动语态:表示主语是动作的执行者,叫做主动语态。
eg: Everybody loves him.
We have finished our work.
2. 被动语态:表示主语是动作的承受者,叫做被动语态。
eg: He is loved by everybody.
Our work has been finished.
主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 keep(s) (is)kept
现在进行时 is keeping (is)being kept
一般过去时 kept was kept
We always keep the secret.
The secret is always kept.
His mother asked me to have a cup of tea.
I was asked to have a cup of tea.
I often hear her sing in the room.
She is often heard to sing in the room.
七. 重难点解析:
1. too…to的含义及用法
“too…to…”是英语中常用的一种结构,其句型为“too+形容词或副词原级+to do …”,译为“太…而(以致)不能…”。它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的。
She is too young not to go to school. (×)
She is too young to go to school. (√)
eg: The water is too hot to drink.
2. start的用法
eg: The old men started singing / to sing.
They started the party with dancing.
eg: My father couldn’t start the car.
3. When was she born? 她什么时候出生的?
be born出生于(be用过去时态形式was或were,因为人的出生多为发生在过去的事,所以用一般过去时)
eg: The great pianist was born on October 10th, 1890.
-Where were you born?
-I was born in Beijing.
4. record / ri /vt. 记录、记载,
record/ /n. 记录,唱片
eg: She has recorded many songs.
He made a lot of records.
Jay sold hundreds of records lost year.

