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编写人:张娟凤 审核人:李军
Unit 17 Disabilities
Period 1-2 Words and expressions
Goals:1.Let Ss pronounce the words correctly and fluently
2.Let Ss grasp usages of some words
Teaching procedures:
Step Ⅰ(1) Change the form of the following words.
disability (a.) recognition (v.)
cooprate (n.) shameful (n.)
participate (n.) conductor (v.)
assist (n.) gifted (n.)
(2)Translate some phrases.
1.习惯于 2.适应…
3.有时 4.属于
5.作为…出名 6.弄确实
Step Ⅱ.Usages of some words.
1.(in) ability
He had the to do the work.
the in/for organization
2.get around
逃避(the real issues;the taxlaw)
讨好(his heads)
get across to sb. 被…理解 get by 度日,尚可
get sb. down 使…疲倦,使…无精神 get through 接通
get over 结束,痊愈,克服(this sifficulty)
①get treatment (公正的待遇)
②He has hair and skin.(金色的,白皙的)
③He had a chance of winning.(相当大的)
④(n.)集市,交易会 a book
a artist/girl
He is at singing.
拓展:have a for music
(1) 帮助,协助,援助 ~ sb. with sth..
(2) 参加,出席 ~ at/in (the ceremony)
without one’s assistance 帮助,协助
assistant 助手,助理
6.cooperate (with sb.) the project (在此项目上)
have for sb. 同情….
have some/no with sb. (不)同意…的观点
be in with …赞同; 同情
between … 志同道合
out of 出于同情
(a.) be sympathetic with 对…有同情心
be to … 对…赞同
(v.) sympathize with sb in sth. 在某方面赞同
8. impair 损害
loud noise can your hearing
The attack has attemps to achieve peace in this area.
9. adjust (to)
① one’s clothes before going out
The brakes of your bike needs
② oneself to 适应(新环境 )
(城市生活 )
10.get used to 习惯于
stick to lead to
object to pay attention to
pay a visit to prefer… to
sentence sb. to beat sb. to
refere to come to
be up to devote… to…
get down to see to …
be beneath one’s 有失身份/面子
think it beneath their to do
shtand on one’s 自命不凡,摆架子;保持尊严
(v.)dignify 使…显得尊贵;给…增光
(a.) dignified 高雅的,高贵的
→ dignitary 显要人物,权贵
12.shameful → shameness
put sb. to shame
shame sb. in /out of doing sth.
Be ashamed of … /to do…/ that…
→ shameless
13. participate in (~d, ~ting) 参加,参与
(n.) ; participant
14. conduct
Annie us safely to the station.
(n.)have/gain (a good library/ president) 有机会/条件
16.disappointing (a.) 令人失望的;扫兴的
disappoint vt. 使失望;阻碍(希望,计划)被实现
disappointed adj. 感到失望的
He has his parents deeply.
I am sorry to your plan.
I was so when I heard that you could not come.
A look came into his face.
17.sense n. 感觉; 官能; 见识; 道理; 意思; 意义
He won’t get lost-he has a good of direction.
You should have had more than to do that.
Don’t worry. I’m sure he has enough not to stay in the rain.
a sense of touch 触觉; a sense of shame 羞耻感; a sense of humor 幽默感;
in a narrow sense 在狭义上; in a broad sense 在广义上; in all sense 不论如何;
in no sense 决不
The manager has got a good business so the company is doing well.
A. idea B.sense C.thought D.thinking
18.public n. 公众; 民众; adj. 公共的; 公开的; 公众的
You mustn’t do that place.
in public 公开; the public 公众;民众; make public 使公开
for the public safety 为了保证公众的安全
publicly adv. 公开地
publicity n.[u] 宣传; 推广; 公众的注意
①Many people are still in habit of writing stilly things in public places.(MET 1993)
A.the; the B.不填; 不填 C.the; 不填 D.不填; the
②His daughter is always shy in and she never dares to make a speech to .
A.the public; the public B.public; the public
C.the public; public D.public; public

19.get around/round 走动; 到处旅行;(消息)传开;回避;绕过困难
Bad news quickly. 坏消息 得快.
Some people try to the tax laws. 有人想 税法.
A little girl usually her father. 小女孩往往会 自己的父亲.
get across 讲清楚; 被理解 get ahead 比人强; 得到成功
get along (with)有进展; (与…)相处 get away from 走开; 避开
get down to 开始认真干(某事) get in 进站; 收(庄稼);
get in touch with 与…取得联系; get off 下车; 脱下; 使不受惩罚
get on上车; 取得进展; get over 克服; 摆脱(情绪)
get round 传播; 蔓延 get through 做完;通过(考试);接通电话
get together 欢聚; get up 起床; 举办; 化装
①His mother mad thought it would be good for his character to from home and earn some money on his own.
A.run away B. take away C. keep away D. get away
②We’re going to with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?
A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together
③It was not a serious illness, and she soon it.
A. got over B. got on with C.got around D. got out of
④We have to the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.
A. get away B. get across C. get through D.get in
⑤The final examination is coming up soon.. It’s time for us to our studies.
A.get down to B. get out C. get back for D. get over
20.get/be used to 习惯于; 适应于 (to是介词,后接名词,代词,动名词 )
① used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不是这样. 其否定形式为 didn’t use to; 用于反意疑问句时,附加问句用didn’t;
② be used to do 被用来做某事,这是被动语态结构;
③ be used for 被用于某方面,介词for 后接名词,代词或动名词
China is no longer what it used be。
in use 在使用; use up 用光;用尽; of great use 很有用处; make (good/full)use of (充分)利用; come into use 开始被使用
It’s no use doing sth..
The phrase has been in wide use from before 1950’s.
Soon you’ll find the dictionary of great use in your English study.
① He used to his teacher when he was young..
A.devote to B. be devoted to C. devoting to D. being devoted to
② Paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in thirteenth century.
A. the; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填; the D.不填; 不填
21. apologize for 为…而道歉(介词for表示道歉的理由)
He apologized for coming late. 他因为来晚而道歉.
apologize to sb. for sth 为某事向某人道歉; make an apology to sb. for sth.. 为某事向某人道歉; owe sb. an apology 应向某人道歉; express one’s apologies 表示歉意; accept an apology 接受道歉; demand an immediate apology 要求立即道歉
He made an apology to me.
Harry apologized to his teacher for coming to school late.
He made an apology to the guests for the oversight.
The captain an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.
A.made B. said C. put D. passed
22. do sb. a favor=do a favor for sb. 帮某人忙; 为某人做某事
Please do me a favor and go to the shop for me.
Do me the favor to open the door.
May I ask a favor of you?
I am in favor of going to the theatre.
Evidence is in his favor.
Will you me a favour, please?
A. do B. make C. give D. bring
23.. every two years=every second year=every other year 每两年/每隔一年
every 表示”每隔..”的常见句型为:
every +基数词+复数名词; every+序数词+单数名词; every +other+单数名词; every+few+复数名词(注意不能用 a few).对该短语提问要用how often. 如:
every other day 每隔一天; every three years 每隔三年; every third year 每隔三年; every other line 每隔一行; every ten miles 每隔十里
These plants are watered .
A.each other day B.every other day C.each of two days D.every of two days
24. belong to 属于
belong vi. 应归入; 原位在; 适合待在某处
This lamp belongs in this room.
He thinks he belings in teaching.
25..at times 有时
ahead of time 提前; all the time 自始至终;一直; at a time 每一次;at all times 在任何时候; at
one time 一度;过去曾经 at the same time 同时;尽管如此; behind time 不及时;晚点; for the
time being 暂时; from time to time 不时地; in no time 立即;立刻; in time 及时;最后;节拍正
确; on time 准时; once upon a time 很久以前; kill time消磨时间; take one’s time 慢慢来;别
着急; It’s time to do sth. 该做某事; It’s the first(second…) time that… 某人第一次(二次…)做
①-- Do you know our town at all?
-- No, this is the first time I here.
A. was B.have been C. came D.am coming
②If you keep on, you’ll succeed .
A. in time B. at one time C. at the same time D. on time
③-- Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?
-- Of course. Sir.
A. Make yourself at home B. Enjoy youself
C. It doesn’t matter D.Take your time
26.. give up 放弃; 不再做某事(后接动名词); 把…献给; 交出
be given to 喜欢;喜爱; give away 分发;泄露(机密);出卖; give back 还给;恢复(健康);
give in (to) 让步;妥协;认输; give off 散发出(气味); give out 颁发;宣布;被用完;耗尽
① Cheap coal a lot of smoke.
A. gives up B. gives in C. gives away D. gives off
②--Smoke is bad for your health.
--Yes, I know. But I simply can’t .
A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away
1.Man has the to speak.
2.Painting and dancing are arts.
3.We should show to the disabled.
4.The boy is in music.
5.One of the our Ss have is a large library.(设施)
6.I received an award at a science .(展览会)
7.The man insisted on standing on his .
8.The documents are not to the public.(可接近的)