I love surfing the Internet very much.
She has loving grandparents.
Jane is a lovely girl.
6. at the age of 在…岁时
eg: At the age of 4 Mike began to write peoms.
He was very clever and at the age of 15 he went to college.
7. He spent all his free time with his grand children.
第3单元SB 3a中:
I’m planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.
eg: She spent $ 500 last year.
词组(A)spend …on sth 在某物(事)上花费(时间,金钱)
eg: Maria spent five yuan on the book.
I often spend a lot of time on my homework every night.
(B)spend …(in)doing sth. 花(时间或金钱)干某事
I often spend a lot of time (in)doing my homework.
Maria spent five yuan(in)buying the book.
注意,spend的主语必须是人,在第四单元中我们学过“It takes sb. some time / money to do. ”也可表示“做某事花某人多少时间/金钱”,但take的主语应是物,而不能是人。
eg: It takes me a lot of time to do my homework.
It took Maria five yuan to buy the book.
8. join -take part in两者都表示“参加”,join指“参加”某种组织。take part in 表示参加某项活动。
eg: He joined the Party at the age of 40.
When did your brother join the Army?
Do you want to take part in the sports meeting?
9. when的用法:
eg: When are you leaving?
When did Tony go to the library?
eg: When he was a small boy, he began to perform Beijing Opera.
She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen.
10. 年龄表达方法
(1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“…years old”three years old.
(2)用when引导的从句 when I was three(years old)
(3)at the age of +基数词 at the age of three
(4)基数词+-year-old three-year-old,注意这种表达常作定语
如a three-year-old boy.
八. 课文解析:SB 3a
Li Yundi, the well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano when he was seven. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. He won the first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.
1. Li Yundi, the well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music.
划线部分是“Li Yundi”的同位语,作进一步解释说明。
2. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.
词组hum songs意为“哼唱歌曲”
pieces of music. 意为“音乐篇章”
3. learn 学习learn sth 或learn doing sth.
eg: learn English 学习英语
learn dancing 学习跳舞
4. the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition.
5. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.
一. 翻译下列词组
1. 在五岁时_____________________
2. 太小而不能上学_____________________
3. 开始作曲_____________________
4. 一个职业足球选手_____________________
5. 学习骑自行车_____________________
6. 得到荣誉_____________________
7. 拉手风琴_____________________
8. 主修音乐_____________________
9. 打乒乓球_____________________
10. 周游中国_____________________
二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
1. They are students. I teach _______(they)English.
2. There _______(be)only sugar in the jar.
3. I usually finish _______(do)my homework at about 8 o’clock.
4. Thank you for _______(come)to see me.
5. I _______(not like)climbing hills. She _______(not), either.
6. I’m in good heath now, but I _______(be)often ill last year.
7. There _______(not be)a film last night.
8. He _______(not do)washing yesterday, but he _______(do)some washing tomorrow.
9. _______he_______(have)a good sleep last night?
10. Tom stood there for a moment and then _______(start)to read a book.
三. 选择填空:
1. She spends two hours _______ the violin every day.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
2. She was born ________ the evening _____ May 5, 1996.
A. in, of B. on, of C. in, in D. on, in
3. When did the young man ________ the army?
A. join B. join in C. take part in D. enter
4. When the teacher ______ the classroom, the children stopped _______.
A. entered, talking B. entered into, talking
C. came into, to talk D. came in, to talk
5. The little children can read so many words. That’s really _______.
A. unusual B. usual
C. creative D. talented
6. It was an ________ day today, so he got up much earlier than ______.
A. unusual, usual B. usual, unusual
C. unusual, unusual D. usual, usual
7. He felt very ________ at the news.
A. happily B. happy
C. badly D. well
8. ______ a child received _______ many honors.
A. Such, so B. So, such
C. Such, such D. So, so
9. -Can I help you?
A. That’s right. B. No, thanks.
C. Here you are. D. Yes, I can.
10. He’s not going to the cinema. I’m not, ________.
A. too B. also C. either D. so
四. 补全对话:
Girl: John, do you admire Wilma Rudolph?
Boy: Yes, Laura. She was 1 outstanding runner.
Girl: What 2 athletes 3 you admire?
Boy: I really admire Michael Jordan. He 4 basketball.
Girl: I know that, John! I’ve watched Michael Jordan. He 5 outstanding!
Boy: He really is talented. But I admire Babe Ruth, 6 .
Girl: Who is Babe Ruth?
Boy: He was 7 famous baseball 8 , Laura.
Girl: Oh, a baseball player. I don’t like 9 . So I don’t 10 about Babe Ruth.
五. 读句子,请在符合句意的词下面划线。
1. I (am, was)a middle school student now. I (go, am going)to college in America after I finish high school.
2. When I (am/was)seven, I (start/started)learning skating.
3. Shirley Temple(becomes/became)famous at the age of three.
4. I usually (visit/visited)my grandparents on weekends. Last Sunday I(go/went)to the aquarium.
5. My mother sometimes(watches/watched)TV in the evening. Last night, she (goes/went)to the movies.
6. I (am going, went)to the aquarium with my friends next Sunday.
7. I (study/studied)for English test yesterday.
8. Lucy and Lily(is,are)going to spend their holiday in China.
六. 完型填空
Most American businesses are 1 five days a week. American school 2 go to school five days a week, 3 . American families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. During the weekend, people 4 their time in many ways. Many families enjoy weekend together. They may go 5 , go for a drive or visit their friends. They may also have a party at home. Many American families take part in sports 6 the weekend. Running, biking, hiking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular in summer. Skiing (滑雪)and skating are the favourite 7 sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to 8 something in their yards (庭院)or on their house. They 9 their old house. Many families plant flowers and vegetable in their gardens. For 10 Americans, weekends are very free.
1. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed
2. A. boys B. girls C. child D. children
3. A. also B. too C. either D. yet
4. A. take B. cost C. use D. spend
5. A. shop B. to shop C. a shop D. shopping
6. A. in B. on C. for D. between
7. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
8. A. work on B. work at C. do on D. do at
9. A. build B. repair C. find D. put
10. A. many B. much C. more D. most
七. 阅读理解:
Harry is driving a car on his way home. He likes driving very much. He is thinking about the coming evening. “Oh, my son, Robin, is ten years old today! I am so happy! I have a nice box for him. He will be very happy to open the box and see…I must drink some whisky(威士忌)for his birthday. I have a bottle of whisky just on the right seat of the car. ”He looks at the nice green bottle of whisky and smiles.
The traffic lights are red now, but Harry is thinking and he can’t see them. He doesn’t stop his car and his car hits another car in front of his. An old man is in the front car. The old man is very afraid and says to Harry, “What are you doing? You nearly (几乎)kill(杀)me! ”
“Yes, ”Harry answers. “I am very sorry! ”He takes the bottle of whisky out of his car and say, “Drink some of this, then you’ll feel better. ”He gives the old man some whisky and the man drinks it. But the old man shouts again: “You nearly kill me! ”
Harry gives him the bottle again, and the old man drinks more. He drinks more and more. At last he drinks a lot of whisky. The old man smile and says to Harry, “Thank you. I feel much better now. But why aren’t you drinking? ”“Oh, well, ”Harry answers. “I don’t want to drink any whisky now. I’m going to sit here and wait for the policeman. ”
( )1. Harry hits an old man.
( )2. Harry’s car hits another car.
( )3. Harry is very afraid.
( )4. Harry gives the old man some water.
( )5. The old man drinks a lot of Harry’s whisky and he is very angry.
American Schools begin in September after a summer holiday. There are two terms in a school The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.
High school students take only four or five subjects (学科)each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.
After high school, many students go to college (大学). They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money(钱). So many college students work after school to get money for their studies.
( )1. In America, a summer holiday begins in _______.
A. September B. July C. June D. February
( )2. Most American children go to school at the age of _______.
A. five B. seven C. eight D. seventeen
( )3. High school students _______ after class.
A. only do their homework
B. go to work
C. do many interesting things
D. play football
( )4. After high school, many students go to ________.
A. work B. make money C. cities D. college
( )5. In order to _______, many American college students work after school.
A. help their parents
B. get the money for their studying
C. help others
D. learn some useful things
八. 写作:介绍一名你最喜欢的名人,包括写出他(她)的国籍,出生年月,头衔、主要成就等内容,不少于80词。

一. 1. at the age of 5 2. too young to go to school
3. start making music 4. a professinal soccer player
5. learn riding a bicycle
6. receive an honor
7. accordion player
8. major in music
9. play ping-pong
10. tour China
二. 1. them 2. is 3. doing 4. coming
5. don’t like; doesn’t 6. was 7. was
8. didn’t do will do 9. Did; have 10. started
三. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C
四. 1. an 2. other 3. do 4. is a 5. is 6. too
7. a 8. player 9. it 10. know
五. 1. am; am going 2. was; started 3. became
4. visit; went 5. watches; went
6. am going 7. studied 8. are
六. 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A
七. (A)1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
(B)1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B




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