编写人:张娟凤 审核人;
Unit 17 Disabilities
Period 3-4 Warming-up ,Listening and Speaking
Goals:1.Talk about disability.
2.Practise talking about ability and inability .
3. Review Direct and Indirect Objects .
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1.Revision
Step 2.Warming-up
Leading-in by discussing the pictures on page49
Step3.Listening (on page 49-50
Step5.Closing up by having a discussion
Hi,everyone .We can see it is not easy for the disabled people to lead a normal life .Suppose waking up tomorrow morning ,you suddenly find you were unable to see ,speak ,hear or walk .Then how would you feel and what would you do?
Write a short passage about a disabled person in your family ,your school or your neighbourhood

Choose the right answer
1. If you want to improve your spoken English ,you have to practise ---------it every day.
a.to speak b,speaking c.spoken
2.------Can you imagine Mike -------across the Atlantic Ocean alone?
------We all imagine him -------a brave person.
a. to sail ,being b.sailing ,to be c.sailing ,being d.to sail ,to be
3.He -------the problem -----we could deal with pollution effectively at the conference .
a.did with ,what b.dealt with ,how c.dealt with ,what d.did with ,how
4.The enemy captain was caught ---------.
a.living b.alive c.live d.lively
5.The book on the shelf is too high and it is quite beyond my --------
a, power b.reach c.ability d.getting
6.If you do what you are not ------,you -------punished.
a. allowed to ,are sure to be b.allowed doing ,are sure to be
c.allowed to do ,are sure you will be d.allowed to ,are sure of being

编写人:张娟凤 审核人:
Unit 17 disabilities
Period5-6 Reading(Disabled?Not Me)
Goals:*Get the students to care more about disabled people
*Better their reading skills through various reading activities
*Enable the students to master more words and expressions
Teaching procedures :
Step1. Revision
Step2. Pre-reading on page 51
Step3. Reading
Task1 : Fast reading for general ideas
(1) Skim the text and find out the topic sentencce of each paragraph Para1
(2) Scan the text and decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
① Zhong xiaowen doesn’t wish to be treated as a little child.
② Xiaowen’s story serves as an example to shoe that physical dissabilities can limit a person’s life.
③ All the students in the Beijing Union University are disabled.
④ The disabled people need both recognition and inspiration and encouragement.
⑤ Literature of Chinese Blind Children is a great help in encouraging blind children to overcome difficulties and challenges.
⑥ Ye Zijie’s story is mentioned to show how disabled people write articles for newspapers and magazines.
⑦ In 2000 Ye Zijie was invited to London and became the first Chinese to study abroad.
⑧ It might be frustrating and challenging to live with disablity.
Task 2: Reading and copying. (individual or pair work, approx. 10 mins)
Now it’s time to read the text again and copy down all the useful expressions.
Useful expressions
treat …as…, win an award for …, move around, have no feeling below…, use a wheelchair, get around, get dressed, create program, receive an award, at a science fair, receive education, limit a person’s life, make a contribution to…, a matter of…, offer guidance, launch a special education college, have no abilities, students without abilities, study together with…, reach one’s goals, play a valuable role within society, need recognition/inspiration/encouragement, realize one’s dream, overcome challenges and difficulties, live a meaningful and productive life, a visually impaired person, feel comfortable with.., adjust to…, get used to…
编写人:张娟凤 审核人:
Unit 17 disabilities
Period 7-8 Language study and Grammar
1. Learn to make a choice of words according to the context
2. Learn to use direct and indirect objects correctly




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